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【新闻部】Activision Blizzard / Respawn Entertainment









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-7-16 10:07 PM |只看该作者

Manuel Noriega Sues Video Game Maker for Using Him in a Game

In a lawsuit that beggars belief, former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega on Tuesday sued Activision Entertainment for the "blatant misuse, unlawful exploitation and misappropriation for economic gain" of his image in the video game, "Call of Duty: Black Ops II."

Noriega, the military dictator of Panama from 1983 to 1989, was ousted by a U.S. invasion that concluded, more or less, by the U.S. Army blasting rock music at high volume into the Vatican Embassy, where Noriega had sought refuge.

Noriega finally surrendered - whether from the assaults of hard or soft rock we shall never know - and was flown to the United States, where he was convicted in 1992 of drug dealing, racketeering and money laundering.

After his federal sentence ended in 2007, Noriega was extradited to France, where he had been convicted in absentia of murder and money laundering. After being released on conditions in France, he was re-extradited to Panama in 2011, to serve 20 years there. He is still in prison there.

In his lawsuit in Superior Court, Noriega claims: "In an effort to increase the popularity and revenue generated by Black Ops II, defendants used, without authorization or consent, the image and likeness of plaintiff in Black Ops II.

"Defendants' use of plaintiff's image and likeness caused damage to plaintiff. Plaintiff was portrayed as an antagonist and portrayed as the culprit of numerous fictional heinous crimes, creating the false impression that defendants are authorized to use plaintiff's image and likeness. This caused plaintiffs to receive profits they would not have otherwise received."

Noriega claims the video game portrays him "as a kidnapper, murderer and enemy of the state. An objective of one portion of 'Black Ops II' is solely to capture plaintiff."

The 13-page lawsuit continues: "Defendants' video game, 'Black Ops II,' features several nonfiction characters, including plaintiff, for one purpose: to heighten realism in its video game, 'Black Ops II.' This translates directly into heightened sales for defendants.

"Defendants deliberately and systematically misappropriated plaintiff's likeness to increase revenues and royalties, at the expense of plaintiff and without the consent of plaintiff."

Noriega, who is represented by Thomas Girardi with Girardi & Keese, seeks damages for unjust enrichment, unfair business practices, and violation of common-law publicity rights.

Noriega, who was on the CIA payroll for years, was known in Panama as "pineapple face," for his pockmarked visage. He was deposed by U.S. invasion in 1989, under the Reagan administration, while the "final offensive" against the U.S.-supported regime in El Salvador reached its peak.

Critics accused the Reagan administration of ignoring Noriega's crimes for years, including murder and drug dealing, because he assisted the United States' wars against insurrections in El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala.

Noriega seek punitive damages for "lost profits" and other charges.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-8-8 07:26 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-9-11 07:11 PM |只看该作者
《FIFA 15》新宣传片 教你进球后如何忘情庆祝

  EA Sports于2014年9月9日和10日期间开放《FIFA 15》试玩DEMO的下载,为了庆祝DEMO开放下载,EA也放出了一段和庆祝有关的视频。


  《FIFA 15》确定于2014年9月23日发售,登陆PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC平台。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-9-24 07:31 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-25 05:58 PM 编辑

Blizzard has cancelled the Project Titan MMO
Blizzard 终止历时七年研发的神秘线上游戏专案《泰坦》

  Blizzard 历时七年研发的神秘专案《泰坦(Titan)》于昨日晚间正式被官方证实已终止开发,对于这款Blizzard 投入大量资源进行的线上游戏专案,玩家往后将难以一窥这款作品的神秘面纱。
  根据国外知名电玩媒体IGN 与Polygon 昨晚发布的新闻,Blizzard 共同创办人兼执行长Mike Morhaime 在最近的一个访谈中正式确认了《泰坦》取消的消息。
  Mike Morhaime 指出,由于公司一直以来都没有正式对外宣布《泰坦》这项计画,因此针对这部份谈论太多是有些尴尬的。此外Morhaime 也表示:「我们创造了脍炙人口的线上游戏《魔兽世界》,而这些经验让Blizzard 对于如何开发一款线上游戏感到非常有信心!因此就如同玩家所想像的,我们着手展开了一项相当具有野心的计画,但最终并非尽如人意。」
  Morhaime 强调,Blizzard 发现团队并没有从《泰坦》这个开发专案中获得乐趣与继续努力下去的热情,因此在经过一段时间的思考与沈淀后,做出终止《泰坦》专案的困难决定。
  事实上,在去年8 月时,Mike Morhaime 才对外表示《泰坦》将不会采取月费制的营运方式,而在时隔一年多后《泰坦》竟正式被取消。不过若翻开以往Blizzard 的历史,也不难看到Blizzard 做出类似的决定,例如著名的《星海争霸:暗影猎杀(StarCraft: Ghost)》就是一例。

