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【新闻部】The Xbox One









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-5-26 07:14 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-26 07:10 PM 编辑

Reports: Smaller Xbox One Coming This Year, More Powerful Xbox One in 2017
传 Xbox One 将于今年推出薄型化版本 明年推出效能大幅强化版本

  根据美国游戏网站 Kotaku 昨日刊出的内线消息报导指出,微软目前正在规划两种新款式 Xbox One 主机,一种是预定今年推出的薄型化廉价机种,另一种是预定明年推出的效能强化机种。

  报导指出,根据 3 名不具名内线的消息,微软预定于 2017 年推出代号「Scorpio(天蝎座)」的新款式 Xbox One 主机,将配备更强大的绘图芯片,具备支持 Oculus Rift 虚拟现实(VR)装置的能力,预计能提供 5~6TFLOPS 的浮点数运算效能,支持 4K 分辨率,但规格目前还未底定。

  此外,微软还预定于 2016 年内推出另一台规格不变、但体积缩小的薄型化机种,可能会配备更大容量的 2TB 硬盘机。 根据 Polygon 后续的报导指出,薄型化机种将搭配重新设计的控制器,Verge 的报导则是指出该机种的体积将比现有机种小 40%,而且可能会支持 4K 分辨率影片。

  两种新款式主机都可能会在今年 6 月的 E3 展前发表会上公布,Polygon 报导指出薄型化机种最快可能会在今年 8 月上市,价格还未确定。 效能强化机种则预计要到 2017 年下半才会推出。

  而这些新款式主机都只是「Project Helix(螺旋计划)」项目的一部分,该项目的目标是将 Xbox 与 Windows 两大品牌合而为一。 目前微软已经逐渐让旗下开发的独占游戏跨 Xbox One 与 PC 推出,未来则是会让所有游戏,包含旗舰的《最后一战》系列都跨 Xbox One 与 PC 推出。

  消息来源还指出微软计划让旗下的主机更频繁地更新硬件规格推出新机种,不过游戏仍会维持一贯的前后兼容性,能在 Windows 10 PC 以及各种不同的 Xbox One 机种上游玩。 这部分的说法与先前 Xbox 总裁菲尔‧史宾瑟(Phil Spencer)3 月在媒体活动中针对 UWP 揭露的目标一致。

  目前微软与 Oculus VR 都没有响应 Kotaku 对相关消息提出的求证。

  除了 Xbox One 的新机种之外,另一篇 The Verge 的报导还指出,微软计划在 E3 展发表两种 Xbox 串流装置,其中一种是类似 Chromecast 的小型装置,可以将 Xbox One 的游戏串流到远程的电视上显示与游玩。 另一种则是类似当年被取消的 Xbox TV、具备更进阶处理能力的串流装置,可以执行 Windows Store 的通用 App、观赏网络串流影片或是用来串流 Xbox One 的游戏。

Sources: Smaller Xbox One Coming This Year, More Powerful Xbox One in 2017

Microsoft is preparing at least two new Xbox models for release in the next two years, sources tell Kotaku. Later this year we’ll see a cheaper, smaller Xbox One, and next year Microsoft will release a more powerful version of their premiere console.

The 2017 Xbox, which is codenamed Scorpio, will have a more powerful GPU, according to three people familiar with this model, speaking anonymously because they were not authorized to speak about Microsoft’s plans. We hear that it will also be technically capable of supporting the Oculus Rift and that Microsoft is pursuing a partnership with Oculus. As for 2016, sources have told us there’s at least a more compact version coming by year’s end. One source believed it will include a larger 2TB hard drive, double the capacity of the most spacious current model. We’re expecting Microsoft to announce the more compact machine at E3 next month.

The two consoles form part of a wider Microsoft strategy, codenamed “Project Helix” according to one source, to converge Xbox and Windows.

Developer sources have told us that Microsoft’s new mandate is to release future games–including the flagship Halo series–on both platforms.

Microsoft plans to move towards an incremental model, with more frequent hardware releases and games that are both forwards and backwards compatible across both Windows 10 and different Xbox models.

