- 分享
- 0
- 人气
- 97
- 主题
- 1613
- 帖子
- 53164
- 448018
- 积分
- 84999
- 阅读权限
- 110
- 注册时间
- 2011-10-5
- 最后登录
- 2018-11-30
- 在线时间
- 17874 小时
K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain first details, screenshots
D3 Publisher has released first information and screenshots of Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain, it’s recently announced Earth Defense Force game developed by Yuke’s Media Creations.
Get the details below.
■ About

The Earth Defense Force series moves away from its traditional series and into new territory with this new project. Developed by Yuke’s Media Creations, with a theme song by Takashi Niigaki and creatures designed by Ryu Oyama for an Earth Defense Force game that has never been seen before. Welcome to Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain. Set on planet Earth devastated by war, this new adventure joins the Earth Defense Force as they continue to battle to save the world.
■ Story
What is Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain and its story?

A World Eroded by Despair
The year is 2028. 10 years ago, humanity, under attack from the mysterious “aggressors” from outer space, established the Earth Defense Force, also known as the EDF, to counter this threat.
10 years later, the aggressors have bread and grown in number, leaving behind devastated lifeless cities in their wake.
These giant insects have now replaced humans as the new rulers of Earth….

Citizens lurked underground to continue living in urban areas, but many of them were refugees searching for less damaged areas. It is forced to live wandering while moving to a region with a low temperature which is supposed to be beyond the forces of giant creatures.
Even the Earth Defense Force who was the hope of the human race, its strength has never been disappointing and has been weakened by the enemy’s tremor. The central command headquarters was destroyed, the organization was as it was. The remaining troops continued resistance independently by themselves, but they were forced to take a guerrilla-like battle with bases that barely survived as bases.
Mankind had no choice but to continue fighting unending and endless. In order to survive in the world eroded by despair ……

■ Soldiers
PA Gear

It is no exaggeration to say that ground troops make up the main fighting force of the Earth Defense Force. To support these troops in battle, the revolutionary technology of PA gear is provided for them. Meaning Physical Augmentation Gear, they are a powered exoskeleton developed by the Earth Defense Force to use against the aggressors.
The gear is powered by Energy Core which provides the wearer with superhuman abilities. The Earth Defense Force has successfully developed a number of PA Gear which when worn, give the soldiers a variety of fighting abilities.
—Energy Gear

A strange gem embedded within the aggressors which is capable of producing a vast amount of energy. It is believed that these energy gems is what sustains the enormous bodies of the aggressors.
—Energy Core

The Earth Defense Force were able to retrieve an energy gem and process it into capsule form, to use as a source of energy for PA gears, weapons and base facilities. Many fossil fuels and energy facilities were taken away from the humans which has made the energy core an invaluable form of energy for the Earth Defense Force. Although the enemy, the aggressors’ energy gems are what keep the Earth Defense Force going.

Since troopers are equipped with a a wide range of firearms, they are versatile for any battle for the Earth Defense Force with the main PA gear. Thanks to the power of the energy core, fast and swift movement is possible to evade any attack.
Jet Lifter

A mobile PA gear used for assaults and reconnaissance. The energy core is directly connected to the aerial units to make free flight possible. Reign supreme over enemies on the ground.
■ Enemies
Who are the “Aggressors”?

Aggressor is the general term for the mysterious visitors from outer space. Their aims and identity are mostly unclear; the only known fact is they started a war against the Earth. Humanity is enduring devastating losses by giant insect-like creatures scattered across the Earth. The aggressors are not just these creatures, but also aliens unlike anything seen on Earth and war machines of supreme advanced technology.
Storm Ant

Among the aggressors, these ant-like creatures are the most scattered and populous across the earth. Their jaw as strong as concrete and powerful acid make them a dangerous foe.
Bomb Beetle

Mixed in among the Storm Ants are these giant creatures not too dissimilar to a bombardier beetles. Their gaseous bodies means there is a possibility they would explode when attacked.

A mysterious giant creature that falls from the skies, they carry more energy gems than other large creatures. However they are extremely fierce and agile, with the ability to destroy a building in a single attack.
Giant Creature’s Nest

A huge nest built by Storm Ant. Ants on the earth may make nests on dead trees, but huge Storm Ant creates nests to collect rubble in ruins buildings. Destruction operations of the nest repeatedly made are routine for Earth Defense Force members.

An aggressive weapon built like a giant. Unleashed on on the world at the beginning of the invasion, they left behind a wave of destruction. Currently they have mostly stopped operating. However they come back to life when battles are nearby, killing machines set out to destroy everything until there is nobody and nothing left remaining.
■ Great Creators are Participating
Theme Song
The theme song, “Iron Rain: Nozomi,” is composed by Takashi Niigaki. Born in Tokyo in 1970. As a composer, he mainly works on contemporary music, while also working on film and commercial music, as well as acting a pianist. Recently appeared on TV and radio as well.
Creature Design
Creature design is being done by Ryu Oyama. In the creation of creatures & monsters, domestic and foreign attention as a model builder. Recently, its activities are not limited to creatures and monsters, but are actively involved in a wide range of genres such as creative solid works, character figures, and are supported by many fans.
Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain is due out for PlayStation 4 in 2018. |