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【新闻部】The Xbox One









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-5-5 06:58 PM |只看该作者
《超速日落 | Sunset Overdrive》官方新情报 多人模式含独特内容

  《超速日落(Sunset Overdrive)》是微软与Insomniac Games合作的XBOX One独占游戏,于2013年E3的微软展前发布会中公开。而日前官方通过推特公开了一些游戏的新情报,下面就为大家介绍一下。




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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-5-7 06:09 PM |只看该作者
Enjoy Xbox: Game On at E3 2014

Another May is upon us, which can mean only one thing: E3 is just a few short weeks away. Today we’re confirming that Xbox: Game On, the Xbox E3 2014 Media Briefing, will take place Monday, June 9 beginning at 9:30 a.m. PDT. During the briefing, you’ll be treated to everything from in-depth looks at previously announced games to trailers for our unannounced games coming in 2014 and beyond. You can stream Xbox: Game On live beginning on June 9 at 9:00 a.m. PDT with our pre-show coverage on Xbox.com, Xbox Live, and Windows Phone globally. You can also watch Xbox: Game On on Spike TV in the U.S. and Canada at 9:30 a.m. PDT.

We’re also planning a number of fan-centric events both before and after Xbox: Game On for those fans that are in LA, and for those who are watching around the world. Stay tuned for more details on those activities as we get closer to E3!

Xbox New Wire:http://news.xbox.com/2014/05/xbox-xbox-at-e3-2014


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-5-9 07:11 AM |只看该作者



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-5-14 07:21 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-14 06:27 PM 编辑

Microsoft announces $399 Xbox One without Kinect
XBOX One新套装6月推出售价399美元无Kinect

  日前微软公司确认将于2014年6月推出不包含Kinect的全新XBOX One套装,而正是由于去掉了Kinect,其售价也比原本的默认套装要便宜不少。该全新套装的售价为399美元/349英镑,而微软还打算在今年秋季发售单独的Kinect设备。




Delivering More Choices for Fans

Since the beginning, we have focused on delivering great games and entertainment experiences for you. Your feedback matters to us and it shapes the products and services we build. Your feedback showed up in the Xbox One console we launched back in November and in the monthly updates we’ve delivered since.

Today, we’re excited to share more ways your feedback is impacting the products we build.

First, beginning on June 9th, in all markets where Xbox One is sold, we will offer Xbox One starting at $399. This is a new console option that does not include Kinect. For $399, our new Xbox One offering will continue to deliver access to the best blockbuster games like Titanfall, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Forza Motorsport 5, Dead Rising 3, and the upcoming Watch Dogs, Destiny and Sunset Overdrive. You will also be able to access popular entertainment apps, such as Twitch, YouTube, and Netflix, as well as watch live TV and use OneGuide. Finally, you will continue to be able to use many of the unique features of Xbox One including the ability to get game invites while you watch TV, switch between games and entertainment apps, enjoy Twitch broadcasts, and upload your favorite gaming moments.

Next, we’re bringing more value to Xbox Live Gold members and offering all Xbox 360 and Xbox One owners access to entertainment apps whether or not you have an Xbox Live Gold membership. In early June, here is what you can expect from the new generation of Xbox Live:

• Free games with Games with Gold. Since Games with Gold launched on Xbox 360 a year ago, over 12 million people have enjoyed great free games, resulting in nearly 200 million hours of free fun playing Games with Gold titles. We’ve been learning from your feedback and have focused on making improvements each month to the selection of titles. To celebrate the one-year anniversary of Games with Gold for Xbox 360 and as a thank you for helping shape this program, members will receive an additional free Xbox 360 game in June. The Games with Gold titles for Xbox 360 in June are Dark Souls, Charlie Murder and a bonus game of Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition. We’re pleased to bring Games with Gold to Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One in June. Members will have subscription-based access to free games ranging from top hits to breaking indie stars. The program will launch on Xbox One with Max: The Curse of Brotherhood and Halo: Spartan Assault. A single Gold membership will get you access to the free games for both Xbox One and Xbox 360.

• Exclusive Discounts. Deals with Gold will also launch for Xbox One in June, delivering discounts for great games each month, with significant savings for Xbox Live Gold members. The first titles offered in June will include Forza Motorsport 5, Ryse: Son of Rome, and a few other surprises. In the coming months, we will offer significant savings of up to 50 – 75 percent off certain titles. This program will continue to be available for Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox 360. And new on Xbox One, we will launch a virtual VIP room exclusive to Xbox Live Gold members where we will feature free games, monthly deals, and other great benefits.

