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【新闻部】The Xbox One









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-1-14 06:18 PM |只看该作者
Xbox One February update detailed


Xbox One February system update: Game hubs and TV updates now in preview

Thanks to the Xbox community, we’re back in action early this year, kicking off 2015 with another system update preview release on Xbox One. Last year, we added hundreds of features on Xbox One — we can’t wait to share more with you this year and hear what you think on Xbox Feedback! This month, we’re bringing members of our Preview program a peek at how we hope to bring the Xbox community even closer together through an all-new feature called game hubs. Your friends, game creators, community managers, and other fans like you can now more easily meet, talk, share content, and play their favorite games. Also, we’re adding more tile transparency for custom backgrounds and a handful of updates to live TV.

Starting today, members of the Xbox One preview program will get to check out these new features first:

Game hubs

New in preview this month, game hubs are the go-to centers for all sorts of interesting content around your favorite games. Every Xbox One game will have a game hub where you can see which of your friends are playing the game, compete with your friends in game leaderboards, dive into the coolest game clips and game broadcasts, and follow the game’s VIPs and top players.

To get to the game hub for your favorite game, find a game in your pins, recently played list, or My games and apps, then press the Menu button and select View game hub. You can also search for any game in the Xbox Store and click on the game hub tile from the game’s store page.

Custom backgrounds and tile transparency

We listened to your feedback and added additional tile transparency to the Home tiles to make your background images more visible. As a reminder, to set a custom background, go to Settings > My Xbox > My background.

Note: some items can’t be made transparent due to usage rights/restrictions for certain images.

TV updates

We’re releasing a lot of updates to the live TV experience and features are being released to additional countries in preview this month:

• OneGuide for the Netherlands – Support for OneGuide will continue in preview for the Netherlands and the missing channels for the Netherlands OneGuide listings will become available over the next few weeks.

• TV trending in OneGuide – As you scan the detailed OneGuide TV listings, you can see which shows are trending by a “Trending on Xbox” note and associated icon. Xbox – live TV trending is based on the number of Xbox One owners currently watching that show in each country, pulled from anonymous data collected at a national level. Currently, Xbox TV trending is available to all members in the U.S., UK and Canada.

• Live TV trending (new countries) – France, Germany, Brazil and Mexico will begin seeing live TV trending data in Xbox OneGuide.

• Improved control of TVs, set-top boxes and audio/video receivers – Xbox One will work even better with more devices. This month’s preview release contains updates to the IR blasting database for new models and addresses issues reported by our fan community.

• “Trick play” with Xbox One Digital TV Tuner – Preview members with the Xbox One Digital TV Tuner in supported countries (UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain) will now be able to see video frames when fast-forwarding or rewinding paused TV on your Xbox One consoles.

• Live TV streaming on Windows Phone and Android – We are continuing the preview of live TV streaming on Windows Phone and Android devices for Xbox One Digital TV Tuner owners in the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-1-14 06:51 PM |只看该作者
Xbox One 赢得第 66 届「技术工程艾美奖」

  微软日前对外公开宣布,旗下家用游戏机「Xbox One」以其多媒体功能赢得了美国第 66 届「技术工程艾美奖(Technology & Engineering Emmy Awards)」。

  此奖项由美国国家电视艺术及科学学院在拉斯韦加斯的贝拉吉奥饭店颁发,旨在表彰 Xbox One 的电视直播功能,除了能够透过 CD、DVD 和蓝光光盘来播放影片之外,Xbox One 还能支持数字生活网络联盟(DLNA)以及 MKV 格式的影音档案,换句话说,用户也能以下载的方式抓取上述类型的档案藉由计算机、随身碟或是外接硬盘等装置来和 Xbox One 进行串流,甚至还能直接用语音来对其互动电视功能进行控制。

  其应用程序的涵盖频道也相当丰富,在美国当地可供选择的频道有:Amazon Instant Video, CinemaNow, Comedy Central, Crackle, CW, ESPN, Fox Now, FX Now, GoPro Channel, Hulu Plus, Machinima, MLB.TV, Major League Gaming, MTV, NBA Game Time, Netflix, NHL Gamecenter Live, Starz Play, Syfy Now, TED, Univision Deportes, USA Now, Verizon FiOS, VH1, Vudu, the WWE Network, and YouTube. Meanwhile, UK-specific apps include 4OD, Blinkbox, Demand 5, Eurosport, Netflix, Now TV, TED, Twitch, Wuaki.tv.

