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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-6 07:10 PM 编辑
经典重制版重出江湖! 《生化危机》初代重制版高解析度化跨平台推出
CAPCOM 宣布,将推出旗下人气惊悚生存游戏《生化危机》初代作重制版的高解析度强化版《生化危机HD Remaster(biohazard HD Remaster)》,PS3、Xbox 360 版预定今年11 月27日推出,PC、PS4、Xbox One 版预定2015 年初推出,PS3 以外的其他平台将只提供下载版。
《生化危机HD Remaster》是1996 年3 月推出、奠定系列经典地位之《生化危机》初代作的高解析度重制版,以2002 年3 月在NGC 主机推出的重制版为基础,将画面高解析度宽萤幕化、音效高品质化而成,保留当年为玩家所称道的恐怖气氛,操作介面配合新一代主机加以调整,
游戏中还收录了先前曾做为特典的《威斯卡报告I&II(Wesker's Report I&II)》。
HD Remaster 版与 NGC 原始版画面对照
《生化危机HD Remaster》预定11 月27 日率先推出PS3、Xbox 360 版,明年初推出PC、PS4 与Xbox One 版。其中只有PS3 版会推出套装版,分为一般版、典藏版与豪华限定版。
典藏版将包含介绍初代作象征、同时也是中文译名由来的游戏舞台「古堡」的美术画册,以及古堡设计者乔治‧崔佛(George Trevor)绘制的B2 大尺寸楼层配置图。豪华限定版为e-CAPCOM 专卖,将包含「STARS」特制记事本皮套、2015 年版记事本、LAMY 特制钢珠笔与金属夹。
PS3实体版11月27日发售,价格3990日元(含税),画面为720P。收藏版价格为4990日元+税,同捆“洋馆”Art Guidebook(B5、48页)与“洋馆”设计者G・トレヴァー Floor Map(B2)两本册子。限定版价格为11111日元+税,同捆S.T.A.R.S.记事本(2015年版)、S.T.A.R.S.特制记事本包、S.T.A.R.S.金属制夹子、LAMY特制S.T.A.R.S.钢笔。而下载版价格为3694日元+税。
XBOX 360下载版11月27日发售,价格为3694日元+税,画面为720P。
XBOX ONE下载版2015年初发售,价格未定,画面1080P。
Resident Evil 1 remastered for PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS3 & Xbox 360

Capcom Brings Back Resident Evil For Next and Current Gen Plaforms
Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced Resident Evil for PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and PC. Resident Evil will be available to purchase digitally across North America and Europe in Early 2015.
The hugely popular Resident Evil series, having sold over 61 million units to date, returns to its roots with a remastered version of the critically acclaimed masterpiece, Resident Evil. Originally released in 1996, Resident Evil was then “remade” in 2002 from the ground up with new visuals, gameplay elements, environments and story details while retaining the survival horror atmosphere the series had become synonymous for. Both fans of the franchise who want a trip down memory lane and those who have yet to experience the game that coined the term survival horror for the gaming world will appreciate this definitive re-visit of that iconic 2002 Resident Evil title.
Using the latest resolution enhancement and 3D model technology, game resolutions and textures have been significantly upgraded, including 1080p support on next-gen consoles, resulting in characters and backgrounds coming to life in greater detail than ever seen before in Resident Evil. Not only will the graphics impress but the tense sound effects have been fully remastered with 5.1 surround support for a greater gaming atmosphere. Players are now able to choose not only between experiencing the terror at the classic 4:3 ratio or a stunning 16:9 widescreen mode but also the type of control scheme they play with. The classic control scheme remains for fans of the original play style or there’s an alternative scheme where the character moves directly in the direction of the analogue stick, utilizing the standards of the current generation of gaming. Both the control scheme and the display options can be toggled between at any time during gameplay.
The intense horror fans first experienced with the release of the original Resident Evil is back. Taking place in the now notorious Raccoon City, players will choose to take on the role of either S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) team member Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine, who have been sent into the city to find the missing Bravo team. When the team is suddenly attacked by a ferocious group of mutated dogs, desperate for an escape they take shelter in the Mansion, but will they ever get out alive again? Players will need to be brave as they adventure through the dark, enclosed spaces searching out the horrors that await them. With limited ammo and survival items available gamers will need to keep their wits about them to survive the various traps and puzzles that greet them at every stage.
Gameplay Overview
The hugely popular Resident Evil series, having sold over 61 million units to date, returns to its roots with a remastered version of the critically acclaimed masterpiece, Resident Evil. Originally released in 1996, Resident Evil was then “remade” in 2002 from the ground up with new visuals, gameplay elements, environments and story details while retaining the survival horror atmosphere the series had become synonymous for. Both fans of the franchise who want a trip down memory lane and those who have yet to experience the game that coined the term survival horror for the gaming world will appreciate this definitive re-visit of that iconic 2002 Resident Evil title.
• Remastered highly requested fan favorite horror title – return to the Mansion to experience the beginning of the Resident Evil saga
• Upgraded visuals - using the latest resolution enhancement and 3D model technology, game resolutions and textures have been significantly upgraded, including 1080p support on next-gen consoles
• Fully remastered sound effects - 5.1 surround support provides a greater gaming atmosphere
• Toggle visual and control scheme options at any time:
- Experience the terror at the classic 4:3 ratio or a stunning 16:9 widescreen mode
- Purists can choose to play with the classic control scheme or enjoy a new alternative scheme in line with current standards where the character moves in the direction of the analogue stick
