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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-31 03:46 PM 编辑
Fallout 4 gets PS4 Pro support and PC high resolution texture pack next week
《辐射4》下周将发布高清材质包以及PS4 Pro 补丁
发售一年有余的《辐射 4》在最近几个月稍显沉默,但这并不意味着 Bethesda 没有为《辐射 4》制作新内容。根据今天最新消息,在下周 Bethesda 就将为《辐射4》推出一部久违的新升级,让 PC 玩家们体验到高分辨率材质包带来的视觉冲击。
Bethesda并没有为我们放出宣传片来展示这部高分辨率材质包,但给我们放出了一张 4K效果的游戏截图。不过由于图片大小限制我们不得不将它裁剪为 1080P,对原图感兴趣的玩家可以点击这里到 Bethesda 官方论坛上看一看。
至于这部高清材质包,想要体验这么赞的画面自己的硬件肯定也得过关才行。 Bethesda 在发布材质包消息的同时就给出了所需的PC配置,绝对不是一般玩家可以享受得了的:
-Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
-Intel Core i7-5820K or better
-GTX 1080 8GB/AMD Radeon RX 490 8GB
除了这些相当苛刻的硬件需求外,请确保你的硬盘里有至少 58GB 的空余空间哦。这款材质包将在下周正式发布。此外《辐射4》1.9版补丁将为PS4 Pro用户带来新的图形效果提升,包括:
Fallout 4 Free Updates – High Resolution Texture Pack & PS4 Pro Support
Next week, we’re rolling out new updates for both Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition across Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Both games are bringing new features to Mod content (more on that next week), and specifically for PlayStation 4 Pro users, we are thrilled to share details on our official PS4 Pro support.
Fallout 4 Goes Pro for PS4
Beginning next week, Fallout 4’s Update 1.9 on PlayStation 4 adds support for the power of the PlayStation 4 Pro console. The update provides enhanced lighting and graphic features, including:
• Native 1440p resolution
• Enhanced draw distance for trees, grass, objects and NPCs
• Enhanced Godray effects

To experience the improvements provided with our PS4 Pro update, load up Fallout 4 and download the latest title update when it becomes available.
Official High Resolution Texture Pack for PC
Also available next week, with so many fans still actively playing Fallout 4 on Steam, we’re excited to announce the release of the game’s High-Resolution Texture Pack. Consider this free download a love letter to our amazing PC fans that have supported us – not just with Fallout 4, but across multiple decades and games.

Note: To utilize the High-Resolution Texture Pack, make sure you have an additional 58 GB of available and that your system meets/exceeds the recommended specs below.
Recommended PC Specs
Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
Intel Core i7-5820K or better
GTX 1080 8GB/AMD Radeon RX 490 8GB
8GB+ Ram
If your system can handle it, the Commonwealth will look better than ever. Give it a shot and if you need to return to the original textures, you can disable them within the game’s launcher menu.
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