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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-2 09:41 AM 编辑
Pre-orders for GTA V on PC starting this Friday
Gamereactor has learnt that the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V is about to go on pre-order.
Nordic retailer Elgiganten (owned by Dixons Retail UK) will start taking orders for Grand Theft Auto V on PC this Friday, which has been confirmed to us via a manager of one of the Swedish stores.
While there's been no official confirmation of the game arriving on PC, and there's nothing yet regarding the pre-orders in the UK, the fact that Swedish gamers will be able to reserve their copy of the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V is a good indication that it's on its way.
Evidence of a PC port of GTA V has been building of late, with bug reports listing PC related issues with earlier builds, and listings at various online retailers also surfacing.
We've reached out to Rockstar for comment on the matter, and will update the story if we get anything back.
Gamerector:http://www.gamereactor.eu/news/1 ... arting+this+Friday/
外媒Gamereactor近日获悉PC版GTA V即将开启预售。根据瑞典一家零售店销售经理的消息,北欧零售商Elgiganten确认将于本周五开启GTA V预购活动。
不过目前官方还没有公布任何GTA V确认登陆PC的消息,英国也没有任何关于GTA 5 PC版的消息。
PC版GTA V的证据近日浮出水面,一份关于PC版BUG的报告列表被各大零售商贴出来。
关于此事我们(Gamereactor)已经跟Rockstar相关工作人员进行接触。 |