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【新闻部】日本一ソフトウェア Nippon Ichi Software









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-11-23 07:09 PM |只看该作者
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/155635.html

  日本一 Software 将于 2018 年 1 月 25 日发售的《你的四骑姬教导谭(あなたのしきひめきょうどうたん)》(PS4 / PS Vita / Nintendo Switch)是一款藉由赞美或训斥培育四位公主的动作 RPG 游戏。

  玩家将化身战斗与教育的专家 “教导骑士”(教士),与统治 “遗物群岛” 四大势力的其中一位公主,缔结成为其教育者的契约。 以教育者身分指导公主,并以指挥官身分与公主一同率领小队战斗,从旁协助实现她们的愿望,就是游戏的最大目的。




  适当的指导除了能促进公主成长,还能欣赏到台词产生变化等特殊演出。 另外,若在战斗中特定情况下进行「赞美」或「训斥」,虽然次数有限,但却能够让公主的能力暂时提升,或是使体力回复。



  当公主的参数提升,除了将提升 HP 等基本能力值,还将解锁强化攻击动作、雇用能带往战场的兵种、操控士兵行动的「作战」等要素。




  这次将介绍「莉莉亚蒂」、「薇若妮卡」的特征。 关于公主个人资料请参考这篇报导。


莉莉亚蒂是亚里克斯安街王国的公主,身兼骑士团团长。 个性开朗积极,不擅思考太复杂的事。 使用武器是「双手斧」,以近距离物理攻击为主轴,相当单纯的标准攻击型。

亚里克斯安的公主兼骑士团长。 不擅长思考太复杂的事,但打从内心期盼建立一个人民能免于饥饿,幸福生活的国家。 食欲旺盛,梦想能将龙肉作成龙排享用。

莉莉亚蒂使用的武器是双手斧。 以近距离物理攻击为主,相当单纯的标准攻击型。

一边高速移动一边给予接触的敌人伤害。 兼具移动与攻击的效果,在突破敌方包围时相当实用。

向前方投掷斧头攻击敌人。 先蓄力再掷出,能给予敌人更大的伤害。

  魔术公会首领的天才魔女薇若妮卡,在重视才能的魔术师之间是相当具有魅力的人物。 是个态度狂妄的合理主义者,同时也会给予有才能或发誓效忠的人不错的待遇,而受到众人拥戴。 在战斗里运用攻击次数少,却能给予广范围敌人伤害的攻击魔法。

魔术公会首领的天才魔女。 个性狂妄冷酷,将毫无用处的人立刻变为青蛙的行径令众人畏惧,但同时也会给予有才能的人、发誓效忠的人不错的待遇而被仰慕着。

魔法师薇若妮卡能使用攻击魔法。 虽然攻击次数较少,但能给予广范围敌人伤害。

设置青蛙型的定时炸弹,冲刺逃离现场。 注意别被爆风卷入了。

射出魔力弹攻击前方敌人。 根据参数的成长将使威力提升。

  从游戏截图能够得知,游戏中有各种类型的士兵,提供玩家自由编组。 士兵大致分为四种类型,并互相存在着相生相克的 “四克(4 すくみ)” 关系。





〈步兵〉... 以武器进行近距离攻击的士兵。 强于魔兵,弱于飞兵。
〈魔兵〉... 使用强力攻击魔法的魔法兵。 强于射兵,弱于步兵。
〈射兵〉... 擅长以鎗进行远距离攻击的士兵。 强于飞兵,弱于魔兵。
〈飞兵〉... 拥有翅膀或推进装置,能飞行移动的士兵。 强于步兵,弱于射兵。



  而士兵,还能藉由指挥官指示施展特殊攻击「指挥官攻击(コマンダーアタック)」。 虽能朝远处敌人突击或是使出范围攻击,但使用过度会造成移动速度下降,或是会容易因敌人的攻击畏缩,有一定的风险。

  另外,战斗区域内还存在着能在战斗中产生各种效果的古代遗物「遗迹(レリック)」。 在战斗中接近遗迹停留一段时间将其「占领」后,就会成为攻击敌人的手段之一。







「圣灵塔」是占领后就能回复我方 HP 的雕像。



使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-12-1 02:16 PM |只看该作者
Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story delayed to March 8 in Japan


Nippon Ichi Software has delayed Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story from its previously planned January 25, 2018 release date in Japan to March 8 in order to further improve the game’s quality.

In Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story, the player chooses one of four princesses to train, and a different story plays out for each of them.

Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story will be available for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PS Vita.


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-12-14 06:59 PM |只看该作者
Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story details Monomaria and Alpana battle styles, world map and missions

Nippon Ichi Software has released the latest batch of Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story information and screenshots, which introduce the battle styles of princesses Monomaria and Alpana, the world map, and missions.

If you missed our introduction last month to the battle styles of the first two princesses, Liliati and Veronica, catch upon that here.

Get the new details below.

■ An Overview of Monomaria and Alpana’s Battle Styles

In Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story, four unique princesses appear. The princesses are all commanders that lead the soldiers of each power, but the weapons they use and how they fight differ. In Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story, you can enjoy diverse actions and a large variety of strategies for each princess.

This time, we will introduce the battle styles of Monomaria and Alpana.

—During action parts, you will fight using the attack actions assigned to each button. Each princess controls the same, but their attack motions and range significantly differ.

◆ Monomaria (voiced by Rarisa Takeda Tago)

A princess who works as a mercenary for the Noble Business Alliance. Since her parents’ untimely deaths, she has trouble even eating, but is struggling to overcome the trauma with her die-hard spirit. In order to fulfill her wish to avenge her parents and restore her family name, she tends to place strict regulations on herself.

Monomaria’s dedicated weapon is a Gatling gun. She is an all-rounder able to attack long range enemies with various gun attacks, and close range enemies with a bayonet.

Charge Attack

Long-press the button to charge up and fire a high-power gunshot. You will become defenseless both while charging and after the attack, so you must be on the lookout for approaching enemies.

High-Angle Fire Attack

Take aim at the target and unleash a high-angle fire. The blast after impact will easily falter the enemy.

◆ Alpana (voiced by Yuuki Kuwahara)

A princess who founded the Great Kamara Faith of the North Kamara Clan Federation. She is full of kindness, but in order to save everyone, and to find what she is personally looking for, she sets out to travel the Relic Islands. She loves sweets, but she is worried about the size of her tail getting bigger.

Alpana is of the Dragon People can thus can move around by flying. Her dedicated weapon are twin swords, and her attack speed and high number of moves are top class among the princesses.

Charge Attack

A special attack where Alpana charges up her power. By developing this technique, it is possible to attack in three directions.

Step Attack

An attack that instantly closes the gap between an enemy at a distance before swinging the sword downward.

■ World Map

◆ The Diverse Relic Islands

The Relic Islands consist of four countries, each different in climate and culture, and the player will travel all over the map with the princesses that serve them. The world map is dotted with action stages like forests and ruins, towns that act as bases, and more, which are denoted by symbols and patterned like a board game.

Symbols with the “Mission” mark above them will trigger conversation events and battles to advance the story.

—World Map

—Relic Islands Illustration

◆ Dispatch and Head to Your Destination

On the map, you can organize your unit consisting of a “commander” and “soldiers,” and choose your destination to dispatch your army. This unit becomes characters controlled by th player during action parts.

The player’s army is not the only army on the map. Enemies and monsters also apepar. Since battles occur when your unit encounters an enemy, organize your unit with that in mind.

—Ally and enemy units are denoted by symbols.

—If you touch an enemy symbol, you will engage them in battle.

Deploy Several Units at Once

At times, you will encounter so many enemies that one unit is not enough to deal with them. By employing a “Generic Commander” (introduced below), the player can organize several units outside of the protagonist and princess’, and deploy them on the map.

