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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-10-15 07:16 PM 编辑
PlayStation Now 云端游戏服务在北美展开PS Vita / PS TV 公开测试
美国索尼电脑娱乐(SCEA)14 日宣布,将自14 日起在美国与加拿大展开PlayStation 云端游戏服务「PlayStation Now」的PlayStation Vita / PlayStation TV(即PS Vita TV)公开测试。

PS Now 是SCE 所提倡的云端游戏服务,透过网路串流技术打破硬体架构限制,在不同主机提供相同游戏体验,目前正在北美进行公测,初期以PS3 游戏为主,可游玩超过150 款游戏。
继先前展开PS4 与PS3 的公开测试之后,14 日SCEA 配合PS TV 在北美的上市,同步展开在PS Vita 与PS TV 的公开测试,将该服务延伸到掌上型主机与平价机上盒领域,让玩家可以在随身装置上游玩PS3 游戏,或者是以不到100 美元的低廉价格在大萤幕上享受PS3 游戏。
想在PS Vita / PS TV 上参与PS Now 公测,需下载PS Now 专属App。
PS Now 支援的硬体平台包括PS4、PS3、2014 年款BRAVIA 液晶电视、PS Vita、PS TV,需要稳定低延迟的5~12Mbps 宽频网路连线,费用部分依照游玩方案的不同而异,公测阶段设定在每款2.99 美元到19.99 美元不等,目前SCE 尚未公布PS Now 各地区正式上线营运时间。
美版PS TV已经正式上市 最新官方宣传视频欣赏
PlayStation TV Arrives Today in North America
PS TV已经正式登陆北美市场,而SCE也公开了全新的PS TV宣传视频。这个小小的盒子可以游玩PSV、PSP和PS1上千款的游戏,还可以欣赏电影听音乐以及使用各种网络服务,是一个非常优秀的家庭娱乐终端,而且价格非常低廉。感兴趣的朋友不妨考虑一下喔。
PlayStation TV Arrives Today in North America
PlayStation TV makes its debut today in North America with hundreds of games available to play. Whether you’re using PS TV to play PS4 games in another room of your house through Remote Play, or playing PS Vita hits like Killzone: Mercenary on the big screen, the system has something for everyone. Starting at $99.99 (MSRP) for the standalone system, it’s one of the best deals in gaming. It’s easy to set up, yet offers amazingly deep gameplay. It sits in a special place in the PlayStation platform ecosystem – as it can play titles from PS Vita, PSone , PSP, PS3 (through PS Now), and PS4 (through Remote Play).
Of course PS TV plays entertainment content, including popular movies and TV shows that can be downloaded from PlayStation Store. PS TV will also launch with video streaming apps Crackle, Crunchyroll and Qello, and stay tuned for additional entertainment content we’ll be adding soon to the PS TV lineup.
In addition, PlayStation Now is available on PS TV in much of the mainland U.S. and Canada and will launch with games for the whole family like Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus, Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault, Sly Cooper: HD Collection, and Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.
You can also pick up the PS TV bundle we’re offering this holiday, which includes a PS TV unit, DualShock 3 controller, 8GB memory card, and a voucher for The Lego Movie Videogame – all for $139.99.
I hope you’ll get as much enjoyment out of this small, simply amazing platform as I have. Let us know below which PS TV games you’re looking forward to!