• Popular entertainment apps will be available for all Xbox 360 and Xbox One owners. Xbox 360 has been a leader in delivering entertainment experiences for years, with over 170 global entertainment apps and experiences available today. We’re constantly adding new partners and experiences to the growing catalog on Xbox One. Coming in June, anyone with an Xbox will be able to access popular entertainment experiences – whether or not you have an Xbox Live Gold membership. This includes great gaming apps like Machinima, Twitch and Upload, popular video services like Netflix, Univision Deportes, GoPro, Red Bull TV and HBO GO, sports experiences like the NFL app for Xbox One, MLB.TV, NBA Game Time, NHL Game Center and more. Microsoft experiences including Internet Explorer, Skype, OneDrive and OneGuide will also be available to all Xbox customers. You can find a full list of apps and features that will be available below.

We’ve heard that you want more choices from Xbox One. You want a wide variety of options in your games and entertainment experiences and you also want options in your hardware selection.

To be clear, as we introduce this new Xbox One console option, Kinect remains an important part of our vision. Many of you are using Kinect for Xbox One every day. In fact, more than 80 percent of you are actively using Kinect, with an average of 120 voice commands per month on each console. Some of the most popular voice commands include “Xbox On,” “Xbox Broadcast” and “Xbox Record That.” We will continue to offer a premium Xbox One with Kinect bundle to deliver voice and gesture controls, biometric sign-in, instant personalization, instant scanning of QR codes, and enhanced features only available with Kinect in games such as Kinect Sports Rivals, Just Dance 2014, Project Spark and more.

If you buy Xbox One for $399 and later decide you want to have all the experiences Kinect enables, we will also offer a standalone sensor for Xbox One later this fall. We’ll share more details about the standalone Kinect for Xbox One in the coming months.

Phil - @XboxP3


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-5-14 06:28 PM |只看该作者
XBOX ONE金会员免费游戏公布 应用全面开放

  Xbox部门领导人Phil Spencer在Xbox Wire上宣布了多项好消息,包含了Xbox One主机的金会员免费游戏以及折扣,还有应用程式全面开放等。让我们来看看这次亲爱的Phil又要怎样让玩家心花怒放。


  金会员免费游戏在Xbox 360上已经推行了一年,超过1200万个玩家下载过免费的游戏,也累积了将近2亿个小时的惊人游戏时数。而在金会员免费游戏登场一周年的日子,为了感谢玩家的支持,6月的Xbox 360金会员免费游戏将会额外再多附赠一款。这些游戏分别是《黑暗之魂》、《Charlie Murder》,以及额外的《超级街头霸王AE》。另外Xbox One的金会员免费游戏也将于六月正式开跑,首批送出的游戏为《《麦克斯:兄弟魔咒》以及《《光环:斯巴达突袭》。最重要的是,只要一个金会员资格就能同时在Xbox One与Xbox360上享受到免费的游戏。


  Xbox One的金会员优惠也将同时于六月开跑,每个月都将提供最令人无法抗拒的折扣。首先登场的是次世代赛车游戏《极限竞速5》以及目前画面最优秀的游戏《Ryse:罗马之子》,金会员将可以获得50%到75%的折扣优惠。金会员优惠除了持续在Xbox360上运行之外,也将在Xbox One上全新登场,持续带给玩家免费游戏以及每月优惠。Phil Spencer表示未来会启动专属于金会员的VIP服务,整合免费游戏、每月特价优惠以及更多更多的好康。


  Xbox 360从推出以来一直都是娱乐应用程式的领导平台,全球有超过170个不同的娱乐应用程式,而微软也持续增加合作伙伴来丰富Xbox One的应用程式阵容。从今年6月开始,不论你是否具备Xbox LIVE金会员资格,都能够同样的享受这些应用程式。包含有Machinima、Twitch以及Upload等。而受欢迎的影视服务如Netflix、Univision Deportes、GoPro、Red Bull TV与HBO GO,运动节目应用程式如NFL、MLB.TV、NBA Game Time、NHL Game Center等。以及来自微软的应用程式如Internet Explorer、Skype、OneDrive与OneGuide等。这些应用程式将会全面开放给所有Xbox的使用者。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-5-15 06:57 PM |只看该作者
微软透露解绑Kinect或能让XBOX One效能提升

