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【新闻部】Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-2-10 07:32 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-2-25 06:54 PM |只看该作者
《文明帝国》创作者 Sid Meier 新作《星舰传奇》宣布 3 月中旬北美上市

  由 Firaxis Games 研发、《文明帝国》系列创作者 Sid Meier 领军制作的回合制冒险导向星际策略游戏《星舰传奇(暂译,原名:Sid Meier's Starships》,今日宣布即将于 3 月 12 日在北美问世。

  目前《星舰传奇》公布北美售价为 15 美元,其他地区的售价则尚未公开。


  Firaxis Games 指出,届时游玩《星舰传奇》的《文明帝国:超越地球》玩家将可发现两套游戏之间的交互关连性,因而增进并扩展两套游戏体验的深度。但研发团队并未详细说明两者实际关连性。

  以下为 Sid Meier 日前实际展示《星舰传奇》实机影片,供有兴趣的玩家欣赏:



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-3-24 07:40 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-24 07:08 PM 编辑

Borderlands: The Handsome Collection Launch Trailer


  本作将收录《边缘禁地 2》以及《边缘禁地:续集前传》的高清重制版并收录这款游戏的全部DLC,游戏在提高分辨率的同时更增加了4人分屏合作模式。同时游戏也将支持跨平台存储功能,这也就意味着玩家在PS3以及PSV上的的存档可以直接转移到PS4平台上的作品中。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-4-11 07:16 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2015-4-16 07:18 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-4-16 06:16 PM |只看该作者
2K Australia closing down

2K Australia In Canberra Closes Its Doors

A source has just informed us that 2K Australia, the studio in Canberra that most recently brought us Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, is closing its doors.

It was confirmed the entire studio is closing, and all staff members will lose their jobs. “All hands are gone,” said our source.

2K Canberra was the last major AAA-style studio operating out of Australia. The costs of operating out of Australia were apparently to blame for the decision.

Sources close to the situation informed us that, at one point, a move to Melbourne was being planned, in an attempt to help attract new talent to the studio. This allegedly caused many high-level members of the team to leave and that may have factored into 2K’s decision to shut down the studio.

2K provided us with the following statement, confirming the closure.

We can confirm we have taken steps to begin the studio closure process for 2K Australia in order to better manage ongoing development costs while improving the working proximity of our creative teams. We are very grateful for the team’s valuable contributions to numerous 2K projects, and are working with affected staff to explore reassignment opportunities where possible.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-4-20 06:18 PM |只看该作者
《边缘禁地/无主之地(Borderlands)》创作者 Matthew Armstrong 离开 Gearbox 将尝试新冒险

  《边缘禁地》总监 Matthew Armstrong 在个人推特上宣布,正式离开 Gearbox Software。

  Matthew Armstrong 是《边缘禁地》、《边缘禁地 2》的故事撰写者,也是一代的总监与二代的核心设计师,于 2010 年被游戏研发者杂志选为对游戏产业最具显著贡献者前五十名。而他也曾经参与《最后一战》、《战栗时空》等游戏开发。

  他 19 日在个人推特上表示,「事情变了。我不再在 Gearbox Software 工作了。我会永远爱着 Gearbox,但现在是该冒险的时候了。」


  欧洲游戏媒体 Game Informer 后来采访到 Matthew Armstrong,Matthew Armstrong 证实他已经离开该公司,并表示,《边缘禁地:续集前传》与 DLC《Claptastic Voyage》、《边缘禁地:帅气合辑》都已经上市,在这个难得的时刻他没有身怀重任,此时他离开不会对《边缘禁地》或 Gearbox 造成太多损失,所以这正是时候。他认为 Gearbox 未来仍会做得非常好,而《边缘禁地》系列会一直很棒与很强大。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-5-19 06:56 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-19 06:57 AM 编辑

Civilization: Beyond Earth expansion 'Rising Tide' announced for Fall 2015

2K Announces Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth – Rising Tide Expansion Pack

2K and Firaxis Games today announced Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth – Rising Tide, the expansion pack for 2014’s turn-based strategy title, Civilization: Beyond Earth, is currently in development for Windows-based PC. Created by Firaxis Games, Rising Tide will enhance the Beyond Earth experience by adding a variety of new gameplay capabilities and providing near limitless ways for players to create a new future for humanity on an alien planet. The expansion pack is currently scheduled for release in fall 2015.

Rising Tide will expand Beyond Earth to new frontiers on the planet’s surface and across its seas, adding more choices and diplomatic options as players build “one more turn” toward a new vision for humanity’s future. New aquatic gameplay will explore the oceans for colonization by dramatically extending the play space, while an overhauled diplomacy system will provide players with additional layers of dynamic choices and options to shape the diplomatic landscape while engaging with the AI and one another.

