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【新闻部】The Xbox One









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-2-13 08:05 PM |只看该作者
Kinect Sports Rivals Launches This April

Microsoft and Rare are excited to announce that Kinect Sports Rivals will be available exclusively on Xbox One on April 8, 2014 in North America, Australia and New Zealand, and on April 11, 2014 in Europe. Whether fans are looking to tackle the new sports – Climbing, Wake Racing and Target Shooting – or experience the re-imagined fan favorites – Soccer, Tennis and Bowling – the power of Xbox One and the new Kinect will deliver next-gen motion sports gameplay like never before.

Kinect Sports Rivals is the first title to take full advantage of all the new Xbox One capabilities, including, the new Kinect sensor and Xbox Live, and is beautifully rendered 1080p HD. Kinect Sports Rivals is built entirely from the ground up to take advantage of all that Xbox One has to offer to create a more tailored and immersive experience than was never possible before. For the first time in motion-based games, subtle movements and timing are tracked with precision – now every move you make matters and every decision is critical to secure your victory. Additionally, players have an all new way to get in the game with Champions, a stylized on-screen version of themselves that participates in each of the challenges and continues to compete, even if the player isn't there, using Xbox One Living Games technology!

To take the competition to the next level, Kinect Sports Rivals is bringing a new level of depth to the game with the introduction of teams and captains. For the first time in franchise history, players will choose one of three epic teams, each with a unique identity, ethos, and equipment attributes that can prove valuable in competition. Each team will also provide players with gameplay tips and motivation, and will join in certain challenges to take on rivals.

Led by Vargu, Wolf Clan are island natives with a primal and uninhibited nature and a culture that prizes excellence. Eagle Legion is a loyal and honorable group that, under the leadership of Blake, have formalized the various events on this island and defeated countless teams in the process. And lastly, Viper Network, led by Zara, is the newest addition to the island, bringing with them a crafty and ambitious drive coupled with corporate sponsorship. Each of these teams will issue unique challenges and invite players to join their team. Which team will you choose – it's YOU vs the world


《Kinect运动:竞争》发售日确定 运动狂潮袭来

  次世代上第一款针对XBOX ONE上新Kinect而推出的游戏《Kinect运动:竞争》的发售日正式确定,微软日前公布该作将于2014年4月8日登陆北美,4月11日登陆欧洲。本作同样有开发过上世代前作的Rare负责开发,其中包括的项目有网球、保龄球、足球、赛艇、射击和登山等项目,而游戏的场景则来到了一个风景如画的岛上。作为次世代Kinect游戏,喜欢体感的玩家不要错过。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-2-16 09:07 AM |只看该作者
新外设出现Xbox One遥控器曝光

  Xbox One除了耳机及适配器之外,又有新外设出现了。这次是近似电视机遥控器的Xbox One Medie Remote遥控器,目前已经出现在亚马逊加拿大地区的网站上,定价为24.99加币。但后来该遥控器又被网站下架。该遥控器与电视机遥控器很像,包括基本的十字方向键,音量键以及常用的媒体播放器按键。这也说明微软对Xbox One的客厅娱乐功能的重视,显然这一遥控器并非针对Xbox One的游戏功能,而是强化Xbox One的媒体播放功能。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-2-21 07:09 PM |只看该作者

XBOX ONE即将迎来更新 显著改善网络和派对


  官方称本次更新可以“显著改善”主机的多人游戏和派对功能,此消息已经在XBOX LIVE上面标记注册,预计在下周便开始推送,之后微软也邀请玩家们在Xbox.com上注册称用户,并且在论坛上反馈信息。

XBOX ONE媒体遥控器 多功能一体人性化设计

  霸占你的客厅,将你的所有娱乐方式整合为一,这便是XBOX ONE的理念,也是它起名的初衷。主机刚发售可能还有很多功能不完善,而微软也不断的为此做着补充,日前他们公布了一款全新的支持XBOX ONE的媒体遥控器。

  XBOX ONE媒体遥控器(Xbox One Media Remote)将于2014年3月初发售,玩家可以通过它来操控XBOX ONE播放蓝光电影和在线视频。此外它还拥有专用的后退键和OneGuide键,其中OneGuide键可以快速在你喜欢的电视节目、电影和应用中切换,简单且功能强大。


  XBOX ONE媒体遥控器售价24.99美元,目前已经可以在美国及世界各地的XBOX官方商店中购买到。

Introducing the Xbox One Media Remote

For Xbox One owners who want to control their TV and entertainment at the touch of a button via a familiar remote – we introduce you to the Xbox One Media Remote.