More at Kotaku

Sources: Xbox One getting huge upgrade in 2017, slim model later this year

Microsoft has two new Xbox consoles on the horizon, according to reports on Kotaku and corroborated with Polygon's own sources. Those sources also told Polygon that one of those new consoles will be over four times more powerful than the current Xbox One and that the announcement at E3 was triggered by, among other things, a faster than expected timeline for Sony’s own upgraded PlayStation 4. The other console, a slimmed down version of the current hardware, will also be getting a redesigned controller.

The other console, codenamed Scorpio, is unlikely to be released until late 2017 according to Polygon's sources. It will likely be announced in the next month, though plans are somewhat in flux. Like the all-but-confirmed PS4 "Neo," Scorpio represents an evolution of console generations, one that straddles the line somewhat between an entirely new installment of the Xbox platform and a continuation of the existing Xbox One.

Power is a primary concern for Microsoft with Scorpio. The PS4 has remained a constant leader over the Xbox One in this respect, with games on the platform running at higher resolution and a higher framerate on the PS4 than their Xbox One counterparts. Microsoft is determined to end this narrative.

The Xbox One is believed to operate a peak target of 1.32 teraflops, compared to the 1.84 teraflop performance numbers attributed to the PS4. Meanwhile, per documents secured by Giant Bomb's Austin Walker — and corroborated by our sources — the PlayStation 4 "Neo," at approximately 2.25 times more powerful than the PS4, is likely to have a peak performance number of 4.14 teraflops.

The current performance target for Microsoft’s Scorpio is approximately 6 teraflops.

A price for Scorpio is also still under active discussion, and is unlikely to be revealed until next year.

"Universal compatibility" is a core principle for the system. Scorpio is currently being designed to support all Xbox One software.

More at Polygon


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-6-2 07:32 AM |只看该作者
【E3 16】美国 Xbox One 价格限时调降 50 美元

  微软宣布,5 月 31 日起至 6 月 13 日期间,将在美国推出 Xbox One 限时降价促销活动,所有机种的价格都调降 50 美元,调降之后 500GB 款式的价格将突破 300 美元大关,来到 299 美元。


  不只是美国,台湾微软日前亦宣布的相同的降价措施,于 5 月 30 日至 6 月 12 日期间推出「Xbox One 限时大 FUN 送」活动,活动期间所有 Xbox One 单机版产品的价格将调降 1500 元,突破 1 万元大关,来到 9980 元,与美国的 50 美元降幅及基本款式的 299 美元价格相当。

  根据海外多家媒体的谣传消息指出,微软可能会在这次 E3 展发表体积缩小 40% 的薄型化新款 Xbox One 主机,因此这波降价促销很可能是替即将问世的新款主机铺路,让旧款主机之后以降价后的价格与新款主机并营销售。 另外,谣传还指出微软这次可能会发表 2 款 Xbox 串流装置,包括简易版的串流棒与进阶版的机顶盒,可能还有效能提升的强化版 Xbox One 主机会在明年推出。

  目前关于新款 Xbox One 主机及 Xbox 串流装置的消息仍属谣传阶段。 对 Xbox One 后续动向感兴趣的玩家,不妨密切注意台湾时间 6 月 14 日凌晨 0:30 同步直播的 Xbox E3 展前发表会。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-6-13 06:34 PM |只看该作者
Xbox One S slim model leaked


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-14 12:53 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-15 07:04 AM 编辑

Xbox One S Slim Model Officially Announced
【E3 16】微软发表 Xbox One S 主机 支持 4K 影音 预定 8 月推出 售价 299 美元起

  今(14)日举行的 Xbox E3 2016 briefing 发表会上,微软以 Xbox 新型主机 Xbox One S 作为开头,为发表会揭开序幕。

  微软今日所发表的 Xbox One S,相较于前代有着更小的体积外,并且将变压器将改为内藏,硬盘最高规格至 2 TB。 在影音支持上,主机将会支持 Netfilx 以及 Amazon 的 4K 影音串流服务,并且可播放次世代 UHD 蓝光规格。 而这次所推出的 Xbox One S 将会采用全新的 Xbox 无线控制器。

  Xbox One S 500GB 版本建议售价为 299 美元,2TB 版本则为 399 美元,目前美国官方网站已开放预订 2TB 版本,并且预定将于 8 月上市。

  另外,现场也释出了可让玩家客制化控制器的「Xbox Design Lab」宣传影片,不只可以选择零件颜色、造型,甚至还能雷射刻印文字。



Introducing the Newest Member of the Xbox Family: The Xbox One S

Today at E3, we unveiled a new member of the Xbox One family, the Xbox One S. The Xbox One S will offer exceptional games and entertainment starting at $299 USD.

