改编自角色扮演在线游戏《Final Fantasy XIV》真实事件的电视剧《Final Fantasy XIV:光之父亲》本周在日本上映。 这是一段描述身为《FFXIV》玩家的儿子,隐瞒自己的真实身份,与年过 60 的老爸一起在在线游戏中冒险并且行孝的故事。
《Final Fantasy XIV:光之父亲》改编自日本电玩部落格「一撃确杀SS日记」的连载内容,作者「Maidy」拉了自己本来就很爱玩游戏的老爸进入《Final Fantasy XIV》的游戏中,但他隐瞒了自己的真实身份来跟父亲一同组队冒险,在跟父亲打败了游戏中位于巴哈姆特大迷宫第五层的首领后,他才跳出来跟父亲吐露「 其实我是你儿子」的事情,以部落格描写在游戏中跟老爸改善关系的过程。
值得一提的是剧中在《Final Fantasy XIV》所发生的相关事件并非以计算机动画呈现,而是以操作实际游戏角色来拍摄戏剧所需的分镜画面,参与成员都是游戏公会「FCじょびネッツア」,也得到了《FFXIV》 开发及营运团队的协助,如果是眼尖的玩家在观看本剧时,可以试着辨识出其中差异,对《FFXIV》 玩家而言更可以从本剧中听到许多熟悉的音乐旋律。
《Final Fantasy XII:黄道时代》公开最新 4 分钟宣传片
Square Enix 推出的 PS4 平台游戏《Final Fantasy XII:黄道时代》公开最新宣传片,本作以《Final Fantasy XII 国际版》为基础,除了画面更高清外,系统还进行了改良并导入最新技术,繁体中文版与日版同步将于 2017 年 7 月 13 日上市。
Square Enix has released a new trailer for Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age.
The PlayStation 4 remaster improves upon the 2006 original with high-definition graphics and sound, and several modern advancements, including reconstructed battle design and a revamped job system.
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is due out for PlayStation 4 on July 11 in North America and Europe, and July 13 in Japan.
35 minutes of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age gameplay
Square Enix debuted 35 minutes of gameplay from Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age during the game’s first official live stream today.
The company also announced that it is planning a takeover of train advertisements in Japan, and is currently taking applications for tag lines themed after things such as Final Fantasy XII memories and characters to be used in the advertisements.
The selected tag lines will be used, and prizes will be presented to the first place and second place winners. The application period will run from April 27 to May 21.
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is due out for PlayStation 4 on July 11 in North America and Europe, and July 13 in Japan.
Watch the footage below (from 33:45 to to 55:35, and 58:05 to 1:11:03).
Dissidia Final Fantasy Arcade new character reveal set for May 9
Square Enix will reveal a new playable character for Dissidia Final Fantasy during a Niconico live stream on May 9 at 20:00 JST, the company announced.
The live stream will feature the debut and live gameplay of the new character, as well information about the game’s latest version and a Q&A corner.
Dissidia Final Fantasy is available now in Japanese arcades.