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【新闻贴】《虚拟现实》Virtual reality(Oculus Rift)









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-7-6 10:05 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-7-11 10:42 PM |只看该作者
Dino Frontier Launches August 1 on PlayStation VR


Dino Frontier Launches August 1 on PS VR

Uber Entertainment is proud to announce that Dino Frontier will be available on August 1 for PlayStation VR. You can buy the game digitally for $29.99. PlayStation Plus members can pre-order starting today with a 20% discount.

We announced Dino Frontier last December at PlayStation Experience. Since then, PlayStation gamers played updated demos at GDC in March and E3 in June. Now it’s ready for gamers across the globe. It’s been a thrilling ride and we couldn’t be more excited.

Dino Frontier lets you build and manage a frontier settlement in a world where the Wild West and Jurassic collide. You assume the role of Big Mayor overlooking your settlement in tabletop-scale VR. You’ll be directing Settlers to harvest food, chop lumber, train dinosaurs, and more!

We’ve strived to push the boundaries of VR interaction. There’s no other game like Dino Frontier. Reaching down into a vibrant world to pick up tiny people is a magical experience.

We offer innovative camera controls that are both powerful and comfortable. You can zoom in, zoom out, pan, and rotate with ease. Clever interactions provide detailed information without overwhelming UI.

Of course Dino Frontier wouldn’t be complete without dinosaurs! There are no horses or bison in this world. Instead you’ll be training settlers to capture velociraptors, ankylosauri, the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex, and more.

In 2016 we released the critically acclaimed Wayward Sky as a launch title for PlayStation VR. With Dino Frontier we’ve built on our experience to make a second-generation VR game. Dino Frontier offers a core experience to satisfy players eager for deeper VR gameplay.

We can’t wait for you to experience all the Jurassic frontier has to offer!

Forrest - Smith Co-director, Dino Frontie



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-7-11 10:54 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-12 06:12 PM 编辑

虚拟现实装置 Oculus Rift 宣布限期大降价 以 399 美元提供头戴装置与体感控制器组合

  虚拟现实装置厂商 Oculus VR 于美国时间 7 月 10 日宣布,旗下主力销售的 VR 虚拟现实头戴装置「Oculus Rift」将自即日起 6 周展开降价促销活动,包含 Oculus Rift 头戴装置、2 组传感器与 2 组体感控制器「Oculus Touch」的组合将以 399 美元的价格提供,是先前价格的 67 折。

  Oculus VR 是引领 VR 装置消费产品化的先驱,2013 年起以 Oculus Rift 开启 VR 装置的消费市场,并陆续推出 DK1、DK2 两种开发者版本。 2016 年 3 月正式推出消费者版本,上市价格为 599 美元,稍晚推出的 Oculus Touch 体感控制器为选购品,要价 199 美元,整套组合的价格为 798 美元。 2017 年 3 月双双调降为 499 美元与 99 美元,整套组合的价格降至 598 美元。

※ 上述价格信息皆为美国本地未税价,其余国家 / 地区价格不一

  如今 Oculus VR 再度宣布,将展开新一波降价促销活动,以 399 美元的价格提供 Oculus Rift 与 Oculus Tiuch 的组合,较先前价格再降 200 美元,与同级竞争产品中最低价的 PlayStation VR 相同。 不过 399 美元版本的 PlayStation VR 仅包含头戴装置本体,不包含必备的 PlayStation Eye 摄影机以及选购的 PlayStation Move 控制器,因此降价后的 Oculus Rift 组合可说是相当超值。

  根据华尔街日报报导,这次 Oculus Rift 限期降价促销的主要理由是销售不振,报导中引述 IDC 调查估计指出,目前 Oculus Rift 全球销售量为 52 万部,明显落后于 HTC Vive 的 77 万部与 PlayStation VR 的 160 万部。 目前 Oculus Rift 已经推出超过 500 款支持游戏,在这次 E3 展中被评选为最佳 VR 游戏的《Lone Echo》即将于 7 月 20 日在 Oculus Store 推出。 官方预定于 8 月 10、11 日在圣荷西麦肯纳瑞会议中心举办的「Oculus Connect 4」活动中公布更多新消息。



Lone Echo Launch Trailer – Exclusively for Oculus Rift + Touch

Ready At Dawn and Oculus Studios proudly present Lone Echo, a VR adventure into the unknown. Lone Echo tackles the mysteries of the universe with awe-inspiring outer space visuals, zero-G mobility, and real-time problem solving.

