Rumor: Final Fantasy XII HD announced at Distant Worlds
At Distant Worlds currently in progress in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, orchestra conductor Arnie Roth reportedly confirmed that a “Final Fantasy XII HD Remake” is currently in development. There has been no confirmation from Square Enix on this announcement as of yet.
Update 1: We have anonymously obtained video footage of Arnie Roth discussing “Final Fantasy XII Remake” at Distant Worlds.
Update 2: An anonymous user has told us that Arnie Roth & Hitoshi Sakimoto upon being asked at the meet and greet said “they really couldn’t discuss FFXII” but Arnie said it was happening. Confirmed by Twitter user Zerglinator.
Final Fantasy VII re-imagined as a 2D side-scrolling beat ’em up
Final Fantasy VII Re-imagined - So What Is This Game About?
Final Fantasy VII: Re-Imagined is a project made by fans of the original game. We re-imagined how the game would be like if it's an action game. Classic 2D Side-scrollers, such as Dragons and Dungeons: Chronicles of Mystara, Streets of Rage, etc, came to our minds. We thought about how we can incorporate some of the FFVII game play elements, such as Materia and summoning of Guardian Force into a Hack and Slash genre. The result is what you can see above.
This is a short 1 playable level demo. You get to play as Cloud or Tifa, or co-op locally (you will need at least 1 controller to go with your keyboard). Barret works as a fire support for you. He's on a timed recharged system. You can only call for him when there is at least 1 blue bar.
The green gem in the game allows you to summon your Guardian Forces. You charged it up by inflicting damage on enemies. For simplicity sake, Cloud is equipped with Ifrit by default, and Tifa with Shiva. Rightfully, if this is a fully developed game, players will be able to equip their Guardian Forces as they acquired them in the game.
As for Materia system, we built it into the players' attack. Ideally, they should be collected as players progress in the game. Again for simplicity purposes, both Cloud and Tifa comes pre-equipped with Fire, Ice and Lightning. At the end of a 4 hit combo, the Materia will be effected. Ice will freeze the enemies for X seconds for players to continue hitting them. And when the freeze ends, an extra damage is dealt to the enemies. Certain enemies are immuned.
Fire Materia creates a fire ball that moves slowly to hit enemies along its path. An explosion at the end deals extra damage.
Lightning Materia stuns the enemies. Any other enemies that comes into contact with an electrocuted enemy will get electrocuted as well, somewhat like a domino effect, but with a "taper off" to prevent abuse. Unfortunately, this feature is not fully developed for this demo. We may update in future if we come around doing it.
In the spirit of any RPG games, these Materia can be upgraded. Players accumulate experience points and can choose to upgrade various stats, such as Materia Levels, number of Summon Gems and Fire Support Bars, and even the playable character move sets.
勇者斗恶龙 英雄集结 闇龙与世界树之城(Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree’s Woe and the Blight Below) (PS4)
Final Fantasy 探险者们(Final Fantasy Explorers) (3DS)
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward (PS4, PS3, PC)
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae 2.0 (PS4, XBO)
正当防卫 3(Just Cause 3) (PS4, XBO, PC)
Lara Croft GO (iOS, Android)
奇妙人生(Life is Strange) (PS4, XBO, PS3, 360, PC)
特别值得注目的是,SQUARE ENIX 将在会场中举办《Final Fantasy XV》Active Time Report LIVE 现场活动,同时会透过 Twitch 网络直播。
根据官方透露,制作人田畑端除了将会登台和玩家回报最新的游戏开发进度,以及新发布的宣传影片的解说秘辛之外,美国游戏媒体 Gamespot 在 Gamescom 欧洲游戏展时访问田畑端关于《Final Fantasy XV》游戏上市日期时,他透露将会在 PAX Prime 中进一步发布。 根据田畑端先前的说法,《Final Fantasy XV》会在 2016 年内发售,不会延迟至 2017 年上市,至于所言是否属实还有待 PAX Prime 中进一步证实。
2010 年 9 月正式营运的《Final Fantasy XIV》,一开始由于内容存在着许多不完善之处,未能符合玩家期待而导致市场反应低迷,为了挽救而换将重组制作团队,一边修正内容的不完善,一边进行大规模翻新,于 2013 年 9 月推出了集大成的《Final Fantasy XIV:新生艾奥杰亚》『Final Fantasy XIV:Realm Reborn』。
《FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS》是由推出《勇者前线》的 Alim 负责开发的 RPG 作品,制作人为 SQUARE ENIX 的广野启,据称是主打厚重剧情与多采多姿角色的本格派 RPG。 担任本作总监的则是 Alim 的早贷久敏,他指出本作是一款完全新作,并非《勇者前线》的翻版,完全新作《FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS》将采用原创的世界设定,由全新角色们展开全新的故事。 另外,历代「FINAL FANTASY」角色们也将参战。
游戏原名:《ファイナルファンタジー ブレイブエクスヴィアス》
版权标注:(C)SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. Developed by Alim Co., Ltd. Illustration/(C)2014 YOSHITAKA AMANO