今年的秋天将会成为 Xbox 历史上非常重要的一刻,因为 Xbox One 已经准备好迎接目前最大规模的更新-受到来自于各位玩家的意见回馈启发、完全改头换面的 Xbox One,将带给玩家们前所未有的顺畅感以及强大的社交功能。 「New Xbox One Experience 全新的 Xbox One 使用体验」将会伴随着 Xbox 史上最强大的游戏阵容一起到来,让我们的支持者们能够尽情享受今年的圣诞档期。
身为 Xbox 部门平台团队的计划管理主任,我想要跟大家分享一下,今年 11 月你们将会看到哪些变化。 对于 Xbox 来说,我们把游戏以及玩家摆在所有事情的第一顺位。 我们受到各位的热情所启发,并且持续倾听你们的声音。 Xbox One 全新的使用体验将会结合 Windows 10 操作系统的性能,将 Xbox One 平台上的游戏体验提升到另一个层次。 导入了 Windows 10 的处理速度,Xbox One 全新的使用体验将会提升 50% 的速度,让玩家能够更迅速地链接到热门的游戏功能。 瞬间开始游戏派对、瞧瞧你的好友们在玩什么游戏、并且从首页随时掌握你最近玩过游戏的最新信息,全部都不需要等待时间。 我们也将会推出最多玩家要求的功能-Xbox One 向下兼容功能。
现在就让我们来一起瞧瞧今年 11 月的大规模更新会推出哪些超棒的功能吧:
在 Xbox One 平台上游玩 Xbox 360 的游戏
刚开始玩家将能够在 Xbox One 平台上游玩超过 100 款的 Xbox 360 游戏,而之后的几个月还会开放另外数百款游戏。 这些游戏也都将能够使用 Xbox One 才有的功能,包括屏幕截图、串流直播、以及录制游戏短片(DVR)-让玩家能够尽情享受你热爱的 Xbox 360 游戏。 你甚至可以与仍然在使用 Xbox 360 的好友们一起游玩多人联机模式。
全新的「Guide 导览」功能让玩家能够迅速地链接各种内容,只要一颗键便能够在各个应用程序之间穿梭,省去许多麻烦的步骤
玩家只要在首页(Home)按下手把控制器上的左键便能够使用导览功能,或者连双击 Xbox 键来立即叫出导览接口。 你可以存取好友列表(Friends)、迅速地开始派对(Party)、进入设定页面(Settings)、检视系统通知(System Notifications)、查看你的讯息(Messages),更多许多的功能都能够在首页上直接使用,而且不用离开你正在进行的游戏。 这是 Xbox 玩家最常使用的功能,所以我们倾注心力让这个功能变得更加顺畅、更加轻松,让玩家可以不间断游戏地使用各种功能。
我们将 Xbox One 的首页进行重新设计,让它变得更加迅速、并且让玩家更容易链接到你所喜欢的内容
我们导入了更迅速且更便捷的接口,来让玩家轻松存取最近使用过的游戏以及应用程序。 这项功能推出之后,玩家将能够更轻松地与 Xbox Live 社群分享你获得的成就以及录制的游戏短片,查看你的好友是不是正在游玩同一款游戏,并且一键链接到「Game Hubs 游戏中心」,来直接从游戏开发商以及专属社群查看某款游戏的消息以及近况更新。
全新的社群功能,让 Xbox One 的社交性更上一层楼
以玩家的意见回馈为基础,大刀阔斧改造后的这项功能,让玩家能够得知 Xbox Live 上的其他玩家正在做些什么事,并且立即参与正在 Xbox Live 社群中进行的讨论串。 在全新设计的「Activity Feed 活动摘要」页面中,查看好友的近况、或者关注你所追踪的游戏。 浏览全新的「Trending 趋势」页面,检视来自于 Xbox Live 社群玩家最热门的贴文。
从「OneGuide」接口中,玩家可以查看哪些电视节目是目前最多人在 Xbox 上观看的。 电视节目的窗体将会以全屏幕的方式来出现,而且我们也特别设计了多窗口的模式,来让玩家不错过精彩节目的同时,也能够浏览其他的内容。 我们将会推荐玩家最热门的新上映电影、电视节目、以及 Xbox One 应用程序的优惠方案,而且全新的「App Channels」页面也将为玩家呈现最新的电影、电视节目、以及各应用程序中的热门影片。
我们针对「Store 市集」进行重新改造,让玩家能够迅速地找到你所喜爱的内容
在「OneGuide」的右边,你将会看到全新、进化过后的市集,其中包含了四个方便玩家浏览的区域-「Games 游戏」、「Movies & TV 电影&电视」、「Apps 应用程序」以及「Music 音乐」。 而且全新的垂直检视系统能够让玩家一眼看到更多的内容。 透过直觉化的目录来浏览各种商品,例如「Staff Picks 精选内容」、「New Releases 全新上市」、「Top played 最多玩家游玩」、「Top rated 最高评价」、「Coming Soon 即将推出」、「Recommendations 推荐内容」等分类,来发现你的 Xbox One 上最新的游戏、应用程序以及娱乐内容。
在我们准备把 Xbox One 全新的使用体验开放给世界上全部玩家的同时,让我们持续获得玩家的意见回馈仍然是非常重要的。 为了要做到这件事情,我们将会把 Xbox One 全新的使用体验,开放给 Xbox One「Preview Program 预览计划」的成员来使用。 如同之前开放给预览计划的所有功能一样,在 11 月初正式释出之前,这些功能都是还是正在开发中的。 由于这是一次大规模的更新,我们将会让预览计划的成员们自行选择是否要参加这次的活动,来帮助我们可以顺利地推出 Xbox One 的全新使用体验。