Releasing across Xbox One markets worldwide in early March, the Xbox One Media Remote lets you control video playback for Blu-ray movies and streaming video on Xbox One*. Additionally, there are dedicated Back and OneGuide buttons. The OneGuide button provides one-touch, quick access to your favorite TV shows and movies through the Xbox program guide**. This simple, yet powerful remote is designed to help you listen, watch and switch among experiences instantly.

The Media Remote can also control TV/Receiver power and volume through Kinect, which uses IR blasting to send signals to your TV and/or receiver. The easy-to-use remote control has a familiar design with a soft, silicone finish that fits comfortably in the palm of your hand. As soon as you pick up the remote, the motion-activated backlit buttons illuminate, allowing it to be used in the darkest of rooms while playing games, watching TV shows, movies and more.

The Xbox One Media Remote will retail for $24.99 ERP in the US and available in stores around the world.

Xbox Wire:http://news.xbox.com/2014/02/xbox-one-media-remote


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-2-25 07:40 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-25 06:39 PM 编辑

Xbox One 赠送 Titanfall 数字版的限量套装,3月11日 $499 上市

微软宣布为了迎接 Xbox One 年度大作《泰坦空降 | Titanfall》下月上市,将在 3 月 11 日开始限量发售 Xbox One 主机 + Titanfall 数字版的同捆版套装,建议零售价 $499,相当于买 Xbox One 主机免费赠送 Titanfall 游戏。

Titanfall 将于 3 月 11 日在 Xbox One、PC 平台发售,Xbox 360 版在 3 月 25 日上市。

微软日前发布消息,官方确认了早晨泄露的Xbox One捆绑《泰坦陨落》套装。这一套装组合包括一台Xbox One主机、Kinect传感器、一部标准Xbox One无线手柄、一部标准Xbox One耳机以及一个月的Xbox Live金牌会员和一份《泰坦陨落》游戏,价格仅为399.99英镑。从今天起玩家可以预订该套装。

当然,单独发售的普通Xbox One主机微软也进行了降价,这可以说是Xbox One推出后的首次降价贩售,从原来的429.99英镑降到了399.99英镑。

这一降价距离Xbox One欧洲首发仅过去三个月。虽然该主机在这段时间里贩卖速度是其前辈360的两倍,但是仍然不及其价格更为低廉的竞争对手PS4。

Xbox英国地区销售总监Harvey Eagle向Eurogamer网站辩解该降价并非是受销售状况影响,而是利用《泰坦陨落》的发行来进一步推广Xbox One系统。

Xbox One Titanfall Special Edition Bundle announced ~ $499

Xbox One Titanfall Special Edition Bundle Available March 11 for Limited Time

After it was first unveiled at E3 last year, we were delighted to see Titanfall quickly become the most anticipated game of the new console generation. Winning more than 80 coveted awards from from critics around the world, Titanfall has been described as “a brave new vision of the future of multiplayer games”, “the first real next-gen shooter” and “the most addictive game ever.”

Heralded as the “next generation of gaming” and a “killer app” for Xbox One, the excitement and anticipation for Titanfall has been building not just amongst gamers, but also among the Xbox team. We bet big on Titanfall from the beginning and Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts were tremendous partners to our team as we developed Xbox One.

In many ways, the launch of Titanfall will enable us to deliver the first truly next generation multiplayer game – one that will take advantage of the new party and chat improvements we’re delivering, build on the power of the cloud in a way only Microsoft can, and connect fans on Xbox Live, home of the best multiplayer and service in gaming. With Xbox One, we invested in features like multiplayer alerts so you never miss a match while watching TV and so much more.

To celebrate the launch of Titanfall, we wanted to do something special. For those of you who are already fans of Xbox One, we hope this will encourage more of your friends to join you on day one for Titanfall on Xbox One. If you’ve been waiting for the biggest game of the generation before purchasing your Xbox One, this special, limited time offer is perfect for you. In partnership with Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts, we’re excited to announce the Xbox One Titanfall Bundle, available starting March 11 for $499.99* at select retailers.

