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【新闻部】The Xbox One









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-12-10 08:55 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-16 06:47 PM 编辑

ARK: Survival Evolved Coming to Xbox Game Preview on December 16
Xbox One 版《ARK: Survival Evolved》将支持分割画面上的区域协力同玩

  Studio Wildcard 目前开发中的 Xbox One 版生存动作游戏《ARK: Survival Evolved》将独家搭载可体验区域协力同玩的分割画面功能。

  本作栖息了 60 种以上恐龙及古代生物的大陆「ARK」为舞台,玩家必须靠着自己的力量找寻可制作武器及据点等的素材,展开狩猎、采集、作物栽培及研究开发等行为努力求生,除了单人模式以外也支持联机多人同玩。

  自 2015 年 6 月起透过 Steam 提供 Early Access 版以来,官方即反复进行各种更新,机械暴龙「Tek」也将登场的 Xbox One 版也将从 2015 年 12 月 16 日起以 34.99 美元的价格在欧美地区展开预览计划(Preview Program),含未公开的 PlayStation 4 版在内,游戏预定将于 2016 年 6 月正式上市。


Just in Time for the Holidays! ARK: Survival Evolved to Launch on Xbox Game Preview December 16

Independent developer Studio Wildcard secretly has been working away on a holiday surprise! Starting Wednesday, December 16, the world of ARK: Survival Evolved will open to Xbox One players who have been c[禁止售卖商品]ing for the game ever since its record-breaking launch on Steam for PC. Xbox One gamers immediately can jump into the open-world action-adventure survival game and start hunting, taming, and training their dinosaur army.

More than 2.5 million gamers have battled the harsh elements in ARK: Survival Evolved since the game’s debut on June 2, 2015 on Steam’s Early Access program. ARK for Xbox One, available via the ID@Xbox self-publishing program, will launch with all game content currently in the PC build - nearly 3X the amount of gameplay available at its original launch on Steam PC. ARK: Survival Evolved will be $34.99 with Xbox Game Preview on Xbox One and will include an exclusive bionic “Tek” T-Rex, Safari Hat, and Survivor’s Trophy, free access to Xbox-specific ARK official servers, and a steady delivery of exclusive Xbox One content prior to full game launch expected in June 2016.

“ARK is running beautifully on Xbox One, we’re really proud to deliver the first open-world online survival experience on console, a genre that is typically found only in PC games,” said Jesse Rapczak, co-creative director and co-founder, Studio Wildcard. “Steam’s Early Access has given us a strong method to quickly iterate on player feedback, creating a strong relationship with our fans that constantly makes the game more fun. With Microsoft implementing a similar program, we’re able to form a direct connection between console players and our team, the likes of which has never before been possible.”

Players can join the ARK discussion now by visiting the newly launched Xbox One forums on survivetheark.com.

Built on Unreal Engine 4, ARK: Survival Evolved is the first to deliver the popular-on-PC online survival genre to consoles, with a unique footprint of adventure, multiplayer online cooperation and competition, focused on the basic survival skills of crafting, harvesting, building, and exploration.

Stranded naked, freezing, and starving on a mysterious island, you must hunt, harvest, craft items, grow crops, and build shelters to survive. Tame one of 100 amazing dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts, including gargantuan creatures on a scale never before seen in video games! Fly a Pterodactyl squadron over the snow-capped mountains, race through the deep jungle with your pack of trained Raptors, tromp through a fortified enemy base with a convoy of gigantic Brontosaurus, or chase down prey on the back of a raging T-Rex.

