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【新闻部】The Xbox One









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-5-19 06:53 AM |只看该作者
Mass Effect lead Casey Hudson joins Microsoft to work on Xbox and HoloLens

Casey Hudson Joins Microsoft as Creative Director at Microsoft Studios

Today, we’re proud to announce that Casey Hudson has joined Microsoft in the role of Creative Director at Microsoft Studios, where he’s working on Microsoft HoloLens, Xbox, and other awesome projects. He reports directly to Kudo Tsunoda, CVP of Next Gen Experiences, in this new role and he’s currently busy relocating from Edmonton, Canada to his new home here in Redmond, WA.

Over the course of his 15 years at BioWare/EA, Casey has led the development of several of the industry’s biggest and best titles. He has brought a natural leadership style to his role at the helm of teams that have included over 200 developers, providing a vision for the creative, technical, and business aspects of some of gaming’s most important franchises. His role as Project Director placed him in charge of the creative and operational vision for development of franchises such as Mass Effect and Star Wars, while his responsibilities as Executive Producer involved a broader business strategy for expansion to other media. Since 2000, Casey has led teams in the development of major “event titles” that went on to achieve both critical and commercial success, giving him one of the most outstanding track records in the history of AAA game development.

With a degree in Engineering and a passion for art and music, Casey applies a full-spectrum approach to his pursuit of delivering the most exciting and memorable entertainment experiences in the world. We recently sat down with him to discuss his new role at Microsoft, and the exciting things that he will help us achieve with Xbox and HoloLens as we look to 2015 and beyond.

• Xbox Wire: What can you share about your new role?

Casey Hudson: As Creative Director at Microsoft Studios, my primary focus will be the creative direction of HoloLens Experiences. I am extremely passionate about the potential of this kind of technology, as anyone who’s talked with me over the last couple of years can attest. I feel that the work being done at Microsoft on mixed reality and holographic computing will have a tremendous impact on how all of us interact with technology in the coming years. It’s an honor to be able to join such an incredibly talented team, and to work on something that will fundamentally advance the role computers play in our daily lives.

I will also be working with innovative new Xbox titles, helping them to find success through clear direction and creative vision. I will be involved in driving a creative focus for Xbox and Windows gaming, and I couldn’t be more excited to be involved in that. The projects I’ve seen in development so far are amazing, and it’s going to be an awesome experience helping these teams cross the finish line.

• Xbox Wire: What are you most excited about in coming to work for Microsoft?

Casey Hudson: I’ve been an Xbox fan since I first learned about it during the development of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. The games I’ve worked on have found the greatest success on Xbox, and it’s my preferred way to play games. I’m also a lifelong PC player, and I feel like I grew up with the advent of the personal computer. Given all that, coming to work for Microsoft is a special honor for me.

But in addition to the privilege of working for Microsoft and Xbox, I am particularly excited about working on HoloLens. I was fortunate to try an early prototype of HoloLens before it was announced, and I was blown away by the technology and what it was already capable of. Walking on Mars while sipping coffee in an office setting, Skyping with a friend who can draw on the walls of my environment, sculpting an object in 3D modeling software while a hologram of it sits on a table next to me... These first experiences cemented my belief that holographic computing was where I needed to be. There’s no end to the potential of this technology, and I look forward to being able to influence the full-spectrum experience on HoloLens, from hardware to OS, to applications and games.

Above all, I’m most excited about how much I will be able to learn from the team at Microsoft, who have already accomplished so much with HoloLens.

• Xbox Wire: When you’re not working, what do you like to do for fun?

Casey Hudson: Naturally, I love playing video games, whether on console, PC, or mobile. I tend to enjoy the extreme ends of the spectrum most: the biggest AAA blockbusters, and the tiniest, most experimental indies. Playing games with my two young sons is a particularly good learning experience – not just because they’re often better at it than me, but because of how the next generation views digital entertainment having grown up in the age of digital downloads, touchscreens, and mobile games. Seeing things through their eyes helps me build a vision of where things are going next.

I also try to get away from digital and virtual worlds as much as possible when I’m away from work. As a private pilot, I like the challenge of a whole different set of problem-solving and communication challenges, where the stakes are much more real. Music is another outlet for me (guitar, keyboard, saxophone), as is art (be it painting concepts in Photoshop or simply drawing on a sketchpad). I have deep passions in both the arts and sciences, and the more I do of one, the more I crave the other. And ultimately, that’s what led me to do the kind of work I do today – a balanced approach where I’m able to work with amazingly talented team members across a wide spectrum of abilities. So while I dabble in a lot of different things and have an appreciation for many disciplines, it only gives me a deeper appreciation for the world-class experts I’ve had the privilege to work with in my career.

Thanks to Casey for taking the time to speak with us. We’re very excited about what he’ll be working on here at Microsoft in the coming months and years and can’t wait to share more.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-5-28 06:21 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-1 06:13 PM |只看该作者

微软宣布 Windows 10 美国时间 7 月 29 日正式上市

  微软今日在 Windows 官方部落格宣布,新一代操作系统 Windows 10 将于美国时间 7 月 29 日正式上市。

  微软操作系统执行副总裁 Terry Myerson 表示,他很高兴能跟大家分享 Windows 10 的上市日期,经过超过 400 万名 Windows Insider 反复测试与提供回馈意见,他们在 Windows 10 研发上获得长足的进步,微软差不多已经准备好要提供给所有客户。

以下为 Windows 的特色预览:


  他表示,Windows 10 将提供包括微软个人语音助理 Cortana,它是用户的个人小助手,能够了解个人的喜好,进而提供个人化推荐、快速搜寻到信息与提醒重要事项,提供用户最想要关注的信息。 用户可透过交谈或打字自然而轻松与Cortana互动,还可以透过进阶设定来 让 Cortana 更加可靠与同步。

  Windows 10 也将带来像是 Windows 10 全新浏览器 Microsoft Edge,可以让人以新方式在在线完成事务,与在 Windows 10 上的 Xbox 可以让玩家透过 Windows 10 计算机随时体验 Xbox Live 游戏网络的精华等。

还有像是 Windows 10 中的 Office,新的相片、影片、音乐、地图、联络人和讯息以及邮件和行事历提供全新体验的应用程序,与 Windows 商店等。

以下为微软今日公开的 Windows 10 介绍影片:


  根据微软之前公布,他们将针对符合资格的新或现有的 Windows 7、Windows 8.1 等装置提供第一年免费升级到 Windows 10 优惠。

  Windows 10 将于美国时间 7 月 29 日正式上市。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-4 06:55 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-4 07:15 AM 编辑

Black Tusk Studios renamed to "The Coalition"


Introducing The Coalition – A Message from Rod Fergusson

Hi everyone - I'm Rod Fergusson, former studio head of Black Tusk Studios.

It’s not what you think.

Beginning today, the Vancouver-based Xbox team working on the Gears of War franchise will be known as The Coalition. What's in a name? In short, The Coalition speaks to who we are as a team, and what it is we're working on.

A coalition is a team of diverse individuals working together for a common purpose, a concept that we feel describes our studio quite well.

Fans will also recognize the Coalition of Ordered Governments (COG) from Gears of War lore.

When people hear 343 Industries, they associate it with Halo; when they hear Turn 10 Studios, they know that’s who makes Forza. Moving forward, when you hear The Coalition, we want you to think of Gears of War.

To see our new logo in motion, and to learn more about The Coalition, watch the special edition Rodcast above.