  讽刺的是,此套系统当初在 2013 年 5 月公开时,微软还因而遭到「在多媒体功能上太过专注(而非游戏)」的指责,引起部分玩家反弹。

  附带一提,先前曾以电视相关装置获得此一殊荣的公司分别是 Apple、TiVo、Roku 和 Sony。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-1-19 06:08 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-1-21 06:56 AM |只看该作者
State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition Releases on April 28

State of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition Builds a Bigger Zombie Apocalypse – Available April 28

State of Decay was one of the gaming highlights of 2013 (and much of 2014). A persistent, open-world zombie survival game, with base-building, resource management, and perma-death? Heck yes! It was unique and addictive – the kind of game that is different for every player, yet with a cohesive, universal feeling and message. And soon, State of Decay fans and newcomers alike will get to experience the post-apocalyptic adventure in a whole new light in State of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition for Xbox One.

State of Decay puts you in the center of a zombie apocalypse in Trumbull Valley. With an ever-growing band of survivors under your control, you have to figure out a way to stay alive long enough to escape. In Year-One Survival Edition, along with the base game, you get both DLCs: A more open-ended, “how long can you survive” experience (Breakdown), and a more structured experience (Lifeline) that includes a different location (Danforth) and you playing as a military unit, Greyhound One. Year-One Survival Edition comes with all three for $29.99 – which is an insane deal.

For its Xbox One upgrade, State of Decay gets a fancy new coat of 1080p paint. New textures add an increased level of detail to the world, and the lighting changes make day more vibrant... and night more treacherous. The increased draw distance lets you see zombie hordes coming from way down the road, giving you more time to prepare (or panic).

But State of Decay is really about the people, and developer Undead Labs made improvements to them as well. New animations make both humans and zombies move more fluidly and realistically, while an improved interface makes it easier for players to manage items, equip weapons, and make snap decisions during an intense horde attack. On top that, some of the characters from the Lifeline expansion are now playable in the Breakdown expansion.

Oh, and you’ve got a knife now – a sweet, sharp-ass knife. So if your melee weapon breaks, you can go all Michael Myers on the zombies instead of kicking them to death.

For the loyal State of Decay fans, Microsoft and Undead Labs are sweetening the deal: Everyone who already owns the Xbox 360 version receives a 33% discount on Year-One Survival Edition when it hits Xbox One later this year. On top of that, returning players receive a new exclusive character, the sword-wielding Indian-American badass, Gurubani.

Year-One Survival Edition is truly impressive, and definitely closer to the vision that Undead Labs had for the original game. State of Decay was an ambitious project – and it’s exciting to see it on hardware powerful enough to really handle its apocalyptic scope.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-1-22 06:58 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-1-22 06:35 PM 编辑

Phil Spencer Unveils New Experiences for Xbox One and Windows 10 Gamers
微软宣布 Windows 10 将支持 Xbox One 游戏串流与跨平台联机功能

  微软在美国时间昨(21)日举办的 Windows 10 发表会中,宣布 Windows 10 将支持 Xbox One 游戏串流功能,让使用 Windows 10 的装置能透过网络联机远程游玩 Xbox One 的游戏。

  该功能与 SCE 在 PS4 上提供的「遥控游玩(Remote Play)」功能近似,但适用的装置扩及所有 Windows 10 装置。玩家可以在安装 Windows 10 的桌面计算机或 Surface Pro 3 之类的平板计算机上,透过网络联机以串流传输的方式来游玩 Xbox One 上的游戏。只要开起专属的 App,即可选择与启动 Xbox One 上已经安装的游戏,自由存取所有在 Xbox One 上的游戏、成就与好友。