With a fresh new design and “robot white” color, the Xbox One S is 40 percent smaller than the original Xbox One, creating the most compact Xbox yet. It also includes a built-in power supply, and in response to fan requests worldwide, can be placed horizontally or vertically with an optional stand.

Xbox One S is not just slimmer and sleeker. We also worked hard to add some exciting new features for video and gameplay. You’ll now be able to watch Blu-ray movies and stream video in stunning 4K Ultra HD video, with content from partners like Netflix and Amazon Video. Xbox One S also offers High Dynamic Range (HDR) support for video and gaming, so you can experience richer, more luminous colors in games like Gears of War 4 and Scalebound. With a higher contrast ratio between lights and darks, HDR brings out the true visual depth of your games and media.

For increased accessibility, we shifted one of the three USB ports and the pairing button to the front of the Xbox One S alongside the newly added IR blaster. Additionally, in order to make the Xbox One S as compact as possible and make all of these updates, we removed the dedicated Kinect port from the back. Kinect for Xbox One will still be compatible with Xbox One S via the Xbox Kinect Adapter for USB connection and offers the same great experiences as the current console. For fans that currently own a Kinect for Xbox One and plan to purchase the Xbox One S, we are offering a free Xbox Kinect Adapter. Visit xbox.com/XboxOne/KinectAdapter for more details.

The New Xbox Wireless Controller

The Xbox One S comes with a newly designed Xbox Wireless Controller featuring textured grip for enhanced comfort. We improved the Xbox Wireless signal performance to give you a more reliable wireless connection to the console and up to twice the wireless range when used with Xbox One S. To enable easier wireless connection to your Windows 10 devices, we also added Bluetooth support. The new thumbstick design significantly reduces wear to help maintain accuracy and smooth rotation over the life of the controller, so you never miss a beat. The new Xbox Wireless Controller is included with all Xbox One S consoles and will be available worldwide for individual purchase for $59.99 USD.

All Xbox One games, accessories and Xbox Live services will work with the new Xbox One S. With 500GB, 1TB and special launch edition 2TB options, you can choose the hard drive that’s right for you. The limited quantity 2TB launch edition Xbox One S will be available in select markets starting early August for $399 USD, with the 1TB Xbox One S for $349 USD and the 500GB Xbox One S for $299 USD arriving thereafter. The Xbox One Vertical Stand will also be available for standalone purchase for $19.99 USD.


Gears of War 4 coming to PC, cross-buy with Xbox One
【E3 16】Win 10 版《战争机器 4》发表 限定造型控制器曝光

  微软在北美当地时间 6 月 13 日举行的 E3 展前发表会「Xbox E3 2016 Briefing」中揭露旗下第三人称射击游戏《战争机器 4》的 Windows 10 版,可以与 Xbox One 版共享存盘与购买纪录、跨平台游玩,发售日和 Xbox One 版同样为 10 月 11 日。

  官方也释出影片预告将推出「Xbox 无线菁英控制器(Xbox Elite Wireless Controller)」的限定版「Gears of War 4 Limited Edition」;现已上市的格斗游戏《杀手本能(Killer Instinct)》也将追加出自《战争机器》的新角色「General RAAM」。

Gears of War 4 will come to PC in addition to Xbox One on October 11, Microsoft announced during its E3 2016 press conference.

The sequel will be “Play Anywhere,” meaning users can buy it once and play it on both Xbox One and PC. Additionally, Achievements and such will carry over across versions, and multiplayer modes are cross-play compatible.

