《龙之信条(Dragon Dogma)》游戏监督伊津野英昭对未来的游戏开发有相当多的构想,不仅仅限于《龙之信条》系列,而且还包含卡普空旗下的其他作品。
在接受日本Play Community网站的采访中,伊津野英昭在被问及最有可能开发的一款游戏新作时提到了这些想法。
“除此之外,我也想为已存在的游戏系列创造更多续作,比如《私立正义学园3(Rival Schools 3)》和《鬼泣5(Devil May Cry 5)》。再往后想,我也很喜欢去制作一款捕捉真实战斗的游戏,就像曾经的《街头霸王2》,开创格斗游戏的一个新流派。”
Dragon’s Dogma/Devil May Cry developer Hideaki Itsuno says he wants to do many games for PS4, including a garden simulator and Devil May Cry 5
“In my head, I have a story and setting for the next one, but it’s not one that can be easily done… (laughs). For example, voices say ‘coming for PS4!’ and it seems to happen quite a whole lot. The possibility to be able to make it might to be growing (laughs).
“In addition to that, I want to also make a miniature garden simulation, as well as make more games for (established) series such as ‘Rival Schools 3′ and ‘Devil May Cry 5.’ Later on, I would even like to make a game that captures authentic fighting and, such as Street Fighter II did, to develop a new genre of fighting games.
“Inside of me there are a lot of things I want to make, and because there are already concepts, there might be a chance! I have this feeling (laughs).”
- Capcom’s Hideaki Istuno
None of this is confirmation, but it seems pretty likely that the specifically named titles– Rival Schools and Devil may Cry– will happen at some point or another. The miniature garden simulator I am not so certain about.