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【新闻部】The Xbox One









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-8-5 07:17 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-8-5 07:24 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-7 06:46 PM 编辑

【GC 15】Gamescom 游戏大展微软发表会整理 Xbox One 与 Windows 10 合力向下兼容

  欧洲最大互动游戏及娱乐大展 gamescom 2015 由 Xbox 揭开序幕,并公开 Xbox 和 Windows 10 平台的最新游戏,让微软 Xbox 游戏阵容延续至 2016 年。

  众多受度瞩目游戏,如《除暴战警 3(Crackdown 3)》、《龙鳞化身(Scalebound)》以及《杀手本能:第三季(Killer Instinct Season 3)》等皆在此次活动中发表全球首度曝光的游戏预告影片,而万众瞩目的《量子裂痕(Quantum Break)》也在会中展示了最新的游戏内容。

  此外,Xbox 也发表了惊喜游戏《Halo Wars 2》,这是一款充满快速动作、大型战斗,并以全新《最后一战》故事剧情为主的策略游戏,预定 2016 年秋季在 Xbox One 和 Windows 10 上推出。

  Remedy Entertainment 则为玩家带来意想不到的惊喜,由扮演《量子裂痕》主角的演员 Shawn Ashmore 和与 Remedy 创意总监 Sam Lake 共同登台,为玩家介绍并展示该作最新的时间强化游戏功能。

  Xbox 也宣布 DVR for Over-the-Air TV 无线电视录放影功能将于 2016 年成为 Xbox One 一项免订阅服务(本服务功能因地区不同而异)。 Xbox One 玩家只要在 Xbox One 设定好无线电视选台器,就能将其最爱的电视节目、电影、运动赛事等等录制到硬盘上,可录制的档案大小随硬盘而定。

Xbox 后半年度游戏阵容

  2015 年 8 月 4 日上市的《Rare Replay》是 2015 年 Xbox 游戏阵容的第一弹,该阵容在 2015 年 E3 电玩展上囊括了最多奖项。 而本次在 gamescom 大会上,微软又发布了更多有关 2015 年游戏阵容的最新消息,让玩家一探今年秋季即将上市的热门经典大作:

  • 343 Industries 表示 Halo eSports 电竞赛事即将再度点燃,带来 Halo World Championship《最后一战》世界冠军赛,于今年秋季开打,总奖金高达一百万美元,是 Halo eSports 有史以来最高奖金。
  • Crystal Dynamics 首度展示了众所期待的《古墓奇兵:崛起(Rise of the Tomb Raider)》当中玩家可探索的大型场景,并示范主角劳拉最新的游击队战斗技巧与令人叹为观止的 Prophets Tomb(先知之墓),暗藏尚待发掘的秘密,本作即将于今年 11 月在 Xbox 上发行。
  • Turn 10 Studios 再度公布四个全新的《极限竞速 6(Forza Motorsport 6)》赛道,每一个都是专为新一代主机所量身打造,包含 Circuit of the Americas、Autodromo Nazionale Monza、Sonoma Raceway 及德国知名的 Hockenheimring。 此外,也发表了全新的 Forza Race Leagues 联赛,透过专属服务器为玩家提供高达 24 名玩家的多人竞速。
  • Electronic Arts 发表了《国际足盟大赛 16(FIFA 16)》相关消息,详细介绍了完整的选手名单以及 FIFA Ultimate Team Legends 最新功能,并且提醒玩家,EA Access 会员将可在 9 月 17 日预先下载该游戏(仅限 Xbox One)。
  • 凡是在 Xbox One 上购买 Square Enix 和 Avalanche Studios 合作开发的最新开放世界动作冒险游戏《正当防卫 3(Just Cause 3)》的玩家将可获得独家附赠的《正当防卫 2(Just Cause 2)》。
  • Ubisoft 针对其即将发表的多人射击游戏《虹彩六号:围攻行动(Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege)》快速说明了德文 CTU 功能。 凡在 Xbox One 上购买该游戏的玩家将可独家获得《Rainbow Six Vegas》和《Rainbow Six Vegas 2》。
  • 由《我的世界(Minecraft)》首席开发人员 Jens Bergensten、Daniel Brynolf 及 Pontus Hammarberg 共同成立的 Oxeye Game Studio 工作室即将推出一款独立制作游戏:《Cobalt》,预定 2015 年10 月在 Xbox 360 和 Xbox One 上独家发行。
  • ID@Xbox 在 gamescom 也展示了多款原创游戏,包括:《Worms WMD》、《Thimbleweed Park》、《Train Simulator》、《Ark : Survival Evolved》、《Sheltered》、《We Happy Few》、《Bloodstained》以及 30 多款 Windows 10 独立游戏。 不仅如此,更令玩家期待的是,ID@Xbox 将在未来 12 个月内推出至少 150 款的精彩游戏。
  • 为了配合今年的岁末佳节,两款《国际足盟大赛 16(FIFA 16)》主机同捆组、一款限量版《最后战 5:守护者(Halo 5: Guardians)》主机同捆组(1TB 硬盘、客制化外观的主机和控制器、完整版《最后一战 5:守护者》数字下载卡以及 Warzone REQ Bundle,内含 14 套 Premium Requisition Pack,以及《 最后一战:瑞曲星的沦陷(Halo: The Fall of Reach)》动画影集观赏资格等等),以及两款新的《最后战 5:守护者》限量版控制器,即日起皆开放预购(依国家及地区不同,实际发售内容将另行于各地公布)。
  • Mojang 宣布,自从《我的世界》Windows 10 Beta 版在上周推出以来,玩家已经在游戏当中行走了 8 亿 2 千 6 百万公尺,相当于绕地球 20 周。

