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【新闻部】Playstation 4)-









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-6-10 10:23 PM |只看该作者
【E3 2014】PS4 主机新配色「冰河白」今秋发售迷彩灰控制器同步上市

Sony Computer Entertainment 今(10)日宣布将于今年秋天在世界各地陆续推出PlayStation 4(PS4)首款新配色主机「冰河白」,此外也将发售同色的直立架与无线控制器(DUALSHOCK 4)、以及「迷彩灰」款的DUALSHOCK 4,为PS4 主机与周边机器增添新阵容。
「冰河白」PS4 主机在北美、拉丁美洲、欧洲地区将搭配Bungie, Inc. 开发、Activision 贩售的游戏《Destiny》与PlayStation Plus 的30 天免费会籍,预定售价为449 美金/439 欧元。另外,「冰河白」与「迷彩灰」的DUALSHOCK 4 预定售价为59 美金/59 欧元。在欧洲地区单购「冰河白」PS4 主机的预定售价为399 欧元,同色直立架预定售价为19 欧元。关于各项商品在日本与亚洲的售价将另行公开。
官方指出,PS4 平台预计于2014 年内发售120 款以上游戏,此外所有PS4 主机皆预先安装的PS4 专用游戏《THE PLAYROOM》于2014 年夏天也将推出全新的免费下载内容。选购PlayStation Camera 的玩家未来可透过PlayStation Vita 或安装了PlayStation App 的随身装置,将映照在电视画面上自己周围的空间添加烟雾或聚光灯、放置自制招牌等物件,亦能播放音效或喜爱的音乐等。而在实况播送《THE PLAYROOM》时,可邀请收看游玩过程的其他玩家针对喜爱的游戏或角色等特定主题进行投票等,增加游戏时的互动方式。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-6-12 08:58 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-14 05:20 PM 编辑

New Glacier White PS4 Will Launch This Fall
E3 2014索尼展前发布会 “冰川白”PS4公布!

Sony Computer Entertainment to Introduce 'Glacier White' PlayStation 4, Available This Fall

Sony Computer Entertainment today announced that it will introduce the first color variation for PlayStation 4(PS4) in “Glacier White,” which will be available worldwide starting this fall. Peripheral lineups will also expand with the “Glacier White” DualShock 4 Wireless Controller and Vertical Stand, in addition to DualShock 4 in the color “Urban Camouflage.”

In North America, Latin America and Europe, PS4 in “Glacier White” will be available as part of a bundle pack featuring Destiny, a highly anticipated title developed by Bungie and published by Activision. The bundle also includes a free 30 day membership to PS Plus, and comes at a recommended retail price of US$449/EUR439. Furthermore, PS4 in “Glacier White” will also be sold separately in Europe at an RRP of EUR399. The Vertical Stand will be available in Europe at an RRP of EUR19, and DualShock 4 in “Glacier White” and “Urban Camouflage” will both be available at an RRP of US$59/EUR59. The pricings for each product in Japan and other Asian regions will be announced on a later date.

Gamers now have a variety of colors to choose from when selecting PS4 systems and peripherals, as users can choose from both the original “Jet Black” and the new “Glacier White” PS4 systems, as well as a range of colors for DualShock 4 including “Urban Camouflage” and “Glacier White” in addition to the existing colors.

  索尼E3 2014发布会中,公布关于动视和Bungie首次合作打造的在线科幻射击游戏《命运》新情报时,公开了PS4首个异色机型“冰川白(Glacier White)”,并将针对《命运》推出主机套装,内容包括500GB白色PS4主机本体、白色PS4手柄、《命运》游戏以及一个月的PS+会员,美版发售日为2014年9月9日,售价449美元/439欧元,欧洲“冰川白”PS4单品售价为399欧元,白色主机底座售价为19欧元。而《命运》BETA测试版则将于7月17日开启。


PS4 Glacier White FAQ

Q. Why did you adopt white as the new color variation for PS4 when you had other choices?

A. We decided to introduce white as a new color variation for PS4 based on market trend as well as demand from users.

Q. What is the origin of the color name ”Glaicer White”?

A. We have adopted white that associate with glacier.

Q. PS Vita TV in ”White” and PS4 in ”Glacier White” seems to have the same color, but is it true? If that is the case, why did you adopt different color names?

A. While both products adopt white, they have different shape, size, and surface finish . When deciding color names, we take various elemets into consideration including those factors.

Q. Along with ”Jet Black” and ”Glacier White”, will you release other color variation for PS4?

A. We are considering numerous possibilities, however we have nothing to announce at this point in time.

Q. Does PS4 in ”Glacier White” have different feature from PS4 in ”Jet Black”? Do ”Glacier White” and ”Urban Camouflage” DS4 have different feature from exsisting DS4 in other colors?

A. There is no difference in terms of feature.

Q. Are you only selling it as part of a bundle pack featuring Destiny in North America? Will it be available separetly?

A. We have nothing to annouce at this point in time.

Q. I heard that in North America, the limited number of vertical stand in ”Glacier White” color will be put in the bundle pack featuring Destiny and PS4 ”Glacier White”. Won’t it be available as standdalone product?