  Xbox One跟Kinect拆开来卖,对想要便宜入手主机的粉丝来说是个好消息,但对微软本身似乎也有好处。微软几位代表在与媒体的访谈中,均表示取消Kinect同捆可能会给主机带来额外的处理效能,进而使图像表现更加提升。

  “我们正在与游戏发行商讨论如何运用空出来的资源,接着还要再谈更多事情。”微软主管Yusuf Mehdi向Polygon网站表示。

  现在市面上499美元的Xbox One主机,有些效能是专门分配出来供Kinect使用的。Eur中ogamer网站曾经做出结论:Xbox One保留了10%的图像资源给Kinect与App功能。Xbox领导人Phil Spencer在与Kotaku网站的访谈中表示,游戏开发团队想要尽可能从Xbox One中榨出更多资源,说不定即将推出的非Kinect同捆主机是个好方法。



  非同捆的Xbox One预计6月9日在北美发售,这一天也是微软E3展媒体发表会举办的日子。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-5-17 06:48 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-18 06:58 AM 编辑

Rumor ~ Halo: The Master Chief Collection for Xbox One this year
传言:《光环:士官长合集 | Halo: The Master Chief Collection》将于年内登陆X1

 继之前微软宣布《光环5:守护者》将于2015年秋登陆XBOX ONE,国外有传言曝出,微软将在2014年内推出《光环:士官长合集(Halo: Master Chief Collection)》,在XBOX ONE上发售,合集将包含《光环》系列的1-4部,并对它们进行高清重制。


Halo: The Master Chief Collection coming to Xbox One this year, collects Halos 1-4

Master Chief is getting a facelift with an HD collection of his exploits. We've learned that Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3 and Halo 4 are being collected in a Master Chief-focused HD remaster coming from Microsoft. Our sources say that the set will zero in on Halo's most famous soldier to refresh audience's memories ahead of Halo 5's release, so curiosities like Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach likely won't be a part of the package. The game's developer is unknown at this point, but considering that Saber Interactive handled Combat Evolved Anniversary and is also working on an unannounced Xbox One project, the team is a likely suspect. Also unclear are plans for digital distribution, resolution and frame-rate (Microsoft bragged that will run at the next Halo will run at a "blistering" 60fps), piecemeal releases, or if the games will surface on other platforms as well (PC, anyone?).

Microsoft has gone on record saying that it would love to have Halo release more than once every three years. It's used different developers to fill that task since, but we're still pushing two years since Halo 4 launched. To commemorate the first game's 10th birthday, Microsoft released Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary for the Xbox 360, which served as a stop-gap for the 343 Industries-developed Halo 4; there's precedent for this sort of thing. This remake makes a lot of sense for Redmond for a couple of different reasons: it satisfies the more-frequent release desire and it helps fans get caught up on the story. It also gives them the chance to re-experience some of the best console shooters with better looks and sound - everyone wins!

We reached out for official word from Microsoft and are waiting to hear back, but we're not expecting much beyond the usual, "We don't comment on rumors or speculation."

engadget - http://www.engadget.com/2014/05/ ... r-chief-collection/


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-5-18 07:13 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-18 07:23 AM 编辑

Xbox One支持外置硬盘内测版谍照图曝光或将于下次系统更新时支持外接硬盘

  一位Xbox ONE开发团队的成员日前对媒体透露,XOne将很快得以支持外接硬盘扩展,而时间很可能就是下次系统更新时。这位开发小组成员随后发布了上图的屏摄图片来印证他刚才的说法。

目前,参与Xbox ONE预览计划的用户可以抢鲜体验一些处于开发测试阶段的XOne系统新功能,包括改进后的派对聊天以及非强制升级系统等人性化设计。微软官方尚未就XOne何时支持外接硬盘给予明确答复,只是含糊地宣称“相关功能正在开发测试中”。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-5-21 06:17 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-22 07:17 AM 编辑

Major Nelson:微软并不会终止对Kinect的支援

微软决定推出没有同捆Kinect的Xbox One,并不代表从此以后就终止对Kinect的支援。微软的程序主管Major Nelson表示提供399美元的“纯”Xbox One,真的只是给消费者多个选择而已。

“我们不是停止发展Kinect或再也不支援它。我们还是有一整个团队负责它的事务。但我们希望给每个想要入手Xbox One的人一个不同的机会。”Nelson说道。

这其实不令人意外,微软上周发布无同捆Xbox One时就已经说过,Kinect在这个平台的长期愿景依旧扮演很重要的角色。微软对全面的体感与声控抱持高度期望,Xbox主管Yusuf Mehdi最近才说过,五年内大家将会嘲笑没有声控的电脑设备。

