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E3 2018 - Inspiring the New World June 12-14,2018|Los Angeles









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-6-7 11:15 PM |只看该作者



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-6-7 11:18 PM |只看该作者
《往日不再》正式发售日公布 2 月 22 日 2019 年发售

  Bend Studio 开发,索尼互动娱乐(SIE)制作的 PS4 独占动作冒险游戏《往日不再(Days Gone)》正式公布了发售日期于 2019 年 2 月 22 日发售,并同时繁体中文英文合版发售。

  《往日不再》是由曾经手开发《秘境探险:黄金深渊》的 SIE Bend Studio 首度尝试开发的 3A 级大型游戏,背景设定在爆发世界性大规模感染两年后的地球,此时世界已成一片废墟。 玩家将扮演幸存者迪肯‧圣约翰(Deacon St. John),在社会崩解的极限环境中求生,一边对抗狂暴化的感染者与感染生物侵袭,一边面对尔虞我诈的幸存者派系竞争,体验人性的现实与希望。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-6-8 02:26 PM |只看该作者
NIS America announces E3 2018 lineup, teases “exciting announcements”

NIS America has announced the lineup of games it is bringing to E3 2018, which runs from June 12 to 14 in Los Angeles.

In addition to hands-on experiences with some of its upcoming games, NIS America teases to “get hype for some exciting announcements.”

The following games will be playable:

Disgaea 1 Complete (PS4, Switch)

The Overlord is dead. The Netherworld is in turmoil. Time to kick some ass! Netherworld Prince Laharl awakens to fight for his throne and it’s up to him and some unlikely allies to defend what is rightfully his. Together with his devious vassal Etna, the angel trainee Flonne, and a whole cavalcade of explosive characters, Laharl will slash, shoot, and punch his way to the top. Build your squad to level 9999 and unleash crazy special skills, team attacks, and spells to deal millions of points of damage in this zany high-definition remake of an RPG classic.

Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk (PS4, Switch, PC)

Beneath a small town lies an endless maze known as the Labyrinth of Refrain. Dusk Witch Dronya arrives, and with her puppet soldiers, endeavors to find something buried deep within. Embark on an adventure as you discover the secrets underground. What treasures will you find? What terrors will you encounter?

SNK 40th Anniversary Collection (Switch)

The arcade comes home in this amazing collections from the earliest titles in SNK’s illustrious catalog. Celebrating 40 years of titles that changed the landscape of arcade and console libraries across the world, available for the first time in one collection! Pixel-perfect and chocked full of special features like saving anywhere and rewind, all with an enormous gallery of rare and detailed production notes and materials. Take the arcade with you wherever you go with the definitive early SNK arcade collection!

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Switch)

Ys returns with a brand new adventure for the first time in 8 years! Adol awakens shipwrecked and stranded on a cursed island. There, he and the other shipwrecked passengers he rescues form a village to challenge fearsome beasts and mysterious ruins on the isolated island. Amidst this, Adol begins to dream of a mysterious blue-haired maiden living in a unknown world. Join Adol as he unravels the riddle of the cursed isle and the blue-haired maiden Dana!


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-6-8 11:18 PM |只看该作者
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom E3 2018 Trailer


Monster Boy E3 Trailer Premiere

Dear Monster Boy fans, friends and followers,

today is a very special day for the whole team! We can finally reveal a brand new trailer and it includes material of the final game! No work in progress, no placeholders - this is how the game will look like when you get your hands on it later this summer!

It's been a long journey. We devoted 4 years of our lives to create a truly enjoyable love letter to classic gaming, never shy of implementing new ideas and fun mechanics in order to deliver a product that we can all be proud of. As a passionate player, you deserve nothing less.

We're very excited to hear back your opinions after you watched the trailer and hope that you like what you see. Will you join Jin on his quest to save Monster World Kingdom when the game releases on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PlayStation 4?


Indivisible E3 2018 Trailer


New Playable Content Revealed for Highly Anticipated Action-RPG Indivisible Ahead of E3

505 Games and leading independent developer Lab Zero Games have announced the release of a new beta demo available to all backers of the highly anticipated fan-funded action-RPG Indivisible. Backers of the massively successful Indiegogo campaign, which raised over $2.2M in funding, will be treated to new and improved battle mechanics, enemies and quests while being introduced to three new playable characters; plant-summoner Nuna, the gun-slinging Latigo and boisterous pirate queen Baozhai. The new beta demo will also provide backers with a unique opportunity to battle a newly-created “hybrid boss,” Pindayar. A first for the genre, “hybrid bosses” switch seamlessly between strategic RPG battles and action-packed platforming. Indivisible’s official E3 trailer showcasing these exciting new features, animations, characters and more was released today.