Xbox One 向下兼容功能即将于 11 月推出,支持 100 款 Xbox 360 游戏并兼容 Games With Gold 金好康

  • 自从 Xbox One 向下兼容(Backward Compatibility)功能在 2015 年 E3 电玩展上宣布后,玩家已经在 Xbox 意见回馈网站上投下 3 百万票来选出他们心中最想在 Xbox One 上玩的 Xbox 360 游戏。
  • Xbox One Preview 会员也在 Xbox One 上累积了超过 83 年的 Xbox 360 向下兼容游戏时间。
  • 《战争机器(Gears of War)》与《闇影帝国(Shadow Complex)》是两款可透过向下兼容功能在 Xbox One 执行的经典游戏。
  • Xbox One 将是今年 11 月唯一率先提供免费向下兼容功能的次世代电玩主机。 共有超过 100 款 Xbox 360 游戏即将推出,未来更将陆续推出数百款游戏。
  • 以后所有 Xbox 360上的 Games with Gold金好康免费畅玩游戏都将可在 Xbox One上执行,也就是说,使用 Xbox One 的 Xbox Live 金会员未来每个月将有更多免费游戏可玩。

2016 年专属游戏及热门大作

  除了在 E3 2015 上宣布的 Xbox 史上最坚强游戏阵容,如《ReCore》、《Sea of Thieves》及《战争机器 4(Gears of War 4)》之外,微软又公布了未来 2016 年 Xbox One 和 Windows 10 精彩游戏阵容的最新消息:

