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【PS4/PC】Street Fighter V









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-18 08:10 PM |只看该作者
《街头霸王 5》公开新战斗系统以及四名参战角色情报

  CAPCOM 公司于 6 月 12 日,公开《快打旋风》系列最新正统续作,《街头霸王(ストリートファイターV)》(PC / PlayStation 4)新战斗系统,以及四名登场角色情报。


  这次新加入的战斗系统,有需要消秏所有「EX 计量表(EXゲージ)」来发动的「最终奥义」,也就是「致命武技(クリティカルアーツ)」,消秏「V计量表(Vゲージ)」就可以从格挡状态下发动反击的「V 反击(V 反击)」,消秏所有「V计量表」来发动的「V 板机(Vトリガー)」,以及可以充份突显出个角色不同特色的固有招式「V 技能(Vスキル)」。 关于致命武器,可以看到隆的真空波动拳和春丽的凤翼扇等等招式,感觉和《街头霸王 4》(PC / PlayStation 3 / Xbox 360 / 大型电玩)的究极连续技很雷同,不过全新的「V」系列系统就很令人在意了。

  这次还公开了已经决定将会参战的四个角色,隆、春丽、纳许、贝卡的个人资料,以及各角色拥有的部份致命武技、必杀技、V 技能、V 反击。 大家可以透过公开的游戏画面,来猜想这些招式的性能。

■ 介绍《快打旋风 5》的全新战斗系统!

《街头霸王 5》这次主打「RISE UP」为主题,除了格斗游戏领域外,还企图要登上电子竞技最高峰。 在这次公开的情报当中,要和大家介绍本作新加入的战斗系统,以及过去已经公开之角色所拥有的招式。 运用独特招式来打倒对手吧!

◆ 致命武技

《街头霸王 5》最大最强的必杀技!

要消秏所有 EX 计量表来发动的最终奥义。 每个角色都拥有自己独特的致命武技,招式演出也非常值得注意!


隆的致命武技「真空波动拳」。 是系列作中大家耳熟能详的超必杀技,和本作的特效主轴,也就是主打流体的「气迹」组合起来,演出更有魄力! 威力当然也不同反响


这是春丽的致命武技「凤翼扇」。 左右脚交互踢出百裂脚,最后再把敌人高高踢飞的招式。 十足爽快!

◆ V 反击


只要消秏 V 计量表,就可以从格挡状态下发动反击! 在和对手陷入乱斗时,就可以先努力应付对手,最后再以反击一口气掌握局势!


◆ V 板机


必须要消秏所有 V 计量表来发动的「V 板机」,可以说是本作关键,也是玩家最有效的王牌!



◆ V 技能


能将各个角色独特个性完全发挥出来的固有技! 可以反弹对手的飞行道具,又或者是发动特殊跳跃,可以说是全新的动作! 因为在战斗中可以不断使用,所以在攻击时可以多多利用 V 技能哦。



■ 角色介绍

◆ 不屈之拳 隆(リュウ)



● 身高 175cm
● 体重 85kg
● 职业/隶属 格斗家
● 喜欢的东西 所有武道、水羊羹


【V 板机】电刃练气
在靠手施展出的通常技和必杀技加上电刃属性的威力强化! 还可以让波动拳先蓄力再发动

加强版波动拳。 如果有先使用 V 板机的话,还会施展出更强悍的电刃波动拳!

◆ 蓝色翡翠 春丽


以华丽踢技作战的 ICPO 警官。 为了寻找下落不明的父亲,于是在 18 岁时成为刑警。

● 身高 169cm
● 体种 秘密
● 职业/隶属 ICPO 警官
● 喜欢的东西 水果、西式点心




【V 反击】双发劲
配合对手攻击时机发动反击技。 改变战斗流向,想办法制造出攻击机会!

◆ 背理的复仇者 纳许(ナッシュ)


在《街头霸王 ZERO》系列登场的凯尔(ガイル)好友。 明明应该已经过世,但却又以这副模样出现的理由是......

● 身高 186cm
● 体重 93kg
● 职业/隶属 无业
● 喜欢的东西 没有


在半空中发动由上向下攻击的踢技! 可以拿来向对手发动奇袭攻击


【V 技能】子弹抹消(バレットクリア)
可以消除对手飞行道具的特殊打击技。 消除掉飞行道具时,还可以吸收能量转换成自己的 V 计量表!

