Devil May Cry HD Collection Trailer, Get DMC1 for free via Twitch Prime
Play the original Devil May Cry free with Twitch Prime membership, starting on February 27
Devil May Cry HD Collection is just a month away from its release on PC, PS4 and Xbox One… but we want to kick this party off a little early. Here’s how you can get in on it:
Starting on February 27, we’re letting you play the very first Devil May Cry for free! This limited-time offer will get you the PC version of the game through the Twitch Desktop App, where you’ll also be able to purchase the full collection. Visit on the 27th, log in to your Twitch Prime account and claim the original Devil May Cry for free. There’s even a free trial you can sign up for at
And to hold you over for the next two weeks, above is a brand new trailer featuring some Smokin’ Sick Stylish combos.
Devil May Cry HD Collection includes the first three Devil May Cry games and will be available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on March 13, 2018 both digitally and at retail for $29.99. Read up more details on each of the games on our announcement blog post right here.
CAPCOM 宣布,收录《洛克人 X(Rockman X)》系列 8 款作品的 PS4 / Nintendo Switch / Xbox One / PC 移植合辑《洛克人 X 周年纪念合集(Rockman X Anniversary Co llection)》、《洛克人 X 周年纪念合集 2(Rockman X Anniversary Collection 2)》以及《洛克人 X 周年纪念合集 1+2(Rockman X Anniversary Collection 1+2)》确 定将于 7 月 26 日同步推出。
《洛克人 X 周年纪念合集》是为了纪念经典动作游戏《洛克人 X》系列问世 25 周年所推出的移植合辑,将系列 8 款作品分为两部移植到包含 PS4、Nintendo Switch、Xbox One 与 PC 等最新游戏平台上 推出。 除了原本的经典内容之外,还进一步强化画质与追加为了粉丝准备的新要素。
Total worldwide shipments and digital download sales for Monster Hunter: World have exceeded 7.9 million, Capcom announced.
The game’s was reported in March to be at 7.5 million units. Monster Hunter: World launched for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One worldwide on January 26.
Monster Hunter: World is the best-selling title in Capcom company history. It is followed by:
Monster Hunter: World – 7.9 million
Resident Evil 5 – 7.5 million
Resident Evil 6 – 7.1 million
Street Fighter II – 6.3 million
Resident Evil 7: biohazard – 5.1 million
Resident Evil 2 – 4.96 million
Monster Hunter Freedom 3 – 4.9 million
Monster Hunter Generations – 4.3 million
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – 4.2 million
Monster Hunter 4 – 4.1 million
Here is the statement from Capcom regarding its digital contents business from its latest financial results report:
In this business, the record-breaking success of Monster Hunter: World (for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) drove the increase in sales and contributed greatly to improved profit. Furthermore, in addition to Resident Evil 7: biohazard (for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC) and Monster Hunter XX (Double Cross) Nintendo Switch Ver. (for Nintendo Switch) giving strong performances, Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers (for Nintendo Switch) became a smash hit.
Meanwhile, sales of Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite (for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC), which was launched in September 2017 targeting the US and European markets, tended to be soft.
In Mobile contents, amid business reforms, including alliance strategies carried out by the Company to bring about a breakthrough in the business, Monster Hunter Explore maintained steady popularity, as licensing revenue utilizing our intellectual property (IP) successfully contributed to increased profits.
The resulting net sales were 74,141 million yen (up 26.3 % from the previous fiscal year) and operating income was 19,103 million yen (up 72.2 % from the previous fiscal year).
While Capcom did not announce what those major titles are, it is likely we will hear about them at E3 2018, which runs from June 12 to 14 in Los Angeles.
Additionally, following yesterday’s announcement that Monster Hunter: World shipments and digital sales of Monster Hunter: World topped 7.9 million, the company confirmed that it has in fact shipped eight million units as of April 16.
本作是将 2006 年在 PlayStation 2 上发行的冒险游戏《大神》给 HD 重制后, 以《大神 绝景版》发行在 Nintendo Switch 上的作品。 活用 Nintendo Switch 的特性,玩家的操作更直觉。 可以期待以触碰操作和转轴操作来使出主角天照所拥有的神力「笔调(笔しらべ)」。
Capcom 近(24)日公开发表预定 7 月 26 号发售的(PC 版为 7 月 25 号)2D 动作游戏《洛克人 X 周年纪念合集(Rockman X Anniversary Collection)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox O ne / Nintendo Switch)和《洛克人 X 周年纪念合集 2(Rockman X Anniversary Collection 2)》(PC / PS4 / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch)最新消息。
收录了《洛克人 X》系列 8 作品,还有各种追加要素的《洛克人 X 周年纪念合集》和《洛克人 X 周年纪念合集 2》两作里,加入了全新的「X challenge」模式,还有和全世界玩家竞分的「在线排行榜」。
X challenge 是历代头目们组队等候艾克斯(エックス)挑战的模式。 共有简易,普通,困难 3 种难度,头目强度会依难度改变,通关后的体力保留程度也会不同,总共有 27 关。 另外《洛克人 X 周年纪念合集》和《洛克人 X 周年纪念合集 2》,各区域的最后关卡也不相同。
X challenge 能使用的武器除了 X 能源炮(エックスバスター)之外,还可以从 9 种特殊武器当中挑出 3 种来装备。 并新增本模式专用的原创装甲。 详情请参照下列全文。