Immerse yourself into the unforgettable character of Jack, a Series 11 Echo Unit stationed on the Kronos II mining facility on the outer rings of Saturn and equipped with futuristic tools and capabilities that push the limits of your Touch controllers. When an unknown anomaly threatens your space station and your human companion, Captain Olivia Rhodes, you’ll leverage your technical ingenuity and futuristic tools to overcome a variety of challenges and obstacles to protect your ship and save your crew from impending danger.

And don’t miss Echo Arena, the competitive zero-G multiplayer experience from the Lone Echo universe. Lone Echo and Echo Arena are available exclusively on Oculus Rift + Touch.

Pre-order Lone Echo, available July 20th: oculus.com/lone-echo


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-7-13 06:07 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-13 06:36 PM 编辑

Mario Kart Arcade GP VR and Evangelion VR 'The Throne of Souls' Trailers
日本澀谷 VR 娛樂設施 VR PARK TOKYO 體驗報導 為大型機台文化注入活水














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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-7-13 06:28 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-7-16 07:28 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-20 07:53 PM 编辑

Marvel: Powers United VR Announced for Oculus Rift
支持 Oculus Rift 新作《漫威力量联合 VR》曝光 化身浩克、火箭浣熊等角色连手对抗敌人

  由游戏开发商 Sanzaru Games 与 Oculus Studios 合作推出的《漫威力量联合 VR(暂译,原名:MARVEL Powers United VR)》,预计 2017 圣地亚哥动漫展(San Diego Comic-Con 2017)中开放试玩,届时也将公布更多出场英雄。

  《漫威力量联合 VR》是一款以第一人称视角扮演来自漫威系列英雄,像是浩克、火箭浣熊、惊奇队长、控诉者罗南等人物角色的动作游戏,玩家要联合各英雄的力量,对抗敌人的攻势。 官方释出首部宣传影片,展示游戏特色。

  据了解,《漫威力量联合 VR》将在 7 月 20 至 23 日在 2017 圣地亚哥动漫展中开放体验,届时也将公布更多英雄角色。

  《漫威力量联合 VR》预计 2018 年上市。




Unleash your rage and smash foes, lock n’ load your favorite plasma cannons, or take to the skies with powerful photon blasts. Hulk, Rocket Raccoon, Captain Marvel, and a powerful roster of Marvel’s greatest heroes are ready for battle. Suit up, power up, and team up with friends to engage in immersive, explosive co-op fights from across the Marvel Universe. Be the hero and unleash your powers now!

Choose Your Hero

• Rocket Raccoon – A genetically modified and cybernetically enhanced alien raccoon-like creature with a penchant for large explosive weaponry and shiny relics. Rocket, a mercenary turned hero, is a master tactician and weapons marksman. Rocket has a versatile assortment of weaponry and gadgets for any occasion. His trusty blasters, jet pack and strategically-placed sticky bombs make him a pint sized powerhouse and invaluable asset to the team.

• Captain Marvel – Carol Danvers, an accomplished Air Force pilot, was involved in an accident exposing her to cosmic radiation, altering her genetic structure making her into a half-Kree superhuman with incredible powers. Donning the name Captain Marvel, she is a natural leader and a heavy hitter on the team, casting devastating Photon Beams and Energy Blasts at enemies in battle.

