Square Enix Reveals Final Fantasy XV Carbuncle Surprise Promotion
Square Enix Reveals Final Fantasy XV Carbuncle Surprise Promotion
At San Diego Comic-Con, Square Enix unveiled the Carbuncle Surprise Sweepstakes. All pre-orders of Final Fantasy XV made through the Square Enix Online Store are automatically entered and will be eligible to win themed digital and physical prizes, including the Grand Prize of a new Audi sedan.
Beginning on August 1, Carbuncle will select winners each Friday until the game’s release on September 30. All pre-orders made through the Square Enix Online Store are automatically entered for the sweepstakes, which commences with the First Prize drawing on Friday, August 5. Fans who have entered the sweepstakes will be eligible to check their winnings online every Friday. Prizes will be distributed to winners post launch, and each participant has the chance to win a prize during the weekly drawing.
Final Fantasy XV swept this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), with more than 20 awards including the highly coveted title of “Best RPG” from the Game Critics Awards.
A King’s Tale: Final Fantasy XV Debut Trailer
《Final Fantasy XV》日版作为7-ELEVEN预约店铺特典,而美国在Gamestop预定才可获赠的横版动作游戏《 A KING’S TALE- FINAL FANTASY XV》公开宣传介绍影像,这款游戏是以30年前雷吉斯王的冒险谭润色后的物语世界为舞台,还会有年轻时代的希德及格拉迪欧的父亲登场。该故事是国王讲给王子听。
《Final Fantasy XV》已确定将于2016年9月30日发售,登陆PS4/Xbox One平台,繁体中文版与简体中文版同步上市。
Taking place in a fictitious 30 years before Final Fantasy XV, this game features retro-style inspired graphics centered around a fast-paced combat system with influences from modern gaming. The in-depth combat system blends intense attacks, devastating magic, mighty summons and unique companion attacks into a singular gaming experience through three diverse locations in the world of Final Fantasy XV.
Restless before bed young Noctis asks his father, King Regis, to tell a fairy tale full of fantasy and adventure instead of just another generic bedtime story. Regis begins with a peaceful day being disrupted when monsters raid the royal capital, Insomnia. Young Regis, joined by Weskham, starts his adventure from the royal capital. Eventually they are joined by friends Cid and Clarus, where they travel to the plains of Duscae only to discover a mysterious cave where their enemy resides. Throughout the tall tale, King Regis and Noctis interject their own commentary, adding depth and perspective to the story itself.
Key Features
• Deep Combat System – Combos, counters, and Regis’ signature “Warp Strike” combine for lightning fast real-time combat that rewards fast reflexes and smart tactics.
• Magic – Ignite the battlefield, freeze your enemies, or electrify your foes with Fire, Ice, and Lightning magic.
• Companions – Three distinct companions offer unique and new ways to attack as well as tailored super moves that deal massive damage.
• Summons – Call upon epic Astral entities to decimate your foes in jaw-dropping ways.
Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV Global trailer, in theaters August 19
《王者之剑 Final Fantasy XV》释出新宣传影片 深入传奇故事的开端
SQUARE ENIX 制作,改编自开发中之角色扮演游戏《Final Fantasy XV》的计算机动画(CG) 电影《王者之剑 Final Fantasy XV(Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV)》,日前在 PlayStation 官方 YouTube 频道公布针对美国的宣传影片,预定 8 月 4 日在美国推出 BD 蓝光光盘影片,8 月 19 日在全美各地特定戏院公开上映,8 月 30 日登上北美 PlayStation Video 在线服务供付费欣赏。
《王者之剑 Final Fantasy XV》是全世界累计销售超过 1 亿 1000 万套的角色扮演游戏《Final Fantasy》系列最新作《Final Fantasy XV》的改编电影,描写与游戏相同的世界、时间、角色之下的另一个故事。 由与游戏制作相同的团队操刀,建构出与游戏完全连动的复合媒体长篇电影。
We’ve finally launched the Global Trailer! Get a preview of the full story of Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV, complete with epic battle scenes! Final Fantasy fans, now’s the time to get excited for an entirely new cinematic adventure.
I’m very happy that Kingsglaive will be released theatrically in North America. With all the effort we put into the sound and music, we’re so happy that everyone can enjoy this in theaters starting on August 19.