  • 《除暴战警 3(Crackdown 3)》(Xbox One 专属)。 玩家将在这高张力的毁灭与破坏世界当中,扮演拥有超能力的正义警探来除暴安良。 由原始开发者 Dave Jones 开发的《除暴战警 3》提供了多人合作破坏与全新多人对战模式,并且采用 Microsoft Cloud 来支持,毁灭将是您的终极武器。 多人对战将于 2016 年展开公测。
  • 《黑暗灵魂 3(Dark Souls III)》。 以危机四伏、让玩家片刻都无法松懈而闻名的《黑暗灵魂(Dark Soul)》游戏,现在又再度推出新的续作《黑暗灵魂 3(Dark Souls III)》。 游戏开发商 FromSoftware 又创造了一个残破荒芜的世界让玩家尽情探索。 一个曾经充满荣耀、现在却只剩废墟的王国,成为了这场全新冒险的舞台。 玩家必须探索这个充满神秘的国度,利用各种武器对抗恐怖的敌人、击败各种魔王。
  • 《Halo Wars 2》(Xbox One 和 Windows 10 平台专属)。 这是一款充满快速动作、大型战斗以及全新《最后一战》故事剧情的最新策略游戏,预定 2016 年秋季在 Xbox One 和 Windows 10 上推出。 由 SEGA 旗下的 Creative Assembly(同时也是知名游戏 Total War《全面战争》系列的开发商)与 343 Industries 共同制作的《Halo Wars 2》是该款曾经重新定义电玩主机策略游戏的作品最新的续作。
  • 《烽火家园:革命再起(Homefront: The Revolution)》。 《烽火家园:革命再起》是一款开放世界第一人称射击游戏,玩家将带领「反抗军」以游击战的方式对抗优势的敌对军力,掀起一场革命。 其动态、随时变化的世界,将随着您的一举一动而演变,被压迫的人民将挺身反抗异族的占领。
  • 《杀手本能:第三季(Killer Instinct Season 3)》(Xbox One 和 Windows 10 平台专属)。 预定 2016 年 3 月在 Xbox One 和 Windows 10 推出的《杀手本能:第三季》在 gamescom 上亮相,增加了八个新的角色,包括:《Battletoads》中的 Rash。 从 8 月 4 日起,《杀手本能》和《Rare Replay》玩家可在 Xbox One 下载并使用限时预览的 Rash 角色。
  • 《量子裂痕(Quantum Break)》(Xbox One 专属)。 《江湖本色(Max Payne)》和《心灵杀手(Alan Wake)》的制作商 Remedy Entertainment 工作室展示了《量子裂痕》最新的游戏录像和预告影片,这是该工作室最新的热门大作,提供了时间强化的动作与充满悬疑的剧情,并以电玩界从未出现的方式精采呈现。 《量子裂痕》预计在 2016 年 4 月 5 日上市。
  • 《龙鳞化身(Scalebound)》(Xbox One 专属)。 由广获好评的游戏开发商 Platinum Games 和知名游戏总监神谷英树(Hideki Kamiya)共同操刀的《龙鳞化身》,玩家将与骇人而高贵的巨龙合力展开全新的冒险。 预定 2016 年秋季上市。


有关 Xbox One、Xbox One 游戏以及 Xbox 在 gamescom 2015 的最新消息,可至微软官方新闻网站:http://news.xbox.com







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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-8-7 07:10 AM |只看该作者
Rare Replay Launches Today

Rare Replay Launches Today

And now… for the moment fans have been waiting for – Rare Replay launches today exclusively on Xbox One, kicking off the greatest games lineup in Xbox history!

If you haven’t heard the news, Rare Replay includes 30 of Rare Ltd’s iconic games, spanning 30 years of Rare Ltd, in one epic collection for $29.99 US.

If you’re not familiar with classics like Jet Force, Battletoads, or Blast Corps, Rare Replay also includes Xbox 360 tiles Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark, Kameo and others for you to sink your gaming thumbs into. Longtime fans can take their existing saved progress and achievements from these games and carry their profile onto Xbox One to earn more points and increase their gamerscore – or unlock exclusive features and interviews.

There’s something for everyone on Rare Replay! Check out the full list of games on Xbox.com.

It’s a lot of awesome-ness to decide on so if you’re not sure which game to play through first, check out our staff’s top six titles that they couldn’t wait to get their hands on.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-8-7 06:50 PM |只看该作者
微软与希捷合作推出Xbox One专用外接硬盘

  硬盘制造商希捷(Seagate)在今天表示,将推出容量为2TB的Xbox One USB 3.0专用外接硬盘。希捷表示这是微软与希捷合作推出的硬盘,价格约109.99美金。虽然是提供给Xbox One所使用的外接硬盘,但希捷表示也可以在Xbox 360上使用。而希捷也表示这款外接硬盘只能使用在Xbox one和Xbox 360上,不可外接至PC或是其他装置。预计可在Amazon、Gamespot以及零售通路商购买。官方产品 - http://www.seagate.com/as/en/pro ... dly-_-gamedrivexbox



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-8-7 08:05 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-8-19 06:25 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-19 06:49 AM 编辑

Xbox One August update starts rolling out with 1080p 60fps game streaming
八月更新1080p 60fps 串流