◆ 最凶最恶 贝卡(ベガ)


以全新造出复出的秘密犯罪组织夏都尔(シャドルー)总帅。 是受人惧怕的精神感应力量用户。

‧身高 182cm
‧体重 112kg
‧职业/隶属 夏都尔总帅
‧喜欢的东西 征服世界


【V 技能】精神感应反射(サイコリジェクト)




使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-20 05:03 PM |只看该作者
Street Fighter V Adds Birdie & Cammy, Out Spring 2016



Two New Characters Added to Street Fighter V Roster, Beta Program and Release Timing Detailed

Here come TWO new challengers! Announced today at the Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. press conference, as part of the 2015 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), Capcom has confirmed the additions of Cammy and Birdie to the esteemed Street Fighter V lineup. Both characters will make their return to the Street Fighter universe, where they join previously-announced classic characters Ryu, Chun-Li, Charlie Nash, and M. Bison. Many more new and returning characters will be added to the diverse roster, offering a wide variety of fighting styles for players to choose from.

Cammy has been a staple of the Street Fighter series since her debut in Super Street Fighter II, and returns faster and stronger than ever before in the upcoming Street Fighter V. Utilizing a wide variety of quick ground and aerial attacks to pressure her opponents, her rush down style will suit offensive minded players of all types. Birdie makes his long awaited return, having last appeared in the Street Fighter Alpha series over 10 years ago. Completely redesigned and reimagined, Birdie's "larger than life" look masks the fierce power packed into his long range chain attacks and up-close command grabs, making him a threat from every distance.

Also announced today, the first online beta program for Street Fighter V will be exclusive to PlayStation 4 players and will run for five days, from July 23 to July 28. In North America, those who pre-order the game through select retailers or through PlayStation Network (PSN) will be granted automatic access to the beta. In Europe and Asia, players interested in participating in the beta program can visit www.streetfighter.com and follow the various steps to sign up for a chance to join the fight! Additional beta programs will be taking place throughout the rest of the year and more details will be shared at a later date.

Finally, Capcom officially confirmed that Street Fighter V for PS4 and PC will be released in Spring 2016.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-6-25 07:35 AM |只看该作者


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-7-8 07:05 AM |只看该作者

Street Fighter V Beta Details

Street Fighter V Beta Breakdown

What’s up everyone? With the first Beta for Street Fighter V fast approaching on July 23rd, we felt that this would be the perfect time to let you all know what you can expect when you log in and also answer some questions that fans have voiced as of late.

The first Beta kicks off on July 23rd (18:00 PT), July 24th (03:00 CEST/10:00 JST)) for 5 days and is exclusive to PS4 users. The primary purpose of this Beta is to test the online net code, as this is something that Capcom is taking very seriously with Street Fighter V. The data that we receive from this Beta will help us to improve the net code in the final product, so we thank you in advance for participating in the Beta.

Here are some other details about the Beta:


Throughout the course of the Beta, all six characters will be available. This means that players will be able try out all the characters that were present on the E3 build. To set expectations clearly, the Beta will roll out with four characters playable immediately, with Birdie and Cammy becoming playable on Saturday, July 25. The reason for their delayed release is that in addition to testing out the net code, we’re also testing out our new content delivery system.

Gameplay Flow

When players boot the game up and go past the start screen, they’ll be taken to the character select screen.

Players should choose the character they would like to fight others with, as they will not be able to select a different character before heading into battle.

Once they select their character, players will be placed into training mode while an opponent is found. Upon finding an opponent, players will be transported back to the versus screen and begin their match shortly thereafter.

After the match is complete, players will then be brought back to the Grid where they will go back into queue for the next match.

Unfortunately there will be no local versus mode during this Beta. Once again, the primary purpose of this Beta is to test the online functionality.


While players are awaiting their match, they’ll be training in the Grid. Versus matches will take place in either the Bustling Side Street (China), Terminal Station (London) or in the brand new stage the Forgotten Waterfall. Here’s a look at what the Forgotten Waterfall looks like.

Look familiar? Maybe you’ve seen the top of it in a previous Street Fighter. Each of the stages has been inspired by various locales throughout the world with the Forgotten Waterfall’s inspiration being directly pulled from New Zealand.

