Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age 'Gambit System' Trailer
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age's Gambit System Boiled Down in New Trailer
Square Enix released a new Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age trailer that focuses on the Gambit System, the ground-breaking combat system which utilizes customizable AI “gambits” to let players to adapt to any situation during battle. Players can also freely develop their characters and tactics with the all-new Zodiac Job System, which allows each character to battle as two of 12 unique and beloved jobs.
A breathtaking new artwork from acclaimed environmental artist Isamu Kamikokuryo was also recently revealed, heralding the return to the world of Ivalice with Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age.
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age improves upon the 2006 classic Final Fantasy XII, now more beautiful and easier to play than ever. The high-definition remaster introduces several modern advancements, including reconstructed battle design and a revamped job system. With newly implemented trophies and share functions, as well as stark visual and sound improvements in true HD for the first time, players both returning and new to the game will experience a grand adventure that spans the world of Ivalice in an entirely fresh and improved way.
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age releases for the PlayStation 4 system on July 11, 2017.
根据 Square Enix 自己的数据,本财年销量最好的游戏是《Final Fantasy XV》,全球范围内共售出 600 万套,同时《古墓丽影:崛起》也带来了非常出色的销售成绩。希望Square Enix 在《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》的制作过程中不要再出现临时换阵的情况,能够为玩家们带来一部完美的重置精品。
Final Fantasy VII Remake and Kingdom Hearts III will launch within the next three years, according to Square Enix president and CEO Yosuke Matsuda.
In an outline of Square Enix’s financial briefings for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, Matsuda said about the following slide: “This slide shows our release lineup for FY2017/3 as well as for FY2018/3 and beyond. We plan to launch each of these upcoming titles in the next three years or so.”
That would mean both Final Fantasy VII Remake and Kingdom Hearts III will be released by 2020. The former was first announced at E3 2015, and the former at E3 2013. Both are still without a narrower release window.
Final Fantasy VII Remake shifts to internal dev under Mobius project leader
《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》已从外社合作开发转变为Square Enix 内部开发
上周我们曾报导过Square Enix 为《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》招聘开发人员的消息,在招聘页面中,Square Enix 第一事业部主管兼游戏制作人北濑佳范、游戏制作总监野村哲也、游戏开发领导滨口直树表示为了追求超越原作的品质需要大幅强化游戏的开发体制,不过由于开发人员匮乏,所以开始招聘有志向的人才加入开发团队。
在 5 月 27 日进行的一次直播活动中,《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》的开发领导滨口直树表示,目前本作的开发工作已经由原先的“他社协力开发”转变为了公司内部自己开发。
滨口直树说“我在负责《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》的开发工作,目前开发工作正在同外部合作持续推进,不过公司已经决定将开发工作转移到内部工作室来了,包括今后的批量生产和品质管理。因为公司希望能控制一切,包含质量和稳定的发售时间表等。”
据悉 CyberConnect 2 曾是Square Enix 在《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》中的合作开发伙伴之一。而此前官方表示《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》将会拆分成多部曲推出。
《Final Fantasy VII 重制版》预计在未来三年内 2020 年于 PS4 平台即时独占发售,敬请期待!
Final Fantasy VII Remake shifts toward internal development
Square Enix is shifting development of Final Fantasy VII Remake in-house. According to several comments made during a special broadcast, it was revealed Naoki Hamaguchi, who was previously in charge of the development for Mobius Final Fantasy, will be taking on the top developmental role for the highly-anticipated remake. He made the following comments during the show:
“So far, development (for FFVIIR) has been carried out mainly with the support of external partners. However, in view of factors such as improving quality when the product goes into mass production in the future, the company has decided to shift the developmental system back to within the company, so as to maintain a stable schedule and have control over factors such as quality. We will be forming a robust system within the company to properly carry out the development.”
It seems Naoki Hamaguchi will be focusing his attention on Final Fantasy VII Remake in light of recent recruitment listings looking for various staff positions. It’s currently unknown what this means for Square Enix’s previous collaboration with outsourcing companies such as CyberConnect2.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT announced for PS4
《最终幻想纷争 NT》(Dissidia Final Fantasy)公布 预计2018 年初登陆PS4
Koei Tecmo的忍者小组曾与 Square Enix 的 Final Fantasy 衍生对战系列《Dissidia Final Fantasy》合作,推出了街机版的《Dissidia Final Fantasy》,并已在日本运营多时。本次美亚上架了《Dissidia Final Fantasy NT》的商品页面,并将在 2018 年初登陆 PS4 平台。
本作中玩家可以操作超过 20 名《Final Fantasy》系列主角和经典敌人角色,游戏是一款支持 3V3 的战斗游戏,同时玩家也可以召唤奥丁等召唤兽来帮助自己战斗。
游戏采用了全新的《Final Fantasy 》故事,剧本由野岛一成负责,他曾参与《Final Fantasy XV》、《Final Fantasy X》和《王国之心》等作品。
并且,在亚马逊的商品介绍页中,还描述 Final Fantasy XV的主角诺克提斯也将在本作中登场。
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Redefines the Brawler Genre
Square Enix announced that Dissidia Final Fantasy NT will make its North American debut on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system in early 2018. Developed in partnership with veteran fighting game studio, Team Ninja from Koei Tecmo Games, this team-based brawler pits legendary heroes and villains from the Final Fantasy franchise together in epic and strategic team battles.