Xbox One Exclusive Features

• All game content currently in the PC build - nearly 3X the amount of gameplay available at its original Steam launch

• Exclusive bionic “Tek” T-Rex, Safari Hat, and Survivor’s Trophy

• Free access to Xbox-specific ARK official servers

• Steady delivery of exclusive Xbox One content prior to full game launch in June 2016

• Tailored for Xbox One gamepad controls

ARK: Survival Evolved is expected to officially launch in June 2016 on Xbox One via the ID@Xbox program, Steam PC and on PlayStation 4 with Project Morpheus support.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-12-18 07:37 AM |只看该作者
Xbox One backwards compatibility adds Portal, Halo: Reach, Fable III, more

Here Are The New Xbox One Backward Compatibility Titles Playable Today

Last month we launched one of the most requested features: Xbox One Backward Compatibility, with an initial set of more than 100 titles, allowing fans to take their Xbox 360 experience to Xbox One and still be able to play with their friends, take screenshots, stream and record in-game DVR clips. Today, we’re excited to announce even more Xbox 360 titles available now on Xbox One via Backward Compatibility.

Since launch on Nov. 12, fans have been enjoying Xbox 360 games on Xbox One for the first time ever, logging more than 9 million hours spent playing Xbox 360 games on Xbox One. And the most popular games fans from around the world have been spending those hours playing are Fallout 3, Gears of War 3, Just Cause 2, Assassin’s Creed II and DiRT 3.

From titles like Deus Ex: Human Revolution to classics like Fable III, today, fans will have 16 additional games to choose from, expanding our growing library of Xbox One Backward Compatibility titles. And as a reminder, all Xbox 360 games available through Games with Gold after Nov. 12, such as the recently available Sacred 3, are playable on Xbox One. You can find the full list of our latest additions below and also on Xbox.com/BackCompat.

And this is just the beginning. We’re continuing to work with our publishing partners to grow our library of Xbox One Backward Compatibility titles, so stay tuned for more. We’ll be adding to the catalog on a regular basis, so be sure to check back here for the latest information about Xbox 360 titles that are playable on Xbox One.

Do you want to see a specific Xbox 360 title on Xbox One? Let us know. Fan feedback is essential in shaping the Xbox Experience, and it was integral in making Xbox One Backward Compatibility a reality. Keep voting for the Xbox 360 games that you want to add to Xbox One Backward Compatibility at Xbox.UserVoice.com.

For more information about Xbox One Backward Compatibility, check out my FAQ.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-1-5 06:26 PM |只看该作者
微软公开 2016 年 Xbox One 与 PC 独占游戏阵容的上市日期

微软计划要在 2016 年「推出更庞大的游戏阵容」

  微软今天在 Xbox Wire 网站上贴文,提供了即将于 2016 年在 Xbox One 以及 Windows 10 独占推出游戏的概观。 虽然其中并没有太多的惊喜,不过微软证实了原先宣布要在 Xbox One 独占推出的《ReCore》将会登陆 PC 平台,同时《战争机器:究极版》也将会在 2016 年 3 月于 Windows 上推出。


  还有一件事情值得注意,那就是这份名单将会随着其他游戏的发表、在这一年之间逐渐扩充。 另一方面,有些本来预计于 2016 年上市的游戏则可能会宣布延后推出,就如同《魔兵惊天录》的开发商白金工作室为 Xbox One 平台独家打造的《龙鳞化身》,这款游戏现在要等到 2017 年才有机会在 Xbox One 正式上市。

  2016 年 Xbox One 以及 Windows 10 独占游戏包括:

  • Gears of War 4《战争机器 4》(Xbox One 独占)-多人联机 Beta 测试活动将于 2016 年春季起跑 / 2016 年秋季上市
  • Quantum Break《量子裂痕》(Xbox One 独占)-2016 年 4 月 5 日上市
  • Halo Wars 2《最后一战 星环战役 2》(Xbox One & Windows 10 独占)-2016 年秋季上市
  • Crackdown 3《除暴战警》(Xbox One 独占)-2016 年夏季开放多人联机模式
  • Fable Legends《神鬼寓言:传奇》Beta 公开测试活动(Xbox One & Windows 10 独占)-2016 年春季起跑
  • 《ReCore》(Xbox One & Windows 10 独占)-2016 年内上市
  • Sea of Thieves《盗贼之海》(Xbox One & Windows 10 独占)-2016 年内上市
  • Gigantic《巨兽》(Xbox One & Windows 10 独占)–2016 年内上市
  • 《杀手本能:第三季》(Xbox One & Windows 10 独占)-2016 年 3 月上市
  • Gears of War: Ultimate Edition《战争机器:究极版》Windows 10 版本-2016 年春季上市
  • Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition《圣灵之光 决定版》(Xbox One & Windows 10 独占)-2016 年春季上市
  • 《Cobalt》(Xbox One、Xbox 360 & Steam)-2016 年 2 月 2 日上市

  微软表示他们计划要在 2016 年推出比 2016 年「还要更庞大的游戏阵容」,并且提供「比其他任何平台都要精采的游戏阵容」。

  除了上面名单提及的游戏作品之外,微软也将会新增「数百款」Xbox 360 游戏至 Xbox One 向下兼容功能的支持列表之中,同时玩家也可以期待全新的 Xbox One 系统导入个人数字助理「Cortana」之类的支持性功能。

  至于微软的主要竞争对手又有什么计划呢? 索尼表示 PlayStation 的玩家可以期待在 2016 年迎接 PlayStation 4 超级大作「前所未有的狂潮」。 另一方面,任天堂则计划要开始在今年公开更多关于新一代游戏主机 NX 的相关信息。

  今天的消息发布中,微软也提到了 Xbox Live 服务在 2015 年打破了纪录。 在去年 12 月 28 日时,单日登入 Xbox Live 服务的玩家人数比起 Xbox 历史上的任何一天都还要来得多。 除此之外,2015 年圣诞节期间(12 月 20 日至 12 月 27 日)玩家花在 Xbox One 以及 Xbox 360 平台上的游戏时数也比去年有所增加,不过官方目前尚未提供此数据的上升比例。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-2-4 06:50 AM |只看该作者
Xbox One 'Just the beginning' Promo Video



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-2-8 07:10 AM |只看该作者
Red Dead Redemption and Other Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Leaked

Update #2: Looks like Microsoft has taken measures and these games are not working for now.

Video: How to get Red Dead Redemption now for backward compatibility

Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Halo Wars, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night & Left 4 Dead 2 are on their way too.

Update: Alan Wake's American Nightmare also.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-2-11 06:10 PM |只看该作者
Rocket League is Coming to Xbox One on February 17

Since last December, when we first announced that Rocket League was headed to Xbox One, new and existing fans alike have been asking us WHEN they could expect to see our soccer-meets-driving, sports-action hybrid come to the platform. As you can tell by our headline, we’re proud to announce that the answer to that question is next week – it’ll be available beginning on Wednesday, February 17!

Rocket League has been a long time coming to Xbox One, and the team here at Psyonix is incredibly proud to be bringing it to you thanks to our development partners at Panic Button. With their help and expertise, we were able to bring Rocket League to XB1 with a high level of performance and fidelity. Plus, as an added bonus for Xbox One players, we have also included three of our previously-released DLC Packs for free already-bundled into the game:

• “Supersonic Fury” – Two Premium Battle-Cars, 12 Decals, 5 Paint types, 2 Rocket Trails, 2 Wheels

• “Revenge of the Battle-Cars” – Two Premium Battle-Cars, 12 Decals, 3 Paint types, 2 Rocket Trails, 2 Wheels, 4 Toppers, 2 Antennas

• “Chaos Run” – Two Premium Battle-Cars, 12 Decals, 2 Wheels, 2 Rocket Trails, 3 Toppers, 3 Antennas

Xbox One owners will also be the proud owners of two exclusive vehicles — The “Armadillo” from Gears of War and the Warthog variant from Halo, dubbed the “HogSticker” – in addition to several Xbox-exclusive Garage items like Fizzie and the Overcharge Rocket Trail from Sunset Overdrive.