PS3 Stick Functionality

At this moment in time we’re currently evaluating PS3 joystick and controller functionality for the final product. That said, PS3 joysticks and controllers will not work for this beta.

Now that you know what to expect, players should read up on how the new battle systems work to get ready for battle. For those interested in signing up for the beta, please read the instructions below and follow those which pertain to your region.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-7-10 06:47 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-14 06:21 PM 编辑

Street Fighter V adds redesigned Ken
更加华丽的足技踢进擂台! 《街头霸王5》公布老面孔「肯」参战及释出影片

  CAPCOM 于近日公布,该公司预定将于 2016 年春季发售的对战格斗游戏《街头霸王5(ストリートファイターV)》(PC / PlayStation 4)的新情报。 发表系列老面孔「肯(ケン)」将参战,更一并公开收录他所施展出各种动作在内的宣传影片。

  肯除了是隆的师兄弟及好友外,还身兼他的劲敌。 仅从宣传影片里可观察到,与过去的系列作品相同,肯仍旧是以足技为主体来进行战斗。 当 V 板机「HEAT RUSH(ヒートラッシュ)」发动时,将会使必杀技追加火焰属性等,是个带有相当炫丽之特效的角色。



New Character Added to Street Fighter V Roster, Playable at San Diego Comic-Con

Announced today during the annual Street Fighter panel at San Diego Comic-Con, a new character has joined the exclusive Street Fighter V roster. Ken, the master of the flaming Shoryuken, has just been confirmed and is now playable on the Comic-Con show floor (Capcom booth #215). One of the key protagonists in the legendary Street Fighter series, Ken brings an array of new abilities to Street Fighter V, where his tricky mix-ups and flashy combos have the ability to bewilder opponents and deal huge damage. Ken joins the six previously-announced characters Ryu, Chun-Li, Charlie Nash, M. Bison, Cammy and Birdie, with plenty more new and returning characters still to come.

As a reminder, the first online beta program for Street Fighter V will be exclusive to PlayStation 4 players and will run for five days, starting from July 23 (6pm PDT) in North America/ July 24 (3am CEST) in Europe. In North America, those who pre-order the game through select retailers or through PlayStation™ Network (PSN) will be granted automatic access to the beta. In Europe and Asia, players interested in participating in the beta program can visit streetfighter.com and follow the various steps to sign up for a chance to join the fight! Additional beta programs will be taking place throughout the rest of the year and more details will be shared at a later date.

◆ 肯

身高:175 cm
体重:83 kg
职业/隶属:马斯特斯家 当家/格斗家。



【V 反击(Vリバーサル)】「旋风铊落踵」



【V 板机(Vトリガー)】「HEAT RUSH」

必杀技追加火焰属性,并使突进性能提升! 也请玩家们特别注意缠绕于肯身上的火焰特效。


【V 技能(Vスキル)】「奋迅脚」

将普通技取消使出特殊的前方冲刺! 由于能够作为衍生技来连接攻击动作,如缩短与对手的距离,或进行奇袭攻击等,具备了各式各样的用途。



系列作品中玩家们所熟知的升龙拳,在本作品中仍旧健在。 在 V 板机发动中威力及招式表现上都会有所变化!



跟据弱・中・强钮,来使踢击次数及轨道产生变化。 更能藉由适度于地面与空中运用,而使攻势蕴含着变化性。



「红莲炎迅脚」 以缠绕火焰的踢技来将对手踢上空中,并同时施展出连续攻击。 当视角改变,最后朝向脸孔所踢出的一击真是令人感到爽快!


使用道具 举报








K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-7-20 06:07 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-20 06:20 PM 编辑

All Street Fighter V DLC characters will be earnable free through gameplay

Photos and info from EVO 2015 Street Fighter V Panel


Street Fighter V: A New Way to Play

Hey everyone!

We just announced some big Street Fighter V news today at the Capcom panel here at EVO 2015. There is quite a lot of information to take in, so buckle down and read carefully!

