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GTA V is Coming to PS4 & Xbox One November 18, PC January 27
《侠盗猎车手5》PS4 / Xbox One 版11 月推出PC 版明年1 月推出
Rockstar Games 今(12)日宣布,《侠盗猎车手5(Grand Theft Auto V)》的PS4 版与Xbox One 版将于2014 年11 月18 日推出,PC 版则预定于稍晚的2015 年1月27 日推出。
《侠盗猎车手5》PS4 / Xbox One / PC 版将运用新世代硬体的处理能力,带来视觉与技术上的大幅强化,呈现更生动逼真的洛圣都(Los Santos)与布雷恩郡(Blaine County)景观,提供更远的绘图景深与更高的解析度。除此之外,玩家还能享受到以下几项强化内容,包括:
- 新武器,新载具和新活动
- 新增野生动物
- 更密集的交通流量
- 全新植被系统
- 更优异的伤害和天气特效,另外还有更多精采内容
《侠盗猎车手5》PS4 / Xbox One / PC 版将收录更为强化的广播内容,包括100 首以上的新歌曲,以及来自再度回归的DJ 所提供的新DJ 混音曲,可以在游戏中的17 个电台广播收听。
《侠盗猎车手Online》的部分也有大幅强化,连线人数从原本的16 人提升至30 人,所有先前推出的升级与内容都可以延用,既有版本的玩家可以将自己的角色转移到新版本中继续游玩。
凡是预购PS4 / Xbox One / PC 版的玩家,都可以获得100 万游戏虚拟货币,包括故事模式50 万与线上模式50 万。回锅的既有PS3 / Xbox 360 版玩家,则可获得专属游戏内容,包括稀有版本的《侠盗猎车手》经典载具,例如君王、嘟嘟鸟水上飞机,以及速度更快、更好操控的飞船。游戏活动则包括野生动物摄影比赛,以及全新的靶场竞技挑战、新武器和更多精采内容。
Rockstar Games Announces Grand Theft Auto V Release Dates and Exclusive Content Details for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC
Rockstar Games is proud to announce that Grand Theft Auto V will arrive on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft on November 18, 2014, with the PC version to follow on January 27, 2015. Visit rockstargames.com/V to see the all-new trailer today from 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time.
Grand Theft Auto V for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC will feature a range of major visual and technical upgrades to make Los Santos and Blaine County more immersive than ever. In addition to increased draw distances and higher resolution, players can expect a range of additions and improvements including:
• New activities;
• New weapons;
• New vehicles;
• Additional wildlife;
• Denser traffic;
• New foliage system;
• Enhanced damage and weather effects, and much more.
Grand Theft Auto V for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC will also feature enhanced radio selections, with over 100 additional new songs and new DJ mixes from returning DJs across the game’s 17 radio stations.
All players who pre-order the game will receive $1,000,000 in-game cash to spend across Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.
A host of new, exclusive content also awaits for players returning from the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions including rare versions of classic vehicles to collect from across the Grand Theft Auto series such as the Dukes, the Dodo Seaplane and a faster, more maneuverable Blimp; activities, including wildlife photography; and new shooting range challenges, new weapons and more.
Enhancements to Grand Theft Auto Online include an increased player count, with online play now for up to 30 players on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. All existing gameplay upgrades and Rockstar-created content released since the launch of Grand Theft Auto Online will also be available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC with much more to come.
Existing players on PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 will be able to transfer their current Grand Theft Auto Online characters and progression to their choice of PlayStation 4, Xbox One or PC..