Microsoft also announced it will release a Gears of War 4-branded Xbox One Elite wireless controller.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-6-14 06:36 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-17 06:07 PM 编辑

Sea of Thieves E3 2016 Gameplay Reveal
【E3 16】海盗风探险游戏《盗贼之海》首度曝光多人模式实际游玩影片

【E3 16】與三五好友航行展開最自由的冒險旅程 專訪《盜賊之海》開發團隊

  由 Xbox One 及Win 10独占的海盗风探险游戏《盗贼之海》在 2016 E3 微软展前发表会中,首度公开了游戏实际影片,可以看到多人联机玩法中,不同玩家于海盗船上各司其职。

  《盗贼之海》是由英国开发商 RARE 所开发,开发工作室领导 CRAIG DUNCAN 在发表会中表示,《盗贼之海》在三周前针对部分玩家进行了游戏测试,将玩家分为三个不同的组别进行游戏,发表会上也是首次曝光最新的游戏试玩影片。 玩家可以在海盗船上进行操舵、炮击等战斗方式,也有日常的饮酒、修复船舰的工作要执行。 并可以与其他玩家一同协力。



Sea of Thieves Resurfaces at E3

Ushered into the daylight at E3 2015 and then bundled quickly back below decks so that work could resume with a vengeance, Sea of Thieves has had a full year to provoke speculation and anticipation. Now, with E3 2016 bearing down on us like a ship full of fellow raiders in an unscheduled steering incident, it's time for some of your rampant questions to be answered and all-new ones to be raised.

We're on stage for the big Xbox briefing and on the show floor for the first global hands-on Sea of Thieves experience. Players will be submerging themselves in the latest in a long line of gorgeous Rare game worlds, and discovering the massive variety of ways to behave – and endearingly misbehave – within it.

For everyone who couldn't make it out to the west coast for some E3 time with Sea of Thieves, there's still no shortage of spectacle to take in. We've put together two new trailers for the occasion, the first giving you a cinematic moment-in-time snapshot of some of the in-game possibilities, set to the strains of a reworked high seas classic.

Freedom to forge your own path through Sea of Thieves is paramount. Hunt for a fabled hoard, romp across undiscovered islands, rise up against rival crews, carve out lasting legends... or just crowd around a table below decks getting ruined on grog and playing musical instruments badly. All viable pirate life choices, all open to you as your crew navigates wide open seas shared with friends and foes.

Those other rough-looking sorts you pass on the tides, bawling from the crow's nest or frantically priming their cannons? They're all other players making their own spur-of-the-moment decisions. Will you spend time together sharing stories of krakens and secret coves, or send those shifty-eyed lads and lasses straight to the bottom of the sea? Every pirate's got to do it at least once. Not that we're condoning such uncouth behaviour, but it's a cutthroat world out there.

Our second E3 2016 trailer follows up on the Sea of Thieves promise with a dose of gameplay reality, bringing together our Play It First contest winners and superfans in live play sessions recorded at Rare HQ prior to E3. These are the highlights from their own seafaring stories brought to life on that day.

Sea of Thieves is locked on course to launch on Xbox One and Windows 10. More news on dates and ways to play coming soon! In the meantime, we'd love for you to check out all the great new stuff on the official website for Sea of Thieves.




“Sea of Thieves” is an immersive, shared-world adventure game filled with pirates, unexpected dangers and loot for the taking. Be the pirates you want to be, share adventures with friends and set your own rules, roles and goals in a world where every sail on the horizon is another crew of players with unknown intent.


“Sea of Thieves” is a unique co-op experience that combines the thrill of adventuring together with friends with the unpredictability of a shared landscape and its threats, both from other players and the world itself.

• Innovative co-op gameplay in a shared world – “Sea of Thieves” is designed around players working together with shared goals and rewards, where you’ll go on epic voyages in search of legendary artefacts and buried treasure, but in a world where every sail on the horizon is another crew. What flag are they flying, and what do they want?

• Be the pirates you want to be – Crew up with your friends and be the pirates you want, choosing your own roles and goals. Explore the world, take on quests, or seek out conflict. It’s your crew against the world, and how you deal with other crews is entirely up to you.