  玩家还可以透过 PC 来录制 Xbox One 游戏串流的游玩实况,与同好好友分享。

  另外,微软还将推广 Xbox One 与 Windows 10 的跨平台联机游玩功能,支持该功能的游戏,像是目前开发中的《神鬼寓言:传奇》,Xbox One 版与 PC 版的玩家将可以彼此联机合作游玩。


Phil Spencer Unveils New Experiences for Xbox One and Windows 10 Gamers

Millions of people use Windows every day, and they spend countless hours playing all kinds of games - from World of Warcraft and League of Legends to Minecraft and Minesweeper – on a variety of devices, whether they are PCs, laptops, tablets, or phones.

Gaming with Xbox has always been inherently personal and social – your games, your friends, your triumphs and stories. But moving from your console to your PC or phone is a challenge. We saw an opportunity to bring your gaming networks on the console and PC together. Most commonly, the game you play on Xbox doesn’t allow for multiplayer play with someone on the PC. And your gaming legacy only lives on one device or the other.

This morning at the Windows 10 media briefing, Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox at Microsoft, shared the company’s vision for gaming on Windows 10 and Xbox One. With Xbox on Windows 10, we’re bringing some of the most exciting features from Xbox Live and some of the most popular Xbox experiences into Windows 10 itself. The built-in Xbox app is the place where your world of gaming comes together. It’s a unified view of the games you care about, your friends, and your gaming activities. And with Xbox Live, more than 50 million members will now connect across screens in new ways.

“Over the last 13 years, Xbox has been focused on creating and expanding great gaming and entertainment experiences on console. We’re incredibly proud of the Xbox One and are fully committed to ensuring it’s the best place to play console games in 2015 and beyond,” said Spencer. “Now, we are also bringing that same focus, passion, and commitment to gaming on Windows 10, enhancing the PC games and gaming devices you already love, including the Xbox One. We’ve listened and learned from our past efforts in PC gaming and I am excited about what the future holds.”

Some highlights of the news announced today at the Windows 10 media briefing

• The Xbox App. Whether you only game on the PC, the console or both, the Xbox app brings together the most important aspects of your gaming life: Games, Friends, Messages, Activity Feed, your gaming legacy with Achievements, and much more.

• Xbox Live and multiplayer across devices. Xbox Live is social, interactive, and seamlessly integrated directly into Windows 10, bringing gamers the experiences they love across devices, like multiplayer gaming on Windows 10 against players on an Xbox One, and messaging and chat with friends. And developers will get full access to the Xbox Live API, making it easier to create more powerful gaming scenarios across devices.

• Game Streaming. Thanks to the deep integration of Xbox on Windows 10, games on Xbox One can be streamed through your home network to your Windows 10 PC or tablet, anywhere in your house. Xbox One gamers will now be able to play many of their favorite console games on their PC. And many Xbox One accessories will work interchangeably on the console and PC (with more on the way), so you can customize your experience in whatever way you see fit.

• DirectX 12. We’ve enhanced our graphics technology to squeeze every ounce of performance out of your supported hardware and open up a new wave of innovation for high-end graphics. Delivering greater complexity and detail on your current PC, games authored or updated for DirectX 12 are able to run faster and have richer visuals. And this technology is already in the hands of developers today. The engines used to power hundreds of games are implementing DirectX 12, including Unreal Engine 4 from Epic and, as we announced today, Unity.

• Game DVR. On Xbox One, one of the most popular features used by gamers is Game DVR, which gives simple access to recording, editing, and sharing out your most epic gaming moments. It’s not easy or consistent to do that for PC games today. We’re bringing this beloved feature to Windows 10, now accessible by simply pressing Windows+G. With the games you love playing – whether on Xbox Live, Steam, or other services – you can record, edit, and share game clips with all your social networks.

• Fable Legends. Today we announced that we are bringing Fable Legends to Windows 10 PCs, day-and-date with the Xbox One version in 2015. This means Fable fans running Windows 10 will be able to play against their fellow gamers on Xbox One. It’s the same game, in the same world, on the same map. Fable Legends is just the first of the major game franchises from Microsoft Studios coming to Windows 10 and we will have more to share in the coming months.