• The Hulk – When brilliant scientist Bruce Banner was caught in the detonation of an experimental gamma bomb, he was heavily irradiated, giving him the incredible, rage-fueled ability to transform into the Hulk! An enormous green-skinned being with incredible strength, durability and regenerative powers, the Hulk provides his team with heavy support and defense. With his size, power and abilities like Thunder Clap and Seismic Pound, he stands at the front of the team, leaping into battle to smash anything in his way.

• Ronan the Accuser – A Kree zealot born on the Kree homeworld of Hala, Ronan joined the Accuser Corps and quickly ascended to the highest ranks. As the powerful Supreme Accuser, Ronan enforces Kree laws and delivers Kree justice across the galaxy. He seeks power to deliver this judgment and will destroy those who stand in his way of obtaining it.

Game Features

• Unleash Your Inner Hero – Be the hero—with the power of Rift + Touch. Transform into your favorite Marvel Super Hero and wield their amazing powers and weaponry in your hands. Move freely through iconic environments on the ground, in-flight, or with special moves with intuitive controls and smart locomotion.

• Squad Goals – Defend the galaxy on your own or call in friends to forge the ultimate team for epic co-op action. Immortalize your achievements with custom comic covers and share them on Facebook with the in-game comic cover feature.

• The Ultimate Mashup – Spanning the far reaches of space and time, enemy forces and Super Villains converge and strike, presenting new challenges and testing your team with each play through.

• Tons of Unlockables – Heroes earn many rewards—prove yourself on the battlefield and unlock new content, surprises, and more!


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-7-17 10:57 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-18 07:09 PM 编辑

Reborn: A Samurai Awakens Announced for PlayStation VR
PS VR《重生:武士觉醒》公布

  曾经制作 VR 游戏《像素大作战》(PIXEL GEAR)的神武互动公布了他们的VR新作《重生:武士觉醒(Reborn: A Samurai Awakens)》的美版预告片。



  《重生:武士觉醒》将在2017年内上市,届时将以独占的形式登陆PS VR。


Winking Entertainment announces a new Samurai Melee Action game “Reborn: A Samurai Awakens” for the PlayStation VR platform!

Winking Entertainment introduces a new Samurai Melee Action game “Reborn: A Samurai Awakens” set for release at the end of 2017 for the PlayStation VR platform!

Reborn: A Samurai Awakens is a VR-only first-person combat game featuring futuristic alien robot enemies. A combination of such gamer-favorite themes as “cyborgs” and “samurai” and “laser swords,” A Samurai Awakens lets players experience the thrill of ninja-fast melee action in an adrenaline-inducing VR world.

A Samurai Awakens is developed by Geronimo Interactive, known for best-selling VR game Pixel Gear, and published by Winking Entertainment. A Samurai Awakens has won numerous industry and gamer accolades, including

• 2017 Best VR game at PAX East
• 2016 Best Hardcore prize at VR Core
• 2016 Year’s Best VR game at VRDC and China VR game summit

Set in the year 2480, in its quest of galactic exploration mankind has incurred the wrath of an alien civilization. Players take the role of Yukimura Sanada, the famous samurai warrior of Feudal Japan, resurrected to fight against extraterrestrial invaders of earth.

Players can strategically choose to be armed with laser katanas, pistols and psychic powers at his disposal. Each hand can also wield a different weapon, so players can choose between a sword-and-gun stance, sword plus psychic power, or just go all-out with dual katanas or dual guns.

Players will be able to briefly stun enemies by counter-attacking at the right moment – “Hack Time” allows players to interrupt the waves of attacking enemies and retaliate with double damage as time slows down.

In each stage, there will be a multitude of enemies engaging the player, as players deflect laser fire while counter-attacking enemy sword swings from all directions.

A Samurai Awakens also features incredible boss battles, where anything goes – boss enemies may throw huge objects or just go full berserk. Special QTE motions can be used to combat these seemingly hopeless moments - that block motion or dodge to the side may just save the character’s life.