• A rich fantastical world – “Sea of Thieves” invites players into a beautiful world with a distinctive art style, ripe for exploration and with mythical creatures lurking on islands and under the inviting surface of the sea…

• An evolving experience – “Sea of Thieves” offers an experience that will evolve over time, landing in players’ hands early and growing thanks to community insights and feedback. New ways to play will be unveiled as the world expands and evolves.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-6-14 06:39 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-19 07:00 AM 编辑

State of Decay 2 Announced for Xbox One & PC
【E3 16】与其他玩家合作撑过丧尸危机! 《腐朽之都 2》影片曝光

  《腐朽之都(暂译:State of Decay》在 2013 年初次登场时,便以单人动作外加策略要素玩法吸引到了不少喜爱殭尸生存游戏的玩家,而在历经了 3 年后,微软也在 E3 展前发表会上曝光了《腐朽之都 2》,也带来了游戏宣传影片供玩家抢先看。

  不同于一代,这次的新作强调玩家单独一人将无法轻易生存,玩家除了打造自己的生存团队和据点外,也能和其他玩家合作,挑战更加艰难的困境,并透过协同合作来打造一段独特的丧尸生存故事。 《腐朽之都 2》预计于 2017 年推出,将会在 Xbox One 和 Windows 10 平台上登场。


A letter to fans from Undead Labs Founder Jeff Strain - Undead Labs


The next installment in the critically acclaimed “State of Decay” franchise immerses you in an all-new, multiplayer zombie survival fantasy.* Build a lasting community, working with other players or solo to overcome challenges while exploring your own unique story in a world that remembers the choices you make. Coming to Xbox One and Windows 10 as an Xbox Play Anywhere game.


Play as a Community of Individuals in an Open-World Adventure

• There is no singular hero character. Play as an entire community — each survivor in the game is their own person, with a unique mix of background traits, skills, and attitudes that determine what they can do, what they want, and what they are willing to do to get it.

• Use your community’s unique array of individuals to forge a path through the game that is personal to you. Your choices shape the identity of your community, ensuring that no two stories are alike.

• Explore an open, simulated world filled with dynamic zombie and human enemies, friendly survivors to recruit into your community, and valuable resources and gear necessary to keep your people alive.

RPG Progression Systems for Individuals, Base, and Community

• Develop each survivor’s traits and skills to improve their capabilities and strengthen your community.

• Collect resources to build and fortify your base, unlocking crucial new facilities and valuable community options along the way.

• Elevate your favorite survivors to leadership roles in your community by heeding their advice and completing their goals, and unlock new community benefits and objectives that suit your leader’s ideals.

• Manage the relationships and goals of your survivors to build a strong community that has a lasting impact on the future of your world.

Four-player Co-op Multiplayer

• Play solo, or for the first time ever in the “State of Decay” franchise, with up to three of your friends.

• Invite friends to join your game, or drop into theirs. Work together as you explore the deadly post-apocalyptic environment, watching each other’s backs and sharing the rewards of your accomplishments.

• Each player maintains command of their own personal community and roster of characters.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-6-14 06:43 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-14 07:36 PM 编辑

Microsoft Announces Project Scorpio


Gaming Without Boundaries: Our Vision for the Future of Xbox - Xbox Wire

A message from Phil Spencer

The next step-change for gamers and developers must deliver true 4K gaming and high-fidelity VR experiences to the console. To that end, we were happy to announce the next addition to the Xbox One family: Project Scorpio.

When it ships next year, Project Scorpio will be our most powerful console ever built, specifically to lead the industry into a future in which true 4K gaming and high-fidelity VR are the standard, not an exception.

Project Scorpio will be the first console with 6 teraflops of power, which will empower the world’s greatest game creators to fully embrace true 4K gaming without sacrificing quality, generate premier VR experiences, without sacrificing performance, and putting greater graphic fidelity in the hands of the world’s best game creators.

Best of all, Xbox One, Xbox One S and Project Scorpio will all be compatible. All Xbox One games and accessories will play on each device. It’s very important to us that no one gets left behind, which is a big part of why we view Project Scorpio as a new way of thinking about consoles and generations.

The reason that we announced Project Scorpio today is to give our developers and partners the ability to embrace its capability early, in order to start realizing their visions for the future and deliver even more great games for you.