In the next week, anyone will be able to download the Windows 10 Tech Preview to begin interacting with an early version of the Xbox app. We’ll post a video walkthrough of the app in the coming weeks so you can have a closer look at the initial features available to gamers.

Now, while Xbox is coming to Windows, Windows 10 is also coming to Xbox One. As you know, Xbox One runs on Windows today for its app environment. Later this year we’ll update to Windows 10 to enable seamless interaction with PC gamers and to give developers who want to extend their applications to the television an easy path to do so.

Today marks a new era in gaming for Microsoft, and we’re looking forward to sharing more about what Windows 10 means to Xbox One at Game Developers Conference in March.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-1-22 06:14 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-1-22 06:34 PM 编辑


微软揭露全新扩增实境装置「Microsoft HoloLens」于现实和虚拟对象互动

  微软于美国雷德蒙德举办的「Windows 10: The Next Chapter」发表会中,揭露了全新的头戴式扩增实境装置「Microsoft HoloLens」。此装置是可以让用户以类似配戴 3D 眼镜的方式,在镜面上投影出「扩增实境」的 3D 全息影像。最大的特色就是现实世界和虚拟对象的结合,例如以墙壁为底来投放全息影像、将现实的房间仿真更换装潢、或是增添虚拟的对象等。同时,也实现了可干涉虚拟对象的功能,根据概念影片的展示,用户甚至可以直接在现实移动、重设大小甚至组合该虚拟对象。

Microsoft HoloLens


  「Windows 10」将默认支持「Windows holographic」应用程序编程接口,全球规格的应用程序将可以「扩增实境」的方式运作。「Microsoft HoloLens」内藏次世代 CPU、GPU 以及 HPU,并且不用连接 PC 来单体运行。同时搭载立体音响辨识,以立体声来重现虚拟对象在现实中身处的方向和距离。


  发表会中展示了原型试作机,同时在现场实际演示在视野以全息影像来显示虚拟对象的样貌。微软也公开了「Microsoft HoloLens」的概念影像,提示该装置未来可能的样貌,在影片中也看到短暂曝光了以虚拟玩法来游玩《我的世界(旧译:当个创世神,Minecraft)》的概念,也令人期待该技术未来如何结合虚拟游戏和现实的前瞻性。微软未来也将会释出 HoloLens 的开发工具,来推广软件以及装置的进一步开发。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-1-24 07:30 AM |只看该作者
Xbox App on Windows 10 Preview


Xbox on Windows Feature Summary for the January build of the Windows 10 Technical Preview

In 2015, the Xbox team will be working hard to deliver a first-class gaming experience on Windows 10, just as we have on consoles. As with Xbox One, we want you, our fans, to help shape the Xbox on Windows product and experiences. Our plans are to ship regular Xbox app releases that deliver new functionality by making changes based on your feedback.

With the initial preview release of the Xbox app, the team has focused on ‘the basics’, including supporting high resolution desktop monitors, keyboard and mouse input, and will continue to add new functionality until we finally ship the Xbox on Windows application and experiences later this year. With Xbox on Windows, we’re giving you more ways than ever to connect and play with your friends, wherever you go.

There is a lot more work for the team to do, but here are some of the features that you can check out with the initial preview release of the Xbox app in the January build of the Windows 10 Technical Preview:

Your Profile

Provides you quick access to your Xbox profile and recent activity and achievements. With the initial preview build, you can see your Gamerscore, recent Activity, Achievements, Following lists and Game Clips.

• Activity – provides detailed information on your last game played and also allows you to post updates to your Activity Feed.

• Achievements – allows you to browse all of the games you have recently played across all platforms and see how you are doing on Achievements.

• Following – displays your Friends and also enables you to see games that you are following. You can “Follow” a game by clicking on the Follow button on the game details page.

• Game Clips – provides you access to your recorded game clips


The Xbox app home page will provide you quick access to your Recently Played games, your friends and their online status and an Activity Feed of recent events, game clips, etc.