◆ Generic Commanders

Generic Commanders, just like the protagonist and princesses, can be controlled by the player during action parts. They consist of Pawns, Magicians, Shooters, and Aviators, and can be used if the player employs them. Generic Commanders will not level up, but stronger commanders can be employed as the princess grows.

Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story


■ Missions

Various missions will occur on the world map. These include monster subjugation, defensive battles, ally escorts, defeating enemy armies, and more.

Outside of main missions that progress the story, there are also missions that delve deeper into the characters and setting.

Mission: “Meal Crisis”

The transport unit that supplies food and goods to the front lines is said to have been attacked by the enemy. Quickly move out with Liliati to exterminate the enemy unit.

More Mission Examples

An escort request reaches the private army led by Monomaria. Safely escort the client to their destination.

The instructor knights that Veronica rejected in the past attack out of resentment. Turn the tables on them.

◆ Events on the World Map

As you move along the world map, special icons outside of those that denote missions will appear. You can obtain items or trigger conversation events by moving your unit to these icons.

—A symbol with a treasure chest has appeared. Move your unit to the icon to obtain an item.

—When you pass through the symbol, you will obtain the item.

Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story is due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PS Vita in Japan on March 8, 2018.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-12-26 06:26 PM |只看该作者
NIS planning Yomawari and Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain sequels; new Disgaea developments to be discussed in 2018

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201712/7938216651.html



Nippon Ichi Software is planning sequels for Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain and Yomawari, the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation confirms. Both titles are being brought up as up-and-coming rookies.

Additionally, Nippon Ichi Software is preparing to discuss new developments for the Disgaea series in 2018, as well as announce a new project at the start of the year. The company is also considering sequels for other past titles.


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-1-18 03:53 PM |只看该作者
Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story details player-created protagonist

Nippon Ichi Software has released new information and screenshots of Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story introducing the player-created protagonist, including his occupation, character creation options, and more.

Get the details below.

■ What is an Instructor Knight?

An “Instructor Knight,” which is the occupation of the protagonist, is a freelance educationalist who receives requests to instruct others. As a teacher, he or she imparts knowledge and performs battle practice, and sometimes fights as a knight for his or her client.

Since the protagonist is the player’s avatar, he or she does not speak. However, based on the indirect reactions of the people around him or her, you can be certain that the protagonist is a one of a kind character.

—The ability to fight as a knight, as well as instruct, is essential to being an Instructor Knight.

—Instructor Knights often travel around various countries. The protagonist is writing a guidebook and manual based off his or her experiences.

■ Character Creation

The protagonist’s gender can be chosen as male or female. Players can also freely customize the following other items:


Choose a voice to use during actions. There are six ypes of voices—“Passionate,” “Cool,” “Villainy,” “Eccentric,” “Shy,” and “No Voice”—for both males and females.

The following voice actors are featured:

Male Protagonist: Kengo Kawanishi (all voice types)
Female Protagonist: Risa Kubota (Passionate), Mitsuki Nakae (Cool), Nanako Mori (Villainy), Tomomi Mizuma (Eccentric), Minami Iinuma (Shy)

You can choose from four types of personalities, including “Dilligent / Honest,” “Intellectual / Shy,” “Rugged / Wild,” and “Extremely Perverted.” Depending on the personality you choose, the princess’ reactions will change at various places in the scenario.

—Here is a scene with the “Dilligent / Honest” personality chosen.

—And here is that scene with the “Rugged / Wild” personality chosen.

As shown above, you can enjoy different reactions for each of the four personalities. But since there are no major changes in the progress of the story based on your personality and gender, you can choose whatever you prefer to role-play.

Face Graphic

There are nine graphics for each gender with differences in age and type.

■ Battle Style

The weapon used by the protagonist is a one-handed sword. As you would expect of a knight that often wanders from battlefield to battlefield, the protagonist posseses high all-purpose attack means, and is notably balanced in offense and defense.