Available to all backers as a game update for Steam for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, players can access this all-new content by simply running their previously installed backer preview demo (distributed in November 2017). Additional game download codes are not required to access the updated demo.

Created by Lab Zero Games, the developers behind the million-plus selling cult-favorite fighting game Skullgirls, Indivisible spans a huge fantasy world inspired by various cultures and mythologies. A classically-influenced RPG/platformer hybrid, Indivisible tells the tale of Ajna, a good-natured tomboy with a rebellious streak. Her life is thrown into chaos when her town is attacked, awakening a mysterious power in her – the ability to absorb certain individuals into her being. She embarks on a quest to confront the warlord who destroyed her home, uniting people from faraway lands along the way, and discovering new aspects of herself and her world in the process.

Indivisible is currently in development for Nintendo Switch, Steam for Windows, Mac and Linux, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and will offer English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese and Russian-language versions. For more information on the game, please visit: Indivisible.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-6-8 11:19 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-8 11:53 PM 编辑

Dead or Alive 6 Announced for PS4, Xbox One and PC
《生死格斗 6》正式发表 首个宣传片公开

转载 - 游明星空(http://www.gamersky.com/news/201806/1058213.shtml

  光荣特库摩旗下Team NINJA 制作正式发表《生死格斗 6》(DEAD OR ALIVE 6),预定2019 年初发售,对应 PS4、Xbox One、PC(Steam)平台,并预告将于下周开始的E3电玩展释出更多内容。以下为IGN率先披露的首个宣传片。

  根据IGN 报导《生死格斗 6》将使用一套新引擎,同时游戏也将加入更加精致逼真的视效细节,其中就包括动态的面部表情。游戏中的角色在施放踢击和拳击时,他们的面部表情会剧烈扭曲,在施放 Combo 后人物的身体也会被汗水覆盖,而在受到伤害时人物身上也会出现伤口。

  《生死格斗 6》游戏总监/制作人新堀洋平向 IGN 表示,他们这一次想要制作一款更酷、更成熟的《生死格斗》系列作品,最终他们审慎地决定了减少游戏中角色的性感元素。

IGN在报导中表示,毋庸置疑的是这个决定很大程度上受到了业界风向的影响,目前整个游戏行业都正在逐步放弃公然地性感卖肉的角色,而Team Ninja在风格转变的背后,似乎也有一个具体的发展愿景。IGN表示,如果你仔细看看《生死格斗 6》的概念宣传画,你就会发现画上的霞不再只是男孩们幻想的对象,她是一名战士。

  《生死格斗 6》美术总监Yutaka Saito表示:“女性角色们依然会很动人,但首先、也是最重要的一点:她们是战士。”

在报导中IGN表示,《生死格斗 6》中不再会使用前代作品中经典的柔肤系统,女性角色的欧派不会再以夸张的方式晃动、跳动了,同时她们的服装也不会再那么暴露。制作者会用更自然的方式描绘女性,让他们显得更为人性化、更具可信度。

  尽管视觉效果会有所变化,但《生死格斗 6》的核心玩法依然是玩家们非常熟知的内容,不过游戏中也会引入一套新的 Combo系统和特殊攻击系统来方便新人上手游戏,官方为这两套系统分别命名为“Fatal Rush”以及“Break Gauge”,它们能让刚刚入门、缺少经验的玩家也能体验到格斗游戏的快感,而在经验丰富的老手们较量当中,就得谨慎判断利用这两项系统的时机,这也为游戏增加了另一层策略性。

  早矢仕洋介则称,在本次 E3 2018 大家就可以试玩《生死格斗 6》,这款游戏从一开始就会积极向电子竞技方向发展。官方也会促进玩家之间的交流。

  《生死格斗 6》将于 2019 年年初发售,登陆PS4、Xbox One 和 PC(Steam)平台,敬请期待。目前游戏的中文官网也已上线,感兴趣的朋友可以移步官网一探究竟。




Dead or Alive 6 First Hands-On: Can Team Ninja Balance Familiar and Fresh? - IGN


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-6-8 11:44 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-15 06:19 AM 编辑


Bandai Namco and Dontnod Entertainment announce Twin Mirror for PS4, Xbox One, and PC
索尼倒计时第三弹公布新作《孪生之镜》 2019 年发售

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201806/7027519151.html

  在索尼倒计时的第三天公布的是一款在 2017 年德国科隆电玩展上的一个全新 PS4、Xbox One 以及 PC 平台游戏《孪生之镜》。此时由《勿忘我》、《奇异人生》的开发商Dontnod制作万代南梦宫发行。本作讲述了一个在旅行中意外杀人事件,通过探索自己思维来解开谜题的故事。

  在本作中,主角的思维是一个可以探索的场所。当主角一觉醒来,就发现自己身边发生了一场命案。要解开这个谜题,玩家需要在自己的思维殿堂中进行探索。本作预计将在2019年发售,同时本作将登陆 PS4、Xbox One、PC平台。

Bandai Namco has announced Twin Mirror, a story-driven investigation game developed by Life is Strange studio Dontnod Entertainment coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2019.