Blizzard cancels its next-gen MMO Titan after seven years

Blizzard has officially canceled development on its mysterious next-generation massively multiplayer game Titan. The company confirmed the news to Polygon in a recent interview.

This revelation comes after at least seven years in development and word last year that the developer was going back to the drawing board to reevaluate the project.

Speaking to Polygon, Blizzard co-founder and CEO Mike Morhaime reiterated that the company has technically never officially announced Titan, though it hasn't been shy to talk about the game over the past seven years. "We had created World of Warcraft, and we felt really confident that we knew how to make MMOs," Morhaime said. "So we set out to make the most ambitious thing that you could possibly imagine. And it didn't come together."

"We didn't find the fun," Morhaime continued. "We didn't find the passion. We talked about how we put it through a reevaluation period, and actually, what we reevaluated is whether that's the game we really wanted to be making. The answer is no."

More on Polygon


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-11-8 07:15 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-8 03:38 PM 编辑


StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void Details & Cinematic Trailer Revealed


《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》曝光!为独立数据片 新增执政官等模式
消息来源 - 巴哈姆特

Blizzard Entertainment 今日首度公开《星海争霸 2》第三部曲《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》庐山真面目,揭露《星海争霸 2》三部曲的最终章,以及其带来独立游戏体验。《星海争霸 2》游戏总监 Dustin Browder 表示,《虚空之遗》届时上市将可回答玩家对于《星海争霸 2》重要人物的问题,同时带来《星海争霸 2》故事结局,同时不需购买前作《星海争霸 2:自由之翼》或数据片《虫族之心》,只要购买《虚空之遗》就可独立游玩。

在今日登场的 BlizzCon 活动中,参与者可抢先全球试玩《虚空之遗》,这次盛会中将展出单人战役、全新的合作模式「执政官模式」,以及使用全新单位的多人对战等游戏内容。

Dustin Browder 现场感谢玩家这一路来对《星海争霸》系列的支持,同步公开《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》宣传影片,更公开另一个新的游戏模式「同盟指挥官」。

Blizzard 表示,《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》延续《星海争霸 2:自由之翼》与数据片《虫族之心》的故事,以全新的剧情战役描绘这段科幻史诗波澜壮阔的最终章。神族的传奇英雄亚坦尼斯和泽拉图将试图团结神族,对抗来自虚空、威胁全宇宙的古老邪恶,展开救亡图存的最终决战。而人类英雄吉姆‧雷诺,与刀锋女皇凯莉根的命运,同样处于未定之天。

Blizzard Entertainment 执行长暨共同创办人 Mike Morhaime 表示:「新的单人战役将为这段史诗画下句点。除此之外,我们也迫不及待跟大家分享全新的游戏模式,让玩家能透过更多不同的方式体验这个游戏,而这次的新单位也为《星海争霸 2》的多人对战带来更丰富、更有深度的战术变化。」

Dustin Browder 表示,在 BlizzCon 首次公布的「执政官模式」,是全新的多人对战模式,它让玩家跟好友从新的角度体验《星海争霸 2》。在执政官模式中,两位玩家将共同控制一组基地和部队,与敌方的双人组合展开对战。共享指挥部队与管理资源的责任后,玩家可以各自专注战场上不同领域,展现更为多变的战术。





「同盟指挥官」是《星海争霸 2》新增的另一游戏模式。在这个全新的任务导向、多人合作的游戏模式中,玩家可化身《星海争霸》世界里著名的指挥官携手闯关。每位指挥官都拥有独特的技能、升级选项以及特殊的部队加成。玩家可以共同挑战一系列的特殊场景,提高指挥官的等级并且强化他们的能力。

