Assassin's Creed: Origins becomes an 'open world museum' with Discovery Tour mode
《刺客教条:起源》公开《刺客教条》发现之旅:古埃及模式 玩游戏同时学历史
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《刺客教条:起源》创意总监 Jean Guesdon 在英国《刺客教条:起源》活动中表示,历史对《刺客教条》系列来说非常重要,打从一开始,《刺客教条》系列就一直探索历史上的关键时刻,从第三次十字军东征到意大利文艺复兴, 乃至于今年的古埃及;这次在《刺客教条:起源》他们重新打造了埃及这个世界,希让玩家能够感受这个过往的埃及年代,而过去《刺客教条》系列中的数据库就带给玩家许多的知识,像是地点、文件、人物等, 在此次新作中他们思考如何带给玩家更多丰富的内容,因此决定推出《刺客教条》的发现之旅:古埃及模式,这个模式可以说是数据库 2.0,让玩家透过寓教于乐的模式、藉由游戏互动体验更加深入认识古埃及的历史与文物。
Jean Guesdon 在活动现场公开展示《刺客教条》发现之旅:古埃及部分内容(注:现场规定无法拍摄),可以看到玩家扮演着女刺客 Aya 在了解木乃伊如何制作的过程,包括要将尸体内脏取出、浸在盐水中, 并在腹腔放入香料与进行缝合等过程;此外,还有像是知名都城孟菲斯介绍、金字塔的形式如何而来等,让玩家如同进入 3D 博物馆中,可以透过像是旅程般,使用不同角色在地图上来学习。
UBISOFT 表示,这个专属模式可让玩家在《刺客教条:起源》里自由探索重建的 3D 古埃及互动世界。 在这个世界里没有战斗、没有故事剧情,也没有时间限制。 玩家可以从亚历山大港到孟菲斯、从尼罗河三角洲到大沙海、从吉萨平原到法尤姆绿洲,以前所未有的方式徜徉在古埃及的丰富历史中。 「发现之旅」将提供众多由历史学家和埃及学家策划的导览行程,每个导览行程将着重埃及托勒密王朝的不同面向,例如大金字塔、木乃伊化,或是埃及艳后的生平。
《刺客教条:起源》将于 2017 年 10 月 27 日于 Xbox One、PS4 及 Windows PC 平台推出(PC 平台仅发行数字版本)。 预购《刺客教条:起源》的玩家将可获得「第一批金字塔的秘密」任务。 任务中玩家将能发掘第一批金字塔的建造秘辛,以及这些金字塔里埋藏着什么秘密。
Assassin’s Creed: Origins – Discovery Tour Shows a Different Side of Ancient Egypt
With Discovery Tour, Assassin’s Creed Origins is using the concept of the Animus Database – long one of the most fascinating parts of the series – as a springboard for an entirely new kind of experience. Where the Database was a collection of educational (and frequently snarky) notes on the important people, places, and events that you encounter in each game, Discovery Tour adds an entirely new game mode that turns the massive re-creation of Egypt into a combat-free living museum, with guided tours that let players delve into its history firsthand.
“This is something we’ve wanted to do for a long time, that we’ve been asked to do by teachers, by institutions,” says Jean Guesdon, creative director for Assassin’s Creed Origins. “Discovery Tour is another way to enjoy the beauty of the world we’ve recreated. It’s a more educative mode, so it’s clearly focused on education and on bringing to people actual facts, more academic knowledge.”
Separate from the main game, Discovery Tour annotates the game world with dozens of interactive tours curated by historians and Egyptologists. Each focuses on a different subject, including the Great Pyramids, the life of Cleopatra, mummification, and more. Additionally, Discovery Tour lets players roam the entire game world without constraints or threats, exploring a sprawling landscape that includes Memphis, Alexandria, the Sand Sea, and the Giza Plateau at their own pace.
“When you start to tour, you will have a path that will lead you from station to station, in order to learn more,” Guesdon says. “For example, the mummification process, from the cleaning of the body to the removal of the organs, up to the ritual of the opening of the mouth. I hope that teachers will seize this opportunity to present that to their students, so they can learn with this interactive medium.
“We spent years recreating Ancient Egypt, documenting ourselves, validating the content with historians, with consultants, and we feel that many more people than just the players can benefit from that,” says Guesdon.