Speaking of Gears of War, we're getting close to E3, where we will share more on what's next for Gears of War. Specifically, Gears fans should be sure to tune in to Xbox Daily: LIVE @ E3, on Monday June 15 at 4PM Pacific to see what we're working on.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-10 07:07 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-10 06:59 PM 编辑

Microsoft Announces Xbox One 1TB Console, New Controller
微软正式公布新款 Xbox One 主机 配备 1TB 硬盘机与改良型无线控制器

  微软 Xbox 官方代言人「Xbox's Major Nelson」9 日在官方部落格与 YouTube 频道公布了新款 Xbox One 主机「Xbox One 1TB 主机」,将配备 1TB 容量硬盘机与改良型无线控制器,预定 6 月 16 日在美国上市,价格 399.99 美元,既有 500GB 主机的价格将永久调降为 349.99 美元。

  Xbox One 1TB 主机主要变更点在于内建硬盘机容量由原先的 500GB 扩增为 1TB,提供更大的内部储存空间来满足游戏安装 / 下载需求。 另外机壳部分则从原本的亮面质感改为雾面质感。

  包装中标准附属的无线控制器则是经过微调改良,额外增加了标准 3.5mm 耳机麦克风插孔,让玩家可以使用自己喜爱的耳麦产品。 系统软件部分新增音量调整、麦克风监听、音效 / 语音音量平衡等设定选单。 LB / RB 按钮经过改良,提供更佳的手感。 可透过无线传输进行韧体更新。


  新款 Xbox One 无线控制器将提供单独贩卖,黑色标准款式价格 59.99 美元,迷彩灰特别款式价格 64.99 美元。 官方同时宣布将于今年秋季推出支持 Windows 10 PC 的 Xbox One 无线控制器接收器,单独贩卖价格 24.99 美元,与新款 Xbox One 无线控制器同捆的版本价格 79.95 美元。


新款 Xbox One 无线控制器迷彩灰特别款式

无线控制器新增标准 3.5mm 耳机麦克风插孔

Xbox One 无线控制器接收器

New Xbox One 1TB Console Unveiled, Xbox One 500GB Console Reduced to $349

Next week, Xbox is kicking off the biggest games week of the year as we head to Los Angeles for E3 2015 where we’ll showcase the best lineup in Xbox history. But before the lights go up and we take the stage for our media briefing, we wanted to share a few pieces of early news as we continue to put games and gamers at the center of everything we do.

Since Xbox One launched, one of the most frequent requests from fans is to add more storage to their consoles. Today, we’re unveiling the Xbox One 1TB console, with a new matte finish and more storage for your games and media, making it the best place to play the biggest blockbusters this holiday like Halo 5: Guardians, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Forza Motorsport 6. Only Xbox offers the most choice when it comes to storage options, now with increased on-board storage as well as the capability to extend game storage by adding an external USB 3.0 drive.

But that’s not all. We’re also including our newly designed Xbox One Wireless Controller that now comes with a 3.5mm stereo headset jack, and in select regions for a limited time, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, the definitive Halo experience on Xbox One.

Xbox One 1TB consoles will start shipping to retailers June 16 in the United States and select markets later this month and will be available starting at $399 USD ERP.* We’re also pleased to announce that starting today, the $349 USD price on all standard Xbox One 500GB consoles will be permanent in the United States and select regions.

Now let’s take a closer look at the new Xbox One Wireless Controller, shipping with future consoles moving forward, and now featuring a 3.5mm stereo headset jack that lets you plug your favorite gaming headset right into the controller. With the updated controller, in addition to the volume and mute controls on gaming headsets, you’ll also have the option to adjust headset volume, mic monitoring, and voice and game audio balance through the Settings menu on your console. We’ve also improved the quality of audio coming through the controller and increased the maximum audio volume on headsets used with this controller, based on fan feedback. All existing controller accessories will work with the updated controller, including the Stereo Headset Adapter for those who want the convenience of fingertip control for their audio. In addition to audio improvements, we’ve fine-tuned the bumpers for more consistent performance anywhere along the full surface of the bumper. And we’ve enabled wireless firmware updates on the updated controller which eliminates having to connect the controller via USB cable to receive updates. What’s more, fans will be able to purchase the new controller as a standalone item in black as well as a new camouflage design in silver and black with the Xbox One Special Edition Covert Forces Wireless Controller.