  微软今天推送了 Windows 10 平台的 Xbox App 更新,版本号从 7.7.29027 变为 8.8.15003,增加和改善了几个功能。

  • 1080p60 串流 - 更新后,默认已经可以在设置菜单可见“游戏流式传输”的选项,之前需要连接主机才出现,而且已经有 Very High/很高 的选项,不需要自己修改文件才能开启。选择“很高”画质,Xbox One 会以 1080p60 方式传输。不过暂时不清楚是否有损压缩传输。
  • 右键 - 可在好友 ID 上点击右键,直接选择“发送消息”或者“邀请加入群”。
  • 通知 - 可在设置里面开启或关闭派对邀请、多人游戏邀请的通知。
  • 最近玩过的游戏 - 显示最近玩过的游戏(全屏可见)的列表,点击游戏后显示最近玩过该游戏的好友和他们的在线状态。
  • 比较成就 - 可以与好友比较成就,选择一个游戏,点击成就,再点击右上角的“比较”,就可以选择一个好友比较成就。
  • 我的游戏 - “我的游戏”栏目增加了字母跳转等快捷选择和列表功能。
  • 添加游戏 - “我的游戏”栏目增加了从电脑添加游戏到游戏库的功能。其实是游戏和绝大多数程序、应用都可以添加到这里,例如 Excel。


Xbox August Update Brings Game Streaming in 1080p and 60fps

When Windows 10 launched around the world on July 29, we brought the best of the Xbox Live gaming network to Windows 10. Windows 10 was built with gamers in mind, integrating some of the most popular Xbox features such as Game DVR, screenshots, Avatars and Achievements. We also included new functions like game streaming from Xbox One to Windows 10 PCs. The response from fans has been amazing and starting today, that feature gets even better with support for streaming games in 1080p/60fps.

New features starting to roll out today in the August update include

• 1080p/60fps Game Streaming – You can now stream games from your Xbox One to Windows 10 devices in high-res HD quality at 1080p/60fps. The new streaming capability works best for gamers who have home networks with adequate bandwidth. In the Xbox app on Windows 10, go to Settings > Game Streaming and set the video encoding level to Very High, which will then stream games from your Xbox One to your Windows 10 PC at 1080p and 60fps (frames per second).

• Right Click – You can now right-click on one of your friends and select Send Message or Invite to Party to more quickly connect with your friends.

• Notifications – Starting today, you can enable or disable notifications for when you are invited to a party or a multiplayer game via Settings > General > Party & Games Invitations.

• Recently Played – Now you will see an animated display alternately showing you how many friends have played each game along with the four most recent players. The display will then switch to show a second tile with your last played date, Gamerscore and Achievements percentage complete. If you click on the game, it will take you to the Game Hub, where you can see a list of all of your friends who have played the game sorted by most recently played along with their online status.

• Compare Achievements with a Friend – You can now compare your achievement status with one of your friends who has played the game. From a Game Hub page, select Achievements > Compare at the top right above the list of all of the achievements.

• My Games – We updated My Games to support a grid view with a jump list, where your games are now displayed in a grid sorted alphabetically. If you click on a letter, you can collapse the list and then select a specific letter of the alphabet to more quickly find a game. The list of games that are automatically discovered has been updated as well.

• Add Games – The ability to manually add games to your collection that have a link in the Start Menu by selecting My Games > Add a game from your PC has been updated with a help link to help you add games to your collection.

The team also updated the Xbox app on Windows 10 to address some issues around sign-in, localization and game streaming reported by a subset of Windows 10 users. The Xbox app on Windows 10 should automatically update to the new version when it becomes available in the Windows Store. Once you receive the update, your version number should be 8.8.15003.00000 or higher. You can verify the version number of the Xbox app on Windows 10 under Settings > General later today.

We’re thrilled at the response we’ve received from fans who are enjoying Xbox on Windows 10 and we appreciate all the feedback. Keep it coming at Xbox Feedback and, if you are a Windows Insider Preview member, with Windows Feedback.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-8-27 06:45 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-9-1 07:04 AM |只看该作者
Xbox One Elite Bundle, Lunar White Controller Announced

New Xbox One Elite Bundle and Lunar White Wireless Controller Offer Fans the Ultimate Gaming Experience

Games and gamers are at the center of everything we do and we’re always looking for ways to offer the best ways to play on Xbox. Today we’re thrilled to unveil the Xbox One Elite Bundle, the ultimate gaming experience that comes fully loaded and jam packed with premium features to take your gaming to the next level. In addition to a matte finish, the Xbox One Elite Bundle includes a 1TB Solid State Hybrid Drive, which stores frequently-accessed files on a solid state partition and optimizes system performance so you can get to the action up to 20 percent faster from energy-saving mode. This means you can spend more time this holiday playing the greatest games in Xbox history, including Halo 5: Guardians, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Forza Motorsport 6.