Now available for pre-order, the bundle includes:

• Download code for a digital copy of Titanfall
• Standard Xbox One console and Kinect sensor
• Standard Xbox One wireless controller
• Standard Xbox One Chat Headset
• One month Xbox Live Gold membership

Of course, this is an incredible deal, only offered to celebrate the launch of Titanfall, for a limited time. We expect these special bundles will sell out quickly. You can learn more about this special offer here.

If you’re new to Titanfall, you can read more about the game below and via our extensive coverage on Xbox Wire. We look forward to celebrating the launch of Titanfall with many of you on Xbox Live beginning on March 11.

Xbox Wire:http://news.xbox.com/2014/02/gam ... cial-edition-bundle

Xbox One price cut to £399 in the UK, Includes free copy of Titanfall

Xbox One now £399.99 in the UK from February 28th

From February 28th the new UK estimated retail price of Xbox One will be £399.99. Xbox One including Titanfall will also be available for pre-order from today at the same price of £399.99.

Harvey Eagle, Marketing Director, Xbox UK said: “At Xbox, we believe there’s never been a better time to join the new console generation. To help our fans do just that, Xbox One will be available at the new UK estimated retail price of £399.99 from February 28th. And while supplies last, fans will also get Titanfall – the most anticipated game of the year – included in the box.”

The Titanfall offer comes with special edition Titanfall packaging and includes an Xbox One console, Kinect sensor, standard Xbox One wireless controller, standard Xbox One Chat Headset, one month of Xbox Live Gold membership and a digital copy of Titanfall from Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts.

Xbox One will be available from retailers at the new UK estimated retail price (ERP) of £399.99 from February 28th. Customers can pre-order the Xbox One Titanfall offer from today via xbox.com/titanfallbundle


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-2-26 07:30 PM |只看该作者
Twitch broadcasting is coming to Xbox One on March 11


Broadcasting, Chat, and More Coming to Xbox One

It’s official. On March 11th, Twitch broadcasting comes to Xbox One. “Wait, that’s the same day as Titanfall!” you say. Yes, yes it is. But that’s not all!

Along with broadcasting functionality, the updated Twitch app for Xbox One gets an enhanced viewing experience as well – Chat, Following, and Notifications are all coming in the update. With so much new stuff, let’s jump right into the particulars. See above for a video overview and feature set. And you can read more on Xbox Wire and in the news.


• Instantly live broadcast your games by simply speaking “Xbox, Broadcast”, or launch from within the Twitch app for Xbox One.
• Position the webcam PIP in any corner of the screen to best fit your game.
• Interact with broadcasters using the most lines of chat available on a console.
• Your Xbox friends are notified when you go live.

Viewing and Chatting

• View live gameplay from any Twitch source: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC, PS4, etc.
• Get notifications when your favorite gamers are broadcasting so you never miss a minute.
• For Xbox One broadcasts, you can view the broadcaster’s Xbox Live profile and send them a party request and join their game.
• See which Xbox Live friends are broadcasting and what they’re broadcasting.
• Partake in the chat experience, including using your subscription-based emotes and chat badges.
• Turbo subscribers get an ad-free experience.

Official Website:http://blog.twitch.tv/2014/02/br ... cometh-to-xbox-one/

XBOX ONE 3月11日更新将支持Twitch在线直播

  PS4主机支持Twitch和Ustream在线直播游戏的功能深受玩家喜爱,PS4上市初期大量玩家尝试该功能一度让Twitch和Ustream人气爆棚,但是竞争对手XBOX ONE却没有这项功能,软饭们大不悦。不过这样的不悦很快就将结束,微软日前公布将于2014年3月11日推出XBOX ONE新系统更新,而该更新的主要功能便是增加对Twitch在线直播游戏的支持。

  更新之后XBOX ONE的玩家也可以通过Twitch在线直播自己的游戏过程,其他玩家也可以加入直播室观看他人的直播并且发表评论,同时直播支持语音控制还可以存储精彩镜头,并在任何设备上观看Twitch的直播视频。此前XBOX ONE的玩家只能通过录制好视频再用其他设备上传到Twitch才可以直播。

  “真是完全的功能整合。”Twitch的CEO Emmett Shear说道:“这真是令人兴奋,因为我们从来没有让直播和家用机进行如此深层次的融合。加入直播派对的概念真的很酷,这让游戏机和网络直播的互动又向前迈进一步。”



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-3-2 08:42 AM |只看该作者
微软Xbox One推送更新 终于支持杜比数字环绕声