Besides the exclusive stuff, you can also expect an incredible amount of content in Rocket League on the whole – with more than 100 billion possible customization combinations for your Battle-Car, a fully-featured offline Season Mode, multiple game configurations including 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 match-ups for offline, online, and competitive play, special match Mutators that let you change the rules of the game, our “Snow Day” Hockey mode, and lots, lots more.See you on the pitch starting February 17!



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-2-22 06:43 PM |只看该作者
微软释出 Xbox One 及 Xbox App 今年首发更新内容

  微软宣布,Xbox One 本月系统更新增加了许多社群功能,玩家可在 Xbox One 主机和 PC 上随时掌握 Xbox Live 社群的最新动态。 Xbox One 主机可事先查看谁在派对当中再决定是否加入派对、Xbox One 主机和 Xbox App 应用程序可更方便查看建议好友的详细信息。 此次更新于 2 / 18 开始推送到 Xbox App 应用程序,并于 2 / 19 开始推送至 Xbox One 主机。


Xbox One 主机最新推出功能:

  查看谁在派对当中:在 Xbox One 主机上,玩家可以在加入某个派对之前先查看谁在派对当中再决定是否加入。 在菜单的「好友」卷标页中点选某个正在派对中的好友时,将看到还有谁也在该派对当中。 点一下好友玩家代号下方的「聊天」选单,就会出现「查看谁在派对当中」选项,并且列出所有派对中的玩家代号。


  玩家分数排行榜:在 Xbox One 主机上,从菜单上的个人档案中选择「我的成就」就会看到重新推出的「玩家分数排行榜」。 透过玩家分数排行榜,可以看见自己和好友的玩家分数排名,以及过去 30 天内的重大变化。 点一下「玩家分数排行榜」就可查看所有好友的分数信息。


  重新安排首页上的钉选项目及脱机存取:玩家们的意见与回馈为 Xbox 团队在推出更新功能时的最佳动力,许多玩家反应希望 Xbox One 首页上的钉选项目可以更容易整理。 现在玩家将可以重新安排各钉选项目的位置。 只要在某个钉选项目上单击「Y」键,当它开始闪烁之后,就可轻松移动它的位置。 此外,新设定让钉选项目在脱机时也能运作。

  更新 Xbox One 主机上的活动摘要:Xbox One 主机上的活动摘要将在有新的讯息时发出通知。 单击通知链接就可以跳到玩家的活动摘要顶端,并且列出所有最新讯息,让玩家随时掌握最发烧的内容。


  隐藏「安装准备就绪」列表中的游戏:玩家反应希望能重新开放让他们隐藏一些不想安装的内容,例如:测试版、试用版、游戏及应用程序等等。 未来,玩家又可以再度使用此项功能。
Xbox One 市集中的「兑换代码」链接:现在可更快速的在 Xbox One 主机上兑换 5 x 5 代码,只要进入「市集」然后点选使用新的「兑换代码」链接即可。 「兑换代码」链接在「游戏市集」和「搜寻游戏市集」的右侧,玩家可直接在画面上输入玩家从零售商店购买的游戏代码。

  观赏 Twitch 直播:许多玩家反应希望能更容易观赏好友的游戏直播。 从现在开始,只要好友正在直播,玩家就能从游戏中心及游戏动态砖轻松开启 Twitch.tv 直播。

  「建议的好友」功能改进:想看看 Xbox 上有什么认识的人,或者想追踪顶尖的内容创作者吗? 请看看「社群」功能当中全新设计的「好友建议」区域,以及 Xbox One 菜单上的好友列表。 好友建议当中提供了玩家代号、真实姓名(若有的话)、玩家图标或 Xbox 虚拟人偶图片,以及针对玩家的专属推荐理由。 从建议的好友点进去之后,就能看到玩家的完整档案,也可以将玩家加入好友列表中。

  设定 Xbox One Chatpad 聊天小键盘的快捷键:未来透过 Xbox 聊天小键盘将更容易开启喜爱的应用程序,本月更新提供一个全新接口让玩家可设定聊天小键盘上的 X1 和 X2 键的功能。 首先,

  聊天小键盘接上控制器,然后进入「设定」。 在设定中的「装置和配件」中选取聊天小键盘所连接的控制器,然后从下拉式方块中选择 X1 和 X2 键想要的功能即可。 目前的默认值分别为「撷取屏幕画面」(X1)和「录像」(X2)。

Xbox One 主机和 Xbox App 应用程序同步推出的更新功能:

  虚拟人偶市集:在全新整合的「虚拟人偶市集」当中提供玩家帮虚拟人偶购买最新的装备。 在家用主机上,市集功能已直接内建在 Xbox 虚拟人偶应用程序当中,在 Windows 10 PC 及手机上,请透过 Xbox 虚拟人偶应用程序来进入市集。 在这里,玩家可以查看完整的新旧物品目录,当然也包括免费物品。 浏览目录的同时,可以实时将物品套用到虚拟人偶上进行预览,然后再决定是否购买。


  Xbox 新闻:Xbox 新闻是所有最新消息的统一来源,包括:最新硬件、主机更新讯息、新游戏发表、赛事讯息(如 Halo World Championship)、最新娱乐内容等等。 本月,不论 Xbox App 应用程序或 Xbox One 主机都可在活动摘要中看到 Xbox 新闻讯息,更轻松掌握所有 Xbox 相关消息。

  Xbox 配件应用程序:最新版的 Xbox One 主机和 Windows 10 平台 Xbox 配件应用程序让玩家可更容易调校 Xbox One 菁英无线控制器。 只要开启应用程序,就能更清楚地看到每一组设定的按键对应。 此外,还有一些可收折的项目以及设计上的改变,让玩家在单一画面上就能看到所有可编辑的选项。 此外,针对游戏杆的调整上 Xbox 团队也做了些改进,让玩家可调整每一条灵敏度曲线的强度,同时也让板机和震动的设定看起来更加直觉。


  热门项目的改进:这是 Xbox One 主机和 Xbox App 应用程序同步改进的功能,玩家可在 Xbox One 主机「社群」卷标页右侧和 Xbox App 应用程序左侧选单区域探索最新的热门项目。 这里提供了一个热门项目的专属区域,集中了 Xbox Live 上最热门的话题与各式各样的热门影片、屏幕快照、成就,还有社群会员创作或解锁的其他内容。 玩家可以将喜欢的内容发行者加入好友或追踪列表。

  建议的好友:不论在 Xbox One 主机或 Xbox App 应用程序,将更容易取得建议好友的详细信息。 只要点选「查看全部」或者在热门好友建议名单上点两下,就会开启一个全屏幕窗口来查看所有建议的好友。

  更新后的 Xbox One 主机和 Xbox App 应用程序也会在活动摘要当中加入热门项目和好友建议的最新讯息。

本月 Xbox App 应用程序专属的新增功能:「精简模式」

  精简模式:此次更新将更多功能加入了精简模式当中,让玩家在好友、派对、讯息及活动提醒之间可以更快速进行来回查看。 快速点一下就能立即掌握好友在玩些什么。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-2-24 06:16 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-24 06:58 PM 编辑

March Games with Gold Announced
3月Xbox金会员免费游戏公布 《福尔摩斯:罪与罚》《堕落之王》《最高指挥官2》《无主之地》

  今天(2月24日)微软官方正式公布了3月Xbox金会员免费游戏阵容,本月的免费游戏于我们“游戏早知道www.yxzzd.com”为大家爆料的游戏阵容完全相同。Xbox金会员3月免费游戏为xboxone平台《福尔摩斯:罪与罚Crimes and Punishments: Sherlock Holmes》《堕落之王Lords Of The Fallen》,xbox360平台《最高指挥官2 Supreme Commander 2》《无主之地Borderlands》。其中《最高指挥官2 Supreme Commander 2》《无主之地Borderlands》已经在15年11月就获得了xboxone的兼容支持,本月Xboxone玩家依旧能免费领到4款高素质游戏。