A. We have nothing to annouce at this point in time.

Q. Where can North American users purchase vertical stand for PS4 in ”Glacier White”?

A. In North America, a limited number of Vertical Stand will be included in the bundle featuring Destiny. We have nothing to announce about selling the stand as standalone product in North America at this point in time.

Q. What is the reason for not introducing ”Glacier White” PS4 and vertical stand as standalone product in North America?

A. We decide which product to launch in each region based on market trend in each reagion.

Q. PS4 in “Glacier White” will be sold separately in Europe. When will be the realease date?

A. We have nothing to annouce at this point in time.

Q. Don’t you have any update on global cumulaive sold through number for PS4, since it was announced to reach more than 7million globally as of April 6th?

A. No. The latest number for global cumulative PS4 sold through is 7 million as of April 6th.

Q. Will Europe and American version of PS4 in ”Glacie White” work in Japan?

A. In general, Europe and American version of PS4 work in Japan, but we recommend users purchase PS4 at the region of their residence to guarantee the best overall consumer experience. In addition, users cannot take support service when they use overseas PS4 in Japan.
Wirelss Controller

Q. Does DualShock 4 charging station support DualShock 4 in “Urban Camouflage” and “Glacier White” color?

A. Yes.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-6-12 09:05 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-14 07:27 PM 编辑

PlayStation TV Launching in North America & Europe This Fall
SCE宣布将于秋季在北美及欧洲推出黑色PSV TV

  Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) 预计于2014年秋季在北美及欧洲推出PlayStation®TV(PS TV)“黑”款式,连接电视即可轻松游玩游戏或观赏影像,享受各类娱乐内容。

  本商品自2013年11月14日已在日本与亚洲地区以“PlayStation®Vita TV”之名发售,透过系统软件更新主机机能与扩充内容,加上方便与简单的操作方式获得用户的广大好评。为回应欧美用户的需求,决定以新名称与新主机颜色正式发售,为用户献上PS TV多样化的服务与内容。

  此外PS TV预计于2014年内可支援美国及加拿大推出的PlayStation™Now Open Beta服务。在PS TV上可使用无线控制器(DUALSHOCK®3或DUALSHOCK®4)轻松操作游玩PS3™的各项游戏。

  SCE透过PS TV的各项机能与服务,将致力于扩大“PlayStation”的全新娱乐世界。

  ※ “PlayStation”、“PS3”与“DUALSHOCK”为Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. 之商标与注册商标。“PS4”为该公司之商标。


Sony Computer Entertainment Introduces PlayStation TV for North America, Europe and the PAL Region

Sony Computer Entertainment today introduced PlayStation TV (PS TV), an affordable entertainment system that will enable users to easily enjoy various game content and PlayStation 4 remote play on their TV at home. PS TV will come in “Black,” and will be available in North America, Europe and the PAL region this Fall at a recommended retail price of just $99/Eur99 for a standalone system. In addition, a bundle that includes a wireless controller (DualShock 3), 8GB memory card, and The LEGO Movie Videogame from Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment will be available at $139.99 in North America.

This product was released in Japan and other Asian regions as PlayStation Vita TV (PS Vita TV) on November 14, 2013, and has proven to be popular with consumers looking for a convenient, easy-to-use gaming system. Since its initial release, PS TV has continuously evolved through system software updates and content enhancements. Adopting the same chipsets and system software as the PlayStation Vita (PS Vita) portable entertainment system, PS TV comes in an ultra slim size (6.5cm × 10.5cm), the smallest of all PlayStation platforms that connect to a TV. In response to the demands from users in North America, Europe and the PAL region, SCE will introduce the system under a new name and color, and will deliver entertainment experiences only possible on PS TV.

PlayStation 4 Remote Play

As with PS Vita, PS TV supports PS4 Remote Play and Wireless Controller (DualShock 3 or DualShock 4). This will allow PS4 users in the living room to continue playing a game on a PS TV system in their bedroom. PS4 users can also enjoy most of the PS4 games on PS TV with excellent operability as if they are playing it on their PS4 system.

PlayStation 3 games through PlayStation Now

PS TV users will be able to access the PlayStation Now open beta service that will be available by the end of this year in North America and at a later date in Europe and the PAL region. PS TV users will be able to comfortably enjoy PS3 games via streaming, by using Wireless Controller (DualShock 3 or DualShock 4).

Vast lineup of software titles available for download or via game cards

PS TV offers a vast lineup of over 1,000 software titles from select PS Vita games, PSP (PlayStation Portable) games and PS One classics, including titles such as Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes (Disney Interactive), Minecraft (Mojang/4J Studios), God of War: Collection (SCE WWS), and Killzone Mercenary (SCE WWS). Users will be able to enjoy all of these titles using the Wireless Controller (DualShock 3 or DualShock 4). Users can download games directly to the system through the PlayStation Store, or insert a PS Vita game card directly into the device.

Fun and Unique features of PS TV

• PS TV users can play games with PS Vita users through a local wireless Ad Hoc mode.

