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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-3 10:44 PM 编辑
PS4系统更新5.00上线 加入家庭机能并加强好友管理
PS4 System Software Update 5.00 'Nobunaga' Released
PS4 System Software Update 5.00 Out Now
Our next system software update for PlayStation 4, version 5.00 (codenamed Nobunaga), is available now! This update introduces features like the new “Family on PlayStation Network” system, an enhanced Twitch broadcast option on PlayStation 4 Pro, and a variety of new features for Notifications, Messages, and much more.
We’ve already outlined a number of key features before our beta program started, but we wanted to share some additional features that are coming to PS4 with this update.
Team Tournaments
Prepare to recruit the best players you know, because Team Tournaments on PS4 are almost here. With this new functionality, you’ll be able to compete against other teams for prizes and status.
Team Tournament functionality will kick off on October 5, shortly after the release of the 5.00 update. The initial batch of titles supporting Team Tournaments will be Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, World of Tanks and Mantis Burn Racing, with more on the way. Head over to the Events section on your PS4 to check out details for different Events and Tournaments, and to start creating your team.
You can join or own up to a maximum of 60 different teams, and each team will have an owner and captain(s) who can manage the team. Only teams will be able to register for official Team Tournaments. Your team will have its own customizable team page where you can see team member information, and view upcoming and ongoing events that your team is currently registered for and competing in. In addition, you can easily check out your team’s results in past tournaments with a new bracket viewer that shows full tournament standings for Single and Double Elimination tournaments directly on PS4. Communicating and coordinating with your teammates is also simple via the integrated team chat feature.
Follow Anyone

Before 5.00, you were only able to follow Verified Accounts, but now you can follow any user without having to be friends with them (subject to privacy settings). This allows you to follow content creators, game broadcasters, and other gamers in a community without having to dip into your friends list. And at the same time, this will allow these users to expand their reach and build more interest in what they’re doing. Your What’s New feed will be updated with the activities of the users you’re following, so you can easily keep up on what they’re up to. And under Friends, you’ll see a new Who to Follow section that will give you customized recommendations of who you can follow. The recommendations will be displayed in separate categories, such as Featured Verified Accounts, trending users, and suggestions based on games you’ve recently played.
Messages Update

We have one more feature to add to the list of updates coming to Messages on PS4. If you send a message that contains a link to a website, messages will now display a preview of the website, like headlines and thumbnails.
App Updates
Outside of PS4, some of our apps are getting updates today too:
PlayStation Communities
Following this update, you can switch the app into landscape mode when you flip your phone sideways, so you get a wider view of the app and it makes it easier to scroll through. In addition, you’re now able to view and post animated GIFs on community walls. We’re also adding the following languages to the app: Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Romanian, Thai and Vietnamese.
PlayStation Messages
Stickers for Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and Horizon Zero Dawn are being added. And similar to the PS4’s Messages update, the PlayStation Messages app will also be updated to display previews of a website if you’ve received a link. Support for Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Romanian, Thai and Vietnamese are being added to the app.
Mary Yee - Vice President, PlayStation Marketing, SIEA
今天我们希望为大家重点介绍下一次PlayStation 4主机系统软件更新版本5.00(代号NOBUNAGA)所包含的机能。我们新增了系统语言;在PSN中加入家庭机能;让您可以更方便地管理好友;并且在播送丶最新资讯和讯息新增了各式各样新机能。
我们重新整顿了目前的主帐户/副帐户系统,并在PlayStation Network导入全新的家庭机制。这项新机制透过更简单的方式为小孩建立PSN帐户,以及自订家长监控设定,为家庭成员提供在PS4上更加灵活的体验。以下是PSN的新家庭机能:
若您拥有群组,您可以将群组绑定至您的播送。当播送与群组连结,Live from PlayStation的观众画面将会显示社群的按钮。当观众按下社群按钮,他们将可以直接前往您的社群页面阅览更多资讯。
PlayStation VR
我们新增了一项PlayStation VR的相关设定:显示给观众的讯息及来自观众的留言。若启用此设定,不仅在剧院模式时,於VR模式中进行播送时亦会显示观众的留言。这让VR播送者可以更轻松地随时确认留言并与观众们互动。
PlayStation 4 Pro
给Twitch用户的好消息!这次的更新,PS4 Pro将支援以1080p/60fps在Twitch串流。
目前可以透过PlayStation Music将您喜爱的音乐分享到Twitter或Facebook,但现在您将可以使用PS4的讯息机能进行分享。若您的好友在PS4上,他们可以启动快捷选单来聆听讯息中所包含的音轨;若好友们正在使用行动装置,他们可以直接从PS Messages切换到Spotify应用程式来查看乐曲。
PS VR的虚拟环绕声
当您使用PlayStation VR的剧院模式观赏Blu-ray与DVD,现在支援透过耳机输出5.1ch及7.1ch虚拟环绕声,让您拥有更加身历其境的观赏体验。
我们在PS4上新增了大赛排行榜,显示单败淘汰制及双败淘汰制的所有大赛结果,让您可以更轻松地检视目前的大赛排名。 |