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【新闻部】Activision Blizzard / Respawn Entertainment









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-11-7 07:28 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-8 07:47 AM 编辑

《魔兽:崛起(Warcraft: The Beginning)》正式曝光首部预告影片 更多场景与战斗画面揭露

  传奇影业与 Blizzard 于今(7)日在 2015 BlizzCon 中公开《魔兽:崛起》首部预告影片。

  由电影《启动原始码(Source Code)》导演邓肯琼斯(Duncan Jones)执导的《魔兽:崛起》是部改编自 Blizzard 旗下《魔兽争霸》、《魔兽世界》的电影新作,主要演员有崔维斯费米尔(Travis Fimmel )、葆拉巴顿(Paula Patton)、托比凯贝尔(Toby Kebbell)、班福斯特(Ben Foster)、多米尼克库柏(Dominic Cooper)、班史奈泽(Ben Schnetzer)、罗伯卡辛斯基和吴彦祖(Robert Kazinsky),本片由传奇影业、Blizzard 和亚特拉斯娱乐Charles Leavitt 联合制作。


  BlizzCon 开幕仪式于美国时间 11 月 6 日 11 时正式登场,而众所瞩目的《魔兽争霸》系列改编电影《魔兽:崛起》首部正式预告片在约 11 时 15 分(美国时间)放映,现场玩家终于一睹这部期待已久的电影正式预告片内容。

  饰演迦罗娜的葆拉巴顿、麦迪文的班佛斯特、 莱恩王的多米尼克库柏、古尔丹的吴彦祖与黑手的克兰西布朗与导演邓肯琼斯更现身开幕式,引起全场欢呼。


  《魔兽:崛起》预定 2016 年 6 月 10 日在全国上映。

《魔獸:崛起》電影吳彥祖談古爾丹拍攝幕後 寶拉巴頓透露對迦羅娜看法

《魔兽世界》新数据片《军临天下》明年夏季问世 开场动画曝光


《魔獸世界:軍臨天下》Beta 測試近期展開 揭露新區域、場景、副本詳細情報

The Invasion Begins Summer 2016 - World of Warcraft: Legion Now Available for Purchase

The Burning Legion’s assault on Azeroth begins next summer—but for heroes around the world, hunting preparations start now. Today at BlizzCon 2015, Blizzard Entertainment announced that World of Warcraft : Legion, the sixth expansion to its acclaimed massively multiplayer online role-playing game, is now available for pre-purchase at http://www.wowlegion.com/.

Players who pre-purchase World of Warcraft: Legion digitally can immediately boost one character of their choosing to level 100. In addition, those who pre-purchase will get early access to the brand-new hero class coming with Legion, the Demon Hunter, prior to the expansion’s release.

During today’s BlizzCon opening ceremony, Blizzard also unveiled the intro cinematic for the expansion, setting the stage for the demonic Burning Legion’s devastating return. As the Horde and the Alliance battle against hopeless odds, heroes of both factions must seek salvation among the Broken Isles—ancient center of a doomed night elf civilization. There, they’ll take up mighty Artifact weapons and make a forbidden pact with the dread Demon Hunters of the Illidari—a final, desperate bid to save their world from falling under the Great Burning Shadow.

“World of Warcraft: Legion is one of the most intense chapters in the Warcraft saga yet, filled with features and content that will push new and veteran heroes to their limits,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and co-founder of Blizzard Entertainment. “Whether players want to boost a new character or get a head start on mastering a Demon Hunter, they’ll be primed and ready to battle the Burning Legion when the expansion launches next summer.”

Prepare for Battle

World of Warcraft: Legion will be available in a Standard Edition (physical and digital versions available; SRP $49.99), which players can pre-purchase digitally now at www.wowlegion.com. Players also have the option to upgrade their pre-purchase to the Digital Deluxe Edition (SRP $69.99), which contains the following in-game bonuses for World of Warcraft and other Blizzard games (available upon or before the expansion’s launch):

• World of Warcraft - Illidari Felstalker Mount and Nibbles Pet: Stalk the invading demonic forces atop one of the Burning Legion’s own twisted hounds of war, and summon a delightfully demented companion to keep you warm by the fel fire—both available immediately upon pre-purchase.

• Heroes of the Storm - Felstalker Mount: Charge down the lanes of the Nexus and wreak havoc on the opposing team astride this fierce fanged terror.