全新无同捆Kinect的399美元Xbox One将于6月9日推出。至于买了这款主机,之后想要加购Kinect的玩家,Kinect的单品将于今年秋天推出。虽然价格未定,但应该不会超过100美元。

这听起来像是走回头路,但Xbox领导人Phil Spencer坚称这种作法其实可以全面提升Kinect的销量。他认为399美元的价格可以吸引到更多玩家,而且他们之后会了解自己其实还是需要Kinect。








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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-5-21 09:52 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-22 06:51 PM 编辑

External Storage, Real Names & More Coming with Xbox One System Update in June
XBOX One系统6月更新预告影像 展示新功能

  近日微软公开了XBOX One系统6月更新的相关情报,确认在这次更新里他们将会增加支持外部存储设备和实名系统,对SmartGlass应用进行了许多改进并增加了通用遥控器等一些功能。而现在官方还放出了一段相关的预告影像,为大家演示了一些即将推出的功能,下面就请玩家们一起来看一看吧。

  日前微软公开了XBOX One系统6月更新的一些情报,主要增加了针对外部存储的支持、真名功能、SmartGlass应用程序的改变以及其他新功能,下面就为大家简单介绍一下。


  微软将于6月的XBOX One系统更新中追加支持外部存储功能,这将让玩家能够更容易增加游戏和应用程序,更新后XBOX One可以同时连接两个外接硬盘。玩家们可以接入256GB或更大容量的USB 3.0外接硬盘,这样就算进行格式化,玩家们也能够将游戏、应用程序、游戏DLC复制并转移到外接硬盘中。

  当然玩家们也可以利用该功能将游戏轻松的带到朋友或其他人的家中。玩家们只需登录到XBOX Live或插入光盘来验证已购买游戏的所有权,而这种做法最大的好处就是无需重新下载游戏和相关DLC,非常方便。


  在XBOX One中,玩家们可以拥有1000个好友以及无数的关注者,但是随着列表越来越长,玩家们恐怕很难单纯通过玩家的代号记住他们。现在有了真名功能,玩家们能够更容易的认识好友列表中的人,也能够更轻易的找到XBOX Live上找到自己已经认识的人。



  微软现在针对XBOX One平台的SmartGlass应用程序进行了相当多的改进。在广泛听取了玩家们的反馈意见后,他们为SmartGlass增加了OneGuide体验以及通用遥控器功能。现在可支持的地区内,玩家们可以通过SmartGlass设备来浏览所有的TV列表,并且能在智能手机、平板以及PC上观看最喜欢的节目。而通用遥控器功能可以让玩家们更容易切换频道、从DVR中设置新录音并选择控制被录制的内容。此外SmartGlass还增加了新的重新排序功能,玩家们可以通过手指触摸来按照自己的喜好来自由改变并排列收藏夹中所收藏的内容。

  此外SmartGlass还能帮助玩家和朋友保持联系,该功能就算在XBOX One未开机的状态下也能进行。该功能带来了新的玩家状态和活动反馈功能,玩家们能够利用更多方式来比较自己和好友个人资料中的成就等内容。此外除了主机以外,玩家们还能通过智能手机、平板电脑或PC来接收好友的活动信息。


  TV和OneGuide功能已经于2014年4月开始针对特定XBOX Live会员开放,而在6月该功能将对加拿大、英国、发过、德国、西班牙以及意大利的所有玩家开放。本次更新后,OneGuide还会提供玩家们最喜欢的频道,而玩家们只需要用HDMI连接TV和XBOX One主机即可。在这些地区官方还将带来新功能,其中包括利用Kinect语音指令来控制机顶盒和其他视听设备。此外微软还将更新TV和OneGuide设置,让电源管理和控制拥有更好的兼容性。


  本次更新后,XBOX One平台的XBOX Live金会员会拥有更多优惠,其中就包括免费游戏和购买游戏优惠。除此之外,所有的XBOX Live用户都能够访问流行的游戏和娱乐应用,而且并不需要金会员资格。


External Storage, Real Names and More Coming with Xbox One System Update in June

With the next system update coming in June, we’re thrilled to announce two of your most-requested features will be here soon: external storage support and real names for identifying your friends.