“Firaxis Games has an impressive track record of delivering robust and innovative expansions that radically change player experience while adding extensive replay value,” said Sarah Anderson, SVP of Marketing at 2K. “Rising Tide is no exception, offering new features and overhauled gameplay systems that will challenge players embarking on a quest for planetary domination.”

“Rising Tide builds upon the lore of Beyond Earth, breaking away the historical boundaries of the original franchise and furthering mankind’s search for a new home in outer space,” said Sid Meier, director of creative development at Firaxis Games. “Whether colonizing the planet’s oceans, acquiring new Affinities or meeting exotic new leaders, aliens and units for the first time, Rising Tide offers more ways for players to write their own stories on a new world.”

Game Description

After the first wave of great colony ships departed Earth, the jubilation of humanity was short-lived. Those left behind fell into a violent struggle over the quickly-diminishing resources on their barren home world. From this tumultuous time, four new factions arose. These newcomers were grounded not in the idealism of their predecessors, but on opportunism, resilience, ruthlessness, and above all a commitment to their own survival.

Now, many decades after their first landfall on a new planet, the proud survivors of the first expeditions beyond Earth look up to see the skies darkened by a new breed of pioneers.

Beyond Earth extended the Civilization franchise from its historical setting into the possible futures of science fiction. Rising Tide extends Beyond Earth to new frontiers on the planet’s surface and beneath its seas, adding even more choices and diplomatic options as you continue to build “just one more turn” toward a new vision for the future of humanity.


• Colonize the Ocean: Build floating settlements and access natural resources hidden beneath the seas of the alien planet. Alien beasts with unique abilities inhabit the water and challenge the player in new ways. The ocean provides a fully replayable map, new gameplay mechanics and strategic possibilities for players to reign supreme on their new world.

• Dynamic Leader Traits: Players and AI Leaders alike unlock new Traits through gameplay and activate different combinations to respond to the changing world. These dynamic sets of Traits also provide benefits and add to the new Diplomacy system, governed by the new Fear and Respect attributes.

• New, Enhanced Diplomatic Options: Shape the diplomatic landscape by using political capital to upgrade your traits, change diplomatic relationships, and leverage the benefits of your allies’ traits.

• New Sponsors: Four new factions have been added to the game including Al Falah, nomad explorers descended from wealthy and resilient Middle Eastern states that possess a rich cultural and commercial heritage.

• New Artifact System: Collect and combine powerful relics to unlock new perks, unit upgrades, and buildings for your faction on the new world.

• New Hybrid Units: Affinities are competing visions for the future of humanity. By investing in multiple Affinities, rather than specializing in just one, players can unlock special hybrid Affinity units and upgrades.

• New Biomes: Two new world types have been added. Primordial worlds are rife in volcanic activity and the chaotic landscape of a world still forming. Frigid worlds have cooled in their great age, their surfaces covered with icy oceans and frozen tundra.

Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth – Rising Tide will be available for Windows PC in fall 2015 for $29.99. For more information on Rising Tide, please visit civilization.com, become a fan on Facebook, follow Civilization on Twitter and subscribe to Civilization on YouTube.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-2 07:07 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-2 06:09 PM 编辑

XCOM 2 Announced for PC
2K 曝光开发中续作《XCOM 2》情报 从外星人手中夺回地球控制权

  2K 和 Firaxis Games 今(2)日首次曝光开发中续作《XCOM 2》Windows PC 版情报,本作中玩家将被送到 20 年后的未来,这时外星人已击败了人类并在地球上建立起新世界秩序,而已被众人遗忘的 XCOM 秘密准军事组织,必须反击并夺回地球的控制权,同时解放外星人统治下的人类。 《XCOM 2》目前预定在 2015 年 11 月上市。

  《XCOM 2》中玩家所扮演的角色颠倒了过来,新作 XCOM 扮演的是入侵势力,他们受到资源有限的束缚,且必须利用新的机动总部不断地躲开外星人的威胁,而玩家必须结合火力和隐匿战术来协助 XCOM 招募士兵并建立起反抗网络,同时试着揭发邪恶的外星人阴谋并拯救人类。

  官方表示,《XCOM 2》将会带来许多游戏特色,例如能让玩家每次都获得独特游戏体验的程序产生关卡(procedurally-generated levels),并提供更深入的模块支持。 此外,《XCOM 2》也将带来各式各样的新内容,包括 5 个更新过的兵种、更多的士兵自定义选项、更多的外星人与敌人类型,还有进化的战术战斗等。

  「Firaxis 已用获得年度最佳游戏殊荣的《XCOM:未知敌人》证明了他们有本事重新塑造受人喜爱的游戏系列,」2K 总裁 Christoph Hartmann 表示:「开发团队将藉由《XCOM 2》替该系列注入新生命,带来史诗般的故事内容,并挑战玩家去克服低到不能再低的成功机率。 」