• StarCraft II - Fel Protoss Portraits: Take back Aiur in infernal style with psionic-infused StarCraft II portraits of Illidan and Gul’dan.

• Diablo III - Wings of the Betrayer: Equip your hero with Illidan’s wings and strike terror into the hearts of Sanctuary’s demons.

Players who pre-purchase either the digital Standard Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition of Legion through wowlegion.com will be able to immediately boost one character to level 100, allowing them to experience the latest World of Warcraft content alongside their friends. Players who wish to prepare multiple characters for battle against the Burning Legion also now have the option to purchase additional level-100 character boosts directly through the game at $60 each. Further details on character boosts, including information on the gear, skills, and Garrison upgrades boosted level-100 characters will receive, can be found at worldofwarcraft.com.

Pre-purchasing Legion will also grant early access to the Demon Hunter prior to the expansion’s release. This dexterous and deadly new hero class turns the twisted power of the Burning Legion against them; drawing on fel forces to fuel their attacks, Demon Hunters pursue their prey with uncanny agility, unleash pent-up fury in the form of devastating attacks, and metamorphose into terrifying demonic forms. As a hero class, Demon Hunters begin their journey at a higher level than other World of Warcraft classes. During the pre-launch early-access period, players will be able to complete the Demon Hunter’s unique starting experience and achieve level 100—leaving them fully prepared to join their allies on the Broken Isles the moment the expansion launches. Further details on the Demon Hunter upcoming early-access period, including the timing and duration, will be announced at a later date.

World of Warcraft: Legion will also be available in a retail-only Collector’s Edition (SRP $89.99), which includes the digital bonuses from the Digital Deluxe Edition along with a full-color hardcover art book, a behind-the-scenes two-disc Blu-ray/DVD set, a CD soundtrack, and a Legion mouse pad. Supplies are limited; players should check with their local retailer for pre-order details and availability.

  Blizzard 今日在 BlizzCon 宣布,2016 年夏季推出《魔兽世界》最新数据片《军临天下》,BlizzCon 现场公开新数据片开场动画。

  今日在 BlizzCon 舞台上,由 Blizzard 故事剧本暨商品发展部资深副总裁 Chris Metzen 公开《军临天下》开场动画,预告邪恶的燃烧军团即将重返艾泽拉斯,涂炭生灵。 部落与联盟陷入绝境,胜算渺茫,双方英雄必须在已遭毁灭的上古夜精灵文明核心找出一线生机。 英雄将在此寻得威力无比的神兵武器,并与恐怖的伊利达瑞恶魔猎人缔下禁忌之约 —为了不让世界落入燃烧军团的魔掌,他们只能出此下策。

  Blizzard Entertainment 首席执行长及共同创办人 Mike Morhaime 表示:「《军临天下》的新功能、新内容能让新玩家和老玩家都感受到淋漓尽致的游戏体验。 无论玩家选择直升新的角色,或是扮演恶魔猎人,都能得到无穷的乐趣,在明年夏天数据片上市前,做好与燃烧军团正面对决的万全准备。 」


Chris Metzen


  • 新职业:恶魔猎人─恶魔猎人:除灵敏矫捷的身手外,还能释放潜藏的恶魔之力,变身为恐怖的恶魔形态。
  • 新功能:神兵武器:发挥传奇武器的力量打击燃烧军团,解锁新的技能与特长,成为你独一无二的专属神兵武器。
  • 新区域:破碎群岛:在新的冒险地图探寻失落的夜精灵古文明,克服翡翠梦魇的腐化力量,并在各大区域寻猎燃烧军团的爪牙。
  • 新功能:职业大厅:无论你是圣骑士还是术士,团结就是力量。 联合同职业的 NPC 伙伴,指挥他们执行任务。
  • 全新 PvP 荣誉系统:在竞技场与战场对抗敌方阵营,为名誉和荣耀而战,赢得新的 PvP 专用技能。

  Blizzard 表示,《魔兽世界:军临天下》将推出典藏组合包,内含《魔兽世界》与其他 Blizzard 游戏礼物(将于数据片推出前后自动启动):

  《魔兽世界》–伊利达瑞恶魔潜猎者坐骑与尼波斯宠物—骑乘燃烧军团的恶魔战犬,追击入侵的恶魔军队,并召唤总是兴奋过头的忠诚伙伴与你共度旅程,牠会用魔化火焰温暖你的身心。 ——购买后可立即使用。

