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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-1-7 06:12 PM 编辑
Nyko 发表 PS4 专用容量扩充周边 支持廉价大容量 3.5 吋硬盘机
美国游戏周边制造商 Nyko Technologies 在 6 日开幕的「2015 年国际消费电子展(2015 CES)」中发表,将于 2015 年上半推出 PS4 专用扩充周边「Data Bank for the PlayStation 4」,让玩家可以使用价格较便宜且容量较大的 3.5 吋 SATA 硬盘机来扩充 PS4 的内建储存空间。

「Data Bank for the PlayStation 4」
这款 PS4 扩充周边采用与 PS4 硬盘机上盖整合的设计,透过上部突出部分额外增加的空间来容纳 3.5 吋硬盘机,让原本只能安装 2.5 吋硬盘机的 PS4 可以改用价格较便宜且容量较大的 3.5 吋硬盘机来扩充内建储存容量,正面还添增 PS4 所没有的硬盘机存取指示灯。供电部分是透过后方的连接线从主机的交流电源孔取得电力,不需要额外的变压器。价格预估在 30~40 美元之间。
另外,Nyko 还发表供 PS4 DS4 无线控制器使用的附加键盘「Type Pad」,可以安装在 DS4 无线控制器下方两侧握把中间,透过蓝牙无线传输与主机联机,提供简便的文字输入功能。右上角还设置了小型的模拟方向钮,可以用来控制光标。内建电池,透过标准 Micro-USB 端子充电。

「Type Pad」
上述两款周边预定于 2015 年上半推出,价格未定。
PlayStation 云端游戏服务「PlayStation Now」13 日起在北美正式营运
美国索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)宣布,旗下的 PlayStation 云端游戏服务「PlayStation Now」将于 1 月 13 日在北美地区推出营运,采固定月费制,初期将提供超过 100 款 PS3 游戏可供游玩。
PS Now 是 SCE 基于旗下云端游戏服务团队「Gaikai」的技术所提供的 PlayStation 平台专属云端游戏服务,透过影音串流技术将远程服务器执行的游戏画面传输到客户端装置实时呈现,打破以往硬件平台效能与兼容性限制,让玩家可以在 PS4、PS3、PS Vita、PS Vita TV 等游乐器主机以及 Sony、三星等智能型电视上游玩上 PS3 游戏,未来并计划扩大支持更多 PS 平台游戏。
PS Now 自 2014 年 7 月底起在北美展开公测,如今终于确定将于 1 月 13 日正式营运,初期将率先支持 PS4。采固定月费制,费用为 1 个月 19.99 美元、3 个月 44.99 美元。首波将提供超过 100 款来自本家与第三方的 PS3 游戏可供订阅者畅游,包括:《秘境探险:黄金城秘宝》、《生化奇兵:无限之城》、《蝙蝠侠:阿卡汉城市》、《NBA 2K14》、《拉捷特与克拉克:深入链接点》、《地底寻宝》、《最后生还者》、《XCOM:内在敌人》、《战神:崛起》等。
由于 PS4 上有许多未曾购入 PS3 的新进玩家,但这次 PS4 并未提供向下兼容功能,因此无法直接在 PS4 上游玩 PS3 的游戏。如今 PS Now 服务正式上限,让这些新进玩家能有机会在 PS4 上体验 PS3 丰富的经典游戏阵容。目前 SCE 尚未公布 PS Now 在北美以外地区的营运计划。

PlayStation Now subscription program launches January 13
PlayStation Now Subscription Program: All The Details
You’ve been able to rent games through PlayStation Now for several months now, but many of you have asked –- what about a subscription? I’m pleased to announce that starting January 13th, we’ll launch a subscription service for PlayStation Now that will provide instant and unlimited access to a catalog of more than 100 PS3 games. And since you’re using PlayStation Now, you can enjoy the freedom to quickly discover and play a wide range of full games without downloads, installs, or patches (not to mention trips to the store). The subscription service will be available first on PS4 across North America, and will come to other PlayStation Now enabled devices in the future.
You’ll be able to choose from two subscription plans: one month for $19.99, or a three-month package for $44.99 (about $15 per month). The subscription provides access to a large and diverse catalog of PS3 games, ranging from action to RPG and everything in-between. Check out our launch trailer for a sneak peek.
We know that there are many PS4 owners who never owned a PS3 or had a chance to play some of the great games it offered, and this subscription provides an easy way to catch up on games you may have missed.
Want to try before you buy? Well, good news! We’ll also offer a free seven-day trial to the subscription program when it launches.
PlayStation Now subscription will have strong and growing support from our publishing partners, and at launch you’ll find great games in your catalog from the likes of SCE Worldwide Studios, Warner Brothers, SEGA, and many others, including indie developers. Here’s a look at some of the key titles:
There’s strong value with the subscription, as you’re getting access to over a hundred great games and lots of hours of game time. What’s more, we will be adding even more games over time, so you will always have something great to play.
Also, to celebrate the launch of the subscription service, a free PlayStation Now theme will be available for PS4 users in early January. If you download the theme before January 31, you’ll be automatically entered into a drawing for a chance to win a one-year subscription to PlayStation Now. I hope you will give the new PlayStation Now subscription a try, and I look forward to hearing your continued feedback as we grow the service.
Peter Jamshidi - Director of Marketing, PlayStation Now
blog.us.playstation.com |