索尼和微软的新一代游戏机都凭借更加强大的硬件性能为玩家提供了双高清(视频+音频)游戏解决方案,不过遗憾的是,在此之前闻名业界的杜比数字(Dolby Digital)音效一直未能牵手Xbox One。

现在,最新消息表明这种境况即将在本月得到解决。据外媒报道,微软会在本月为Xbox One用户推送一个重大更新,其中除了针对《泰坦陨落》(TitanFall)的特别性能优化之外,还会加入对于杜比数字环绕声支持,从而为玩家带来更加真实的游戏体验。

报道显示,杜比音效选项会被添加到Xbox One主机的高清音频设置菜单下,届时玩家可以在杜比和DTS两种数字环绕声方案之间做出选择。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-3-5 06:37 PM |只看该作者
XBOX ONE 3月更新开启 详情介绍及问题报告

XBOX ONE 3月更新开启 详情介绍及问题报告
  微软已于今日推出XBOX ONE 3月份的更新,其中包括了众多新功能,值得一提的是对Twitch直播的支持,不过折现功能需要到3月11日才能正式开启,也算是为了《泰坦天降》做的准备。


  •   新增朋友列表,可以帮助你快速寻找朋友
  •   当进入聚会聊天时,音频聊天将默认开启
  •   可以跨游戏和朋友进行聊天
  •   邀请朋友一同游戏选项可以在多人游戏中使用
  •   可以看到附近玩家的列表
  •   支持Twitch直播功能
  •   支持杜比环绕立体声
  •   支持50Hz输出
  •   音量调节作出调整
  •   可以用新方式连接到SmartGlass
  •   支持最新的XBOX ONE配件
  •   浏览器功能提升
  •   支持通过红外线遥控电视
  •   简化声音栏设置
  •   一般化的改进

  当然更新也面临着一些问题,在官方Facebook上有不少玩家抱怨,更新之后XBOX ONE手柄的HOME键有时会失灵,着重体现在HOME键不能遥控开机,需要长按两次才能可以,而在主界面和游戏中也会出现HOME键失效的情况。


Xbox One March Update Rolling Out Now, Full Details

Prepare for Titanfall: Marc Whitten Provides Details on Xbox One March Update

As a gamer, I couldn’t be more excited for the upcoming launch of “Titanfall.” I’ve played the game and it’s awesome – I can’t wait to see you online! This launch is particularly special because our team has been working to make Xbox Live on Xbox One the best place to play.

We have received lots of feedback since the launch of Xbox One in November and listening closely to you. I’m excited to share that our second, and most significant, system update for Xbox One is starting to roll out today and includes improved matchmaking, party chat and friends features that will make gaming on Xbox One an experience like no other. To me that means playing games like “Titanfall” on the best multiplayer service on the planet, using a new headset or the one you already own, while live broadcasting your games on Twitch.

Here’s a breakdown of more of the features in the March update, addressing some of the biggest feedback you’ve shared:

• Get to your friends list faster. The friends list is now front and center on the homepage of the Friends app. Click the Social tile on Home, or say “Xbox, go to Friends” to see who’s online and what they’re up to. From there you can quickly send messages and get into a party.

• Party chat on by default. When you party up, chat audio is turned on by default.

• Chat with friends playing different games. Party chat is now separated from people playing your game, so you can chat with your friends who are online or you can chat with everyone playing the game.

• “Invite friends to game” option available in your multiplayer titles. Similar to Xbox 360 titles, when you’re inside a game's menu you have a simpler and quicker way to set up your multiplayer battles. Selecting “Invite friends” lets you invite friends to your game and party.

• See a list of “Recent Players.” This is a simple list that shows you Xbox Live members you’ve recently played with, making it easier to stay in touch with people, add new friends after your multiplayer sessions, or report a player for bad behavior.

• Twitch live streaming support. The best broadcasting and spectating experience on any game console is on its way to Xbox One with the new Twitch app launching on March 11, just say “Xbox broadcast” to start sharing. Xbox One is the only next-gen console that allows you to archive your Twitch broadcasts and view live Twitch streams regardless of their original source.

• Dolby Digital sound. Optical out now supports 5.1 Dolby Digital, enabling devices such as sound bars and headsets with only optical in to be able to receive 5.1 Dolby Digital from Xbox One over optical. We’re also adding support for Dolby Digital surround sound over HDMI. Now you’ll be able to have the best sound quality no matter what speaker setup you are using.

