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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-4-14 06:13 PM 编辑
GTA V PC ~ Introducing the Rockstar Editor
《侠盗猎车手 5》公布 PC 版专属 Rockstar 编辑器介绍影片 发挥创意纪录精彩时刻
Rockstar Games 制作,预定 4 月 14 日推出 PC 版的动作冒险游戏《侠盗猎车手 5(Grand Theft Auto V)》,现公布介绍 PC 版专属全新 Rockstar 编辑器的宣传影片,供玩家参考。
《侠盗猎车手 5》PC 版承袭新世代主机版的特色,大幅强化视觉效果与人潮车流表现,收录第一人称模式。使用最先进的图像和技术,被优化为能够支持目前大多数的硬件配备。具备许多专属的改进,包含了更深度的细节、更详细的设定选项、以及对 4K 60fps 等超高画质的支持。
除此之外,PC 版还加入功能强大的「Rockstar 编辑器」,玩家可以使用这个全新的编辑器来录制故事模式与在线模式的游戏片段,提供各种运镜模式、滤镜、景深模糊与音效自定义选项。独特的「导演模式」让玩家可以自由选择故事中熟悉的角色、路人甚至是动物,以圣洛都场景为舞台,拍摄一段自己专属的电影,透过 Rockstar Games Social Club 或 YouTube 与全球玩家分享。
Introducing the Rockstar Editor
Presenting the Rockstar Editor – a special feature in Grand Theft Auto V for PC that allows players to record, edit, and share videos created from footage in both Story Mode and GTA Online.
Watch today’s video “An Introduction to the Rockstar Editor” for an overview of just some of the features of this powerful video creation tool including special camera modes, filters, depth of field and audio customization options - as well as the unique Director Mode feature that allows you to stage creative moviemaking sequences from a cast of characters ranging from familiar faces from Story Mode, to pedestrians and even animals. You’ll be able to upload your finished masterpiece to YouTube and to the Rockstar Games Social Club to share with friends.
The Rockstar Editor will be available for use in GTAV PC when the game is released tomorrow April 14th. For much more information and to start brushing up on all of the Rockstar Editor’s features, controls and settings, you can also check out the full Rockstar Editor Online Guide at the Social Club website.
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