Even better, every Xbox One Elite Bundle comes with the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller, a new, performance-class controller to meet the needs of today’s competitive gamers on Xbox One and Windows 10. The Xbox Elite Wireless Controller offers fully customizable features, interchangeable paddles, further customization with the Xbox Accessories app, Hair Trigger Locks and high-performance construction to provide an unparalleled experience every time you game.

Games and gamers are at the center of everything we do and we’re always looking for ways to offer the best ways to play on Xbox. Today we’re thrilled to unveil the Xbox One Elite Bundle, the ultimate gaming experience that comes fully loaded and jam packed with premium features to take your gaming to the next level. In addition to a matte finish, the Xbox One Elite Bundle includes a 1TB Solid State Hybrid Drive, which stores frequently-accessed files on a solid state partition and optimizes system performance so you can get to the action up to 20 percent faster from energy-saving mode. This means you can spend more time this holiday playing the greatest games in Xbox history, including Halo 5: Guardians, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Forza Motorsport 6.

Even better, every Xbox One Elite Bundle comes with the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller, a new, performance-class controller to meet the needs of today’s competitive gamers on Xbox One and Windows 10. The Xbox Elite Wireless Controller offers fully customizable features, interchangeable paddles, further customization with the Xbox Accessories app, Hair Trigger Locks and high-performance construction to provide an unparalleled experience every time you game. The Xbox One Elite Bundle will be available worldwide* starting November for $499 USD ERP. In the U.S., for the month of November starting Tuesday, Nov. 3, the bundle will be exclusively available at GameStop and Microsoft Stores. You can pre-order yours today at GameStop.com and MicrosoftStore.com.

We know that having options is important to our fans so, to complement your experience, we’re also pleased to announce the Xbox One Special Edition Lunar White Wireless Controller. This new controller includes all the updated features of the standard Xbox One Wireless Controller and adds a white and gold color scheme and improved grip texture for more control and comfort. In the U.S., the Xbox One Special Edition Lunar White Wireless Controller will be exclusively available at GameStop starting late September for $64.99 USD ERP.

This year, we’re delivering the greatest games lineup in Xbox history and we’re committed to delivering gamers the experiences and value they can't find on any other platform. Jump ahead with Xbox One by visiting xbox.com to learn more about the Xbox One Elite Bundle as well as all the Xbox One bundles available this year.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-9-6 07:13 AM |只看该作者
「Xbox One 岁趴」欢庆 Xbox One 登台一周年 多款中文化游戏与限量机种即将在台推出

  为庆祝 Xbox One 登台即将届满一周年,台湾微软于今(4)日在台北松山文创园区盛大举行「Xbox One 岁趴 没有极限当玩咖」玩家见面会,邀请全球游戏制作团队代表带来豪华 Xbox 游戏阵容。 现场并设置 40 台游戏机组让 400 位玩家畅玩众多最新游戏,包含近 20 款未上市游戏。

※ 以下采访照片摄于下午媒体与经销商场


  台湾微软同时宣布多款独占中文化游戏与限量 Xbox One 主机即将于年内陆续在台上市,包括《最后一战 5:守护者》、《极限竞速 6》、《古墓奇兵:崛起》、《心灵判官 无法抉择的幸福》等游戏,以及「Xbox One 单机版 极限竞速 6 限量彩绘典藏组」、「Xbox One 单机版 最后一战 5:守护者 限量典藏组」与「Xbox One 单机版 菁英无线控制器同捆组」等主机。


  此外,台湾微软还宣布预定于今年冬季举办「最后一战世界冠军赛」,活动中特别邀请世界级好手的《最后一战》前赛事冠军 Walshy 为台湾玩家推出专属教战直播节目,参与赛事的玩家将有机会挑战史上最高额的 100 万美元总奖金。


  活动中邀请多位来自全球的重量级游戏制作团队代表,为玩家带来深度游戏介绍及开发过程的幕后花絮,包含:《古墓奇兵:崛起》、《极限竞速 6》、《心灵判官 无法抉择的幸福》与《最后一战 5:守护者》等。 包含已于 8 月 25 日推出的《战争机器 究极版》在内,提供台湾玩家一连串的 Xbox One 独占中文化游戏阵容。