  《福尔摩斯:罪与罚Crimes and Punishments: Sherlock Holmes》是经典的探案解密类游戏,本作由虚幻3引擎开发,画面和细节都非常不错,玩法和《福尔摩斯》系列前作差不大依旧是主打线索收集和逻辑推理,喜欢解密类游戏和《福尔摩斯》的粉丝们可以体验下该作。

  《堕落之王Lords Of The Fallen》是2线的APRG作品,总体上有些类似于《黑暗之魂》但难度会小一些,技能和战斗表现很出色,是款中规中矩的动作类游戏。

  Xbox360《最高指挥官2 Supreme Commander 2》是经典的RTS游戏,而《无主之地Borderlands》是主打4人合作的刷装备类FPS大作。

  《福尔摩斯:罪与罚Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishment 》的免费时间为3月1日-31日,《堕落之王Lords of the Fallen》为3月16日-4月15日;xbox360《最高指挥官2 Supreme Commander 2》的免费时间为3月1日-15日,《无主之地Borderlands》的免费时间为3月16日-31日。大家点击英文游戏链接即可直接领取游戏。


Shake Off the Winter Chill with March’s Games with Gold

Four all-new titles come to Games with Gold in March, bringing you a little bit of every genre, to help shake off some of that winter chill. Xbox One gamers, remember that thanks to backward compatibility on your new consoles, you can play all four titles, completely free, when they release on Games with Gold.

You’ve got two Xbox One games this month: graphic adventure Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments and action-RPG Lords of the Fallen. On Xbox 360, the acclaimed real-time strategy title Supreme Commander 2 makes its first appearance on Games with Gold, and multi-award-winning, open-world, role-playing shooter Borderlands (yes, the one that started it all!) rounds out the March title offering.

As usual, all games are available only for a limited time, as part of the ongoing Games with Gold program, so sign up now to get in on the action!

• Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishment ($29.99): Available from March 1-31 on Xbox One

• Lords of the Fallen ($39.99): Available from March 16-April 15 on Xbox One

• Supreme Commander 2 ($29.99): Available from March 1-15 on Xbox 360

• Borderlands ($19.99): Available from March 16-31 on Xbox 360

If you’ve ever wanted to take on the mantle of the world’s greatest detective, but didn’t want to start smoking a pipe, your opportunity has come! Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments, from acclaimed adventure game masters Frogwares, comes to Games with Gold in March for the Xbox One. It puts you at the helm of some of Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson’s greatest adventures, and you’ll have to use your wits to get to the bottom of dastardly mysteries, but you’ll also need to make difficult moral choices along the way. Written in the style of Holmes’ creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Crimes and Punishments gives players freedom to choose whether to enforce justice by-the-book, or bend the rules to get the results their way – but don’t expect the story to turn out just the way you want it to! No matter what you choose, you’ll face plenty of twists and turns in this excellent, story-rich adventure.

And if you’re into adventures, you’ll find that Lords of the Fallen has plenty to offer when you’re ready to switch gears. Take on the role of Harkyn, condemned criminal, on a journey to absolve himself of his crimes and avert a massive war, in a world of dark fantasy. Lords of the Fallen is a dark fantasy epic, putting players in situations where they must face off against heavy odds, and overcome through a combination of grit, reflexes, cleverness, and properly building and equipping their characters. If you like a challenge, you’ll love what Lords of the Fallen has to offer.

Of course, Games with Gold also has great titles in March for the Xbox 360 (and backward compatibility on the Xbox One!), starting with the massive, world-spanning strategy title Supreme Commander 2. This one puts you in charge of a massive army and logistical structure – your job is to build, expand, maneuver, and destroy your enemy in a huge variety of scenarios. Requiring a combination of strategic thinking, tactical acumen, and some quick moves with the thumb sticks, Supreme Commander 2 is unlike nearly anything you’ll play on a game console: It truly challenges you the way a general of a vast army fighting for survival would be challenged. Massive battles spanning sea, air, and land are all on the menu – so get ready to think globally and act like a badass.

