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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-22 06:09 PM 编辑
Sword Art Online: Replication Project VR game announced
《刀剑神域》宣布推出 VR 企划 以重现「艾恩葛朗特」为目标展开测试招募
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/152929.html)
日本万代南梦宫娱乐于今(22)日,在 2017 日本东京电玩展的舞台活动上,宣布将与 NTT Docomo 合作,推出《刀剑神域》的全新 VR 企划,并自今日起展开测试招募活动。
《刀剑神域》新 VR 企划将命名为「刀剑神域 Replication(ソードアート・オンライン Replication)」,整个企划将会以重现原作中经典的世界「艾恩葛朗特」为目标,玩家在游戏中,将会遇到一名名为「 蜜丝特(ミスト)」的女性,并且在重重难关下试图保护她。 此外,该 VR 企划预定将与 NTT Docomo 合作,搭配 NTT Docomo 目前测试中的 5G 网络展开企划。
而官方目前也预定将于 12 月 8 日至 10 日在东京晴空塔展开「刀剑神域 Replication(ソードアート・オンライン Replication)」的限定体验活动,并且自今日起展开测试人员招募,当选者将预定于 11 月 16 日至 30 日间收到来自官方的联络。 对于「刀剑神域 Replication」有兴趣的人,可至官方网站查询更多相关信息。

Bandai Namco has announced Sword Art Online: Replication Project, a new Sword Art Online virtual reality game in partnership with Japanese mobile phone operator NTT Docomo.
Here’s an overview of the game’s story:
One day, you dive into the virtual reality MMO “Sword Art Online,” and in this world, you are taken prisoner on the floating castle of “Aincrad.”
You are now participating in a death game, where “death in the game means death in real life,” and you encounter a lonely, sweet girl named “Mist.”
Can you play this death game, in which various difficulties await, protect the girl, and survive until the very end…!?
Here’s a look at the player character next to new character Mist:

Bandai Namco is currently recruiting “5G Testers” for a hands-on event to be held from December 8 to 10 at Space 634 at Tokyo Solomachi in Tokyo Skytree Town. If you’re accepted, you will be able to go hands-on with the game for about 15 minutes, fighting alongside Kirito and Asuna, and meeting the new character. Applications will be open until November 15. 300 people will be accepted.
http://vr.sao-game.jp/ |