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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-14 06:45 PM 编辑
Sony E3 2018 press conference set for June 11, to feature “deep dives” on Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, Marvel’s Spider-Man, and The Last of Us Part II
PlayStation 公布 E3 发表会概要 《死亡之绊》等多款主打强作确定登场
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/162555.html)
索尼互动娱乐环球工作室主席尚‧雷登(Shawn Layden)日前在美国 PlayStation 官方部落格公布即将于 6 月中旬登场的 E3 展 PlayStation 发表会的概要,除了确定会于美西时间 6 月 11 日晚间 6:00 举办之外,同时透露包括《死亡之绊》等开发中强打新作都会在这次发表会中现身。
根据目前已知的信息,今年的 PlayStation E3 发表会将会从美国太平洋时间 6 月 11 日晚间 6:00 开始(大马时间 6 月 12 日上午 9:00),全程将透过 live.playstation.com、Twitch 、YouTube 与 Facebook 直播。 会中将揭示 PlayStation 下一步的动向,包括《死亡之绊》、《对马幽魂》、《漫威蜘蛛人》与《最后生还者 二部曲》等本家制作发行的游戏都会有进一步的发表。
https://soundcloud.com/playstati ... e3-showcase-preview
Sony Interactive Entertainment’s E3 2018 showcase will take place on Monday, June 11 at 6:00 p.m. PT, SIE Worldwide Studios chairman Shawn Layden confirmed on the latest PlayStation Blogcast. It will be live streamed on services such as Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook.
This year’s showcase will feature “deep dives” into four upcoming titles from Sony Interactive Entertainment: Death Stranding by Kojima Productions, Ghost of Tsushima by [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch Productions, Marvel’s Spider-Man by Insomniac Games, and The Last of Us Part II by Naughty Dog.
“The last two or three years, if you were a careful observor, you’ll see that we continue to try to refresh and remake and reignite what we do at what used to be called the press conference for E3,” Layden said on the PlayStation Blogcast. “We want to make sure that it’s fresh and that it reflects the kind of stories we’re telling and the new entertainment we have to give to our fans—not just at the event, but worldwide through the live stream.
“So today I would just like to talk about helping people understand where we’re going with the E3 event this year, and I’ll just come right out and say it. E3 this year will feature exclusive looks and deep dives on four upcoming titles—four of our big titles… We have great content. We have fantastic updates. I think everyone will be thrilled to see it. And we’re taking kind of a different angle on how we’re bringing it out.
“And just as a reminder, those titles are going to be Death Stranding from Kojima Productions—we’ve got a complete new report for everybody around what’s happening with that title. A year ago we introduced the new [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch title, Ghost of Tsushima, so we’re going to go a deep dive into where the team is at on that—it’s going to be fabulous. From [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch and their great successes with the inFAMOUS franchise, for them to take on Ghost and all the ambition around that, you will not be disappointed when you see it.
“Of course, there’s our partnership with Insomniac Games and their title Marvel’s Spider-Man. You’ll have seen some of that coverage recently, but we’re going to have a new drop for everybody at E3, at the media event, and you’ll be blown away, it’s going to be awesome… The fab four of the event that we’re going to be having is of course going to be the sequel to The Last of Us from Naughty Dog, we’ll have a full new scope of treatment on that, show you the progress of the game, give people a better understanding of where we’re going with Part II. We’re really excited about it, it’s going to be a very strong centerpiece to all of those four titles we were just talking about.”
Asked if that is all we are going to see, Layden replied, “No, there will be others. We’ll have some announcements with our third-party publishing partners, we’ll have some news things to talk about there, as well as you know, our continued support for independent development—we’ll throw some highlight of that. But as chairman of Worldwide Studios, please forgive me if I take this mic moment so I can generate even greater excitement to look forward to E3.”