• We will now support 50Hz output to Xbox One. You can set the live TV app to display at 50Hz for full or fill modes, fixing the frame rate issues some users in Europe have been experiencing while watching live TV on Xbox One.

There are some other really great updates coming in March that may be less obvious, but still important to you. Here are some of my other favorites:

• Volume up/down adjustments. We’re making it easier to adjust the volume on your Xbox One. Now, you can tailor the number of volume increments when using “Xbox volume up” or “Xbox volume down” voice commands.

• New ways to stay connected with SmartGlass. We’re introducing new ways for you to stay connected with your friends through Xbox One SmartGlass. Receive notifications of Xbox Live messages, check out what your friends are doing, and see their latest highlight clips. You can even unsnap apps with the tap of a finger – all from your personal device.

• Support for new Xbox One accessories. Xbox One now supports the recently announced Xbox One Stereo Headset and Adapter and Adapter, the Xbox One Media Remote with a dedicated OneGuide button, as well as third party headsets.

• Browser improvements. When you’re searching for content, there’s now a direct link to IE to see related results on the web. New gesture and controller features let you directly zoom and pan Bing and Google maps. And search is even faster in IE – just highlight a phrase on a web page and press the menu button to search Bing and learn more.

• IR blasting of power and volume to TVs/AVRs is now available in all regions.

• Easy sound bar setup. Your audio sound bar set up just got a lot easier. You no longer need to type in the model number for most sound bars or AVRs when setting up TV on Xbox One.

• General improvements. Last, but not least, a few miscellaneous updates like the ability to view Game Clips while in Snap mode and a new passkey feature to protect user settings.

This is such an exciting time to be on Xbox One. This update starts rolling out today and marks a big milestone on our journey to bring you the best games and entertainment experiences on Xbox One. Now we’re counting down the days along with you until Titanfall and Twitch launch next week on March 11.

We value all of the feedback we’re getting from you. Keep it coming! We are listening. We know external hard drive storage is another big one on your list. It’s on our list too. We’re working on that for a future update and will keep you posted. We’re also working on friends notification improvements and experimenting with how to make that better. Just as we do with Xbox 360, we’ll be continuing regular updates to Xbox One – some will be big, like this March update, and some will be smaller. Big or small, we’re committed to delivering continuous innovation through system updates like this one. Thanks for your feedback.

Xbox Wire:http://news.xbox.com/2014/03/xbox-one-march-update


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-3-5 06:45 PM |只看该作者
Xbox Music应用将收录超过92000支MV影片

  喜欢观看MV或者是听音乐的玩家有福了,微软今日在Xbox Wire上宣布,Xbox One的音乐应用程式于今日加入了超过92000支MV影片。在Xbox One上的Xbox Music应用程式,打破了在歌曲与MV影片之间的隔阂。如果玩家在Xbox Music铃听歌曲,而这首歌曲有加入MV影片的话,将可以选择自动切换成HD影片播放(需要Xbox Music订阅,一个月10美金)。


Xbox Music应用程式打破音乐与影片的隔阂!

  Xbox Music应用程式是微软众多串流服务其中的一项,运作方式类似电脑平台上的Spotify。使用者可以免费串流聆听数百万首歌曲,或者以每个月10美金的价格订阅,将可以享受无平台限制并且没有广告的串流服务。而Xbox Music今日起也在iOS、Android以及Windows Phones等平台上推出。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2014-3-6 07:28 AM |只看该作者
微软Xbox One Bing搜索结果已开始包含网页内容

   去年微软发布Xbox One的时候,也为之带来了搜索方面的革新。这款游戏设备使用Kinect和Bing在设备中进行游戏、音乐和视频的查找。不过实际上,搜索功能仍有提升的空间,所以微软今天为Xbox One之上的搜索提供了新的功能特性改进。

   Xbox One最新升级现正向用户推送,本次升级加入了网页搜索结果。Bing团队表示:“任何时间使用Xbox Bing进行搜索,现在你都可以从我们广阔的市场中获得相应搜索结果,以及来自网页的有关项目。”此外,微软也有为IE用户提供的升级,比如在访问某个网站的时候,用户可以选中一个单词或整行内容,点击菜单按钮使用Bing搜索,就能进行与此关键词相关内容信息的搜索了。同时微软还表示系统将更好地对语音搜索提供支持。


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