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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-29 06:39 PM 编辑
Koei Tecmo VR Sense titles planned for PlayStation VR release
KOEI TECMO 虚拟现实机台公布《DOA 沙滩排球》与《超战国云霄飞车》新内容
KOEI TECMO Wave 预定今年夏季推出营运的 VR 虚拟现实大型电玩机台「VR SENSE」,日前在官方网站上新增了 2 种新 VR 体验内容《生死格斗 沙滩排球 SENSE(DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme SENSE)》与《超战国云霄飞车(超戦国コースター)》的介绍,供玩家参考。
VR SENSE 是专营电子游艺场娱乐设施的 KOEI TECMO Wave 独自研发的 VR 虚拟现实大型电玩机台,采用索尼互动娱乐(SIE)的 PlayStation VR(PS VR)虚拟现实技术搭配特制多功能筐体,提供可动体感的「多功能 3D 座椅」,强化临场感的多种「气味功能」,具备意外惊奇的「触感功能」,能感受广大空间「 气流功能」,能感受环境变化的「冷热功能」,以及能感受雨水与湿气等气候的「水雾功能」等提供五感刺激的功能,让玩家感受更具临场感的娱乐体验。
继一开始发表的《赛马大亨 SENSE》、《恐怖 SENSE ~一二三木头人~》以及《超真‧三国无双》之后,官方又宣布将制作 2 种 VR 体验内容《生死格斗 沙滩排球 SENSE》与《超战国云霄飞车》,分别是以 KOEI TECMO 旗下知名 IP《生死格斗 沙滩排球》与《战国无双》为题材。
《生死格斗 沙滩排球 SENSE》
在《生死格斗 沙滩排球 SENSE》中,玩家将透过 VR 虚拟现实体验与《生死格斗》系列性感女性角色在南国海岛互动的乐趣。 游玩游戏获胜的话就能 “升级” 女孩子的泳装,靠近女孩子的话则是会闻到令人心旷神怡的香味,达成高分的话将能取得让人深深为之魅惑的「鉴赏时间」。
在《超战国云霄飞车》中,玩家将透过 VR 虚拟现实体验搭乘云霄飞车穿梭在战国场景的刺激快感。 游戏中会运用多功能 3D 座椅来真实重现搭乘云霄飞车的体感,穿梭在城下市镇、城池内与战场等多样场景,其中还会有轨道中途断掉、云霄飞车真的飞向天际之类料想不到的路线发展。
This summer, Koei Tecmo Group’s Koei Tecmo Wave plans to release “VR Sense,” a virtual reality arcade cabinet that stimulates all five senses, at Japanese game centers. At a presentation for the arcade cabinet today, the company said that the titles it develops for VR Sense will also be sold as PlayStation VR titles.
VR Sense is a multipurpose virtual reality cabinet based on PlayStation VR with a main draw of stimulating the five senses through features such as a multipurpose 3D seat, scent, touch, wind, warmth, coolness, and mist.
The lineup of VR Sense titles includes:

Upgrade the girls’ swimsuits each time you win a game.
Get close to the girls for a faintly good smell.
Get some captivating “Viewing Time” by achieving a high score.
Ultra Samurai Coaster

Feel as if you’re on a real coaster through the arcade cabinet’s multipurpose 3D seat.
Play through various stages, from the town around the castle to inside the castle and on the battlefield.
Experience unpredictable courses where the rail comes to a halt or flies into the air.
G.I. Jockey Sense

Featuring the voice of well-known announcer Yoshihiko Yano.
Feel a sense of presence through weather like wind, rain, snow, and more.
Transcend reality through battles against rival horses using the controller and 3D seat.
Horror Sense: Daruma-san ga Koronda

The multipurpose 3D seat moves in accordance with the video.
Experience scenes like bugs falling from the ceiling and small animals running by your feet with the touch feature.
Featuring interactivity and a story that you can’t help but feel compelled to finish.
Ultra Dynasty Warriors

A new experience of running about the battlefield
The hot air of the flames that cover the battlefield is realistically reproduced.
Experience an overwhelming feeling of immersion that invites excitement.
More big titles are currently in development.
Location testing for VR Sense arcade cabinets is planned for August. Visit the VR Sense official website here http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/vrsense/