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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
正如之前所预告的那样,索尼公司在2014年开发者大会中公布了他们全新虚拟现实技术的情报。在此次游戏业界盛会的“推动创新的未来”板块中,他们终于公开了传闻已久的PS4虚拟现实设备“Project Morhpeus”。
而根据索尼研发主管Richard Marks博士的说法,PS4的虚拟现实技术是无处不在的,它将在各种玩家们认为可能派不上用场的事情上发挥作用。举个例子来说,他一直和美国航天局(NASA)的喷气推进实验室合作,想要创造一个火星演示,让玩家们真的觉得自己站在该星球的地表上。
Marks博士还表示虚拟现实技术主要包括六大挑战,分别是视觉、听觉、跟踪、控制、易用性和内容。而内容上还有大品牌作为支持,包括Unity、Havok、Wwise、Gigantic、Autodesk and Autodesk Gameware Scaleform、DDD、Criware、Epic Games、Silicon Studio、Bitsquid、Crytek和FMod等。
根据官方的说法,Morpheus能在PS Move、PS Eye和PS4上无缝运作。此外Morpheus并非最终完成品,它还只是一个进行中的计划。吉田表示开发者大会之所以被选为该设备的公开场所,是因为索尼也希望从开发商方面得到反馈。而在开发者大会期间,索尼还会提供相关的技术演示,请玩家们继续期待后续报道。
屏幕分辨率:1920xRGBx1080 (单眼屏幕分辨率960xRGBx1080)
问: 该设备何时会发售?
答: 尽快发售。
问: 它是否有线?
答: 目前原型会使用5米长的线。显然,索尼也正在寻找无线的解决方案。
问: 该设备的帧速和延迟如何?
答: 该设备拥有最高的帧速和最低的延迟。
问: 它是否可以用于PC上?
答: 索尼目前专注于将Project Morhpeus打造为PS4产品。
问: 它有可能独立于Playstation么?
答: 不。
PS4 virtual reality headset Project Morpheus unveiled
Sony Computer Entertainment Announces "Project Morpheus" - A Virtual Reality System That Expands The World Of Playstation 4
Sony Computer Entertainment today announced the development of "Project Morpheus" − a virtual reality system that takes the PlayStation 4 system to the next level of immersion and demonstrates the future of gaming. SCE will continue development of Morpheus looking towards a future commercial launch.
"At SCE we view innovation as an opportunity to build on our mission to push the boundaries of play," said Shuhei Yoshida, President of SCE Worldwide Studios. "Project Morpheus is the latest example of innovation from SCE, and we're looking forward to its continued development and the games that will be created as development kits get into the hands of content creators."
Morpheus enables developers to create experiences that deliver a sense of presence - where players feel as though they are physically inside the virtual world of a game. Presence is like a window into another world that heightens the emotions gamers experience as they play. Morpheus features a visor style head-mounted display and works seamlessly with PlayStation Camera to deliver a unique VR experience right before the player's eyes. Inertial sensors built into the head mount unit and PlayStation Camera accurately track head orientation and movement so as the player's head rotates, the image of the virtual world rotates naturally and intuitively in real-time. Furthermore, in supporting games, the player can use a PlayStation Move Motion Controller as an object, such as a sword. Morpheus will reproduce the player's hands and sword within the game so the player feels like they are physically fighting off enemies with their sword in the virtual world.
Morpheus adopts 3D audio technology uniquely developed by SCE. In addition to sounds coming from front, behind, left and right, Morpheus re-creates stereoscopic sounds heard from below and above the players, such as footsteps climbing up stairs below them, or engine noises of helicopters flying overhead. Sounds that players hear change in real-time depending on their head orientation, creating a highly realistic audio environment within an immersive 360-degree virtual world.
Along with PlayStation Camera, Wireless Controller for PS4, and PS Move, Morpheus will deliver immersive breakthrough entertainment experiences to gamers through the PS4 system, leveraging SCE's expertise across key areas for VR – including display/optics, audio, tracking, control, ease of use, and content.
Developers will be able to create Morpheus content for PS4, a platform which has sold over 6 million units only after 3 months and a half of its launch, and is continuing to show strong momentum. The Morpheus dedicated SDK is currently under development and will become available when ready.
During the Game Developers Conference 2014 held in San Francisco from March 19 through March 21, attendees can visit the Sony Computer Entertainment America booth to have a hands-on experience with Morpheus, which will be exhibited for reference. Attendees can enjoy exclusive technology demo such as EVE Valkyrie (CCP), a multiplayer dogfighting shooter that uses virtual reality to give the player the sense of being a real pilot in an EVE Online spaceship, Thief (Square Enix), which allows players to explore the dark shadowy world of the stealth action title, "The Castle" (SCE) that shows various VR interactions utilizing PS Move, and "The Deep" (SCE), where players can observe the waters from inside a shark proof cage.
Specifications of "Project Morpheus" Prototype
• Component - Processor unit, head-mounted unit
• Display Method - LCD
• Panel Size - 5 inches
• Panel Resolution - 1920xRGBx1080 (960xRGBx1080 per eye)
• Field of View - 90 degrees
• Sensors - Accelerometer, Gyroscope
• Connection interface - HDMI + USB
• Function - 3D audio, Social Screen
Specifications and designs are those of the prototype and are subject to change.
PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... g-project-morpheus/ |