The collaboration project was first teased at Gamescom 2017.

Introducing Twin Mirror, From the Creators of Life is Strange

Hey PS Blog, Bandai Namco Entertainment here and we’re super excited to introduce you to Twin Mirror! An exciting, story-driven adventure game, Twin Mirror is a compelling journey that explores the elements of choice and hypocrisy, while paving a players’ way toward the conclusion of their investigation. As Bandai Namco Entertainment’s foray into narrative adventure games, Twin Mirror is brought to you by DONTNOD Entertainment, the minds behind the award-winning title Life is Strange. Truth, duality, and polarity will all become factors as players dictate their future through personal choices, while investigating the town the protagonist calls home.

Your story begins in the town of Basswood, West Virginia, where Sam has returned to attend the funeral of his best friend. While recovering from a heavy break-up, Sam finds himself dejected and downtrodden as he interacts with former friends in his hometown. But, things start to take a turn for the worse when Sam wakes up in his hotel room the next day. With a shirt covered in blood and no whereabouts of the previous night, it’s now up to Sam to recall his memories and search for disparate clues in Basswood to find the truth in this mysterious investigation! But remember… the clock is ticking.

Twin Mirror is a psychological thriller wrapped around an investigation where your memories, choices, and relationships will determine Sam’s complicated fate. As he comes to terms with heartbreak, homecoming, and the perpetual struggle of adulthood, Sam will need your help exploring a dark and emotional adventure where the line between truth and deception is blurred.

Developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Bandai Namco, the new narrative-driven adventure game Twin Mirror will have you on the edge of your seats when it arrives on PS4 in 2019.

Cyrus Wesson - Community Specialist, Bandai Namco


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-6-8 11:52 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-6-10 07:27 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-10 08:27 AM 编辑

Zoink Games Announces Ghost Giant for PlayStation VR
《Fe》团队 Zoink 新作《鬼魂巨人 Ghost Giant》首度曝光

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/163806.html

  研发《Fe》作品的 Zoink Games 今日在 Sony Interactive Entertainment E3 展前倒数在线直播中,公开了 PSVR 新作《鬼魂巨人(暂译,Ghost Giant)》。

  Zoink 此次与作家萨拉‧贝里马克‧埃尔夫格伦(Sara Bergmark Elfgren)共同创造《鬼魂巨人》。 Zoink Games 美术与创意总监 Olov Redmalm 表示,玩家将在《鬼魂巨人》中与幼小的路易斯相遇,平时与母亲一起照料家族的向日葵农场的路易斯住在小镇的偏僻角落。 他的日子过得并不好,时常感觉寂寞孤单,但是玩家的出现将改变这一切。

  Olov Redmalm 说,玩家将在游戏中化身庞大的鬼魂巨人,用透明双手举起家具、载具或树木,也可以旋转或打开整栋房子,整个小镇将成为玩家发挥创意的娃娃屋。 玩家可以善用身为巨人的优势和路易斯发展友谊,帮助他完成各式各样的挑战,尽管很多挑战都是粗活,但是玩家最主要的任务却不用蛮力,而是扮演好朋友的角色,帮助一名需要指引的孩子。


Lend a Hand in Ghost Giant, Coming to PS VR

It’s thrilling how many different ways there are to tell a story. Novels, movies and games all have their own approach – and with VR, even more unique possibilities have arisen. That’s something we want to explore with Ghost Giant, Zoink’s brand new title that we’re very proud to announce today.

In Ghost Giant, you meet young Louis. He lives in an out-of-the-way part of town, where he tends to the family sunflower farm together with his mother. Life isn’t always that easy though, and Louis is incredibly lonely. That is, until you enter his life.

As the player you take on the role of the Ghost Giant. And a giant you are indeed! Use your see-through hands to lift furniture, vehicles and trees. You can even rotate and open entire buildings to reveal the stories going on inside. The picturesque town of Sancourt becomes your own little dollhouse sandbox.

