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A survey posted by Otome Suguren, a blog about love and relationships in Japan, revealed the top ten things that Japanese boyfriends wish their girlfriends would stop doing. The top three could apply to boyfriends anywhere:
最近,由日本大受欢迎的两性博客Otome Suguren发起的一项调查显示,日本男生有以下几项最不喜欢自己女友做的事儿。排名前三项的,几乎所有被调查的男生都有提到:
1. "Accusing me of cheating when I'm not;"
1. 没理由地说我背着她搞三搞四!(沪江小编按:看来日本男生自尊心还挺强。不过也难怪,被人冤枉总是不好受的。所以姑娘们,我们也不能那么敏感,还是要多多相信自己的男友哦!)
2. "Talking too much about former boyfriends;"
2. 讲太多前男友的事。(沪江小编按:恩~被拿来比较当然不舒服啦。女孩子们,男生们要面子,我们也要给足啊!)
3. "Unpredictable mood swings."
3. 情绪变化太大。(沪江小编按:前一秒还开开心心的,后一秒就阴晴不定。男生那么粗心大意,怎么能注意到我们生气的原因。哎,就原谅他们吧。)
But a few certainly seem unique, or at least evocative, of gender relations in the Land of the Rising Sun. Take number six, for example: "Glancing at her cell phone while we're on a date." It's hard to imagine this NOT happening in a city as plugged-in as Tokyo.
And number eight: "Demanding I find the same things 'kawaii' (cute) as she does." It may not be uniquely Japanese, but it sure seems like a natural fit in the nation that gave birth to Hello Kitty.
还有第八位的“要我喜欢她也喜欢的可爱东西”——亚洲的女生都是可爱派路线的啊,更别说hello kitty的诞生地日本了!男生们,这个要求可就太过分了啊! |