  • 《暴雪英霸》–恶魔潜猎者坐骑—乘着这只凶恶无比的猛兽在万象界域自由驰骋,把敌方队伍打得天翻地覆。
  • 《星海争霸 2》–魔化神族头像—使用幽能灌注的伊利丹和古尔丹头像展现炼狱风格,霸气地夺回艾尔吧。
  • 《暗黑破坏神 3》–背叛者之翼—让你的角色戴上伊利丹的双翼,令圣休亚瑞的恶魔心胆俱裂。

  台湾、香港及澳门也会推出《魔兽世界:军临天下》实体典藏版,日后公布详细信息。 Blizzard 表示,从今天开始,台港澳玩家就可以购买角色直升 100 级服务(新台币 1,800 元),关于角色直升更多细节(如直升 100 级会收到的装备、技能信息与要塞更新),可以在官网找到相关信息。



研發團隊談《星海爭霸 2:虛空之遺》結局設計 未來計畫持續推出角色故事任務
《星海爭霸 2》「諾娃:特務密令」任務祕辛 承諾未來將持續開發新單位


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-11-7 07:28 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-8 07:41 AM 编辑

Overwatch Ready for Action Spring 2016 - Pre-purchase Now for Consoles and PC
《斗阵特攻》明年春季 PC / PS4 / Xbox One 平台问世

  Blizzard 旗下新作《斗阵特攻》游戏总监暨副总裁 Jeff Kaplan 今日在 BlizzCon 宣布,《斗阵特攻》预定 2016 年春季在 PC / PS4 / Xbox One 平台推出,今日同步揭露新地图好莱坞,与 21 位英雄中最后三位英雄源氏、职业电竞选手 D.Va、与具有科学专才的美。

  他现场公开《斗阵特攻》启元版(新台币 1900 元)正式展开预购,内容包含内含五套依据英雄过往所设计的造型:黑卫雷耶斯(死神)、指挥官莫里森(士兵 76)、绿意壁垒机兵、维安队长法拉、以及飞行员闪光;以及在 Blizzard 其他游戏中,以《斗阵特攻》为主题的游戏奖励,包括《魔兽世界》的温斯顿宝宝宠物以及《暴雪英霸》的英雄闪光、《炉石战记》 卡背等,至于参与《斗阵特攻》的预购活动者,将可在游戏发售时获得游戏中冷血刺客漆黑夺命女的造型奖励。

  Blizzard 表示,《斗阵特攻》为一款场景设定在近未来的 6 对 6 射击游戏。 军人、科学家、冒险者、以及稀世奇人携手合作,为争夺世界各地知名地点的控制权而展开战斗。 游戏共有21位英雄,他们各自拥有独特武器和特殊能力,例如可扭曲时间或无视物理法则;玩家要与队友合作,一同完成游戏目标。 游戏相当考验团队精神,玩家在游戏中可以更换英雄,运用自身能力扭转战局。 战斗节奏紧凑,并强调实时性与游戏性。

  「目前正在制作的《斗阵特攻》,正是我们长久以来梦寐以求的第一人称射击游戏:丰富多彩的世界观、强大的英雄、并且注重团队合作的游戏体验。 」Blizzard Entertainment 执行长暨共同创办人 Mike Morhaime 说。 「我们相当兴奋,欢迎家用主机及 PC 玩家与我们一同为明日而战。 我们已迫不及待想看到明年春季时,各战队在战场上一同展现出的优异表现。 」

  在今日的 BlizzCon 会场上,Blizzard Entertainment 同时也揭露了一张全新地图:好莱坞,带领玩家进入危险却又令人目眩神迷的电影制片厂之旅;此外,Blizzard 也公布《斗阵特攻》最后三位英雄,生化忍者源氏,他是一位身手矫捷的刺客大师,可用刀刃反弹敌方攻击。 职业电竞选手 D.Va,她操作着军用实验机甲捍卫自己家园。 美,将她的科学专才应用于保护自然环境上;在战场上,她操纵气候的科技能力可让敌方身陷寒冰。

  Blizzard 表示,Windows PC 玩家也可选择购买《斗阵特攻》标准版(建议售价新台币 1300 元),内含所有 21 位英雄,提供玩家《斗阵特攻》的核心游戏体验。 预购此版本或其他《斗阵特攻》版本的玩家皆能在游戏发售时享有漆黑夺命女造型奖励。 台湾、香港及澳门地区家用主机版本的预购信息将于日后公布。

The world needs heroes... and Overwatch is recruiting starting today! Blizzard Entertainment’s team-based first-person shooter is coming to Windows PC, the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, and Xbox One in spring 2016†. Players around the world can prepare for battle by pre-purchasing Overwatch for all three platforms at buyoverwatch.com. As a bonus, players who pre-purchase will receive the special Noire skin for Widowmaker, Overwatch’s ice-cold assassin, at launch.

Overwatch is a 6v6 shooter that takes place on Earth in the near future, where teams of soldiers, scientists, adventurers, and oddities clash for control of iconic locations around the world. The game features a diverse cast of 21 heroes—each with their own unique arsenal of weapons and abilities—who bend time and defy physics as they work together to complete objectives with their allies. Teamwork is critical as players swap heroes on the fly and combine their powers to game-changing effect—the action is intense, with a focus on immediacy and fun.

“We’re building Overwatch to be the first-person shooter we’ve always wanted to play, with a vibrant world, awesome heroes, and an emphasis on tightly focused cooperative gameplay,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “We’re excited to welcome console and PC gamers to the fight for the future, and we can’t wait to see all the incredible things teams are able to accomplish on the battlefield this upcoming spring.”

At BlizzCon today, Blizzard Entertainment also unveiled an all-new map—Hollywood, which takes players on a dazzling and dangerous movie studio tour—along with the final three heroes in Overwatch’s 21-character roster. Genji, a cybernetic ninja, is an expert assassin capable of extraordinary feats of agility, including reflecting enemy attacks with his blade. D.Va is a former pro-gaming superstar who pilots an experimental military mech in defense of her home country. Mei travels the globe applying her scientific expertise to protect the natural world; in battle, her arsenal of climate-manipulating technology has the power to put the opposition on ice. To learn more about these and other Overwatch heroes and maps, visit playoverwatch.com.







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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-11-8 07:00 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-8 07:42 AM 编辑




《爐石戰記》公開新冒險篇章《探險者協會》 預定 11 月 12 日問世 PC線上遊戲

Join the Expedition! The League of Explorers Coming to Hearthstone November 12

Grab your hat and torch; it’s time to go exploring! Today at BlizzCon, Blizzard Entertainment revealed The League of Explorers, a brand-new Adventure that sends brave duelists far and wide on harrowing expeditions to recover a mysterious lost relic. The newest addition to Hearthstone’ s Adventure Mode, The League of Explorers will pit adventurers against dastardly villains in fierce encounters that will require unique strategies to conquer. And yes, there might be serpents.

“League of Explorers is a fun mix of memorable locations from Warcraft and exciting new locations to battle through,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “Players who join the expedition are in for a good time and will walk away with some great new cards for their collections.”

The League of Explorers introduces four intrepid adventurers—Elise Starseeker, Reno Jackson, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, and Brann Bronzebeard—and invites players to join their journey through a series of exotic destinations, some familiar and some new, to recover an artifact of immense power. These brave explorers will face many perils as they navigate through the Temple of Orsis, Uldaman, the Ruined City, and the Hall of Explorers in hopes of discovering lost artifacts that will lead them closer to the relic. Escaping giant boulders and emerging from all of the locations in one piece will reward adventurers with a combined total of 45 treasured new cards, bringing a slew of new tactics to the game.

Available for exploration starting November 12 on Windows and Mac PCs; Windows, iOS, and Android tablets; and iOS and Android mobile phones, the four League of Explorers locations will open on a weekly basis (one per week) over the course of a month, with a one-week break in the middle during the Thanksgiving holiday. The League of Explorers can be purchased in full for $19.99 USD, one location at a time for 700 gold or $6.99 USD each, or in discounted bundles based on the number of individual locations already purchased.