Discovery Tour will arrive in early 2018 as a free update for Assassin’s Creed Origins, which launches on October 27 on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
Assassin’s Creed Origins – Tales from the Tomb Blends Comedy and Gameplay
With the release of Assassin’s Creed Origins just a few weeks away, a new series of 10 animated shorts from creative agency Heat is bringing the world of Ancient Egypt to life with a decidedly modern sense of humor. Tales from the Tomb uses scenes re-created from real Ancient Egyptian art to imagine how everyday life might have been affected by the presence of sinister secret Orders and acrobatic Assassins. From a conversation about the use of performance-enhancing mummy dust in gladitorial fights to a glass-bottomed boat tour of the Nile interrupted by a certain Assassin’s underwater antics, each short also includes gameplay footage showing off the world, combat, and characters of Assassin’s Creed Origins.
You can watch every episode of Tales from the Tomb on Ubisoft’s YouTube channel. Assassin’s Creed Origins is coming out on October 27 for PS4, PC, and Xbox One.
Assassin’s Creed: Origins ‘Birth of the Brotherhood’ trailer
Assassin’s Creed Origins – Stealth, Freedom of Choice, and a Lost City in the Desert
In what might be a series first, Assassin’s Creed Origins pushed me to use all of the tactics at my disposal, without any prodding from the story or mission guidelines. This happened during my latest hands-on session with the game (set in the Nile Delta and Giza Plateau), somewhere around my fourth attempt to free Ghupa, an old man caged at the center of a hilltop camp. Ghupa had been kidnapped after asking too many questions about a shadowy villain known as the Scarab, a member of the mysterious Order of the Ancients whose preferred method of killing involved burying people up to their necks in the desert and leaving them to die. This fate hadn’t yet befallen Ghupa, but for now he was surrounded by a generous handful of guards – all of whom, being several levels above me, could annihilate Bayek without much effort.
I tried storming in and attacking the guards directly. That failed, so I took up a nearby perch and fired remotely guided predator arrows into their heads from hiding. On my next try, I smashed open the cages of captive lions, freeing them to attack the guards for me. The following run saw me hiding in the bushes and trying to stealth-kill my enemies – which, given that I hadn’t yet upgraded Bayek’s Hidden Blade, only wounded one guard before the rest spotted me.
All of these attempts were carried out in broad daylight, and they all ended with Bayek fleeing the area with next to zero health and getting stabbed by a pursuer. Then I tried a new tactic: I found a hiding spot, and with a button press, I passed time until nightfall and watched as the moon rose rapidly over the desert landscape. Then I crept through the underbrush and threw a couple of sleeping darts at the only two guards who had a clear line of sight to the cage. This only knocked them out for a few seconds, but that was more than enough time to open the door, sling the old man over Bayek’s shoulder, and flee into the night before anyone raised an alarm. It was only a small step in the journey that is Assassin’s Creed Origins, but it was as satisfying as any heist.
A New Bag of Ancient Tricks
Moments like these are a big part of what make the free-form gameplay of Assassin’s Creed Origins so compelling. Each mission gives you a set of objectives, and it’s up to you to decide which of your varied tools and tactics to use to achieve them. Sometimes, though, you’re going to encounter enemies that can cut you down with one swing of their axe – and while you’re free to put a mission on hold until you’ve leveled up enough to come back and tear through the opposition, sometimes it’s more fun to find a less-direct method.
If you like doing things quietly, stealth assassinations are still a quick way to take down enemies, so long as you’ve upgraded your Hidden Blade enough to do the necessary damage. Sniping enemies from a distance with Bayek’s arsenal of bows can also thin their ranks quickly, and you’ll even get a preview of how much damage a shot will do while you’re aiming – so if stealth is the goal, maybe don’t take the shot unless it’ll drop your target in one hit. Once you’ve whittled your foes down to a manageable number, you can wade in and confront your enemies directly, using a variety of weapons suited to different tactics; swinging a spear is an excellent crowd-control measure, while rapidly striking and dodging with twin blades lets you outmaneuver slower enemies.
Your path for quelling these threats isn’t as direct as it was in previous games, either. You’ll be directed to informants who will give you handfuls of quests related to the central story, but I also found plenty of new tasks by just wandering around the world. That was the case when I passed an old couple weeping by the side of the road, who asked me to retrieve the bodies of workers from a field overrun by murderous hippos. (This was also a good opportunity to practice pure stealth, as the field was full of high stalks and the hippos were tough.)
