全国州际街舞大赛 National Street Dance Championship (NSDC) 2009
Main Organizer : D’vol Dance Theatre (槟城舞蹈学院)
Co-operate Organizer :
KL - Street Nation Dance Studio
JB - Twister Dance Academy
Ipoh - D'One Dance Studio
赛事分 3 个州属分开进行 , 分别是 JB , KL , 及 Penang .
各州选出 大决赛队伍,并在 Penang 进行大决赛 。
Preliminary round (Open Category)
Nov 1 - Kuala Lumpur (Sungai Wang Plaza)
Nov 7 - Johor (Danga City Mall)
Nov 14 - Ipoh (Ipoh Parade)
Nov 15 - Penang (Sunway Carnival Mall)
Semi Final (Open n Below 18 category)
Nov 21 - Johor
Nov 22 - Kuala Lumpur
Nov 28 - Ipoh
Nov 29 - Penang
Grand Final (Open n Below 18 category)
Philippine All Star Workshop
Dec 20 - Penang
奖金奖品 Prize :
公开组 OPEN Category
1st prize RM 5000 cash + RM3000 voucher
2nd prize RM 2500 cash + RM2000 voucher
3rd prize RM 1500 cash + RM1000 voucher
报名费 RM100 (10月10日后报名为 RM150)
凡是晋级决赛者都可获得奖状与奖品,每队总值超过RM200 !!!
每位参赛者将获得20%折扣世界街舞冠军All Star Workshop
Rules & Regulations :
1. All entries must reach the organizer by 25 Oct 2009.
2. Register Fee not refundable
3. Entries submitted after the stipulated timing will not be qualified.
4. Minimum of 2 and a maximum of 8 members in a group.
5. Incomplete or intangible entries will be disqualified. The organizer reserves full and sole right to disqualify any entry which it deems to include content that are unlawful, profane, inflammatory, defamatory and/or damaging to the goodwill or reputation of the organizer.
6. Entrant must inform organizer immediately should there be any change in their contact details during the event period.
7. Music length – 3-5 minutes
8. Each dancer available to join more than 1 team
9. The Management of organizer is not liable for any losses, injuries, cost or expenses incurred during this event.
10. Organizer has the full rights to publish photographic portraits and/or pictures of the participants and events in all forms of media and channels for advertising, marketing and promotional purposes.
11. Prize(s) must be accepted as provided, not transferable or exchangeable for cash/other items and subject to the terms and conditions set by the organizers.
12. All prize winners must endorse the acknowledgement form by the organizer to receive their prize(s).
13. Prizes not collected by the stipulated date will be forfeited.
14. All decisions are final and no further correspondences will be entertained.
15. Other terms and conditions apply.
Judging criteria :
-Choreography 篇排(20%)
-Technicality 技巧(15%)
-Creativity 创意(15%)
-Synchronization 默契(10%)
-Showmanship 魅力(10%)
-Difficulty 难度(10%)
-Costume & Images 服装&形象(10%)
-Musicality & Rhythm 音乐剪接&旋律(10%)
D’vol Dance Theatre Instructor
Street Nation Dance Studio Instructor
Twister Dance Studio Instructor
D’One Dance Studio Instructor
Malaysia famous street dance Instructor
All Stars World Hip Hop Champion Instructor
- Philipine All stars (曾荣获国际街舞大赛冠军,世界知名舞团)
× 此特别嘉宾将会在大决赛当天带来精彩的演出,及担任大决赛的评审。除此之外,大决赛结束后,将会有舞蹈 Workshop ,由此舞团的导师负责教导。
Cinta Sayang Resort
JL advanced Entreprise
Venue Sponsor
Penang - Sunway Carnival Mall
KL - Sunway Pyramid Plaza
Johor - Danga City Mall
Ipoh - Glamour Square Commercial Centre
总值高达RM 20,000 奖金与奖品。
Phone no:
013-4419018 Vron
JB 区参赛者,请联络 : 016-7681865 嘉慧
Email : dvol_dancetheatre@yahoo.com
Website : www.dvoldancetheatre.blogspot.com
[ 本帖最后由 ~念佳~ 于 2009-11-6 08:57 PM 编辑 ] |