BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 公布,大型电玩游戏《机动战士钢弹 极限 VS. 全力爆发 ON》将会在 3 月 9 日起开始在日本启动营运。
本作是《机动战士钢弹 VS.》系列的最新游戏,除了追加来自最新钢弹动画作品《钢弹 G Reconquista(ガンダム G のレコンギスタ)》的「钢弹 G-SELF(G - セルフ)」、《机动战士钢弹 铁血孤儿(机动戦士ガンダム 铁血のオルフェンズ)》的「猎魔钢弹(ガンダム・バルバトス)」等全新参战机体之外,还全面翻修了 EX 爆发系统, 并加入日本国内在线玩家对战等新功能。
Slashy Souls: a first look at Namco's new Dark Souls-inspired mobile game
Dark Souls 3 publisher Bandai Namco has teamed up with GameStop for the surprise release of a new mobile title inspired by From Software's line of super-challenging role-playing games. Titled Slashy Souls, the new game will be available for both iOS and Android devices beginning tomorrow, Feb. 28.
Bandai Namco was quick to point out that Slashy Souls is inspired by Dark Souls but is not directly connected to the series. It follows similar themes, including a focus on challenge, but it's not developed by From Software.
Instead, Slashy Souls reimagines Dark Souls' gameplay through the lens of 16-bit graphics and the endless runner genre. While the gameplay is different than fans might expect, it will include weapons, spells and bosses that are familiar to anyone who's played Dark Souls.
While the game won't be live until tomorrow, you can check out a few minutes of footage from the iOS version in the video above.