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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-20 04:49 PM 编辑
The Order: 1886 'Tools of the Trade' Developer Diary
转载自4Gamer 日本网站 翻译来自巴哈姆特
【TGS 14】《The Order:1886》试玩报导来体验透过“IF”科学力的骑士团崭新战斗吧!
在2014 东京电玩展中,日本索尼电脑娱乐(SCEJA) 展出了PlayStation 4 专用动作冒险游戏《The Order:1886》。这是决定要在2015 年2 月20 日发售的本作在日本首次展出。
在SCEJA 的展区中已经可以游玩到本作的试玩,在此要向各位介绍一下本作的试玩感想。
而这次展出的体验版内容就结论来说是几乎跟E3 2014 所展出的一样。可以在长度约8 分钟的游戏时间来体验骑士团与反乱军的战斗。
游戏是从角色后方视点来游玩的TPS 作品,左类比摇杆是移动,右类比是镜头操作,[L2]钮是举起武器,[R1]跟[R2]是使用武器,是为正统的操作法。
较为特征有趣的是主角所装备的武器「铝热步枪(Thermite Rifle)」。虽然刚刚说使用武器必须按[R1]跟[R2]钮来进行,不过铝热步枪是可以发射完全不同的子弹。
以这2 种的子弹来进行混合攻击为前题,让人留下来与榴弹系爆炸武器完全不同战术的印象。
另外,虽然在体验版中伙伴角色是使用可以发射电流的「电弧枪(Arc Gun)」来当武器,不过在游戏中除了电弧枪以外还会有许多奇特的武器会登场。
因为基本上是跟E3 2014 版一样的体验版,所以没能够体验到与半兽战斗的场面是有点可惜,工业革命的实际历史跟不同科学的19 世纪末所带来的世界观让人非常有兴趣。
就个人来说当然很想再玩一下,不过只能忍耐到正式版的推出了。有预定要前往东京电玩展的人请一定要体验看看这款只有PS4 才玩得到的崭新动作游戏。
The Order: 1886 and the Weapons of War
We are extremely honored to be part of Tokyo Game Show 2014. We’ve been humbled by the feedback we’ve received from all the Japanese fans and are excited to be here to reveal the next video in our Behind-the-Scenes series.
With a growing number of weapons manufacturers around the world and Nikola Tesla as their chief scientist, the Knights of the Order have a vast array of armament at their disposal. The inclusion of Tesla into the game allowed us to ground many of the technological advancement we wanted to add to our history in reality. We used weapons based on existing technology in the Victorian-Era but also created others that stretched the realm of what was possible at the time.
Because our Industrial Revolution is a result of the war between Humans and Half-Breeds, many of the inventions of our timeline are primarily focused on ways to aid in this fight. Guns such as the Carbine, the Coach Gun or the Maschinenpistole are common occurrence in the game and represent the technology of the era. While others based on electricity such as the Arc Gun, or based on alternate ammunition such as the Aluminum Iron Oxide of the Thermite Rifle, provide a way for us to use real technologies and materials of the times, while building weapons that did not exist.
Whether real or invented, we always made sure that every weapon we designed followed specific guidelines regarding their assembly, their material use and their craftsmanship. They needed to feel grounded in the real world of the late 1800s. The end goal behind fusing all these weapons into the game was to provide diversity in combat and a fun-factor for the player by showcasing their advantages in different combat scenarios.
Some of these weapons were even purposely designed to feel somewhat dangerous not only to your target but to the user as well. We made sure they retained the feeling that they were still in their prototype stage and being field tested. This also reinforced something that was true of the era as often inventions and innovations would find themselves in use well before they were deemed safe to the public, very much unlike the stringent testing and safety regulations that are required today.
To find out more about the process Ready At Dawn went through to create the weaponry of The Order: 1886, I invite you to watch our latest Behind-the-Scenes video titled “Tools of the Trade.”
Ru Weerasuriya - CEO and Creative Director, Ready At Dawn Studios