Speaking of badass: The final title in March is one that kicked off a very beloved series, Borderlands. Part shooter, part role-playing game, part insane hilarious story, this raucous romp puts players onto the desert world of Pandora and lets them fend for themselves. Surviving is just part of the fun, though, as you’ll spend time scoring fabulous loot, uncovering the mystery of just how certain mega-galactic corporations came to dominate on Pandora, and – oh yeah – a little robot named Claptrap might have some role to play in the whole thing, too (but we don’t want to give too much away!). Trust us, this game is fun of the highest order. Don’t miss it while it’s free!

Don’t miss any of these titles while they’re free! Because, sadly, like everything in life: Games with Gold titles don’t stick around forever. Check out the full details on our Games with Gold program, and make sure you get in on the action while you can!



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-2-29 06:27 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-1 06:29 PM 编辑

HoloLens lauching with 3 games ~ 2 new IPs and a new Conker title
混合实境装置「HoloLens」开发者版本 3 月底正式出货 要价约新台币 10 万元

  微软 2 月 29 日宣布,研发中的混合实境(Mixed Reality,MR)装置「HoloLens」开发者版本将于 3 月 30 日起针对美国与加拿大地区开始出货,价格 3000 美元,折合新台币约 99400 元。


  HoloLens 是微软于 2015 年 1 月揭露的混合实境头戴装置,采用眼镜造型的半透明显示屏幕,透过 3D 景深扫描技术取得周遭景物的状态,将虚拟的对象 / 信息与眼睛观看到的实际景物重迭,搭配手势动作侦测技术,让用户可以在现实世界中观看到虚拟的对象,并与之互动。

  HoloLens 采用内建完整处理系统与电池的独立系统。 以多个能侦测周遭环境的传感器,搭配自行研发的全像处理器(HPU)与 intel 32 位架构处理器,实时辨识周遭环境构成与用户手势输入。 所搭载的半透明全像镜片运用先进的光学投影技术,能将立体的全彩影像实时投射进用户的眼中,达成混和真实与虚拟的人机互动。 本身可独立运作,不需要特殊的标记、额外的摄影机或连接线,不需要连接手机或 PC。 属于标准 Windows 10 装置,可轻松串连其他 Windows 装置。

  本次微软宣布,在历经 1 年多的展示与测试之后,将按照原定的计划,于 3 月 30 日开始针对美国与加拿大地区提供让提出申请的开发者进行早期软件开发的开发者版本,价格 3000 美元。

  开发者版本中将提供 HoloLens 头戴装置、充电器、蓝牙遥控器与收纳包,

  HoloLens 将采用 Windows 8 导入的「通用 Windows 平台(UWP)」App 标准,开发者可将既有的 UWP App 移植到 HoloLens。 微软将随 HoloLens 开发者版本释出多个 App 供开发者参考,包括可以在真实 3D 环境中创造 3D 对象的《HoloStudio》,众所皆知的实时通讯软件《Skype》,可体验虚拟旅游的《HoloTour》等,之外还与 Asobo Studio 合作开发了 2 款混合实境游戏示范《Fragments》与《Young Conker》,以及先前代号为《 Project Xray》的《RoboRaid》。

Microsoft HoloLens Launch Games, Apps Detailed

Microsoft begins taking pre-orders for its $3,000 HoloLens Development Edition on Feb. 29 in anticipation for its March 30 launch. As part of its rollout for businesses and developers, the company is providing tutorial videos, documentation, and information to help companies develop Windows 10 apps for the augmented reality system. And part of that help is coming in the form of three playable HoloLens games developed by Microsoft.