Offering strategic online and offline play, players can select from over 20 legendary characters and familiar summons, including Ifrit, Shiva and Odin, to bring into 3 vs. 3 battle. The game also brings back the Dissidia series’ unique “bravery combat system,” alongside unparalleled visuals and seamless gameplay.
Tune in to a deep dive panel with Producer Ichiro Hazama, Director Takeo Kujiraoka, Justin Wong of Echo Fox and K-Brad at the E3 Coliseum on Tuesday June 13th @ 3:15 p.m. (Pacific). The E3 Coliseum will be streamed on Twitch and YouTube. More information can be found here:
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT introduces squad-based battle gameplay by allowing you to wage war with over 20 of your favorite Final Fantasy characters. Combining unparalleled visuals, seamless gameplay, and your favorite characters from the past 30 years of the franchise, Dissidia Final Fantasy NT welcomes all gamers with three-versus-three battles and the series renowned “bravery combat system”. While aiming for supremacy, call forth familiar summons like Ifrit, Shiva, and Odin to aid you and your party! Square Enix is collaborating with Team Ninja, one of the world’s leading developers in the fighting game genre, to bring Dissidia Final Fantasy NT to life.
Key Features
• Final Fantasy, everything you could ever want – Over 20 playable Final Fantasy heroes and villains to play, over ten iconic battle arenas, legendary summons, tons of equippable weapons and moogles.
• The return from Eos – Noctis makes his triumphant return to the PS4 as a combatant, fighting to save the world of Dissidia.
• Legendary narrative – Dive into an all-new Final Fantasy story, written by writer Kazushige Nojima (Fantasy VII Remake, Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts, and Kingdom Hearts II).
• Your fantasy. Your fight – Each battle you wage, you will gain XP and gil to deepen the customization of your Final Fantasy champion – from EX skills to weapons to skins, level up.
• Only the brave survive – The bravery combat system allows a much deeper and more methodical approach to the fighting game genre, separating luck from skill.
“NT” means various things, including “New Tale,” “New Trial,” and “New Tournament.”
There is no “Story Mode,” as it is mainly a fighting game based on the arcade version, there will be a story not present in the arcade version, which you will be able to experience through event scenes.
The game has the same basic three-versus-three party battle system as the arcade version, but there are also PlayStation 4-only original systems.
The arcade version will continue to be updated.
Arcade users and PlayStation 4 users won’t be able to fight against each other.
They’re investigating letting arcade users carry over some level of data.
The game will be playable at E3 2017 from June 13 to 15.
FF 大乱斗家用主机现身! 《Dissidia Final Fantasy NT》PS4 版 2018 年初推出
根据美国 Amazon 购物网站透露的信息,SQUARE ENIX 预定于 2018 年初推出大型电玩在线团队对战动作游戏《Dissidia Final Fantasy》的 PS4 家用版《Dissidia Final Fantasy NT》。
※ 目前仅有 Amazon 商品网页率先曝光的低画质版,高画质版仍有待官方正式公布
《Dissidia Final Fantasy》是 KOEI TECMO Games Team NINJA 开发、以《Final Fantasy》系列为题材的大型电玩对战动作游戏。 游戏中玩家可以选择自己喜欢的角色自由组队、设定能发动威力强大之超必杀技的「召唤兽」,在熟悉的历代场景对战舞台中,展开 3 对 3 的激烈对战。
根据 Amazon 透露的商品介绍信息,本次预定推出的 PS4 版《Dissidia Final Fantasy NT》将收录超过 20 名可用角色,超过 10 个经典对战场地,多种传奇召唤兽,以及大量可供装备的武器与莫古利。 玩家可以透过战斗来取得经验值与金钱,升级强化 EX 技能、武器与造型,打造属于自己的 FF 冠军战士,体验由野岛一成(代表作:《Final Fantasy VII》等)编剧的全新 FF 故事。
The World of Ivalice Comes Alive Again in New Trailer
Squar Enix today released a new trailer for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age that gives players a closer look at the game’s beautifully remastered visuals and soundtrack.
Players will be able to experience the intrigue of Final Fantasy XII’s story like never before with enhanced high-definition graphics and the Zodiac Job System, allowing players to pick two of 12 jobs in a character progression system first introduced in the Japan-only release, Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac System. The title will also feature a remastered soundtrack, 7.1-surround sound, speed mode, an auto-save feature, faster loading times, a new Trial Mode and more.
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age releases for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system in North America on July 11, 2017.
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Collector’s Edition will feature a Judge Magisters Mini Bust Set, exclusive artwork, Art Card set and more in addition to the base game, and is available for pre-order exclusively on the Square Enix Online Store for $199.99. The Limited Edition is also available for pre-order at select retailers for $49.99.