本次发表的《生化危机 0 HD Remaster》是《恶灵古堡 0》的高分辨率强化版,承袭先前畅销热卖之《生化危机 HD Remaster》的模式,将画面音效高分辨率宽屏幕化之后在 PC、PS4、Xbox One 等 5 个平台上推出。 这也是本作自 2002 年问世以来,首度在任天堂主机以外的平台推出。
游戏名称:生化危机 0 HD Remaster / Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster
游戏原名:biohazard 0 HD Remaster
对应平台:PC / PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3/ Xbox One / Xbox 360
发售日期:2016 年初
Capcom Confirms Resident Evil 0 – Series Origins Story to be Remastered for New Platforms
Earlier today at an event in Japan, Capcom confirmed Resident Evil 0, a remastered version of the popular prequel to the original title in the Resident Evil series, is currently in development. The game is planned for release on PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and PC in early 2016.
Original Resident Evil 0 Director Koji Oda and additional staff are returning for the development of this new remastered version. Capcom will be sharing more information on the title in the coming weeks.
A new video message from Director Koji Oda and Producer Tsukasa Takenaka about the project can be viewed on the official Resident Evil YouTube page now at youtube.com/user/ResidentEvil.