• Recently Played – you can see your recently played games, along with your gamer score and achievements earned across all platforms, you can also filter this list down to Xbox One and eventually other devices. When you click on a game, you bring up the Game Hub – where you can see your Gamerscore, Achievement status, Time played and Game clips for a particular game. Additionally, this is where you can choose to “Follow” a game.

• Friends – you can see your friends across devices and search and find new friends. Additionally, you can go the profile page for your friends and followers and view their recent activity, achievements, friends, games they follow and game clips.

- People you might know – the new Xbox app on Windows 10 provides you with a list of people that you might want to add to your Friends list, for example people that are Following you.
- VIPs on Xbox – You can now also choose to follow key gamers and content creators across the Xbox Live community, such as Clip Creators and Popular Broadcasters.

• Activity Feed – you can view your activity feed and post text, like and comment on your friends’ recent achievements and Game clips. In this version of preview build, the sharing functionality is not yet enabled.


Users can view messages from other users and system messages / notifications.


Within settings, you can see the current Version number of the Xbox on Windows app, and choose to Sign out from the app. Additionally, you can turn on/off the following items:

• Live tile – choose to display # of friends online, unread messages and activity alerts on the Xbox app tile on the Windows 10 Start menu

• Notifications - for the following items:

- Favorite online – Notify me when my favorite friends are online
- Twitch broadcast started – Notify me when my favorite friends start broadcasting
- Message – Notify me when I get a new message

Stay tuned for more updates from the Xbox team on the features coming to Windows 10 in the coming months. If you haven’t yet signed up for the Windows Insider program, start here.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-1-27 06:17 PM |只看该作者
Xbox One controller update available to preview members

Xbox Preview Program – Xbox One Controller Firmware update

If you are a member of the Xbox Preview Program, I recommend you update your Xbox One controller(s) with the latest preview build (OS version > 1502.150120) which provides the following updates:

• Quick Connect – previous controller connections to an Xbox One took 4-5 seconds when powering on a controller, now they should occur in ~2 seconds

• Stability improvements – the firmware also provides a number of fixes that address issues submitted by customers and preview participants

To update your controller firmware

• Connect a controller to your Xbox One with a USB cable. Keep any headsets connected to the controller.
• Connect to Xbox Live.
• Press the Menu
• Go to Settings > Devices & accessories. Select the controller. If you have multiple controllers attached, you can select Buzz – which will cause the selected controller to vibrate.
• Then select Update to download the new firmware to the controller attached via the USB cable, and the screen will show the Updating controller… progress screen
• When you see the Controller updated screen, press ‘B’ to go back to the Devices & accessories main page
• Reselect the controller, the Firmware version, should now be: 1.2.2236.0

For additional information, please visit the Xbox controllers website or read this article about Xbox controller connect issues. Thanks for helping make Xbox One better and better!



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-2-6 06:04 PM |只看该作者
Xbox One February update rolling out now


Xbox One February system update: Enjoy game hubs, updates to controller, party chat and TV

Today, we’re excited to begin rolling out the first system update of 2015. Since Xbox One launched, we made a commitment to listen to feedback from the Xbox Live community and we continue to deliver on that promise. We’re always listening to your thoughts and will continue adding new features and improving existing functionality to enhance your gaming and entertainment experiences on Xbox One.

This month, we’re improving the Xbox One controller, enhancing Party Chat and adding new TV features like trending to OneGuide, and bringing “trick play” and live streaming on Windows Phone and Android to Xbox Live members in Europe using the Digital TV Tuner. Additionally, you can discover new content from your favorite games and further personalize your dashboard, among other cool new features.

Check out the full list of new features we’re adding to Xbox One this month below and don’t forget to keep sharing your awesome ideas with us.

Controller improvements

We’re excited to improve stability and speed on the Xbox One controller in the following ways:

• Quick Connect – Previously, controller connections to Xbox One took approximately four-to-five seconds when powering on a controller. Now, it will only take about two seconds.

• Stability improvements – The update also provides a number of fixes that address some of the controller disconnect issues reported by Xbox One owners.

