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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-29 06:18 PM 编辑
Overwatch competitive mode out today on PC, next week on consoles
《斗阵特攻》PC 版正式推出「竞技对战」模式
Blizzard 今日宣布,旗下线上射击游戏《斗阵特攻》PC 版正式推出最新游戏模式「竞技对战」,当玩家 25 级时可以解锁、游玩此项模式,玩家可以组队或是以个人身份加入,配对系统将会自动帮玩家找到实力等级相近的对手,让玩家在竞技场上享受对战乐趣。
Blizzard 表示,玩家在开始竞技生涯前,必须要先完成 10 场预选赛来获得初始实力排名,排名为介于 1 到 100 间的数字,愈高代表实力愈强,而实力排名会依据许多因素而随着比赛的输赢产生起伏,包含玩家的表现以及比赛中其他玩家的实力。
Blizzard 指出,竞技对战模式将包含四个赛季,每个赛季持续两个半月,玩家可在赛季结束重置之前提升自己的实力排名并提升自己的位阶。
至于参与竞技对战模式的玩家将能获得只有竞技对战才有的新奖励,在赛季结束时,任何一位完成 10 场预选赛的玩家都会获得特殊的喷漆与玩家头像,且每一季都会有不一样的设计。 此外,玩家获胜时可以得到竞技点数,并根据个人表现在赛季末得到些点数,这些竞技点数可以用来换取供英雄使用的黄金武器,而赛季中也将会在游戏内显示高手排名。
Blizzard 指出,玩家在竞技中若是在比赛中暂离或是提早中离游戏将会使该名玩家无法在该比赛结束前加入新的游戏,玩家还是可以重新加入该场比赛,但如果不愿回到刚才的比赛,就会受到中离惩罚。 持续的违规行为将会限制玩家参加未来的竞技比赛。 当违反行为不断累犯,竞技对战被封锁的时间会持续增加。 藉由中规中矩地完成比赛可使账号逐渐回到正常状态。 但重复的违反行为将可能使违规玩家直接被剔出这季的竞技对战,还可能没收奖励等。
Overwatch Competitive Play Patch Update
Hey all,
If you've been following our developer videos or forum posts, you know that the Overwatch team has been working hard to finish our upcoming patch which includes Competitive Play (as well as a few other quality-of-life changes). From the beginning, our intent has been to release this patch by the end of June—and since July is nearly here, we wanted to give you a quick status update.
Patching on PC and Console
First, we wanted to be upfront and let players know that we won’t be able to release our Competitive Play patch on all platforms at the same time. The patch will be going live on PC today, while PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players can expect it sometime next week. We don’t have an exact date to share, but we can confirm that the patch is going through approvals right now on both platforms.
We know this isn’t an ideal way to deliver new content, so we’re going to continue to refine our patching processes over the next few months in an effort to sync up our release dates across platforms as closely possible. Although our Battle.net client will always allow us to be more agile on PC, we hope to reach a point where we can release major updates on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 simultaneously.
In the meantime, stay tuned to PlayOverwatch.com (or follow us on Twitter) for all the latest patch news and updates.
Shorter Summer Season
We also wanted to let players know that the first season of Competitive Play will be an abbreviated one, lasting only two months instead of the normal three. This is because our Competitive Play patch is launching in the middle of the Summer 2016 season, which technically began on June 1 (a minor side-effect of our real-world season system). As a result, our inaugural season will include approximately 1.5 months of play rather than the full 2.5 months, ending on August 18 across all platforms. The Fall 2016 season will then begin as scheduled following our standard two-week off-season break.
We’re super excited to release Competitive Play, and we made the decision to move ahead with a shorter season for two key reasons. One, we want players to be able to start working towards their Competitive Play rewards as soon as possible. And two, we believe this first season will teach us a lot of about what works well, what doesn't, and what players are really looking for from a competitive system in Overwatch. Competitive Play is definitely one of those features that will take us a few iterations to get right, and by getting the system out there sooner, we can start making improvements based on your feedback sooner too.
To learn more about changes we already have planned for the Fall 2016 season, click here.
Blizzard post