  Firaxis Games 的《XCOM 2》创意总监 Jake Solomon 则指出:「热情的 XCOM 玩家社群提供的宝贵意见,在《XCOM 2》的开发过程中扮演着重要角色,驱使我们让策略游戏在视觉上、游戏机制上和耐玩性上有进一步的突破,我们兴奋地导入了玩家们长期以来想看到的特色,例如程序产生关卡和模块支持,并且增添了更多能使 XCOM 游戏更出色的元素,诸如新外星人、新敌人和新兵种。 」

  《XCOM 2》PC 版预定 2015 年 11 月推出。


2K Announces XCOM 2 in Development at Firaxis Games

2K and Firaxis Games today announced that XCOM 2, the sequel to the Game of the Year* award-winning strategy title XCOM: Enemy Unknown, is currently in development for Windows-based PC. Developed by Firaxis Games, XCOM 2 transports players 20 years into the future, where humanity lost the war against the alien threat that has established a new world order. The secret paramilitary organization known as XCOM is largely forgotten, and must strike back to reclaim control of Earth and free mankind from the aliens’ rule. XCOM 2 is currently scheduled for release in November 2015. The game will also be coming to Mac and Linux via Feral Interactive.

In XCOM 2, the roles have been reversed, and XCOM is now the invading force. They are hampered by limited resources and must constantly evade the alien threat in their new mobile headquarters. Players must use a combination of firepower and stealth-like tactics to help XCOM recruit soldiers and build a resistance network, while attempting to expose the evil alien agenda and save humanity. XCOM 2 will introduce gameplay features such as procedurally-generated levels, which will make each experience unique to the player, as well as offer a much deeper level of modding support. Additionally, XCOM 2 will offer a variety of new content including five updated soldier classes, increased soldier customization, more alien and enemy types, evolved tactical combat and more.

“Firaxis proved they could reimagine a beloved franchise with XCOM: Enemy Unknown, a Game of the Year award-winning title,” said Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K. “With XCOM 2, the team is breathing new life into the series by adding an epic narrative and challenging players to overcome near impossible odds.”

“The feedback from the passionate XCOM community played an important role in the development of XCOM 2, driving us to push the visual, gameplay and replayability boundaries of what a strategy game can be,” said Jake Solomon, creative director of XCOM 2 at Firaxis Games. “We’re thrilled to implement long-time fan requested features such as procedural levels and modding support, as well as adding more of what makes XCOM great like new aliens, enemies and soldier classes.”

For more information about XCOM 2, visit IGN.com, where the game is featured as the IGN First title for the month of June. In the coming weeks, IGN will reveal exclusive details about XCOM 2, including gameplay impressions, in-depth analysis of alien and enemy types, new soldier classes and combat tactics, story-focused insights and more.

XCOM 2 will be available for PC and is currently scheduled for release in November 2015. For more information on XCOM 2, please visit www.XCOM.com, become a fan on Facebook, follow the game on Twitter using the hashtag #XCOM2 or subscribe to XCOM on YouTube.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-5 07:43 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-5 06:27 PM 编辑

Battleborn Modes and Features Announced, 'For Every Kind of Badass' Trailer
2K 和 Gearbox 共同发表《边缘禁地》开发团队新作《Battleborn》新模式与特色

  在这款出自《边缘禁地》开发团队的下一款第一人称射击强片里,玩家可在可歌可泣的「故事模式」和三种截然不同的竞争性多人模式中玩到 25 位独特英雄。

  2K 和《边缘禁地》系列制作团队 Gearbox Software 今天宣布《Battleborn》将收录 25 位可让玩家扮演的独特英雄,还有可独自游玩的故事模式,以及可与好友同乐的三种截然不同竞争性多人模式,外加续存进度系统。 该公司也释出了全新的宣传影片来展示这款第一人称射击游戏 25 位英雄的部分英姿。

  《Battleborn》的故事背景设定在杜撰的遥远科幻未来,宇宙中只剩下一颗未被邪恶的 Varlesi 染指且黯淡无光的恒星。 这颗硕果仅存的恒星,Solus,成了孤寂的希望信标。 在混乱浩劫之后,不同种族的幸存者来到了 Solus 星系避难,并依据他们的信念组成了五个不同派系。 称做「战豪」(battleborn)的英雄在各派系中崭露头角,为了星系中剩余的少量资源而战。 现在,Varelsi 威胁着要把这一切化为乌有,只有宇宙中最强大英雄组成的团结队伍才能阻止他们。