开放给预览计划的玩家进行测试,将会是我们推出 Xbox One 全新使用体验的过程中非常重要的里程碑。 让支持我们的玩家持续参与这些过程,对我们来说是非常重要的事情。 你的意见回馈是极为重要的,所以请各位玩家继续在 Xbox Feedback 网页上输入你的想法,并且在接下来几个礼拜,持续锁定 Xbox One 全新使用体验的更多相关信息。
The New Xbox One Experience starts rolling out to preview today
The Fastest and Most Social Xbox Experience Ever Starts Rolling Out to Preview Now
Rolling out very soon in waves to a subset of preview program members is the first hands-on look at the new Xbox One experience. At its core, the new Xbox One interface is centered around making it quick and easy for you to access and discover what you want, when you want. Our focus for the completely redesigned dashboard is speed, ease of use, and—of course—fan feedback.
The team at Xbox had a packed summer sharing what’s coming to Xbox One at E3 2015 and gamescom 2015, along with contributing to the launch of the best version of Windows ever for gaming: Windows 10. Throughout the summer, droves of Xbox fans have logged in and provided excellent feedback on Xbox One updates and the Xbox app on Windows 10. We’re excited to take another step forward in bringing our vision to life for a new Xbox One experience.
This entirely new user experience is a work-in-progress and will undergo rigorous updating and polishing with the help of our Xbox One preview members very soon.
A redesigned Home to help you truly jump in
While keeping the main section concentrated on your task at hand (say, getting back to playing Gears of War: Ultimate Edition), we’re introducing vertical scrolling and a rearranged interface to provide faster and easier access to your most-recently accessed games and apps. You can also easily share your achievements and clips with the Xbox Live community, see whether your friends are playing the same games, and enjoy one-click access to Game Hubs to get news and updates from the publishers themselves. Engaging socially on Xbox One just got a lot quicker.
Quickly jump to Pins and My Games and Apps
At the bottom of Home, you’ll have quick access to the games and apps that you have pinned. You can quickly jump between your pins and most recently played game by using the triggers on your controller. Right trigger will take you straight to your pins. A pull of the left trigger will take you back to your most recently played game or app.
