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DIY Hydrogen Generator,让车喝水,能省油吗???大家来讨论 
Thehydrogen generator for automobiles is a unit designed to generatehydrogen from water to assist in the production of fuel to power thevehicle. With the use of the vehicle's electrical system, both positiveand negative electrodes are placed in a container with the currentrunning through the water medium.
Through the simple process of electrolysis, the hydrogen and oxygenatoms are separated from the water to produce what is known to those inthe field as Brown's Gas, or HHO. This process has been around for over80 years, with numerous people having discovered the process. Some havepatented the process, and tried to market this inexpensive way toprovide fuel, but have always met with opposition from representativesof the oil and auto cartels.
In the past few years, hydrogen has attracted a lot of attention as apossible solution to pollution and of course, the rising cost ofgasoline.
It is a two part system. First the hydrogen unit is hooked up to thecar's electrical system, usually wired to the ignition system, so thatit is activated when the car is started. The ground wire can be placedanywhere on the car body. The hydrogen AND oxygen atoms that arereleased from the water, collect at the top of the unit. It is thenfitted with small hoses that are pulled into the carburetor through thevacuum system at the air intake manifold and the fuel intake system.
The hydrogen and oxygen atoms, both being flammable , are then mixedwith the fuel and ignited in the piston chamber, increasing power andperformance.
Once installed, the first noticeable improvements are how smoothly the engine runs.
At idle speed, you will detect less vibration and even noise from theengine. This is due to the hydrogen being a cleaner burning fuel whichignites more quickly and doesn't have the impurities, contaminants andeliminates sludge build-up in the motor. You will have a more efficientrunning motor. The hydrogen and oxygen combination in HHO, willactually, over time, clean the engine of the sludge buildup,
giving you longer lifespan for the motor.
Over the past few years, many people have been reporting gas savings of20 to 60% on the average, depending on the model of car, size of themotor, and the manufactured quality of the hydrogen unit itself. Oftentimes, gas saving can be improved with better driving habits, or someminor adjustments to the gas/air intake of the motor to compensate forthe hydrogen addition. Some people around the country have reportedimprovements of 100%, thereby doubling their original mileage.
Hydrogen "on demand" is safe, clean, non-polluting and is not harmfulto humans if inhaled or ingested. Hydrogen is produced from water, andas such, is also a component of the air we breathe, so is not harmful.It is flammable, just as pure oxygen is flammable, but since we produceit on demand, it is not compressed, or liquefied, so it does not becomea volatile mixture.

[ 本帖最后由 clamp 于 2008-6-10 09:59 PM 编辑 ] |