This turned out to be more than a single-objective task; after failing to find the body of the couple’s protector, Meketre, I tracked him to a hidden den of a bandit gang, who’d captured him while the hippos were running loose. Then, with Meketre’s help, I rode back to his village and fended off a nighttime raid by those same bandits. The mission was typical of the side quests scattered throughout the world, which tend to start with simple tasks and quickly spiral into something greater, but through it all I kept hearing one word that convinced me to ride out into the desert: Letopolis.
Letopolis turned out to be the highlight of the preview session. A lost city that was being reclaimed thanks to the efforts of Taharqa, Ghupa’s son-in-law, Letopolis was a grand place in spite of its inhospitable surroundings, with massive stone edifices and gleaming villas that had been dug out of the sand by teams of workers hoping for a new life.
Taharqa took a keen interest in Bayek’s search for the Scarab, but was quickly distracted by news of a gang of raiders attacking the ruined parts of the city. Bayek followed Taharqa into a fight through a raging sandstorm, which soon transitioned into a hunt for the surviving raiders in a waterlogged cave hideout. In stark contrast with the lengthy brawl at Letopolis, this attack ended almost before it really began, when I snuck around to a rooftop entrance and performed an air assassination on the raiders’ leader. Sometimes, the old methods are still the best.
Assassin’s Creed Origins launches October 27 on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. To find out more, check out our previous Assassin’s Creed Origins coverage.
《刺客信条:起源》将于 10 月 27 日登陆Xbox One、PS4 Pro、PS4 以及 PC 平台。同时将登录于 11 月 7 日发售的全新主机 Xbox One X。此外预购《刺客信条:起源》的玩家还将获得额外奖励任务“首批金字塔的秘密”,探索建造首批金字塔背后的故事和其中隐藏的秘密。
Assassin’s Creed Origins Season Pass and Free Content Detailed
The launch of Assassin’s Creed Origins on October 27 will be just the beginning for players who dive into the vast and mysterious open world of Ancient Egypt. From expansions for Season Pass holders to free modes and more for all players, there will be plenty of new adventures that will, in the words of Game Director Ashraf Ismail, “allow players to continue progressing and levelling up their characters in the long run.” Get a glimpse of what’s in store in the trailer below, then read on for details.
Season Pass
• The Hidden Ones (DLC 1) – This expansion takes place years after the events of Assassin’s Creed Origins in a new region occupied by a Roman force. Bayek and the new Assassins will clash with the Romans as the Brotherhood continues to grow, and players will have a new level cap. Slated for release in January 2018.
• The Curse of the Pharaohs (DLC 2) – The second expansion focuses on Egyptian mythology, pitting players against undead pharaohs and famed Egyptian monsters. Bayek will need to explore a mystical new realm and discover the root of the curse that has brought these creatures to life. This expansion will also raise the level cap again and introduce new skills for Bayek. Scheduled for a March 2018 launch.
• The Roman Centurion and Horus packs – These exclusive item packs will grant Season Pass holders a new outfit, weapons, shield, and mount when they become available in November of this year.
• 500 Helix Credits and an exclusive rare weapon, the Calamity Blade – Both available at launch.
To gain access to all of the above, players will need to own the Season Pass, which is included in Assassin’s Creed Origins Gold Edition and is also available for purchase separately.
Free Content
There is also a bevy of new additions coming to the game after launch that will be free for all players, including:
• The Trial of the Gods – Face off against the Egyptian gods in boss battles during special timed events, and receive valuable rewards for victory. Kicks off 15 days after launch.
• The Nomad’s Bazaar – Track down a wandering merchant who will give you daily quests to pursue and reward you with exotic mystery rewards. Available at launch.
• Photo Mode – Capture the beauty of the Egyptian landscape, indulge your inner wildlife photographer, and discover interesting photos taken by other players. Available at launch.
• Discovery Tour – This new game mode turns the world of Assassin’s Creed Origins into a combat-free living museum. Read more about this mode and the educational guided tours in our previous coverage. Available in early 2018.
• Horde Mode – Hone your skills with blade and bow against endless waves of enemies in the Gladiator Arena, see how your scores stack up, and challenge your friends asynchronously. Available in early 2018.
Assassin’s Creed Origins will be available on October 27 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. For more on the vibrant open world and the new combat system, check out our previous Assassin’s Creed Origins coverage.