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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-4 06:33 PM 编辑
Project Morpheus to launch during first half of 2016, new prototype revealed
PS4 虚拟现实头戴显示器计划 2016 年上半年推出 改采 OLED 面板
索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)在目前举办中的「游戏开发者大会 2015(GDC 2015)」中,正式发表旗下开发中的 PS4 虚拟现实头戴显示器「Project Morpheus」的新版开发原型机,将改采反应时间更快的 5.7 吋 1080p OLED 显示面板,支持 120Hz 更新频率,计划于 2016 年上半年量产上市。
SCE 本次展示的新版开发原型机,显示面板从 1080p LCD(液晶)面板改为反应速度更快的 5.7 吋 1080p OLED(有机发光二极管)面板,视野从 90 度扩展为 100 度,更新频率从 60Hz 提升至最高 120Hz,延迟时间缩短至 18 毫秒以下,大幅降低容易造成 3D 晕的显示延迟问题。
所有 PS4 主机都可以透过系统软件更新来支持 Project Morpheus 的 120Hz 画面输出。SCE 将提供可让 60fps 游戏输出 120fps 画面的软件开发工具包(SDK),让既有开发成果可以沿用。
另外,在用户头部位置追踪的 LED 光学标记部分,则是在正面增加 1 组、侧面增加 2 组,总共 9 组 LED 光学标记,配合 PlayStation Camera 可以做到更精确快速的 360 度头部位置追踪。采用可简单穿戴的单一头箍与快拆开关,调整组件减轻本体重量,进一步强化配戴舒适度。
構成 | 處理單元、VR 頭戴顯示器 | 顯示方式 | OLED | 顯示面板尺寸 | 5.7 吋 | 顯示解析度 | 1920 × RGB × 1080
(左右眼各 960 × RGB × 1080) | 畫面更新頻率 | 120Hz、60Hz | 視野角度 | 約 100度 | 內建感測器 | 加速度感測器、陀螺儀感測器 | 連接介面 | HDMI + USB | 功能 | 3D 音效、Social Screen

Project Morpheus: PS4 VR Upgraded, Coming in 2016
Hello from GDC 2015! About a year ago, we unveiled a prototype for Project Morpheus, the virtual reality system for PS4. Since then, we’ve been hard at work making the system even better. I’m pleased to return to GDC with an update on our progress, bringing us one step closer to its consumer release. We believe VR will shape the future of games, and I can’t wait for you to try Project Morpheus when it launches in the first half of 2016.
Our goal with VR is to deliver a sense of presence, making the player feel as though they’ve stepped inside the world of a game. The new Project Morpheus prototype brings us closer to that goal, as it improves the visual experience and tracking accuracy, both of which are critical to achieving sense of presence.
Key changes
• OLED display: In exchange for the 5 inch LCD, the new Morpheus VR headset is equipped with a 5.7 inch 1920 X RGB X 1080 resolution OLED display. This new screen expands the field of view and enables low persistence, removing motion blur.
• 120hz refresh rate: The previous refresh rate spec has been doubled for this new prototype, which means games for Morpheus can be rendered at 120fps. When combined with the OLED display’s high refresh rate and the power of PS4, Morpheus is able to output amazingly smooth visuals.
• Super low latency: We know how critical low latency is to delivering a great VR experience, and we’ve reduced latency to less than 18ms, about half of what the first Morpheus prototype had. Low latency is critical to deliver a sense of presence, at the same time making the VR experience comfortable to players.
• More accurate tracking: To make positional tracking more precise, we’ve added three LEDs to the headset – one on the front and two on the side – for a total of nine LEDs to support robust 360 degree tracking.
• User-friendly design: We’ve made the Morpheus VR headset easier to put on and take off, with a single band design and quick release button. The headband supports the weight of the unit on the top of your head, so there is no pressure on your face. Other components have also been adjusted and configured to make the headset lighter, so that players do not find the headset cumbersome or uncomfortable to use.
Revealing this new prototype is an important step in our journey to release Project Morpheus, but there is more to come. We’ll share additional details at E3 and beyond. In particular, we’ll show more VR games at E3 and later events as we get closer to launch.
A new dimension of gaming is almost here, and PlayStation again is at the forefront with Project Morpheus.
Shuhei Yoshida - President, SCE Worldwide Studios
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