And finally, as we mentioned at GDC, we are committed to designing Xbox accessories to support both Xbox and Windows 10. We are pleased to announce that starting this fall, you’ll be able to purchase the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows to enjoy the freedom and convenience of the wireless controller on Windows 10 PCs, laptops, and tablets. With the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows, you’ll simply plug the Adapter into the USB 2.0 or 3.0 port of your Windows 10 PC and bind the Adapter to your Wireless Controller to enable the same gaming experience you’re used to on Xbox One, including in-game chat and high-quality stereo audio. The Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows will be available for $24.99 U.S. MSRP or bundled with an Xbox One Wireless Controller for $79.95 U.S. MSRP* and sold in most markets where Xbox accessories are currently available.

We’re extremely grateful to our fans for your continued feedback and the Xbox team is continually working hard to expand and improve the experience. 2015 is going to be a great year for gamers.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-6-10 07:15 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-6-12 07:32 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-17 08:36 PM |只看该作者
【E3 15】出现在你眼前的小小世界! 《我的世界 Minecraft》in HoloLens 新技术展示

  微软在马来西亚时间 16 日午夜举办的 E3 公开发表会当中,展示透过扩增实境头戴装置「HoloLens」执行的《我的世界(Minecraft)》全新技术展示。






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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-18 07:03 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-19 06:35 PM 编辑

【E3 2015】《战争机器:究极版》PC版发售决定,并将对应DirectX 12&4K分辨率

  由微软于本届 E3 2015 电玩展中正式发表,将预定于 2015 年 8 月 25 日在 Xbox One 主机上重制推出的这款人气科幻动作射击新作《战争机器:究极版》(Gears of War:Ultimate Edition),如今据 The Coalition 的「Rod Fergusson」于 AMD 与 PC Gamer 在 E3 电玩展[词语过滤-#0048]同主办的「PC Gaming Show」上正式宣布,本作除了 Xbox One 版本之外,也将会推出 PC 版本上市。

  由官方预定八月底先于 Xbox One 主机上推出的这款《战争机器:究极版》,是一款将之前推出的一代给重新移植到 Xbox One 主机上再度推出的移植加强版,游戏中除了将会对应 1080p 分辨率进行重制,并对应 Dolby 7.1ch 音效演出之外,还机会加入约 90 分钟左右的新内容,例如包括五个从未在 Xbox 上发表过的剧情任务章节,以及相当于 1,250 游戏分数的新实绩,在网络多人联机部分也将会进行强化(Xbox One 版支持 60fps,并有专用服务器,还有对应玩家实力进行配对的配对系统,跟 TDM/King of the Hill/2v2 Gnasher Execution 等三种新游戏类型,包含所有 DLC 与之前 PC 版专用地图在内,合计共 19 张地图),也将配合窝人模式进行解锁 17 只《 GoW3》三代角色让玩家们使用;同时 Xbox One 版本也将会抢先收录将于 2016 年推出的《Gears of War 4》多人联机对战的公测序号让玩家们使用。

  至于在这次同样预定推出的 PC 版方面,除了将会把 Xbox One 版本的内容收录其中之外,还将会对应 DirectX 12 ,另外也将会对应 4K 分辨率,玩家们除了游戏杆之外,也可以选择使用键盘鼠标来进行游戏操作,至于 PC 版目前的上市时间则还是未定。 附带一提,《战争机器》除了一代曾经于 2007 年移植在 PC 平台上推出 PC 版本之外,之后就未曾再出过 PC 版本;而根据「Fergusson」于本次「PC Gaming Show」上「这只是最初的一步,之后还将会继续下去」的说法,不由得令人猜测,之后是否还将会二代与三代再度移植推出 PC 版本? 玩家们不妨就先拭目以待,等待官方之后更进一步的发表说明吧!




