Dissidia Final Fantasy NT story set after the PSP games
The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has an interview with Dissidia Final Fantasy NT producer Ichiro Hazama and director Takeo Kujiraoka, who share a few new details about the PlayStation 4 fighting game.
Here are the tidbits:
The PlayStation 4 version will incorporate the world view and story of the arcade version.
There is no story-only mode, fighting is the focus through and through. As you continue to battle, the story will naturally tell itself.
The story this time is set far beyond the events of the battles from the PSP games. While the story of the PSP games has come to an end, it will show why the battle of the gods continued.
Since this is a sequel to the PSP games, they’re not restarting the story to make it the first time that the characters meet.
In the PSP games, everyone lost the memories of the worlds from their original titles and came to this world, but this time they remember their original worlds, as well as the events of the PSP games, and more so, since most of the characters have cleared the main story, they’re full of confidence.
In the case of Cloud, this is him from after Advent Children. For that reason, his outfit and other characters’ outfits during some character stories are different from the arcade version.
The arcade version and PlayStation 4 version share the same world. There are proper reasons why users are fighting in the arcade version.
The playable characters, stages, and EX Skills available in the arcade version will be implemented in the PlayStation 4 version at the time of release.
Just because there’s a PlayStation 4 version doesn’t mean they’re going to neglect the arcade version.
The arcade version will receive updates first, and a certain amount of time after that, the update will follow to PlayStation 4.
While battles are the focus of this game, players who are not good at competitive fighting can also enjoy it.
You can choose a difficulty level when playing against the CPU, as well as choose rules to get a sense that you’re playing a party game, which can only be done on PlayStation 4.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT is due out for PlayStation 4 worldwide in 2018.
巴哈姆特专访《Dissidia Final Fantasy NT》宣布同步推出中文版 制作团队畅谈游戏特色
SQUARE ENIX 预定于 2018 年初于 PS4 上推出以大型电玩版《Dissidia Final Fantasy》为基础的对战动作游戏《Dissidia Final Fantasy NT》,本作也在今年的美国 E3 电玩展上开放试玩,对于游戏试玩画面有兴趣的玩家可参考巴哈姆特电玩疯所录制的现场体验影片。
SQUARE ENIX 开发中的 PS4 角色扮演游戏《Final Fantasy XII 黄道时代(Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age)》将于 7 月 13 日与日本同步在亚洲推出繁体中文版,本次也在美国 E3 展的 SQUARE ENIX 摊位上大规模提供试玩。 游戏总监片野尚志与制作人加藤弘彰在现场接受巴哈姆特 GNN 等台湾媒体的联合访问,进一步介绍即将上市的本作。
《Final Fantasy XII》是以众多智能生物种族共存的奇幻世界「伊瓦利斯」为舞台,故事叙述小国「达玛斯卡」被军事大国「阿凯迪亚帝国」支配,发誓要解放祖国的达玛斯卡王储「雅雪」、因战乱失去家人的少年「梵恩」、远近驰名的空贼「巴夫雷尔」、背负着叛国污名的将军「巴修」等 6 名出身背景与命运各异的角色在机缘巧合下齐聚一堂, 展开波澜壮阔的冒险群像剧。
本次预定推出的 PS4《Final Fantasy XII 黄道时代》,是以 2007 年在 PS2 推出的《Final Fantasy XII 国际版 黄道职业系统》为基础,由 PS2 版原班人马为开发体制核心,进一步改良系统与导入最新技术。 配合 PS4 效能提升影音表现,调整游戏系统,让游玩过程更为顺畅。 同时收录原始版配乐与全新录制交响乐改编版配乐,以及日英双语语音,玩家可以依照自己喜好选择。
问:那么,先前的《Final Fantasy X》HD Remaster 有推出 PS3 / PS Vita 双版本,这次的《Final Fantasy XII》只选定 PS4 平台的理由是?
片野上智:毕竟在开发本作的时候,PS4 已经是最新型的主机,而考虑到当年的《Final Fantasy XII》已经是将 PS2 的硬件性能发挥到极限的作品,所以我们也打算要彻底活用PS4的高规格,只是这样一来,如果也要对应PS Vita 的话,以PS Vita 的硬件规格来说就有点⋯⋯。 基于这样的考虑,我们还是决定只开发 PS4 平台的版本。
问:请问本作针对 PS4 PRO 有没有什么特别的支持?
片野上智:关于 PS4 PRO 的部分,玩家如果连接上 4k 显示器来游玩,就可以体验到更高画质的表现。 至于运算的部分,因为我们在制作游戏的时候就已经针对 PS4 做了高速化处理,所以对此倒是没有再特别针对 PRO 做出什么设计。 就算玩家的主机不是 PRO,在普通的 PS4 上也已经可以畅快游玩,因此这点想必是不用担心。
加藤弘彰:主要有三个地方,一是原版《Final Fantasy XII》即有的独特「作战布局(Gambit)」系统,也就是让玩家可以透过指令排列组合达成的类似自动战斗的效果,我们在这款作品中将其改良得更容易使用,不管是战斗能力还是战术思考都更上一层楼。