  • 故事模式:《Battleborn》的故事模式带来了剧情丰富的游戏体验,可以单人游玩,也可以透过分割画面*或联机方式让至多五位好友合作同玩。 故事模式采取了模块化,能让玩家自行挑选接下来要玩哪个任务。 故事模式的模块化架构也让玩家能够重玩任务好获取更棒的掠宝;
  • 25 位可扮演的英雄:《Battleborn》拥有丰富众多的 25 位可扮演英雄,每位英雄都有专属的个性并配有独特的武器和能力。 透过「螺悬系统」(Helix System)这个加快的角色成长系统,玩家可以在一个故事任务中或是在一场竞争性多人游戏中就把角色从第一级升级到第十级;
  • 竞争性多人游戏:《Battleborn》的团队制竞争性多人游戏可以让至多 10 位玩家联机上网体验 5v5 的对战,并且包括了三种独特模式:
  • 奇袭(Incursion):双方英雄队伍需对抗一波又一波计算机控制的手下攻击并保护自己的基地,并且同心协力在己方手下的协助下摧毁对手的基地;
  • 毁坏(Devastation):双方英雄队伍在快节奏的死斗中互相对抗,并且需占领及守住地图上的目标来获取胜利;
  • 熔毁(Meltdown):双方英雄队伍需保护己方的手下,让他们顺利地前往地图中央迎接死亡。 顺利进入焚化炉的手下将可替队伍带来分数,并由分数最多的队伍获得胜利。
  • 续存进度系统:无论是透过《Battleborn》的故事模式或竞争性多人模式获得的所有经验点数,都可以用来提升个别角色等级,也拿来提升玩家档案的指挥等级;
  • 角色等级:在任务和多人游戏外,每位角色可以永久地从第一级升级到第十级,允许玩家调换角色螺旋技能树里的增强技能,以及解锁外观。
  • 指挥等级:玩家可以提升他们自己玩家档案的等级,解锁徽章和头衔让好友眼睛一亮,还可解锁能替任何玩家选择指挥的英雄带来帮助的掠宝。

* 《Battleborn》支持双人分割画面,并可与其他分割画面或在线单人玩家联机来创造出完整5人队伍

  《Battleborn》在 2015 年 6 月 16 日至 18 日举办的电子娱乐展(E3)中将现场开放试玩,有兴趣的玩家可以在展览期间到洛杉矶会展中心南厅 #1001 的 2K 摊位上先睹为快。

  《Battleborn》尚未取得游戏软件分级,目前预定今年冬季在全球上市,并将发行 PlayStation 4 版、Xbox One 版和 Windows PC 版。 如需《Battleborn》的进一步信息,请透过 Twitter 和 Twitch 来关注游戏,或加入 Facebook 粉丝团,或订阅 YouTube 频道,或可造访 http://www.Battleborn.com


About Battleborn

Battleborn is set in a distant future, where nearly every star in the universe has gone dark at the hands of a mysterious enemy. Solus, the last star, is the only beacon of hope for the universe’s surviving population. The fading of stars has led to a great war among those desperate for the last remaining resources. Heroes, called Battleborn, fight for the dominance of their unique factions as all life in the universe teeters on the brink of extinction. Now, the mysterious enemy is threatening to finish what they’ve started, and only an unlikely alliance between the universe’s most powerful heroes can stop them.

Game modes and features for Battleborn include

• Story Mode: Battleborn’s Story Mode is a narrative experience playable in a single-player capacity, as well as cooperatively by up to five friends via splitscreen or online. The Story Mode is modular, allowing players to choose which missions to enjoy next. The modular structure of Story Mode also allows players to replay missions for the chance to earn better loot.

• 25 Playable Heroes: Battleborn has a deep and diverse roster of 25 playable heroes, each with its own personality and equipped with unique weapons and powers. An accelerated character growth system, known as the Helix System, allows players to level up a character from 1 to 10 in a single story mission or competitive multiplayer match.

• Competitive Multiplayer: Battleborn’s team-based competitive multiplayer action can be experienced by up to 10 players online in 5v5 matches and will include three distinct modes:

- Incursion: Teams of heroes defend their base from waves of AI-controlled minions while working together, alongside their own minions, to destroy their opponents’ base;

- Devastation: Teams of heroes face off in a fast-paced death match and must capture and hold objectives on the map to win;

- Meltdown: Teams of heroes protect their minions as they march to their death at the center of the map. Points are scored for minions who throw themselves into the incinerator, and the team with the most points wins.

• Persistent Progression System: All experience points, whether earned through playing Battleborn’s Story Mode or Competitive Multiplayer modes, contribute to leveling up individual Character Rank, as well as player profile Command Rank:

- Character Rank: Each hero can permanently rank up from 1 to 10 outside of missions and matches, allowing players to swap out augments in their helix skill tree, as well as unlock skins.

- Command Rank: Players can rank-up their own player profile, unlocking badges and titles to impress friends, and loot that can be used to benefit any hero the player chooses to command


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