《虚空之遗》的多人对战新增许多单位,而现有单位也获得更多更新。虫族将加入《星海争霸》一代的经典虫族单位「遁地兽」,牠会从地底发射致命的脊刺消灭地面单位。神族推出新的灭敌兵器「裂光球」,使用大规模的能量射线对一群地面单位造成毁灭性的伤害。人类则发展出新的科技,例如「战术跃传」能让战巡舰传送至战场上的任何地点。BlizzCon 会场中也展出更多的新单位和技能,让大家抢先体验《虚空之遗》的新策略和战术。

Blizzard 同时宣布,《虚空之遗》将拥有自动组织锦标赛的功能,为《星海争霸 2》的社群玩家提供不间断的对战赛事,强化多人对战的游戏体验。《虚空之遗》是独立的数据片,玩家无须拥有《星海争霸 2:自由之翼》或数据片《虫族之心》即可进行游戏。关于《虚空之遗》的售价、发行信息或者其他详细信息将于日后陆续公布,目前预定 2015 年封测。

StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void Warps into BlizzCon 2014

Blizzard Entertainment today offered the first glimpse of StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void, its highly anticipated conclusion to the StarCraft II trilogy, and a standalone game experience. Attendees of the company’s BlizzCon gaming festival were the first in the world to play Legacy of the Void, with single-player campaign missions, a new cooperative gameplay mode—Archon Mode, and multiplayer battles featuring several new playable units all on display. Another gameplay mode, Allied Commanders, was also announced at the event.

StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void continues the story of Blizzard’s award-winning StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty® where the first expansion, Heart of the Swarm®, left off, with a new campaign that brings the sci-fi saga to an epic conclusion. Protoss legends Artanis and Zeratul attempt to unite their race in an intergalactic fight for survival against an ancient evil from the Void that threatens the universe. The fates of Terran hero Jim Raynor and Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, also hang in the balance.

“Legacy of the Void will deliver the quintessential StarCraft II experience,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “The new single-player campaign will wrap up the massive story, and we’re excited to share new game modes that will open up different ways to play the game and additional units that will expand the rich strategic depth of StarCraft II multiplayer.”

Archon Mode, a competitive multiplayer mode unveiled at BlizzCon, is a new way to enjoy StarCraft II with friends. In Archon Mode, two players share control over a single base and units as they take on an enemy duo in multiplayer action. By sharing the responsibility of commanding troops and managing resources, players can focus on their own areas of the battle and execute more intricate strategies.

Allied Commanders is another gameplay mode new to StarCraft II. In this objective-based, cooperative experience, players can team up and take on the roles of powerful commanders from the StarCraft saga. Each commander offers unique abilities and upgrades and bestows special bonuses on their armies. Players are able to battle through a series of special scenarios together, leveling up their commanders' capabilities as they progress.

Multiplayer battles in Legacy of the Void will be fought with an array of new units, as well as upgrades to veteran forces. Zerg swarms will welcome the return of the Lurker, a classic creature from the original StarCraft that lays waste to infantry with deadly spines that burst from the ground. The Protoss field a new weapon called the Disruptor, which can use massive energy spikes to wreak havoc through swaths of ground forces. And the Terrans have engineered some new technology, such as Tactical Jump, which allows their Battlecruisers to teleport to any location on the battlefield. Several more new units and abilities were exhibited at BlizzCon, showcasing the new strategic and tactical options in store for players with Legacy of the Void.

Blizzard also revealed that Legacy of the Void will include functionality that enhances online multiplayer play with automated tournaments, providing players with ongoing events that support the active StarCraft II community. Legacy of the Void will be a standalone expansion that does not require a license of the base game, StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, or the first expansion, Heart of the Swarm. Further details about Legacy of the Void, including pricing and availability, will be announced at a later date.

Blizzard is developing StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void for simultaneous release on Windows and Macintosh. To learn more about StarCraft II and Legacy of the Void, visit the official website at starcraft2.com. To try StarCraft II for free, head over to starcraft.com to download the Starter Edition.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-11-8 07:28 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-8 03:40 PM 编辑

Blizzard reveals Overwatch, a team-based competitive first-person shooter
消息来源 - 巴哈姆特

《斗阵特攻》释出角色「闪光」故事影片 针对角色技能与定位进行解析

Blizzard 于稍早的开幕式曝光第一人称射击新作《斗阵特攻(Overwatch)》后,便在主舞台举办新作游戏座谈,深入解析游戏玩法、英雄角色背景、技能解析,以及战斗定位等。


本作目前设计了 12 名英雄角色,每个角色都拥有其特殊技能与战斗定位。《斗阵特攻》中, 玩家将在三张不同的地图中展开 6V6 的对战,游戏中目前设计护送、占领两种玩法,玩家需达到目标才算获得胜利。《斗阵特攻》游戏总监 Jeff Kaplan 特别强调,游戏中不计算击杀(Deathmatch),因此战术才是获胜的关键。

Blizzard Entertainment Reveals Supercharged Team-Based Shooter, Overwatch

In front of a live crowd of more than 25,000 BlizzCon attendees and an expected online audience numbering in the millions, Blizzard Entertainment today announced Overwatch, a pick-up-and-play first-person shooter featuring an amazing cast of heroes and set in an all-new Blizzard game universe.