First and foremost, Street Fighter V will feature a brand new service-based approach with regards to post-launch content. With this approach come several key changes to our content strategy:

1. The initial release is the only disc you will ever need to own
2. All balance and system adjustments will be available for free
3. All post-launch gameplay related content will be earnable for free by playing the game

That’s right; Street Fighter V will be the first iteration in the franchise where it is possible for dedicated players to earn all gameplay related content (such as characters) for free, simply by playing the game. Long gone are the days of forced Super and Ultra upgrades! Enjoy free balance updates as soon as they become available, and find and choose the post-launch characters that you want to get.

Speaking of characters, Street Fighter V will launch with a core roster of 16 playable characters, with 4 of them being brand new fighters to the Street Fighter universe. Post-launch, we will be adding new characters to the roster on a continuous basis, which will provide new content for players to enjoy. Again, every post-launch character released will be earnable for free through gameplay!

Looking back on the Street Fighter IV series, we had always released bundles of content all at once, like with Super Street Fighter IV and Ultra Street Fighter IV. While these one-time updates did revive interest in the series every few years, it was difficult to keep players engaged for long periods of time unless they were competitive. This also punished players who took a break from playing the game, because if they wanted to start again in a few years, they would be forced to purchase an upgrade to join the existing player pool who had already moved on to a new version. On top of that, this old method also forced players to purchase all of the new content, even if only a few characters may have appealed to them.

With Street Fighter V, we want to change the way that players interact with the series, and create an ever-evolving environment for players to enjoy. By releasing new characters on a regular basis, it will ensure that there is always new content to look forward to in the short term, and it prevents the competitive environment from ever becoming stale.

Players also have more freedom in their decisions, as they only need to purchase or earn the content that appeals to them. This will also create more long-term engagement, because the more you play the game, the more you are rewarded and can earn new content. The player base is never shrunk by requiring a paid update like in years past. Players can take a break from the game, but then come back at any time and continue to play with the characters they already own, with the newest gameplay balance.

We are able to execute this service-based model by introducing an in-game economy to Street Fighter V. There are two types of currency that make the economy go round:

• Fight Money - This is basic currency that players earn through playing the game. Once players accumulate enough Fight Money, they can use it to earn new post-launch gameplay content, such as characters, for free!

• Zenny - This is premium currency that players can purchase with real money to immediately gain access to post-launch content.

We will be using later beta phases to test the economy and ensure it works in a fair way for everyone.

Phew! That was a lot of info, so we hope it all makes sense to everyone. We are extremely excited about this new post-launch strategy, and we’ll be talking about more specific details at a later date. For now, we hope everyone is excited to start playing and earning content!



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-7-20 06:19 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-20 06:47 PM 编辑

Brand New Character Necalli Revealed for Street Fighter V

  CAPCOM 在美国拉斯维加斯举办的格斗游戏比赛「Evolution 2015」中,公布了开发中的PS4 / PC 对战格斗游戏《街头霸王5(Street Fighter V)》的新登场角色「涅考利( Necalli)」。


Brand New SFV Character and Gameplay Details Revealed at EVO 2015!

Announced at EVO 2015 in Las Vegas, Capcom confirmed the first brand new fighter to join the Street Fighter V roster - the mysterious Necalli! You can check out his fighting style in the latest gameplay trailer and screenshots just released on the press site.

Capcom also confirmed the details of the content plan for Street Fighter V. The initial game purchase will be the only disc or full game download you will ever need to own. For the first time ever, all post-launch gameplay related content will be earnable via gameplay, totally free of charge. Players will also have the option to purchase the content as soon as it’s available if they wish to do so. Any balance and system adjustments will be available for free also. Releasing in Spring 2016, the title will launch with a core roster of 16 characters, including 4 brand new fighters to the Street Fighter universe. Capcom will continually add additional characters, making this the first iteration in the franchise where it’s possible for dedicated players to continue to expand on their gameplay experience without the need to purchase further titles in the series.