  不只是游戏,现场还带来 Xbox One 功能服务以及主机硬件的新消息,包括:Xbox One 独家提供的「EA Access」服务,让玩家能抢先以优惠价格来购买游玩 EA 数字版游戏。 与日前上市的最新 PC 操作系统 Windows 10 紧密结合,多款 Xbox One 强作将跨平台登陆 Windows 10,提供跨平台联机游玩功能,还能将 Xbox One 游戏串流到 Windows 10 PC 上游玩。 上千款的创意独立游戏陆续登陆 Xbox 平台。 顺应玩家需求的 Xbox 360 向下兼容功能将于 11 月免费推出等。


  另外,多款 Xbox One 最新限量主机与周边配备将于年内陆续在台推出,包括针对硬派玩家设计的「Xbox One 菁英无线控制器」,搭载 1TB 混合式硬盘机(SSHD)与 Xbox One 菁英无线控制器的「Xbox One 单机版 菁英无线控制器同捆组」,以 Ford GT 超跑为概念的「Xbox One 单机版 极限竞速 6 限量彩绘典藏组」,以新一代超级战士洛克为概念的「Xbox One 单机版 最后一战 5:守护者 限量典藏组」等,都会在台湾推出,提供玩家更多选择。


Xbox One 菁英无线控制器


Xbox One 单机版 菁英无线控制器同捆组

  台湾微软消费通路事业群总经理吴胜雄表示:「Xbox One 在台上市至今将届满一年,这一年当中非常感谢玩家的支持与鼓励、批评和指教,让 Xbox One 能继 Xbox 360 后,在台湾市场站稳脚步。 我们也承诺会为台湾市场及玩家带来有史以来最棒的 Xbox 游戏阵容,相信绝对不会让各位失望。 」



  Xbox 亚太区营销总监 Zeph Stuart 表示:「玩家对我们的支持非常踊跃,这次的玩家见面会正是为了表达我们的感谢之意,同时也让玩家知道,微软永远会致力确保 Xbox 成为最棒的游戏平台,不论在游戏阵容、游戏中文化、限量版主机,或者像今天这样的活动,都一再的显示我们对玩家的重视。 」


Xbox 亚太区营销总监 Zeph Stuart

限量再进化! 多款 Xbox One 主机同捆组陆续推出

Xbox One 单机版 极限竞速 6 限量彩绘典藏组

采用赛车概念外观与经典跑车风格及引擎声开关机音效,预定 9 月 15 日上市,估计零售价新台币 12980 元。 内容包含一台经典赛车风格 Xbox One 彩绘主机(内建 1TB 硬盘机、Blu-ray 播放器与 Wi-Fi 无线网络)、一个特别版无线控制器(内嵌 3.5mm 耳机插孔)、一套《极限竞速 6》完整版数字下载卡(包含 10 周年纪念车包附加内容下载)、HDMI 线、通话耳机麦克风、以及 14 天 Xbox LIVE 金会员试用(限新会员)。


Xbox One 单机版 最后一战 5:守护者 限量典藏组

采用超级战士洛克和 UNSC 科技为主题的外观,并拥有专属游戏内音效,包括开机时会有电浆手榴弹充能的声音。 将于 10 月在台上市,估计零售价新台币 15980 元。 内容包含一台金属蓝配色 Xbox One 限量主机(内建 1TB 硬盘机、Blu-ray 播放器与 Wi-Fi 无线网络)、一个限量版无线控制器(配备 3.5mm 耳机插孔)、《最后一战 5:守护者》完整版数字下载卡、Metal Earth 制作的守护者模型、HDMI 线、通话耳机麦克风、以及 14 天 Xbox LIVE 金会员试用(限新会员)。


Xbox One 单机版菁英无线控制器同捆组

搭配 1TB 混合式硬盘机与菁英无线控制器的豪华机种,预定今年底前在台上市,估计零售价新台币 15980 元。 内容包含一台 Xbox One 主机(内建 1TB 混合式硬盘机、Blu-ray 播放器与 Wi-Fi 无线网络)、一个 Xbox One 菁英无线控制器(配备 3.5mm 耳机插孔)与专属配件等。


Xbox One 菁英无线控制器

「最后一战世界冠军赛」今年冬季火热展开 总奖金超过 100 万美元

  神人职业玩家 Walshy 也透露他将在 Twitch 上陆续直播《最后一战 5:守护者》的教学来推广电竞运动,并将为台湾玩家特别开辟专属指导时段,更将亲自抵台面对面教学,希望台湾的玩家踊跃参加总奖金超过 100 万美元、将在今年冬季举行的第一届「最后一战世界冠军赛」为国争光。


