Raytech汽车窗口隔热贴膜提供由美国制造厂(CommonwealthLaminating and Coating, Inc in Martinsville, Virginia)采用尖端科技制造的特定产品。此外,Raytech在贴膜工业的卓越诚信,以及让客户满意的保障,促使Raytech继续精益求精,设立研究及发展中心,专注及深入研究隔热贴膜产品、品质控制、产品测试、产品比较、光度实验、阳光热度实验以及不断提升产品素质。
一般市场上卖的汽车专用防爆膜的厚度只限于在4到6 MIL。汽车制造商验证7MIL及以上的厚度的防爆膜将在短期内损坏PowerWindow的操作.防爆膜真正的功能如以下:
a) 让车边镜更坚固,能抵挡120-160lbs的撞击力
b) 拖延被击爆的时间,让你有有时间脱离险境及逃跑.
c) 防碎, 防爆膜能贴在车内,能凝聚玻璃的碎片,不让它散落和割伤我们的皮肤.
Raytech Warranty card is only valid when the "Product Label Stickers" are present in the warranty card. Consumers have to make sure the product label stickers are present in the warranty card and the name of the product on the stickers are similar to the product purchased.
The warranty card may only be issued by Raytech principle and then, distributed to all Raytech dealers. Inside the warranty card, there are two (2) empty boxes for two (2) product label stickers, one for the front windscreen and the second is for the rest of the windows. Each product label sticker is unique as they are secured with holographic design, barcode and product model.