—Protagonist (Male)

—Protagonist (Female)

—A weapon-based standard attack. Its range is narrow, but it enables players to easily use quick consecutive attacks.

—A special move that attacks every direction. Although there is a limit to how many times it can be used, its power is tremendous.

■ The Protagonist’s Growth

By repeatedly giving the four princesses “Direct Guidance,” you will obtain items called “Knowledge Materia,” which can extend the princesses’ parameters. When using these items, the protagonist will also receive “Skill Points.”

The skill points you obtain can be used to increase basic stats like HP and attack power, as well as strengthen attack actions. A growth system where you develop the princesses and protagonist side by side is one of the key features of this game.

—A special attack from below that blows back the enemy. Enemies that touch the pillar of light will receive damage.

—Allocate skill points to strengthen the protagonist’s actions.

—Now the earlier attack has two pillars of light, making it possible to deal damage to even more enemies.

■ Guidance Diary

You can read the “Guidance Diary” from the menu screen. The Guidance Diary is gradually filled out by progressing the game and when the princess’ parameters reach certain values. Its contents consist of stories surrouding the Relic Islands, information on the princesses, and knowledge useful for clearing stages.

—The menu screen.

—Information that has been revealed will appear in the diary.

Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story is due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PS Vita in Japan on March 8


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-1-19 01:44 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-19 02:39 PM 编辑

Nippon Ichi Software announces Liar Princess and the Blind Prince, Project Nightmare, and Disgaea remake

Nippon Ichi Software announced three new games during a presentation of titles due out by summer 2018 this morning.

Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
《说谎公主与盲眼王子》绘本风新作游戏发表 怪物公主与盲眼王子的奇妙互动

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/157995.html

  日本一 Software 在今(18)日晚间举办的新作发表直播节目中,发表出由社员募集企划活动「日本一企划祭」中所诞生的绘本风原创新作《说谎公主与盲眼王子(嘘つき姫と盲目王子)》,预定 2019 年推出,制作平台未定。

  这款原创新作是在曾催生《htoL#NiQ》、《夜回》等异色风格原创游戏的社内企划募集活动「日本一企划祭」中,由一位女性网页设计师提出的企划。 叙述由妖怪所幻化的公主与盲眼的王子之间跨种族交流互动的奇妙故事。 目前官方只公布数张概念草图,其余详情仍有待后续确认。

Usotsuki Hime to Moumoku Ouji, or Liar Princess and the Blind Prince, is a project conceived by a female web designer and selected to become a game as part of a yearly contest held within Nippon Ichi Software. It is characterized by its hand-drawn picture book-style visuals, and tells a heartrending love story of the interactions between a monster that takes the form of a princess, and a blind prince. Platforms, genre, and release window were not announced.

Watch a gameplay video below, courtesy of Famitsu.


Project Nightmare
日本一 Software 发表真人拍摄手法原创恐怖游戏新作《project Nightmare》

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/158003.html

  日本一 Software 在 18 日晚间举办的新作发表直播节目中,发表将制作推出以真人拍摄手法制作的原创恐怖游戏新作,企划名称暂定为《project Nightmare》,制作平台与上市时程未明。

  日本一 Software 社长新川宗平表示,《project Nightmare》将融合真人拍摄影片与冒险游戏玩法,直播中披露的真人拍摄悬疑恐怖影片并不是特别制作的宣传影片,而是实际游戏场面。

  此外,游戏中的拍摄工作都是在日本一 Software 所在的岐阜县进行。

Project Nightmare, which is still without an official title, is a horror adventure game that uses live-action video. Platforms and release window were not announced.