「Xbox One 岁趴 没有极限当玩咖」玩家见面会(玩家场会前准备中)



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发表于 2015-9-11 07:01 AM |只看该作者
Xbox One November 2015 Update Detailed

This November, Your Xbox One Experience Gets Faster and More Social than Ever

This fall marks an important moment in the history of Xbox as Xbox One readies for its biggest update yet – a completely re-imagined Xbox One, inspired by your feedback, brings the fastest and most social Xbox experience ever. You will also be able to play your Xbox 360 games on Xbox One at no additional cost. The New Xbox One Experience is releasing alongside the greatest games lineup in Xbox history, making it an incredible holiday for our fans.

As director of program management on the platform team at Xbox, I wanted to share an update of what to expect with the transformation in November. At Xbox, we put games and gamers at the center of everything we do. We are inspired by your passion and continue to listen to your input. The New Xbox One Experience will be powered by Windows 10, elevating the gaming experience on Xbox One. Integrating the speed of Windows 10, the New Xbox One Experience will get you to popular gaming features up to 50 percent faster. Instantly start a party, see what your friends are playing, and get updates to your recently played games from Home with no wait time. We’ll also be delivering your most requested feature – Xbox One Backward Compatibility.

Here’s a look at some of the most impactful updates you will see in November

• Play your Xbox 360 games on Xbox One. At launch you’ll be able to play over 100 Xbox 360 games on Xbox One with hundreds more in the months to come. This includes the added benefit of Xbox One features including screenshots, streaming, and game DVR – for your favorite Xbox 360 games. You can even play multiplayer with friends still using their Xbox 360.

• A new Guide lets you quickly access essentials with just one button press to save time spent weaving in and out of apps. You can access the Guide from Home by pressing left or double tap the Xbox button on your controller to instantly overlay the Guide. You can access Friends, quickly start a Party, get to Settings, see System Notifications, view your Messages, and more from Home or without leaving your game. These are the top tasks Xbox fans do most often, so we focused on making them faster and easier to get to without disrupting your game.

• We’re redesigning Home to make it faster and easier to get to the things you love. We’re introducing a faster and easier interface to provide access to games and apps you’ve recently used. At launch you’ll be able to more easily share your achievements and game clips with the Xbox Live community, see whether your friends are playing the same games and get one-click access to Game Hubs to get news and updates directly from the developers and community themselves.

• We’re introducing a new Community section to make Xbox One more social. Based on your feedback, this section is optimized to help you tap into what other gamers are doing on Xbox Live and directly contribute to the conversation happening within the Xbox Live community. Check out what your friends are up to or keep track of the games you follow in the redesigned Activity Feed. Explore the new Trending section to view the most popular posts from players on Xbox Live.

• The revamped OneGuide will be your single destination for TV, movies and video apps. From OneGuide, you can see a list of current trending live TV shows with the most viewers at that moment on Xbox. TV listings will now come up instantly and in full-screen, and we’ve added a picture-in-picture mode for TV so you can browse for other things to watch without missing what’s happening in your show. We’ll highlight a selection of the most exciting new movies, TV shows and deals from across the apps on Xbox One and the new App Channels area will show you the latest movies, TV shows and videos highlighted by the apps you care about.

• We’re optimizing Store to help you quickly find the content you want. To the right of OneGuide, you’ll find the new and improved Store with features including four easy to explore areas – Games, Movies & TV, Apps, and Music – and a new vertical gallery view to bring more listings at a glance. Browse through intuitive categories like Staff Picks, New Releases, Top played, Top rated, Coming Soon and Recommendations to discover new games, apps, and entertainment for your Xbox One.

As we prepare for the global release of the New Xbox One Experience, it continues to be important to us to get your feedback. To help us do so, we’re gearing up to release the New Xbox One Experience to members of the Xbox One Preview Program. Like all features in the Preview Program, this will be a work-in-progress until it launches in early November. Because this is a significant update, we are giving Preview members the opportunity to decide for themselves if and how they want to participate in helping us release the New Xbox One Experience.

The release to Preview will mark a significant milestone on our road to delivering the New Xbox One Experience. It’s important to us to continue to let our fans be a part of the process. Your feedback is incredibly important, so please continue to send us your input at Xbox Feedback and stay tuned for more information about the New Xbox One Experience in the coming weeks.

Thanks, and I look forward to your contributions in making Xbox great.



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