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Leptin Green Coffee 800 and LeptinSlimming Bag Green Tea were tested positive for detrimental substancesas lab tests confirmed that the product contained ‘Sibutramine’, aningredient linked to occurrences of cardiovascular diseases, heartattacks and strokes.
The Ministry of Environment and Water (MOEW) banned the sale of theproduct as soon as it was confirmed that the product was posing enoughdanger. Shockingly enough, the company didn’t care to label the productwith the ingredient contents.
Obaid Juma Al Matroushi MOEW Acting Director-General, declared theproduct ban on Sunday by placing the products ‘off the shelves’ in themarket.
Ministry officials claim that the medical ingredients were notrecorded on the label, and it was not registered as medical productwhich meant that it could be sold without a prescription.
However, ‘America leptin pharmaceuticals’ is not available for any comments so far.
"Unilever, the producer of the Lipton brand of teas would like toclarify that it is in no way associated with American LeptinPharmaceutical Ltd., whose brand of Green Tea has been banned by theSaudi FDA as it contains sibutramine," VP marketing Iain Potter (Liptontea) said.
"We would like to confirm that all Lipton tea products are made ofnatural tea leaves and do not contain any artificial ingredients,especially those alleged in the American Leptin Pharmaceutical Ltdsproduct," potter said.
Sibutramine is an appetite suppressant. It is administered orallyfor treating obesity. Side effects can include cardiovascular diseases,heart attacks, strokes, nausea, high BP, dry mouth, drowsiness, fever,muscle aches, restlessness and many more.
阿联酋禁售美国两种 Leptin减肥饮品
即Leptin绿咖啡800(Leptin Green Coffee 800) 及 Leptin 纤体绿茶包(Leptin Slimming Bag Green Tea )。
该报章说,沙地阿拉伯在揭发有关减肥饮品含有可致心血管疾病的盐酸西部曲明(Sibutramine )成分后,已于上个月禁止销售有关产品。
http://www.newzglobe.com/article ... a-and-coffee-banned
http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/ua ... eight-loss-1.634204
http://www.ukmedix.com/weight-lo ... reen_coffee5450.cfm |