The action of Overwatch takes place in a technologically advanced, highly stylized future earth. In a time of global crisis, an international task force of soldiers, scientists, adventurers, and oddities known as Overwatch had come together to restore peace to a war-torn world. After many years, the group’s influence waned, and it was eventually disbanded. Overwatch might be gone now . . . but the world still needs heroes.

With an emphasis on accessibility and pure fun, Overwatch brings Blizzard’s signature easy-to-learn, hard-to-master gameplay to the FPS genre. Harnessing the power of their hero of choice, players will join forces in teams of six and battle each other across a range of futuristic global locations, from the hologram-lit streets of London to a bazaar in the shadows of a high-tech Egyptian pyramid. Every battlefield is iconic and built to highlight each character’s unique abilities, and fights can shift from streets to rooftops to open skies within the span of a breath.

“Overwatch is our take on a vibrant, near-future universe with amped-up characters and action-packed team-based gameplay,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “With every new Blizzard game, we look at our favorite aspects of a genre and put our own spin on things. Our goal with Overwatch is to create an awesome FPS experience that’s more accessible to a much wider audience while delivering the action and depth that shooter fans love.”

The heroes of Overwatch each bring their own distinct weapons and superabilities to bear. Here’s just a glimpse of the numerous heroes that will ultimately fill Overwatch’s rosters:

• Tracer, a former British test pilot who shrugs at danger, can execute impossible acrobatic assaults thanks to her ability to teleport, drop energy bombs, and even reverse time.

• Reinhardt, a hulking German soldier in battle armor, can charge great distances and pin his enemies to a wall or slam the ground with his rocket hammer to knock them off their feet.

• Hanzo, a bow-wielding Japanese mercenary, has the ability to scale walls with his bare hands, fire off a tracking device that illuminates nearby enemies for his team, and unleash a huge spirit dragon that does grievous damage to all enemies in its path.

• Symmetra, an Indian architech, manipulates light and energy to shield her allies and damage her enemies—and she can turn the tide of any battle by building a device that instantly transports her teammates to the front lines.

While each hero represents a formidable force on their own, players can amplify their potential by assembling into a well-balanced team and creatively combining powers. No matter which hero or playstyle they prefer, players will be able to team up and accomplish the incredible in Overwatch.

At BlizzCon this weekend, Overwatch is fully playable and running on 600 PCs, and attendees there are the first in the world to play it. Gamers at the show are able to select from a current roster of 12 playable heroes and go 6v6 against each other, capturing or defending points and attacking or delivering payloads across three wildly different maps. New heroes and maps will continually be added to the game as development progresses, and beta testing will begin in 2015.

Learn more about Overwatch, including all of the heroes and maps revealed at BlizzCon, and sign up to participate in the upcoming beta test at the official website, playoverwatch.com. Further details about the game will be announced there in the months ahead.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-3-7 07:20 AM |只看该作者
Two Overwatch Characters Revealed, Beta Starts This Fall


McCree - "Justice ain't gonna dispense itself."

Armed with his Peacekeeper revolver, the outlaw Jesse McCree doles out justice on his own terms.

McCree had already made a name for himself as a member of the notorious Deadlock Gang, which trafficked in illicit weapons and military hardware throughout the American Southwest, when he and his associates were busted in an Overwatch sting operation. With his expert marksmanship and resourcefulness, he was given the choice between rotting in a maximum-security lockup and joining Blackwatch, Overwatch's covert ops division. He chose the latter.

Although he was initially cynical, he came to believe that he could make amends for his past sins by righting the injustices of the world. McCree appreciated the flexibility afforded to the clandestine Blackwatch, unhindered by bureaucracy and red tape. But as Overwatch's influence waned, rogue elements within Blackwatch sought to bring down the organization and turn it to their own ends. Wanting no part of the infighting, McCree set off alone and went underground.

He resurfaced several years later as a gunslinger for hire. But while McCree's talents are sought after by parties great and small, he fights only for causes he believes are just.

Zarya - "Together we are strong."

Aleksandra Zaryanova is one of the world's strongest women, a celebrated athlete who sacrificed personal glory to protect her family, friends, and country in a time of war.

Aleksandra was born in a remote Siberian village that was on the front lines of the Omnic Crisis, which began some thirty years ago. Although Russian forces defeated the robots and shut down their omnium, the region was devastated by the conflict. Only a child at the time, Aleksandra was surrounded by the post-war destruction, and as she grew older, she swore that she would gain the strength to help her people recover.

Focusing on weightlifting and bodybuilding, Aleksandra was identified by the national athletics program as a potential star. She trained extensively, moving up the ranks while representing her country, and was expected to shatter longstanding records in the upcoming world championships.

But on the eve of the tournament, an attack came from the long-dormant Siberian omnium, and her village was thrust into war once again. Aleksandra immediately withdrew from the competition and rushed home to enlist in the local defense forces, sacrificing the life of fame and fortune she might have had.

Now she serves—a symbol to some, a stalwart fellow soldier to others. But for Aleksandra, it is a chance to use her great strength to protect the ones she loves.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-3-13 06:32 PM |只看该作者
《神兵泰坦》开发工作室执行长亲口确认续作将跨足 PS4 平台

  就在 2015 年英国影视艺术学院(BAFTA)游戏奖颁奖典礼举办之前,以《神兵泰坦(Titanfall)》入围「最佳创新」、「最佳多人」与「最佳原创」3 个项目的 Respawn 工作室,其共同创办者兼执行长 Vince Zampella 接受了生活娱乐网站 IGN 的访问,首度亲口确认这款畅销第一人称射击游戏,系列续作将跨足 Xbox One、PC 以及前代未曾有的 PS4。

  Vince Zampella 在访问中表示,由于他预期发行商 EA 会公开续作的情报,因此决定先正面对外证实已在着手游戏的开发,但目前尚未确定名称,而这将会是款多平台的作品,不过 Vince Zampella 不愿透露续作的任何内容,也无法得知是否会提供单机玩法。同时,他认为《恶灵进化(Evolve)》在游戏上市后,透过提供免费地图让所有玩家更能紧密链接的做法相当不错。

  而为庆祝《神兵泰坦》发售届满一周年,凡 PC、Xbox One、Xbox 360 的玩家皆可获赠 Season Pass 资格,免费下载到先前都需付费购买的所有地图包。




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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-3-19 07:07 AM |只看该作者
Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void Beta launches on March 31


Legacy of the Void Beta Preview

The StarCraft II Legacy of the Void Beta is on the way, and with only two weeks left until its launch we wanted to take a look at the goals and expectations around the multiplayer beta. As you are likely aware, we’ve been trying to be as open as possible with the status of our development, and strongly believe that the increased cooperation between developers and players is beneficial to StarCraft II. To be clear, our goal for this expansion is to work together with all of you to make Legacy of the Void as awesome as possible.

For this reason, we decided to start the beta sooner than we normally would have in the past. This should provide ample time for feedback and iteration. However, this naturally results in a few things:

• Some things at the start of the beta will feel more rough than usual.
• We will be missing some units, improvements, features, etc.
• The beta will run for a longer period of time than usual.
• We will need your play-testing support, as well as the feedback about your experiences in the beta, in order to really work together on this expansion.

Please focus your feedback with these points in mind. We are truly excited to get everyone more involved in the development process.

More on Starcraft II's Blog


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-5-14 07:01 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-14 06:11 PM 编辑

Overwatch ~ Zenyatta Gameplay Preview
Blizzard 新作《斗阵特攻》公开英雄禅亚塔的操作预览影片

  Blizzard 旗下研发新款在线游戏《斗阵特攻》新公开英雄禅亚塔的操作预览影片,带领玩家可以藉由这段未剪接的影片一窥智械僧侣禅亚塔的能力。

  Blizzard 表示,禅亚塔是一位具有高度智能的智械僧侣,他在世上漫游、寻找灵魂升华之道。 他在全世界流浪,协助他在路上遇见的人脱离罣碍,找到内心的平静。 但是有必要的话,他也会出手保护无辜的生命。







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