Since our launch of Xbox One last year, we’ve been hard at work to continue making Xbox One the best destination for all your gaming and entertainment experiences. Because of the way we’ve designed the Xbox One platform, we’ve been able to continually improve the product for you with a more regular cadence of system and app updates. Your feedback for what you want most has been our guiding light for these updates, and will continue to be as we work to bring the fan-favorite features you want most.

Real names and external storage support are just the beginning for June. With this update, Xbox Live is being improved in a number of ways as we announced last week. You will also be able to take advantage of great new SmartGlass features, including OneGuide and Universal Remote Control, select an account for automatic sign-in, and for Xbox One owners in Canada and Europe, get access to OneGuide and more TV, SmartGlass and voice features.

Easily Increase Games Capacity with External Storage Support

It couldn’t be easier to increase your storage capacity of games and apps with the external storage support features we’re bringing in June. Your Xbox One system will soon support up to two external hard drives at once. Simply plug in your 256 GB or larger USB 3.0 external hard drive and once formatted, copy and move games, apps and game add-ons to increase your storage capacity at home.

This is also a great way to take your content to a friend’s house and get straight into a game directly from an external drive. You’ll need to sign in to Xbox Live if you’ve purchased your content digitally or insert a disc to verify your game ownership when you take your content on the road. The great benefit here is there’s no need to wait to re-download your game and all the DLC. With external storage support in June, you can also choose to copy full games and all of the associated content in one easy step.

Real Names Makes it Easier to Identify Friends

With Xbox One you can have 1,000 friends and infinite followers, but as these lists grow it can become increasingly more difficult to remember the people you know by their gamertag alone. Now with real names feature you can recognize people on your friends list and more easily discover people you already know who are on Xbox Live.

Most importantly, we heard your feedback that to make this most useful you need full control. You’ll be able to share with all your friends, a subset of your choosing, friends of friends or none at all. The choice is yours. Also, your name doesn’t show up in games, and you can change your settings any time from your profile and when adding new friends.

SmartGlass Provides Access to full OneGuide and Universal Remote Control, Pin Reordering and More

We’ve made a ton of changes to your SmartGlass app for Xbox One. After getting great feedback from our SmartGlass beta, we’re thrilled to be bringing the entire OneGuide experience and Universal Remote Control to SmartGlass. Now in supported markets you can view all of your TV listings on your SmartGlass device and set and view your favorite channels and app channels on your smart phone, tablet or PC. With the Universal Remote Control, you can also easily switch channels, set new recordings and select and control recorded content from your DVR. Another great companion feature now in SmartGlass is pin reordering. With the touch of your finger you can easily organize your pins in categories or favorites based on your preferences and have those changes refresh to your console.

Other improvements to SmartGlass will help you stay current on what you and your friends are up to, even when you’re away from your console. We’re bringing hero stats and activity feed front and center, and adding more ways for you to compare achievements via SmartGlass whether you’re on a friend’s profile or viewing a game from the activity feed. Just like on the console, you can choose to get notifications on your smart phone, PC or tablet when a favorite friend signs into their console or starts broadcasting a game. For many devices, you can even choose to start watching the broadcast wherever you are.

Expanded TV and OneGuide Soon Available in More Markets

The TV and OneGuide features we began sharing with select Xbox Live members in April will be available in June to everyone in Canada, UK, France, Germany, Spain and Italy. The update will bring OneGuide, alongside Favorites and App Channels, for people in these markets who have their TV connected to Xbox One via HDMI-in. Additional features in these markets include Kinect voice commands for controlling your set-top box and other AV equipment. We’ve also updated TV and OneGuide settings to provide better power management and control of your devices and improved compatibility with more devices.

New Gold Membership Benefits, Access to Apps for All and More

With this update, you’ll find a new hub in Xbox One for exploring all of the great benefits available to Xbox Live Gold members, including Games with Gold and Deals with Gold. Also, with the Xbox Live Gold changes announced last week, shortly after the Xbox One system update becomes available in June all Xbox Live members will be able to access popular gaming and entertainment apps without a Gold membership.

Finally, we’ve made it possible for you to choose an account for automatic sign-in on your Xbox One – another much-requested feature from fans like you.

Coming soon, these features will be available to members previewing Xbox One system updates as they help us work through final improvements. This system update will become available to the full Xbox One community in June. We look forward to hearing what you think and keep the feedback coming.

Xbox Wire:http://news.xbox.com/2014/05/xbox-one-june-features-preview


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