To download the update, connect a controller to your Xbox One with a USB cable. Keep any headsets connected to the controller. Connect to Xbox Live. Press the Menu. Go to Settings > Devices & accessories and select the controller. If you have multiple controllers attached, you can select Buzz – which will cause the selected controller to vibrate. Then select Update to download the new firmware to the controller attached via the USB cable, and the screen will show the Updating controller … progress screen. When you see the Controller updated screen, press ‘B’ to go back to the Devices & accessories main page. Reselect the controller. The Firmware version should now be: 1.2.2236.0

Game hubs

These are the go-to centers for interesting content, tips and tricks for your favorite titles. Every Xbox One game will have a game hub where you can see which friends are playing the game, compete with your friends in game leaderboards, dive into the coolest game clips and game broadcasts, and follow the game’s top broadcasters and clip creators.

To get to the game hub for your favorite game, find a game in your pins, recently played list, or My games and apps, then press the Menu button and select View game hub. You can also search for any game in the Xbox Store and click on the Game Hub tile from the game’s store page.

On the game’s activity feed, game developers can share interesting content with anyone who follows the game. You’ll be the first to get news on upcoming updates and DLC, featured game clips and trailers, behind the scenes content and more. All the news about your favorite games is delivered right to your console. Additionally, you can now choose to Follow a game from a game hub, which will incorporate the game’s activity feed content into your activity feed.

Party chat updates

We made several changes to party chat in recent weeks, including:

• Chat connection status – New icons have been added to let you know the current status of a chat connection in your party. A Clock icon means the connection is being made. A Squawker Ring icon indicates the connection was successful, and actively shows who is speaking. An X icon means that networking limitations (such as a Strict NAT) are preventing the chat connection from completing for specific participants.

• Improved connectivity between multiple participants with Strict or Moderate NATs – We also made some connectivity improvements to party chat in partial mesh situations when multiple participants are behind moderate or strict NATs with their home gateways/routers.

• Game and party invitations – To help you more quickly know who is inviting you to what, we made improvements to game and party invitations. Now, you can see which of your friends is inviting you and what party or game the invite is for, without having to wait for the text to scroll on the notification.

• Performance improvements – We also decreased the time it takes to set up person-to-person (P2P) connectivity for party chat and streamlined the retry logic for setting up party chat sessions.

Custom backgrounds and tile transparency

We’ve added tile transparency to the Home tiles to make your background images more visible. As a reminder, to set a custom background, go to Settings > My Xbox > My background. Note: some items can’t be made transparent due to usage rights/restrictions for certain images.

TV updates

A number of updates to the live TV experience are available today and new features have been added to additional countries including:

• TV trending in OneGuide – As you scan the OneGuide TV listings, you can see which shows are trending with a “Trending on Xbox” or “Trending on Twitter” note and icon within the details for each show. Currently, Xbox TV trending is available to all Xbox One owners in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada, and Twitter trending is available in the United States.

• Live TV trending (new countries) – France, Germany, Brazil and Mexico now have the ability to see live TV trending data in Xbox OneGuide.

• Improved control of TVs, set-top boxes and audio/video receivers – Xbox One works even better with more devices. Updates to the IR blasting database for new models have been added and address issues reported by our fan community.

• “Trick play” with Xbox One Digital TV Tuner – Xbox One Digital TV Tuner owners in supported countries (United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Spain) are now able to see video frames when fast-forwarding or rewinding paused TV on Xbox One consoles.

• Live TV streaming on Windows Phone and Android – Live TV streaming on Windows Phone and Android devices for Xbox One Digital TV Tuner owners has been added in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

• OneGuide for the Netherlands – Support for OneGuide is being added for Xbox Live members in the Netherlands.

The passion and enthusiasm we’ve seen from the Xbox Live community in helping Xbox deliver the best gaming experience possible has been amazing and we can’t wait to see what other ideas are in store for us. Thanks so much for your feedback and stay tuned for more Xbox One system updates.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-2-17 07:05 AM |只看该作者


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