Today marks the beginning of gaming beyond generations. It’s a future full of choice, and one in which we can all play together without boundaries.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-7-19 07:10 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-19 06:08 PM 编辑

Xbox One S Launches August 2
薄型 Xbox One S 主机 2TB 版本预定 8 月 2 日在欧美地区抢先开卖

  微软于 Xbox Wire 透露,在今(2016)年 Xbox E3 展前发表会中发表,将会在 8 月上市的新型 Xbox One 主机「Xbox One S」,欧美地区确定在 8 月 2 日发售 2TB 版本的 Xbox One S 主机首发组合。

  新型的薄型 Xbox One S 主机,和旧款主机相比瘦身 40% 体积,并且将电源变压器变更为内藏式,硬盘最高规格扩增至 2TB。 影音支持上,主机将会支持 Netfilx 以及 Amazon 的 4K 影音串流服务,并且可播放次世代 UHD 蓝光规格,同时采用全新的 Xbox 无线控制器。

  Xbox One S 将会推出多种包装组合,500GB 建议售价 299 美元、1TB 建议售价 349 美元、2TB 版本 399 美元。 另外,《战争机器 4(Gears of War 4)》主机同捆版「Xbox One S Gears of War 4 Limited Edition」售价订为 449 美元。 目前欧美地区已经可以前往 microsoftstore.com 预约。

  另外,新型的 Xbox 无线控制器单支贩卖价格为 59.99 美元,和 Xbox One S 主机首发组合 8 月 2 日同步发售。

  2TB 版本的 Xbox One S 主机首发组合,将会于澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、加拿大、捷克共和国、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、荷兰、纽西兰、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、土耳其、英国和美国在 8 月 2 日上市。 而其他区域将会在今年后半陆续开卖。


Xbox One S Arrives August 2

Last month, we revealed a new member of the Xbox One family, the Xbox One S. Today, we’re excited to announce that the highly-anticipated 2TB Xbox One S launch edition will begin hitting shelves in select regions on August 2. That means that all pre-orders will arrive on August 2 and, for those of you that haven’t yet, you can still pre-order a 2TB Xbox One S launch edition through microsoftstore.com and select retailers. Availability is limited and demand is high so you’ll want to check with your local retailer for more information and pre-order your console soon.

Xbox One S is the most compact Xbox yet, 40 percent smaller than the original Xbox One, and includes a built-in power supply. We also shifted one of the three USB ports and the pairing button to the front of the Xbox One S alongside the newly added IR blaster for increased accessibility.

Beyond the fresh new design, Xbox One S is the first and only console that allows you to watch Blu-ray movies and stream video in stunning 4K Ultra HD with High Dynamic Range (HDR). That means you’ll get to enjoy your favorite shows and movies in the clearest, most realistic video possible. With HDR support for video and gaming, Xbox One games like Gears of War 4, Forza Horizon 3, and Scalebound will look even better thanks to a higher contrast ratio between lights and darks, bringing out the true visual depth of your favorite games.

Xbox One S also comes bundled with the new Xbox Wireless Controller featuring textured grip, improved Xbox Wireless signal and added Bluetooth support. The controller can be purchased as a standalone item for $59.99 USD and will also be available on August 2. All Xbox One games, accessories and Xbox Live services will work with Xbox One S.

The 2TB launch edition Xbox One S will be available in limited quantities for $399 USD on August 2 in the following regions: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and United States. Xbox One S will also be hitting store shelves for additional markets later this year.

For those of you looking for additional Xbox One S hard drive options, we will also be offering the console with 1TB and 500GB hard drives for $349 USD and $299 USD, respectively, so you can choose the right console for you. More details on the specific availability dates of these two options will be shared soon.

With the biggest blockbuster lineup of games in Xbox history coming to Xbox One and Windows 10 this year, platform updates to help you stay connected with friends on Xbox Live with even more games across your favorite devices and more hardware options available, 2016 and beyond is looking to be an incredible time to be an Xbox gamer.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2016-8-4 06:05 PM |只看该作者
There's a little Master Chief hidden inside the new Xbox One S



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2016-9-7 07:13 AM |只看该作者


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