SQEX 在 1 月份时候《Final Fantasy XV》的《联机扩充包:战友》DLC(Comrades)已经有关CG电影《王者之剑》的《联机扩充包:王者之剑战友》内容了,但 SQEX 还是在日前推出了一款《最终幻想:国王之剑(Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV)》的免费DLC。
目前这款 DLC 已经可以在PS Store 和 Xbox Store 免费下载,为游戏中的男性阵容带来了来自《王者之剑》电影中的三张面孔:Nyx Ulric、Libertus Ostium和Sonitus Bellum。
Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition Demo Coming February 26
《FF XV Windows Edition》27 日推出试玩版 Steam 版公开《战栗时空》合作特典
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/159423.html)
SQUARE ENIX 今日宣布,PC 版《Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition》预定于 2 月 27 日推出试玩版,玩家可以透过 Steam、Origin、微软商店等平台进行下载。
SQUARE ENIX 表示,试玩版将开放第一章完整内容供玩家体验,让玩家可以来探索、熟悉游戏玩法,并体验开放式任务,还可以检视个人计算机游玩游戏的情况等。 《Final Fantasy XV 》故事背景描述路西斯与尼弗海姆两国之间长年以来的战争终于迈向终结,而为了迎接和平来临,将要举行主角路西斯王国王子诺克提斯和露娜弗蕾亚的结婚典礼。 而玩家将扮演诺克提斯与伙伴格拉迪欧蓝斯、伊格尼斯、普罗恩普特踏上返乡旅程,然而突发事件让四人的目标有了巨大的转变。
SQUARE ENIX 也宣布《Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition》Steam 版本早期购入特典,玩家在游戏上市后、 5 月 1 日前购买《Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition》,将可以 透过 Steam Workshop 获得《战栗时空》(半条命 Half Life)组合包,将会有以《战栗时空》系列主角 Gordon Freeman 形象来打造的诺克提斯游戏造型,同时可以适用于《Final Fantasy XV 多人联机扩充包:战友》的个人角色身上。
另外,若是玩家在微软商店购买《Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition》,则开放使用跨平台储存功能,也就是让玩家可以在《Final Fantasy XV》Xbox One 版同一个帐户中,可与计算机版数据共享。 至于《Final Fantasy XV 多人联机扩充包:战友》Xbox One 版本与 Windows 10 版本间的跨平台功能将会于日后提供。
Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition Demo Arrives on February 26
Fans will be able to experience all of Chapter 1 and fully explore the tutorial and opening quests of the epic adventure in Eos through an upcoming demo for Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition. This free demo will be available ahead of the game’s release on Steam, Origin and Windows 10.
Exclusive in-game items and bonuses have also been revealed for fans who pre-purchase or purchase Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition:
• From now until May 1, players who purchase or pre-purchase the game from Steam will receive the Half-Life Pack, which features:
- In-game costume for Noctis based on Gordon Freeman, star of the legendary Half-Life first-person video game series including the HEV Suit, Scientist Glasses and Crowbar
• The Half-Life Pack will also available for Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades
• Players who pre-order the game from Steam will receive the bonus “FFXV Fashion Collection” containing a selection of T-shirts for Noctis to wear, including:
- The strength-enhancing Episode Galdiolus Tee
- The HP recovery rate-increasing Episode Promopto Tee
- The critical hit rate-increasing Episode Iginis Tee
- The maximum HP-increasing Comrades Tee
• Players who pre-order the game from Origin will receive the bonus “FFXV Decal Selection,” containing an array of colorful decals for the Regalia car celebrating Gladiolus, Prompto and Ignis, along with the men and women of the Kingsglaive.
Microsoft Store
• The save data from the Windows 10 version of Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition is compatible with the Xbox One version of Final Fantasy XV. In addition, a post-launch update for Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition will enable Windows 10 and Xbox One cross play forFinal Fantasy XV Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades.
• Players who pre-order the game from the Microsoft Store will receive the bonus “FFXV Powerup Pack,” containing Dodanuki, a sleek sword created by a legendary bladesmith that reduces enemy defense with each slash. The pack also includes 10 phoenix downs and 10 elixirs.
Additional details regarding the game’s pre-order bonuses are available here: sqex.to/FF15PC
For more information on Final Fantasy XV, visit: finalfantasyxv.com
SQUARE ENIX 预定在 2018 年 3 月 6 日推出 PlayStation 4 / Xbox One 专用游戏软件《Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition》,3 月 7 日推出 PC 专用游戏软件《Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition》。
《Royal Edition》是内含《Final Fantasy XV》(PS4 / Xbox One)游戏本篇和之前所有推出的 DLC 与赠品道具,以及包含「殷索姆尼亚 扩充地图」、「第一人称视角模式」等「Royal Pack」全新内容的套装商品(也会单独贩卖「Royal Pack」)。
Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition Origin purchases include The Sims 4 costumes
《FF XV Windows Edition》公布与 Origin 版本合作内容 王子将穿上《仿真市民 4》套装
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/159603.html)
SQUARE ENIX 旗下 PC 版《Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition》已透过 Steam、Origin、微软商店等平台释出游戏试玩版,近日官方公布在 Origin 平台上将与《仿真市民 4》合作,并公开展示影 片。
《Final Fantasy XV》故事背景描述路西斯与尼弗海姆两国之间长年以来的战争终于迈向终结,而为了迎接和平来临,将要举行主角路西斯王国王子诺克提斯和露娜弗蕾亚的结婚典礼。 而玩家将扮演诺克提斯与伙伴格拉迪欧蓝斯、伊格尼斯、普罗恩普特踏上返乡旅程,然而突发事件让四人的目标有了巨大的转变。
游戏 PC 版即将上市,近日已开放试玩版。 官方先前已公布 Steam 版与《战栗时空》合作特典内容,近日也接着宣布 Origin 版本则与《仿真市民 4》合作,在 5 月 1 日前购买《Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition》即可领取《仿真市民 4》特点,其中 包含 Llama Suits 和 Plumbob。
除此之外,为了纪念《Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition》上市,王子诺克提斯的服饰也将加入《仿真市民 4》中,预定于《Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition》正式上市后开放下载。
《Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition》预定 3 月 7 日正式上市,目前已透过 Steam、Origin、微软商店等平台释出游戏试玩版,玩家可抢先体验第一章完整内容等。
The Sims 4 Content is Coming to Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition
Square Enix has teamed up with Electronic Arts and Maxis, the studio behind The Sims, to bring exclusive The Sims 4 content to Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition. From the game’s launch day on March 6, 2018, until May 1, 2018, players who purchase Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition via Origin will unlock a unique Sim-themed outfit featuring the famous The Sims 4 Llama Suit and Plumbob for use by Noctis in the single player campaign, and for players’ avatars in final Fantasy XV Multiplayer Expansion; Comrades.
Players who pre-order the game from Origin will also receive the bonus “FFXV Decal Selection,” containing an array of colorful decals for the Regalia car celebrating Gladiolus, Prompto, and Ignis, along with the men and women of the Kingsglaive.
Exclusive content isn’t limited to Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition players, however, as beginning March 8, 2018, those who own The Sims 4 will be able to download a special crowned prince Noctis Lucis Caelum outfit for their avatars to celebrate the launch of Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition.
Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition will be available on March 6, 2018.
在东京六本木森艺术馆(Mori Art Center Gallery)举办的「FINAL FANTASY 30th ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION -离别的故事展-」,于昨晚进行了闭幕式,《Final Fantasy XV》监督田畑端也出席了这场闭幕式,并和粉丝们交流了有关Final Fantasy XV》的内容。
以下内容包含《Final Fantasy XV》的剧透,如果你没有玩过游戏,又很在意剧情的话,慎重观看。
根据推特用户ゆき的说法,田畑端在现场问参加闭幕式的粉丝是否愿意看到《Final Fantasy XV》的一个“好结局”以及一个“超级坏的结局”。这句话很容易让人猜测开发团队将为游戏加入全新的结局,毕竟在已经推出的“伊格尼斯篇”中,已经加入了一个 if 路线的“好结局”。在今年游戏还会加入4个新的 DLC 内容,除了已经确定的“艾丁篇”之外,剩下3个 DLC 很有可能就会有新结局内容
《Final Fantasy XV皇家版》将在3月6日登陆 PS4/Xbox One/PC(名为 Windows Edition)平台,有兴趣的朋友不妨体验这个全新的版本。
Final Fantasy XV Active Time Report Tekken 7 Collaboration Special set for March 14
《Final Fantasy XV》x 《铁拳7》联动特别 ATR 将于 3 月 14 日播出
SQUARE ENIX 宣布将于 3 月 14 日晚19点播放 Final Fantasy XV Active Time Report 活动报告《铁拳7》联动特别篇”直播节目。在这个为纪念《Final Fantasy XV》皇家版和PC版发售的特别节目中,《铁拳》系列的制作人原田胜弘也会出演。
届时除了介绍《Final Fantasy XV》的最新情报外,也会介绍客串到《铁拳7》的DLC角色诺克提斯王子的最新信息。
Square Enix will host a “Final Fantasy XV Active Time Report Tekken 7 Collaboration Special” broadcast on March 14 at 20:00 JST, the company announced. You will be able to watch it live on YouTube and Niconico.
The broadcast, which will commemorate this week’s release of Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition and Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition, will feature Tekken series chief producer Katsuhiro Harada as a special guest in addition to Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata. In addition to overviews the Royal Edition and Windows Edition, there will also be new information on the upcoming Noctis character downloadable content for Tekken 7.
Both Final Fantasy XV and Tekken 7 are available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.