Prepare for the perilous journey ahead and learn more about Hearthstone at http://www.playhearthstone.com/


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-11-8 07:33 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-9 06:23 PM 编辑

Activision Blizzard 成立电影电视制作工作室 计划打造《使命召唤》电影

  就在《使命召唤:黑色行动 3》正式上市后,Activision Blizzard 宣布正式成立 Activision Blizzard 工作室,为专注于电影与电视制作的内部单位,预定将会把《使命召唤》系列改编成电影,最快 2018 年或 2019 年问世。

  Activision Blizzard 强调,将会为《使命召唤》电影版本打造强大的电影世界,而该工作室同时正在打造以游戏《宝贝龙冒险(Skylanders)》为基础的电视动画,《宝贝龙冒险学园(暂译)》预定于 2016 年第二季问世。

  整个工作室由曾担任迪斯尼策略资深副总裁的 Nick van Dyk 来担任联合总裁,位于美国加州 Santa Monica 总部。 Activision Blizzard 执行长 Bobby Kotick 表示,他们计划进入电影与电视制作已经超过一年,目标将会是以现有 Activision 旗下 IP 来拍摄真人电影或动画化,广受欢迎的游戏系列《使命召唤》希望未来能够打造成电影系列。

  Bobby Kotick 表示,公司与不少好莱坞创意人才都有深厚关系,将会为《使命召唤》打造故事。


《魔獸世界:軍臨天下》塑型新功能將整合所有物品外觀 解析新系統特色

研發團隊解析《暴雪英霸》新戰場「厄運之塔」設計理念 給玩家毛骨悚然的感受

只有電競選手可駕駛機甲?《鬥陣特攻》研發團隊解析 D.VA 英雄背景趣味設定


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-11-18 06:16 PM |只看该作者
《斗阵特攻》首波周末 Beta 测试 20 日限时登场 计划开放三位新英雄

  Blizzard 宣布《斗阵特攻》将于太平洋标准时间 20 至 23 日进行首波周末 Beta 测试,同时公开硬件需求。

  团战射击游戏《斗阵特攻》已在北美地区展开 Beta 测试,而本周末预定于太平洋标准时间 20 日(五)早上 9 时至 23 日(一)早上 9 时展开首次的周末限时封测,并开放给更多美洲、欧洲玩家参与;而玩家将可以直接选择 21 名英雄,包含日前在 BlizzCon 公布的三名新角色 D.VA、美和源氏,于花村、国王大道、直布罗陀基地三张地图上进行对战。

  本次将是压力测试,研发团队期望藉此了解部分技术问题,包含游戏运作状况、Beta 服务器的体验、Bug 等相关问题。 官方表示:「我们的目标是希望将硬件推到极限,因此若过程中有任何性能问题,请不要感到惊讶,这都将是正个过程的一部分。 」


最低配备需求:(targeting 30fps)
  • Operating system: Windows Vista/7/ 8/10 64-bit(latest Service Pack)
  • Processor: Intel Core i3 or AMD Phenom X3 865
  • Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460, ATI Radeon HD 4850, or Intel HD Graphics 4400
  • Memory: 768 MB VRAM, 4 GB System RAM
  • Storage: 7200 RPM with 5 GB available HD space

建议配备需求:(targeting 60fps on Medium settings):
  • Operating system: Windows Vista/7/ 8/10 64-bit(latest Service Pack)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or AMD Phenom II X3, 2.8 GHz
  • Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or ATI Radeon HD 7950
  • Memory: 2 GB VRAM, 6 GB System RAM
  • Storage: 7200 RPM with 5 GB available HD space

  《斗阵特攻》将于太平洋标准时间 20 至 23 日进行首波周末 Beta 测试。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-11-20 07:36 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-20 07:33 PM 编辑

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Coming to PS4 & Xbox One on December 1

  动视今天宣布第一人称冷兵器对战游戏《骑士:中世纪》将会在12月1日登录XBOX ONE以及PS4平台。本作中玩家将能够在总共25张不同的地图上,体验最多24人在线的冷兵器对战,而本作的主机版中还会有最大支持6人合作的生存模式。



Activision Publishing Announces Chivalry: Medieval Warfare for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Activision Publishing has announced it will bring Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, Torn Banner Studios’ intense, melee-oriented action game, to the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One next month. This new release features 24-person online multiplayer, over 25 maps, dedicated server support and a new horde mode for teams of up to six.

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is expected to storm the PlayStation 4 via the PlayStation Store on Dec. 2. and Xbox One through the Xbox Games Store on Dec. 1. Also launching on these dates, on both platforms, is Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Ultimate Edition, which includes the full game, plus the Barbarian Character Pack, Marauding Arbiter Pack, Inquisitive Dreadnaught Bundle and Barbarian Weapon Pack. Pre-orders for the Standard Game and Ultimate Edition are expected to open on 25th November for Xbox One only.