Kudo Tsunoda, corporate vice president at Microsoft, announced through a blog post today that Fragments, Young Conker, and RoboRaid (previously demonstrated at E3 as Project X-Ray) will be included with the hardware to showcase the gaming capabilities that augmented reality opens up. Early purchasers of the new hardware will include game developers, and Microsoft MSFT -1.54% is looking to create an ecosystem of software that will help it sell the consumer version of HoloLens down the line.

Fragments puts gamers in the middle of an augmented reality crime drama that unfolds in their living room. Players are able to investigate clues and solve crimes by interacting with characters that sit on their couch and talk directly to them.

“As a holographic platform highlight, Fragments demonstrates how creators can build characters and storylines that drive a higher level of emotional engagement and attachment than you can with any other medium,” Tsunoda wrote. “Fragments blends the line between the digital world and the real world more than any other experience we built. When your living room has been used as the set for a story, it generates memories for you of what digitally happened in your space like it was real. It is an experience that bridges the uncanny valley of your mind and delivers a new form of storytelling like never before.”

Young Conker takes the popular squirrel created by Microsoft-owned developer Rare off platform gaming and and into the real world. Developed by Asobo Studios (which also worked with Microsoft on Fragments), the game changes based on what environment the gamer is playing in.

“This means every person gets a unique gameplay experience, since each gamer’s real world environment is unique,” Tsunoda wrote. “It is amazing how different the play experience feels based on playing the game in your living room versus your kitchen or your bedroom. Even starting the game from a different position in a single room creates an entirely new gameplay dynamic.”

Tsunoda added that this use of real-world environments for gameplay levels shows developers a way to create HoloLens games without needing huge teams. The real world becomes the levels, allowing developers to focus on fun gameplay experiences.

Rounding out the launch games is RoboRaid, which was previously playable at E3 last year as Project X-Ray. I was able to play this game last June, along with Minecraft: HoloLens Edition, and they really got me excited about the potential of augmented reality gaming. RoboRaid is a first-person shooter that has invading aliens literally ripping through the walls of the room you’re in. You use the Clicker to shoot at the waves of alien robots as they fly into the room shooting lasers.

RoboRaid uses spatial sound as a gameplay feature, alerting gamers which direction to turn when they hear the wall crumbling. Tsunoda wrote that this game highlights how to use gaze, gesture, and voice input in a fast and frenetic gameplay experience. RoboRaid was created by a team of eight people over the course of 12 weeks at Microsoft.

Several non-gaming apps included with HoloLens will help developers, including HoloStudio, which Tsunoda wrote will allow developers to easily create 3D in 3D—at real-world scale. This app also teaches developers how to use the HoloLens interaction model of gaze, gesture, and voice within games and other applications.

The Development Edition also runs an enhanced version of Skype, which allows people running Skype on any Windows device to interact in the holographic world. Tsunoda wrote that this application shows how holograms can be used for remote collaboration and training in a way previously impossible.

“This type of communication has enormous potential in both the consumer and business world,” Tsunoda wrote. “It will allow developers to communicate with each other using the holographic medium to share development methods and seek the advice of others. With Skype, you can see the holograms the other person is seeing and you can use holograms to illustrate helpful techniques or development approaches. It is our hope that the holographic development community will be just that—a community.”

Rounding out the non-gaming apps is HoloTour, which offers users 360-degree panoramic displays of places like Rome and Machu Picchu. HoloTour allows users to actually walk around locations like Rome’s city streets complete with 3D sound to create the illusion that one’s there.

This summer, Microsoft will release Actiongram for HoloLens. Tsunoda wrote that this holographic storytelling medium for the platform will allow developers to blend holographic content into real world settings, allowing anybody to create emotionally compelling and humorous videos.

“These are videos that previously could only be created using expensive effects packages by people with extensive 3D training,” Tsunoda wrote. “We will be delivering new content for Actiongram regularly so that you can continually express yourself in this holographic medium.”


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-3-1 06:58 AM |只看该作者
Young Conker Reveal Video ~ HoloLens



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