A new guide for fast access to essentials
A new Guide lets you quickly access essentials with just one button press, and without leaving your game, to save time spent weaving in and out of apps. You can access the Guide from Home by pressing left or double tap the Xbox button on your controller to instantly overlay the Guide.
• Friends and Parties – See which of your friends are online, join their parties, or click a button to instantly start a party and then add friends to it.
• Notifications – Instead of having to go back to Home to launch the Notifications Center full screen, new notifications will show up directly in the Guide and be grouped to make them quicker and easier to navigate.
• Messages – Just like notifications, multiple messages from a given friend will be both quickly accessible from the guide and neatly grouped.
• Settings – Frequently-accessed settings like headset volume will be up-leveled in the settings section of the guide to make them quicker to get to in the guide while you are playing a game.
• Snap – You now access your snap apps from the guide. In addition, apps snap to the left instead of the right.
OneGuide is your single destination for TV, movies, and video apps
Anchored to the right of Home, OneGuide is the place to quickly and easily see what’s trending on live TV and what’s new to stream across your favorite apps. With the new OneGuide, you’ll spend less time browsing and more time watching.
• Live TV – Keeping with our focus on speed, OneGuide’s TV listings come up instantly and in full-screen, showing more channels at once. We also added picture-in-picture mode for TV, so you can browse OneGuide without missing what’s happening in your show.
• Movies and TV shows – Explore more movies and TV shows with dedicated galleries, highlighting the best that Xbox has to offer from live TV and apps.
• App channels – Discover new things to watch through curated channels of streaming video from apps like Hulu and Fox Now. Accessible from the dashboard and throughout OneGuide, app channels help you find what to watch faster.
A new, easier to navigate Store
To the right of OneGuide, the new and improved Store features:
• Four easy to access areas – Games, Movies and TV, Apps, and Music will have more real estate on the main Store page dedicated to surfacing top content to you.
• New vertical gallery view – Using Games as an example, the all-new vertical gallery view within each area affords more listings to be showcased at a glance and the listings themselves are optimized for easier browsing with intuitive categories like Featured Staff Picks, New Releases, Top Played, Top Rated, Coming Soon and Recommendations.
With the New Xbox One Experience, we’re optimizing our design and layouts for speed, which means changes to the existing UI and features. Inspired by fan feedback and usage data, we’ve made your experience more intuitive by reducing button-presses, jumps and load times. A few examples of how we’re doing this are:
• Game Hubs – With more entry points throughout the new experience, the new Game Hubs provide similar content as the current Game Hubs but by changing the design we have improved discoverability and speed.
• Game DVR – You’ll now go to the Game DVR app, instead of the Upload app, to manage your clips and screenshots.
• Achievements – Your game progress can be viewed on your profile and you’ll find achievements in the Game Hub for each game. If you want to track achievement progress in real time while you are playing, you can do that by snapping the Achievement Tracker app.
This first preview wave is just the beginning of delivering the New Xbox One Experience and Xbox One Backward Compatibility this fall. Between now and November, we look forward to taking Xbox One preview program members along the journey with us, rolling out new builds to preview and soliciting your feedback with the end goal of releasing the New Xbox One experience that you’ve been asking for. We’ll have more to share in the coming weeks, so please stay tuned and keep the feedback coming!
Three Blockbuster Games When You Take Home the Xbox One 1TB Holiday Bundle
It’s day two in our week full of bundles and to help gamers get into the holiday spirit, we’re packing a punch today with value like never before. We’re excited to unveil the Xbox One 1TB Holiday Bundle featuring a few of our favorites from the greatest games lineup in our history: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, Rare Replay and a full-game download of Ori and the Blind Forest. With 1TB of storage, you can play and store more games than ever, including your Xbox 360 favorites thanks to Xbox One Backward Compatibility.
With the Xbox One 1TB Holiday Bundle, fans can look forward to:
Experiencing the original Gears of War rebuilt from the ground up in 1080p, including 60FPS competitive multiplayer with 19 maps and six game modes and five campaign chapters never released on console.