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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-18 07:17 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-20 03:54 PM 编辑

【E3 15】微软曝光新款 Xbox One 无线控制器 针对游戏类型自定义控制器按键

  在美国 E3 电玩展微软展前记者会中,微软正式曝光新款无线菁英控制器(Elite Wireless Controller)样貌与特色,并释出宣传影片。 此篇 GNN 报导将带领玩家一窥更多细节。


  新款无线控制器大小与原本大小相同,功能上除了新增标准 3.5mm 耳机麦克风插孔外,控制器后方还增加了 P1 至 P4 四个按键,让玩家可以轻松的游玩赛车竞速。

  另外,此控制器上还增加了可以控制 LT、RT 松紧的开关,对接触射击游戏的玩家来说可以很轻松的进行连续射击。

  此控制器特别的地方在于玩家可以针对游戏类型客制化自己的控制器,每个按钮是利用磁铁吸住固定。 控制器正面的左右模拟游戏杆皆可取下替换成较高的模拟游戏杆;而箭头键则可以替换成圆盘,对于游玩格斗类型的玩家较轻松,至于控制器后方的 4 个按键也可以取下、对换。

  另外,新款无线菁英 Xbox 控制器也可以自定义按键,并支持 Xbox One 与 PC;新控制器预定今年秋季上市。

Microsoft introduces new modular Xbox Elite wireless controller

Xbox Elite Wireless Controller

Professional-level customization for a competitive edge

• The Xbox Elite Wireless Controller features professional-level customization to give fans game-changing accuracy, faster speed and a tailored feel.

• You can swap between six thumbsticks of different shapes, sizes and heights, allowing you to discover configurations that can improve accuracy, speed and reach.

• Packed with two D-pad options, the new faceted D-pad enables more confident combo execution, while the traditional D-pad provides precise control to change weapons or call in a strike.

• Whether you’re playing a first person shooter like “Halo 5: Guardians” coming October 27 to Xbox One, a platform adventure game like “Ori and the Blind Forest,” or “Fable Legends” on Windows 10 available this holiday 2015, the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller gives you the option to adjust unique elements of the controller for better control, precision and comfort.

Better control, combinations and confidence

• The controller has four slots on the back for interchangeable paddles, allowing you access to commands with more fingers so you don’t have to take your thumbs off the thumbsticks to execute intricate jump, aim, and shoot combinations.

• You have the option to attach one or all of the paddles and configure the controller to what’s best for your gaming needs. Easily attach and remove paddles without needing any tools.

• With the flip of the Hair Trigger Locks, you can fire quicker and save valuable time with each trigger pull. Hair Trigger Locks stop the trigger movement after the shot so you’re ready for the next one. Simply flip the switch again to get back to full-range trigger motion.

More freedom and flexibility with an easy-to-use app

• Customize your experience even further with the Xbox Accessories App, available on Xbox One and Windows 10.

• Adjust trigger min/max values, thumbstick sensitivities, button assignments and more, so the controls are exactly the way you want them. Assign any of 14 inputs to the ABXY buttons, paddles, D-pad, triggers, and thumbstick clicks.

• Create up to 255 controller profiles in the app and have tailored settings for any game.

• Load two profiles on the controller and instantly change between them with the built-in Profile Switch.

Premium design guarantees long lasting quality

• Every surface and detail is designed to meet the rigorous demands of competitive gamers.

• Stainless steel thumbstick shafts, D-pads, and paddles are built to withstand intense gameplay.

• Low-friction, reinforced rings around each thumbstick minimize wear and ensure a smooth rotation.

• A new, enhanced rubberized diamond grip gives the controller a more substantial feel while providing more stability, and allowing you to hold the controller with less effort for a more comfortable gaming experience.

Price, contents, & specs.

• Xbox Elite Wireless Controller, available October 2015 for $149.99 USD MSRP (pricing may vary by retailer), includes:

- Xbox Elite Wireless Controller
- Carrying case
- Set of four paddles
- Set of six thumbsticks: standard (two), tall (two) and domed (two)
- Set of two D-pads: faceted and standard
- USB cable
- AA batteries

• Compatibility: Designed for Xbox One and Windows 10. The controller can be used on PCs running Windows 7 or later, but the Xbox


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