• Up to 2 DualShock 3 or DualShock 4 controllers can be connected to PS TV, allowing users to enjoy multiplayer games from PS One classics titles.

• PS TV will allow users to access movies and TV episodes available on PlayStation Store

• PS TV users can access the same services they enjoy on their PS Vita system, such as PlayStation Plus.

• Videos or photos stored on the Memory Card or those videos being played on the “Browser” of the PS Vita system can easily be transferred to PS TV to be viewed on a large TV screen. While being transferred, PS Vita can be used as a remote controller using the video player application.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-6-14 04:42 PM |只看该作者
【E3 2014】SCEA 主打PlayStation 平台抽象化展出虚拟实境头戴显示器(Project Mopheus)

  在这次E3 展中,美国索尼电脑娱乐(SCEA)照惯例在洛杉矶国际会议中心(LACC)西厅设摊展出,与去年起开始搬迁到西厅的微软以及十余年来都习惯在西厅展出的任天堂三国鼎立,展出主力以上市第一年的新世代主机「PlayStation 4(PS4)」为主力,展出包括本家与协力厂商主打游戏,以及琳琅满目的独立开发游戏,另外还有进入末期但仍有不错表现的PS3 游戏阵容,以及即将在欧美地区推出新型态机种「PlayStation TV(即亚洲的PS Vita TV)」,类型相当丰富。

  在3 月的GDC 发表以来就受到全球玩家关注的虚拟实境头戴显示器「Project Morpheus」,在这次E3 展SCEA 摊位上也有展出,而且相对于偏技术性质的GDC 来说,E3 展能让更多不同层面的玩家接触到,现场排队等候试玩的参观者可说是络绎不绝。最多参观者体验的是专门为了虚拟实境所开发的一组互动展示,让玩家拿着2 支PlayStation Move 控制器来模拟双手的动作,以空手或是棍棒、刀剑、链锤、弓弩来招呼练习用的木偶,体验与虚拟世界进行体感真实互动的感受。







  这次除了先前GDC 曾亮相过的几组展示之外,还增加了《Jurassic Encounter》与《Street Luge》2 组展示。其中《Street Luge》是以旱地雪橇为主题的示范,试玩者会仰躺在懒骨头椅上,模拟乘坐平底滑板的姿势,接着开始在下坡路上往下高速滑行,双手不需要操作任何装,只要左右摆动头部就可以控制滑板的行进方向,游玩的姿势与方法与其他几个虚拟境展示比较不同。






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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-6-14 06:49 PM |只看该作者
SCE宣布PS NOW于7月31日在北美地区公开测试

  Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) 自7月31日起,将为居住在美国※1与加拿大的“PlayStation®4”(PS4™)用户提供活用云端技术的“PlayStation”串流游戏服务:Open Beta版“PlayStation™Now”(PS Now)。此外继PS4™之后,“PlayStation®3”(PS3®)自9月起,“PlayStation®Vita”与预计今年秋天发售的“PlayStation TV”在2014年内也将在美国※1与加拿大提供服务。

  SCE于今年1月在美国展开限定参加者的PS3®版Private Beta服务,接著展开PS4™版服务,收集使用者的宝贵意见,为展开Open Beta服务而陆续进行准备。Open Beta服务开始时,将服务范围扩大为居住在美国与加拿大的所有PS4™和PS3®使用者,为了让更多用户能使用该服务而持续进化。

  Open Beta服务开始时,众多游戏软件公司与SCE Worldwide Studios将提供100款以上种类繁多的PS3®游戏。为了让用户能配合个人生活型态游玩游戏,SCE针对上述游戏,配合用户的各种生活型态来设定租借日数与价格。例如想在短时间内轻松游玩游戏的用户,可以2.99美金租借游戏,几乎所有游戏皆可以2.99美金至19.99美金的价格来租借游玩。此外日后也准备提供固定费率的定期服务。

  PS Now今后不只局限于“PlayStation”平台,预计将服务扩大至各项支援网路的平台装置。该服务的第一弹,是2014年内于美国发售,为支援PS Now机能的Sony制液晶电视BRAVIA™的用户提供Privita Beta服务。

  此外SCE也将在欧洲与日本也准备提供PS Now的服务。

  SCE为了用户今后也能享受畅快的PS Now体验,预计随时追加各类游戏外,也将扩充机能与支援装置等,促使服务更加进化。

  ※1 阿拉斯加与夏威夷除外
  ※ “PlayStation”为Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. 之商标与注册商标。
  ※  其它记载名称为各公司的商标或注册商标。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2014-6-27 10:36 PM |只看该作者

The Last of Us Remastered PS4 Bundle Announced for Europe

The Last of Us Remastered PS4 bundle unveiled

We’re really pleased to confirm that we will be releasing a PS4 bundle for The Last of Us Remastered in Europe! It has a EUR 429.99 RRP and will include the following:

• The Last of Us Remastered
• PlayStation 4
• DualShock 4

Grab your interest? Check your local retailers for listings to pre-order now.



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