Accessing the entire Xbox 360 Gears or War collection to play on Xbox One through Backward Compatibility at no additional cost when you play Gears of War: Ultimate Edition on Xbox Live by Dec. 31, 2015.
Playing a jaw-dropping collection of 30 iconic games with Rare Replay, from Battletoads and Banjo-Kazooie to Perfect Dark and more.
And immersing themselves in the critically acclaimed action-platformer, Ori and the Blind Forest.
This year we’ve also got an incredible roster of exclusives like Halo 5: Guardians, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Forza Motorsport 6. With new features added all the time, and the fastest and most social Xbox experience ever coming this November, there’s never been a better time to jump ahead with Xbox One.
The Xbox One 1TB Holiday Bundle will be available starting in October for $399 USD. Check with your local retailer, including Microsoft stores, for details today.
First 104 Xbox One backward compatibility games announced
Xbox One 第 1 波向下兼容 Xbox 360 游戏列表公布 包含 104 款套装 / 下载游戏
微软今年 6 月在 E3 展正式宣布 Xbox One 将提供软件仿真向下兼容 Xbox 360 游戏,并预定于 11 月 12 日释出的「New Xbox One Experience」系统软件更新中正式加入此一功能。 首波预定提供约 100 款兼容游戏,后续预定每个月追加 100 款以上的兼容游戏。 11 月 9 日微软率先公布了第 1 波向下兼容的 Xbox 360 游戏列表,包含 104 款 Xbox 360 套装 / 下载游戏,供玩家参考。
Xbox One 向下兼容 Xbox 360 游戏功能是采用软件仿真方式实现,微软会针对预定提供兼容的游戏进行测试,替每一款游戏制作对应的优化仿真程序。 当玩家将兼容的 Xbox 360 游戏光盘放入 Xbox One 主机时,系统会自动上网下载包含完整游戏数据与优化仿真程序的游戏包,之后游戏光盘将只做为启动认证之用,实际上执行的会是储存在硬盘机的下载游戏包。 下载游戏的运作模式与光盘游戏类似,玩家可以直接在 Xbox One 上下载包含仿真程序的兼容版本直接执行。
在执行 Xbox 360 游戏时,玩家可以使用完整的 Xbox 360 系统功能,还可以运用 Xbox One 新增的功能,像是游戏画面截图、游玩实况录像与在线直播、Windows 10 远程串流游玩等。
Full list of launch titles
Introducing Your First 104 Xbox One Backward Compatible Games
At Xbox, we believe that gaming is universal and should be enjoyed by everyone, everywhere. Our philosophy since launching Xbox One two years ago has been to put gamers at the center of everything we do and create the best, most seamless gaming experience possible. We’re taking a major step forward in that journey on November 12 when we start rolling out the New Xbox One Experience with Xbox One Backward Compatibility.
Today, I’m happy to unveil to you the first 104 Xbox One Backward Compatibility games. Some of my favorites are included, like the complete Gears of War catalog, Assassin’s Creed II, Fallout 3, Borderlands, and Castle Crashers. The full list of the first 104 games is above and can also be found on Xbox.com/BackCompat. And, as I shared at Gamescom, going forward, all Xbox 360 games available through Games with Gold after Nov. 12 will be playable on Xbox One.
Our launch of 104 titles on Nov. 12 is just the beginning. You can expect new Xbox One Backward Compatible games to be announced on a regular basis, starting in December. More titles are on the way, including fan favorites like Halo Reach, Halo Wars, Call of Duty: Black Ops 1, Bioshock, Bioshock 2, Bioshock Infinite, and Skate 3. Stay tuned because this is just the beginning of a long list of Xbox 360 games that will run on Xbox One.
In the meantime, the video above gives you a snapshot of Xbox One Backward Compatibility in action. Or, take a look at this video from earlier this year that further explains the Xbox One Backward Compatibility benefit.
Since the launch of Xbox One, your input and feedback have helped shape the future of gaming at Xbox, including making Xbox One Backward Compatibility a reality. Keep it coming, and keep voting for the Xbox 360 games that you want added to Xbox One Backward Compatibility, at Xbox.UserVoice.com.