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare makes combat fast, forceful and precise with a deep melee fighting system and the ability to quickly switch between first and third-person perspectives. Lay waste to castles and villages as one of four distinct classes – Knight, Vanguard, Man-at-Arms and Archer – in battles of cold, ruthless steel across a multitude of solo and team-based modes. The game includes over 60 period-authentic swords, axes, maces, javelins, bows and more, complemented by a range of armours, helmets and siege weapons, including catapults, ballistae, boiling oil and battering rams.

A number of cosmetic DLC sets, each sold separately, will also be available when Chivalry: Medieval Warfare arrives. The Barbarian Character Pack contains savage barbarian skins for each of the game’s four classes. The Marauding Arbiter Pack features new skins and helmets for the Vanguard class. The Inquisitive Dreadnaught Bundle holds new skins, helmets and special weapons for the Knight class. Finally, the Barbarian Weapon Pack delivers five brutal weapons of war.

For more information, please visit tornbanner.com/chivalry , and follow the game on Facebook.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-11-26 07:16 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-12-1 06:17 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-1 07:29 PM 编辑

TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan rated in Australia, developed by Platinum Games
《忍者神龟》系列新作泄露 由白金工作室开发

  近日,在澳大利亚的评级网站上出现了一款名为《忍者神龟:曼哈顿变种(TMNT:Mutants in Manhattan)》的游戏,这款《忍者神龟》系列新作由白金工作室开发,Activision负责发行。根据巴西评级机构的情报,其将登陆PS4、PS3、Xbox One、Xbox 360和PC平台。

  虽然《忍者神龟》的动画和漫画都深入人心,但在游戏领域,这四只乌龟混的可不是很好。这一系列的上一部作品是由Red Fly工作室开发的《忍者神龟:脱影而出》,该作推出后受到了一致的差评,游戏中时不时出现的bug和令人厌烦的视角几乎毁了《忍者神龟》这块金字招牌。


http://www.classification.gov.au ... wLmVA0tWHsHBG9lWpXU


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-12-2 07:27 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-2 07:15 PM 编辑

PS4/Xbox One 版近战动作游戏《Chivalry: Medieval Warfare》即日起欧美下载贩卖

  由 Torn Banner Studios 开发的 PS4/Xbox One 版下载专用在线近战动作游戏《Chivalry: Medieval Warfare》(シバルリー メディーバル ウォーフェアー),即日起在欧美地区下载贩卖,售价 19.99 美元,官方并公布游戏上市影片。

  本作为一款可支持最多 24 人同场对战,选择使用剑、斧或弓等不同武器的角色,分成两股势力展开战斗的第一人称视点动作游戏,共有「斯巴达」、「武士」、「维京」、「骑士」、「海盗」及「忍者」等不同时代及武器的 6 种职业可供玩家选择,在硬派世界观中融合了奇幻要素的独特设定,受到不少玩家青睐。 家用主机版本将收录超过 25 种地图,除了团队死斗及攻城战等原有游戏模式之外,还追加了抵抗怪物波状攻击的「持久战模式」(ホードモード)等新要素。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-12-4 07:59 PM |只看该作者
《斗阵特攻》首次封测将于 11 日结束 预定明年 1 月再次启动封测

  Blizzard 宣布,《斗阵特攻》首次封测将于台湾时间 12 月 11 日凌晨 1 时结束,并预定 1 月再次启动封测。

  Blizzard 表示,从《斗阵特攻》展开封闭测试开始,世界各地玩家进行 90 万场以上战斗,研发团队获得关于服务器运作、对战配对、地图与英雄平衡等众多意见,他们将先停止封闭测试、来好好改善游戏,同时计划将观战系统与升级系统加入。

  Blizzard 指出,《斗阵特攻》预定明年 1 月中下旬再次启动封测,相关细节将于明年初公开,届时原本拥有封测资格的玩家仍可登入游玩。

  《斗阵特攻》为一款场景设定在近未来的 6 对 6 射击游戏。 军人、科学家、冒险者、以及稀世奇人携手合作,为争夺世界各地知名地点的控制权而展开战斗。 游戏共有21位英雄,他们各自拥有独特武器和特殊能力,例如可扭曲时间或无视物理法则;玩家要与队友合作,一同完成游戏目标。 游戏相当考验团队精神,玩家在游戏中可以更换英雄,运用自身能力扭转战局。 战斗节奏紧凑,并强调实时性与游戏性。

  《斗阵特攻》预定 2016 年春季在 PC / PS4 / Xbox One 平台推出。http://tw.battle.net/overwatch/zh/


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