About Necalli

Possessing a wide variety of savage and close range attacks, all of Necalli’s moves have been forged through the heat of battle to ensure he’s inflicting maximum pain upon his opponents. Making full use of the Battle System mechanics, Necalli’s V-Skill allows him to pound the ground with both fists, creating an explosion that damages the enemy whereas the powerful V-Trigger allows him to channel a mysterious energy that changes his hair colour and alters his personality for a short period of time. Capcom will be revealing more information on Necalli’s origin and storyline in the coming months so stay tuned for more details.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-7-27 06:50 PM |只看该作者
《街头霸王 5》PS4 版本中文化 与其他版本同步推出
完整报导 - http://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/118424.html

  香港索尼计算机娱乐(SCEH)与 CAPCOM 今(25)日在「香港动漫电玩节」[词语过滤-#0048]同宣布,《街头霸王 5》PS4 版本将推出繁体中文版,并与其他版本同步推出。

  CAPCOM 旗下格斗游戏代表作《街头霸王》系列新作《街头霸王 5》于近日展开 Beta 测试,同时官方同步于香港动漫电玩节中宣布游戏中文化。


  《街头霸王 5》预计 2016 年上市,繁体中文版将与其他版本全球同步推出。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-7-28 06:49 AM |只看该作者
Street Fighter V beta taken offline, now postponed indefinitely

Street Fighter V Beta Postponed Until a Later Date

Capcom offers its sincerest apologies to everyone who participated in this first beta test. While the purpose of a beta is to work out these type of issues, it was very clear that the issues we faced were more severe than we were prepared for. After three days of testing, while we were making progress and collecting valuable data, we felt the majority of players were not having a good experience, and the best course of action would be to take the servers offline for extended maintenance. We will be postponing our first beta phase until we believe the experience is going to be a positive one for players.

To be clear, this first beta test attempt will not count toward our previously announced beta test allotments. There will still be at least three full beta tests prior to the game’s launch. So for those in the Americas that feel disappointed that they were not able to experience their pre-order incentive, there will be plenty of opportunities prior to launch to experience the game.

Additionally, we are working on a worthwhile in-game incentive for the players that participated in the first beta test. While we can't confirm specifics just yet, we will have more details on this in the coming weeks.

To all of the European and Asian players that felt like they were missing out on the beta since we limited it to North America on Friday and Saturday, we apologize for the inconvenience. Due to the state of the server issues, we had to limit the numbers to a smaller pool in order to identify issues and potential solutions. Either way, we will still be providing these players with an incentive as well, as all territories were inconvenienced.

To all of the players that participated and supported us through this initial phase, we cannot thank you enough. We understand how frustrating it is to be so close to playing the game you are excited for, and to not have it working. The whole team here is very disappointed that we were unable to deliver a proper beta experience this time. Thank you so much for your continued support, and we promise that we will have a better experience for you with the future betas.

We will be sharing more details when available, but for now, we appreciate your patience as we work on solutions to offer the experience that we had intended.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2015-8-4 07:22 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-4 06:53 PM 编辑

Vega Revealed for Street Fighter V
《街头霸王5》巴洛克确认参战 角色宣传片放出




The Spanish Ninja claws his way into Street Fighter V!

We’re pleased to announce that Vega, the Spanish Ninja, will be joining the Street Fighter V roster. You can check out the return of the masked warrior in the brand new trailer and assets available now on the press site. Attendees at gamescom this week will be able to see the claw himself in action with a brand new playable build available at the Sony Booth in Hall 7 Booth C-020. The build will also include the recently announced new challenger, Necalli, along with returning characters Birdie and Nash, in addition to fan favorites Ken, Chun-Li, Ryu, Cammy and M. Bison.

About Vega

Vega brings with him a brand new set of tricks, as well as a new appearance. Still possessing his trademark speed and quickness, he now has access to two distinct fighting modes: claw or no-claw. With the no-claw style giving him access to command grabs as well as new attack properties, players will need to toggle between both styles to pull off that winning KO at the end of the fight. Vega’s powerful V-Trigger is the Bloody Kiss, which sees him throw a rose at high velocity towards his opponent, before he charges at full speed right behind it, delivering a series of brutal attacks. This Spanish matador is definitely a fighter to keep your eye on, if you can.

About Street Fighter V

The legendary fighting franchise returns with Street Fighter V! Stunning visuals depict the next generation of World Warriors in unprecedented detail, while exciting and accessible battle mechanics deliver endless fighting fun that both beginners and veterans can enjoy. Challenge friends online, or compete for fame and glory on the Capcom Pro Tour.

Street Fighter V will be released exclusively for the PlayStation®4 and PC in Spring 2016. Through a strategic partnership between Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and Capcom, the next generation Street Fighter experience will offer cross-platform play that will unite fans into a centralized player base for the first time ever. The path to greatness begins here: RISE UP!


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