Being a giant is a big advantage when building your friendship with Louis. Along your journey, you help him with all manner of challenges that, at first glance, seem impossible to pull off. While they often involve heavy lifting, your most important role is less physical. It’s that of being a supporting friend for a child in need of some guidance.

For Ghost Giant, Zoink has teamed up with renowned writer Sara Bergmark Elfgren, whose work ranges from novels to graphic novels to screenplays, and has been translated to 25 languages. We’re very excited about what we’ve been able to achieve together, with our quite differing backgrounds in storytelling coming together in a new media. We hope you’ll enjoy the end result and that you’ll feel like you’ve experienced something new and special!

Olov Redmalm - Art & Creative Director, Zoink Games



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-6-10 07:36 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-10 08:40 AM 编辑



Origin Access Premier subscription tier announced
EA Origin Access Premier 预计夏季上线 于游戏上市前抢先游玩

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/163811.html)

  美商艺电(Electronics Arts,EA)今日于 E3 展前发表会上公布 Origin Access Premier,预计今年夏季上线。

  EA 今日公开的 Origin Access Premier 是一个新的会员模式,玩家将可以抢先体验新游戏,包含《战地风云 5》、《国际足盟大赛 19》、《劲爆美式足球 19》、《冒险圣歌》等。 除此之外,玩家还可以体验其他超过 100 款游戏并可以优惠价格购入。

  EA Origin Access Premier 预计今夏上线。

Electronic Arts announced Origin Access Premier, a premium subscription tier for its Origin Access service, during the EA Play 2018 press conference. It will be available this summer for $14.99 per month or $99.99 per year.

Through Origin Access Premier, users will be able to enjoy full access to new Electronic Arts releases on PC before their official release dates, including Anthem, Battlefield V, FIFA 19, and Madden NFL 19.

Origin Access Premier members will also receive the benefits from the current Origin Access Basic membership, which includes a library of over 100 games, as well as unlimited access to The Sims 4, including content from the Digital Deluxe Update, Dine Out Game Pack, and Kids Room Stuff Pack.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-6-10 07:43 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-10 08:25 AM 编辑

Unravel Two Announced for PS4, Xbox One and PC; Available Today
《毛线小精灵》续作《毛线小精灵 2》公开 新角色加入、开放合作游玩模式

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/163808.html

  新作《毛线小精灵 2(暂译,原名:Unravel 2)》今日在美商艺电(Electronics Arts,EA)E3 展前发表会揭晓,这次将有新角色加入冒险旅程。

  《毛线小精灵》是款横向卷轴解谜动作游戏,玩家将扮演从毛线团中诞生的神秘生物「亚尼(Yarny)」展开冒险。 今日官方揭露续作《毛线小精灵 2》消息,并于现场示范。 这次将有新角色加入冒险,玩家可以一人操控两红色与蓝色角色,或是与朋友合作游玩。

  PC、PS4、Xbox One《毛线小精灵 2》于即日起正式释出。


EA and Coldwood Unveil and Launch Unravel Two, a Lighthearted Single Player and Co-Op Puzzle Platform Game, Now Available Worldwide

Coldwood and Electronic Arts, at EA PLAY in Los Angeles today, for the first time ever, instantly revealed and launched Unravel Two . The innovative new single player and co-op puzzle platformer comes from the Swedish studio that brought to life Yarny, the tiny red woolen character that captured the hearts of players in 2015 with the hit indie game, Unravel. Unravel Two builds off of the original game and centers on the bond between two Yarnys, which can be played as a single player or local co-op drop-in/drop-out experience, available beginning today. The two Yarnys will need to support one another as they work through tricky trials and traverse between beautiful natural landscapes and intricate urban environments, with the surroundings blossoming into new life as they embark on an adventure together.

“Unravel Two is about the new bonds that form when we cut ties to the past,” said Martin Sahlin, Creative Director at Coldwood. “Like Unravel, it is a deeply personal game for the studio and our passion and life experiences are intertwined in the fabric of the journey players and their Yarnys will embark on. Unravel Two is about the unbreakable bond between friends and how hope and love can make the world around us a better place.”

Unravel Two features an evocative story filled with energy, intrigue, and inspiration, as well as ominous threats. Players can customize their own Yarnys by helping others in Unravel Two, as they jump, slide, swing and run along their adventure with two Yarnys side-by-side or joined together, always. The engaging and lighthearted story of Unravel Two demonstrates the power of positivity in the face of uncertainty.

Unravel Two is now available worldwide for $19.99 on Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, and Origin for PC. EA Access and Origin Access members can play the beginning of Unravel Two, starting today.

To find out more on Unravel Two, please visit the website.https://www.ea.com/games/unravel/unravel-two




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