Button Remapping Now Available on Standard Xbox Wireless Controllers
Xbox One 现在开放所有控制器使用按钮对应功能
在售价高达 150 美金的 Xbox One 菁英无线控制器的多项卖点中,其中一个便是能够依照玩家偏好来自定义按键的功能。 微软曾于今年 10 月时透露类似的功能未来也将会开放给一般的控制器使用,不过并没有公开此功能推出的日期。 而在最近终于开放给所有玩家使用的「全新 Xbox One 使用体验」(New Xbox One Experience)中,这项功能便已正式登场。
不过各位玩家先不要过度兴奋,因为这跟菁英控制器能办到的自定义功能相比还是有所不同。 微软 Xbox Live 负责人 Major Nelson 解释,标准版本控制器的按键自定义功能仅限于指派各个按键的用途。
如果玩家想要在按下 Y 键时变成按下 X 键的输入指令,那么 X 键便会自动地取代 Y 键原本的功能。 玩家可以自由地任意地更换按键的配置,不过并无法从控制器上移除某个输入指令、或者让多个按键拥有一样的输入指令(而菁英控制器却能够达成这两项功能)。 同时,由于设定的程序听起来非常繁复,或许会让某部分的玩家对于这项功能兴致缺缺。
另一项值得注意的限制在于设定好的参数是以整体系统为范围(而非针对特定游戏),同时设定的档案只会储存在主机内部;也就是说如果玩家使用的是另一台主机,那么你将必须要重新进行设定。 而按键自定义的功能也仅限于 Xbox One,目前 PC 尚未开放支持;官方表示这项功能要等到「之后才会再进行确认。 」
如果玩家已经下载了改革用户接口整体外观、并且导入向下兼容功能的最新 Xbox One 系统更新的话,那么你现在就可以自行设定你的控制器(无论是微软原厂控制器、或者第三方的控制器都可以使用这项功能)。 不过这项功能并不是那么容易找到;这项功能一共隐藏在下方三个区域中。
「Settings 设定」->「Ease of access 轻松存取」->「Button mapping 按钮对应」
能够在「Xbox Accessories Xbox 配件」应用程序中找到
Button Remapping Now Available on Standard Xbox Wireless Controllers
As part of the New Xbox One Experience, we have added button remapping capability for standard Xbox One controllers through the Xbox Accessories App. This highly-requested feature offers a great alternative to remapping buttons on an individual game basis. Now each user on the console can have their own custom button mapping.
For those who want the ultimate degree of personalization, the Xbox Elite Wireless controller is the best choice for complete control. Here’s how the remapping capabilities compare across the Elite and standard controllers:
Standard controller remapping can be accessed in three ways through the New Xbox One Experience:
1. Settings / Kinect & Devices / Devices & Accessories
2. Settings / Ease of access / Button mapping
3. Launch the Xbox Accessories app directly
For standard controllers, you can now swap button pairs. For example, if you choose to map LB to X, then X is automatically mapped to LB. This maintains that all buttons are always mapped on a standard controller. You can do multiple button swaps in sequence to move button commands to where you want them to be on the controller. When buttons are remapped on a standard controller, the remapping is not transferrable to other consoles. In other words, if you move to another console, you’ll need to go through the remapping process again with that new console. Remapping is available for both first party wireless and third party wired controllers. Remapping for standard controllers is available for Xbox One consoles only, with PC support to be confirmed at a later time.
For the Elite controller, the only required buttons that need to be mapped somewhere on the controller are A and B. Another unique remapping feature for the Elite Controller is that you can have multiple buttons mapped to the same function (e.g. multiple physical buttons or paddles can be mapped to X). Remapped settings are stored directly on Elite controller, so you can bring your custom settings to another console or PC.
On consoles, the Xbox Accessories app notifies users if their controller has an optional or mandatory firmware update. On the PC, the recently updated Xbox Accessories app can now be used to update the firmware on your standard controller, Elite controller, or Chatpad.