Reborn: A Samurai Awakens is slated for release at the end of 2017 on the PlayStation VR platform - developed by Geronimo Interactive and published under the Winking VR brand from Winking Entertainment.

Visit the WinkingVR Website to pre-register and try out the Reborn: A Samurai Awakens Demo at Gamescom 2017!!


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-7-21 12:54 PM |只看该作者



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-7-25 07:05 PM |只看该作者
《方舟:生存进化》改编 VR 探索游戏《方舟公园》曝光最新影片

  中国蜗牛游戏趁中国 ChinaJoy 游戏展登场前夕,曝光旗下支持虚拟现实头戴式装置的 VR 探索游戏《方舟公园》最新预告影片。

  《方舟公园》是由蜗牛游戏开发、由《方舟:生存进化》开发商 Wildcard Studios 进行创意策划,强调是以《方舟:生存进化》改编而成的多人冒险探索类 VR 游戏,让玩家透过虚拟现实的装备,可以探索侏罗纪时代的雨林、高山、沼泽等,近距离接触众多种恐龙与远古生物。

  蜗牛游戏表示,即将在上海开幕的 ChinaJoy 游戏展中,《方舟公园》也设立了试玩区,让玩家可以亲身体验重返侏罗纪的刺激感受,玩家可以体验侏罗纪时代的昼夜变化与恐龙在眼前的震撼感受。

  《方舟公园》将支持 HTC Vive、Oculus Rift 和 PS VR 装置,目前尚未公开游戏上市时程。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-7-26 06:16 PM |只看该作者
Chinese PlayStation VR titles Stifled, The Walker, Kill X, and Legion Commander coming west

Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia showcased several new PlayStation VR titles during its ChinaJoy 2017 press conference today, four of which were confirmed for release in North America and Europe.

The four titles are:

Stifled (Gattai Games)

Taking on the role of a character who is battling the eerie consequences of a tragic event which has darkened his world.

But this is no ordinary horror game. The twist is that making noise is the only way you can see the environment around you. This immerses the player in the world and encourages tactical sound play using echolocation to reveal your surroundings. Thanks to the headset’s built-in mic, you can use your voice to help illuminate the way, as well as interact with items you find.

As you progress through the game, you’ll discover the importance of strategic gameplay as the sounds you make not only help you to navigate, they could also alert lurking enemies to your presence; it’s an audio awakening in which enemies hear your fear.

The Walker (Haymaker, a China Hero Project game)

From Chinese developer Haymaker comes The Walker, a fantasy combat tale that plays out in virtual reality.

You are the distant descendant of an ancient family, whose mystical mix of swordsmanship and sorcery hasn’t diminished through the ages – which is just as well: the world needs saving from a demonic militia.

You’ll need to uncover and master spells and charms to defeat these invaders, and infuse weapons with special powers. Set in historic Shanghai, the unique sights and sounds will envelop you as you battle between sweeping boss showdowns.

Kill X (VIVA Games, a China Hero Project game)

Adding to China’s burgeoning reputation as a PlayStation VR hotbed comes Kill X, from VIVA Games. A claustrophobic thriller set on a secret island, you’ll uncover horrifying experiments on human subjects by an organization determined to realize immortality, no matter the cost.

As you veer between the past, present and future of these experiments and their after-effects, you’ll battle through swarms of the island’s unfortunate inhabitants. There are puzzles to be cracked and ever-more powerful weaponry to be found as you dig deeper into this heart-stopping mystery.

Legion Commander (ChangYou Games)

In this real-time strategy game from ChangYou Games, you’ll select a commander and form an army, picking units with specialized attributes to steamroll the battlefield. You’ll also use special cards to cast spells on the battlefield, brought to life by PlayStation VR.

With three races — Orcs, Humans and Elves — pitched to fight against one another under the evil influence of an ancient demon you must find the right blend of skills to defeat enemy armies and restore harmony to the world.


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