Kingsglaive stands on its own and can be enjoyed without knowledge of the previous games. But if you play Final Fantasy XV there are many references in the game that you wouldn’t necessarily understand without watching the film. Kingsglaive depicts the events that lead into the game’s story, starting with the main character — Prince Noctis’ father, King Regis — fighting the enemy Empire.
Along with Final Fantasy XV, the main theme portrayed in Kingsglaive is the bond between father and son. While watching the film you’ll see the love they have for each other and understand the pressures of fulfilling the responsibility of being King.
It begins with society’s perception of the King and his responsibilities, and the many emotions involved. However, because Final Fantasy is a magical world, we’ve tried to make it understandable from an outsider’s point of view — someone who isn’t familiar with the Final Fantasy series.
We constantly challenge the Final Fantasy franchise — not just with this film, but also with the game itself. We faced the continuous challenge of expressing human emotion through computer graphics realistically. So we combined fantasy aspects with modern aspects to give Kingsglaive a realistic look. We hope you enjoy watching the film and experiencing a world never seen before, filled with action scenes only possible through advanced computer graphics.
The members of the production team are huge fans of Final Fantasy, which led us to the incorporation of nostalgic Final Fantasy elements throughout the film. If you’re a Final Fantasy fan, we challenge you to find them!
Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV is coming to PlayStation Video on August 30.
日本 7-11 下载卡将包含 PS4《Final Fantasy XV》下载版游戏以及 4 种 7-11 限定下载特典,包括《Final Fantasy XIII》雷光使用武器与料理相关道具组合「Blaze Edge / Final Fantasy XIII 造型 特典组合」,原创造型武器「正宗」以及原创 2D 动作游戏《国王传说 Final Fantasy XV》。
SQUARE ENIX 制作,预定 9 月 30 日全球同步推出的 PS4 / Xbox One 动作角色扮演游戏《Final Fantasy XV》,制作总监田畑端在这次香港动漫电玩节中接受香港索尼互动娱乐(SIEH)邀请,登台向香港玩家介绍游戏内容特色,并于活动后接受媒体访问,进一步说明游戏的细节。
田畑端表示,《Final Fantasy》系列的一大特色就是各代之间的世界观与故事是独立的,所以不论玩家是否有接触过前几代,都可以随时进入体验游戏的乐趣。 而这次的《Final Fantasy XV》已经是系列的第 15 代作品,目标是把最新进的感动游戏体验呈现给所有玩家,即使第一次接触《Final Fantasy》系列的玩家亦能乐在其中。
这次游戏的世界观与先前系列作不同,是将系列熟悉的奇幻要素融入以真实现代世界为蓝本的舞台中,因此会更贴近真实世界的感受。 冒险团队是完全由男性所构成的 4 人组,他们将驾车展开一段男性友谊的公路旅行。 这 4 名角色都请到日本知名专业声优配音,虽然每个人的档期都很满,但是为了《Final Fantasy XV》他们都愿意全力配合,一同为游戏献声。
为了让第一次接触的玩家也能对整个游戏的世界观与故事有所概念,制作团队特别同步制作了肩负起世界观导引的两部关联作品,分别是叙述诺克提斯与同伴在少年期所经历的考验的 2D 动画作品《兄弟情 Final Fantasy XV》,以及叙述诺克提斯之父路西斯国王雷吉斯与他直属的特种部队「王者之剑」队员尼克斯为了王国存亡而战的 3D CG 电影作品《王者之剑 Final Fantasy XV》。
