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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-5 06:48 PM 编辑
The Graphics Technology of Fallout 4
《Fallout 4》最新舞台街景画面公布,连动App《Fallout Pip-Boy》即日起开放下载
由 Bethesda Softworks 公司预定于 2015 年 11 月 10 日在欧美等地区跨 PC/PS4/Xbox One 等平台发售推出的这款人气 RPG 《异尘余生》系列最新作四代《Fallout 异尘余生4》,如今官方特地公布游戏最新画面,另外还有即将于本作上市前先行推出让玩家们下载使用的连动 App《Fallout Pip-Boy》 的最新情报要给玩家们知道!
据官方表示,这次所公布的《异尘余生4》最新画面,主要将会以游戏内登场舞台「美国波士顿」的街景模样为主题,让玩家们欣赏到本作游戏画面在得到 Nvidia 技术协助之后,如何去表现「god rays」云隙光(从云彩或其他物体间隙中射下的阳光,或称上帝之光)的光影呈现模样,以及同一个区块,在不同时间经过之后的不同模样,有兴趣的玩家们不妨趁现在先来确认看看吧!
至于在这次官方针对游戏上市前自即日起正式在 App Store/Google Play 上架的这个连动 App《Fallout Pip-Boy》方面,当玩家们下载这个 App 之后,就可以透过这个 App 来确认玩家角色在游戏内的状态或是地图上的状况等各种情报。 另外在这个 App 中,也将会收录小游戏的内容让玩家们来游玩体验,并让玩家们将自己在这个小游戏中赚到的金钱等物品拿到正式版中使用,喜欢本作的玩家也可以趁现在先上 App Store/Google Play 来下载体验看看!
The Graphics Technology of Fallout 4
The hardware we play games on continues to advance at a rapid pace with exciting new graphics features. Our Creation Engine has evolved to incorporate this new technology in order to empower the artists and designers at Bethesda Game Studios to create an immersive new world. The tech team here is closely aligned with the art team, and together we carefully selected each individual feature based on specific artistic and performance goals we wanted to achieve in creating this world.
The first thing we did after Skyrim was to enhance the Creation Engine’s graphical core by adding a physically based deferred renderer. This new renderer allows us to add many more dynamic lights to every scene, and paint our surfaces with realistic materials. We want objects and characters in the world to feel tactile and grounded, and a big part of that is ensuring that these materials are distinct – that metal reflects light in a distinct manner from wood, for example.
As always, our world features fully dynamic time of day and weather. To create that volumetric light spilling across the scene (sometimes called “god rays”) we worked with our friends at NVIDIA, who’ve we worked with dating back to Morrowind’s cutting-edge water. The technique used here runs on the GPU and leverages hardware tessellation. It’s beautiful in motion, and it adds atmospheric depth to the irradiated air of the Wasteland. Like all the other features here, we’ve made it work great regardless of your platform.
When a rain storm rolls in, our new material system allows the surfaces of the world to get wet, and a new cloth simulation system makes cloth, hair, and vegetation blow in the wind.
The player can go anywhere in the world at any time of day, so we added dynamic post-process techniques that enhance the vibrancy and color of our scenery for maximum emotional impact. Our virtual cameras received a major upgrade as well. We’re not going to spoil every improvement we’ve made, but for those of you who enjoy the technical details, here’s a sampling of what we’ve added to the latest version of the Creation Engine:
• Tiled Deferred Lighting
• Temporal Anti-Aliasing
• Screen Space Reflections
• Bokeh Depth of Field
• Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
• Height Fog
• Motion Blur
• Filmic Tonemapping
• Custom Skin and Hair Shading
• Dynamic Dismemberment using Hardware Tessellation
• Volumetric Lighting
• Gamma Correct Physically Based Shading
If you’re not sure what all of that means, don’t worry. What’s important is how this technology comes together with the art and gameplay of Fallout 4 to create a dynamic, immersive experience – no matter your gaming system. We pride ourselves in being a highly collaborative team, always balancing graphics, gameplay, art, and performance. We hope that when you get a chance to play the game on November 10, you’ll agree.
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