Disgaea Remake
诞生 15 周年纪念 初代《魔界战记 DISGAEA》高分辨率重制版 2018 年登场

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/157994.html

  日本一 Software 在今(18)日晚间举办的新作发表直播节目中宣布,即将于 1 月 30 日迎接诞生 15 周年的老牌战略仿真角色扮演游戏《魔界战记 DISGAEA(魔界戦记ディスガイア)》,将于 2018 年夏季推出高分辨率重制版, 制作平台目前尚未公布。


  《魔界战记 DISGAEA》是日本一 Software 于 2003 年 1 月 30 日在 PS2 上推出的战略仿真角色扮演游戏,以独树一帜的欢乐恶搞风格画风、剧情与系统受到玩家喜爱。 其后陆续在各游乐器主机平台上推出多款关联作品,是日本一 Software 知名度最高的当家招牌 IP。

  在本次的直播中,日本一 Software 社长新川宗平亲自宣布,为纪念《魔界战记 DISGAEA》上市 15 周年,将于 2018 年夏季推出初代作的高分辨率重制版。 但并未公布任何具体内容,包括正式名称、制作平台在内都还未明,仍有待后续确认。

A high-resolution version of the original Disgaea is currently in development and will launch in Japan this summer. Platforms were not announced.

Following the Disgaea remaster news, Nippon Ichi Software president Sohei Niikawa “mistakenly” opened a folder of photos he does not want viewers to see, and the text “Disgaea Next Work” and “xxx Remake Project” can be seen on screen, which may hint at future projects.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-1-19 03:10 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-19 06:28 PM 编辑

《你的四骑姬教导谭》第二弹宣传片 详细介绍公主与玩法
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/video/201801/4232317041.html




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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-1-25 03:40 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-2-1 02:02 PM |只看该作者
Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story Veronica character trailer


Following the Liliati trailer last week, Nippon Ichi Software has released Veronica character trailer for Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story.

Here is an overview of Veronica, via our previous coverage:

The young genius witch who leads the black magic guild. She is arrogant and cool-headed, and is feared as someone who immediately turns useless people into frogs. Since she does not treat capable individuals and those who swear their allegiance with poor attitude, she is also adored.

As a magician, Veronica uses attack magic. She has a slightly less amount of moves, but can deal damage to a vast range of enemies.

Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story is due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PS Vita in Japan on March 8.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-2-8 06:05 PM |只看该作者
Liar Princess and the Blind Prince teaser website opened

Nippon Ichi Software has launched the teaser website for its newly announced Liar Princess and the Blind Prince. The full website is scheduled to open on February 15.

Here is an overview of the game, via its Amazon Japan product page:


Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is an action adventure game where a monster and young prince take on the lead role. The player controls a wolf monster who gained the ability to transform into a princess. While making proper use of the monster’s wolf and princess forms, and sometimes cooperating with the prince, head for the witch’s house in the depths of the forest. It is a game in which you can enjoy a dramatic story born from puzzle-solving action set in a strange forest, beautiful picture book-like visuals, and the communication between monster and man.

A Tender Story that Interweaves Monster and Man

In Liar Princess and the Blind Prince, you can enjoy a dramatic and tender story that interweaves monster and man. Whether its visuals that appear to be a fusion of a game and picture book, event scenes recited by voice actors, or page-turning production, Liar Princess and the Blind Prince comes up with ways to make you feel like you are reading a story at every turn.

Warm, Analogue-Tone Graphics

One of the characteristics of this game is its pen-drawn analogue-tone graphics. Many of the elements that make up the screen, including characters, stages, and the UI, are hand-drawn by designers. During action parts, you can enjoy shadows expressed through cross-hatching, multiple scrolling for a better sense of the forest’s depth, soft light textures, and more. During story parts, you can enjoy illustrations depicted in analogue.

Solve Puzzles and Head for the Witch’s House in the Depths of the Forest

Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is a stage clear-type action game. Players will use the abilities of the monster, who has strong legs and sharp claws, and princess, who has a small body and is good with her hands, to solve puzzles and guide the NPC prince while aiming for the goal.

Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PS Vita in Japan on May 31.


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