其中《兄弟情 Final Fantasy XV》已经在在线免费开放观赏,《王者之剑 Final Fantasy XV》则预定陆续在日本、北美等地区的电影院上映,8 月底预定率先登上 iTune 与 Google Play,9 月底随游戏同步推出 BD 与 DVD,豪华版与典藏版游戏亦将同捆 BD。 《王者之剑 Final Fantasy XV》的英文版特别请到《绝命毒师》的亚伦·保尔(Aaron Paul)以及《权力游戏》的琳娜·海蒂(Lena Headey)与西恩·宾(Sean Bean)担任配音,卡司相当坚强。 田畑端表示,希望大家有机会都能去看看这两部作品,这样在玩游戏时会更有带入感。
展示告一段落之后,现场随即举办有奖征答,送出《Final Fantasy XV》特制的手机保护壳,田畑端并送出一套数量稀少的豪华版送给 Cosplay 成诺克提斯的热情粉丝。
在会后的媒体联访中,田畑端再次保证《Final Fantasy XV》会是款单作完结的故事,目前并没有《Final Fantasy XV-2》之类的续篇计划。 虽然《Final Fantasy XV》是承袭当初的《Final Fantasy Versus XIII》项目而来,不过很难具体说现在的《Final Fantasy XV》究竟完成了多少《Final Fantasy Versus XIII》最初设定的目标,因为当初《Final Fantasy Versus XIII》是设定成一个关联的外传,但《Final Fantasy XV》现在是作为承袭《Final Fantasy》系列正传第 15 代名号的作品,两者在规模上有很大的差别,制作团队尽全力达成不负《Final Fantasy XV》之名的成果,因此不可同日而语。
当被问到游戏团队中只有男性角色的设定,是否是他个人的兴趣时,田畑端大笑表示,这并不是他的兴趣,其实他自己也是比较喜欢女性角色的。 一方面这次游戏的设定是承袭《Final Fantasy Versus XIII》而来,二方面这次游戏的故事是设定为流亡王子与部下的复国公路旅行,概念上就不适合有女性介入这样一个基于部属的忠诚与男性的情谊所建构的团队。 制作团队希望能打造出如真实世界般合情合理的设定,所以没有刻意放入女性角色。 此外,这次游戏中也不会有来自其他系列作的角色现身,制作团队希望将焦点集中在《Final Fantasy XV》的角色,不希望分散目光。
对于如何让《Final Fantasy XV》能普遍受到全世界不同地区玩家的喜爱一事,田畑端表示,这次《Final Fantasy XV》首度采用全球同步上市的策略,就是为了响应全世界各地玩家的需求。 因为全球同步上市,所以各地所获得的游戏信息都是同步的,各地的媒体都会一起报导,各地的玩家都能同步接收,相关的意见也会同步传递给制作团队,这么一来制作团队就能精确掌握各地玩家的喜好来进行内容与方向上的调整。
关于日本 7-11 店头预约会赠送的特典小游戏《国王传说 Final Fantasy XV》是否有计划在亚洲推出一事,田畑端表示,目前的确还没有计划,但与其说是决定不提供,还不如说是之前没有想到这点。 因为提供特典的销售策略需要针对各地市场进行调查与评估,之前制作团队只有考虑到日本市场的需求,所以还没有充分掌握亚洲市场的状况。 但这次被问到之后,他回去会请内部仔细研究看看,说不定有机会。 至于《Final Fantasy XV》特制 PS4 主机的计划,田畑端笑着说,不论到哪边大家都会问这个问题,其实他自己也很希望能推出,不过这样的产品毕竟不是他自己说了算,PS4 主机的业务要看 SIE 方面的策略而定,所以目前还没有具体的答案。
最后是关于先前 E3 展首度公开的 PS VR 技术展示《Final Fantasy XV VR Experience》展出的反应以及是否有具体商品化的计划,对此田畑端表示,这款 VR 展示主要的概念是希望能让玩家进入《Final Fantasy XV》的世界中、化身成其中的角色。 当然原本的《Final Fantasy XV》玩法对 VR 来说可能不是那么适合,所以制作团队采用比较简单的定点射击玩法,让大家都能轻松体验。 不过展出之后,大多数的玩家反而是对游戏最后与席德妮一同驾车兜风的桥段最感兴趣,觉得这段最能感受《Final Fantasy XV》的氛围,都很期待能制作成 DLC 推出(笑)。 其实制作团队目前还在摸索 VR 的可能性,这款展示只是初步尝试的结果,不过不论是在 E3 展或是这次亚洲发布会上的反应都很不错,这些对制作团队来说都是宝贵的经验。
Final Fantasy XV will have a Season Pass that allows players to download additional content.
Pre-orders for a “Digital Premium Edition” of Final Fantasy XV, which includes the game and Season Pass, went live on the PlayStation Store in the U.S. today for $84.99. A “Season Pass Upgrade” is also available for users who already pre-ordered Final Fantasy XV digitally.
Update: The Final Fantasy XV Season Pass has been added to the Japanese PlayStation Store, which offers actual details. It includes the following six pieces of downloadable content, one of which will include a new mode: