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PlayStation VR bundle price dropped to $299
PlayStation VR 自 3 月 29 日起降价 公布两种套组新售价 全力推动PSVR产品的普及
SIET、JA 今(28)日宣布,自 3 月 29 日起「PlayStation VR(PS VR)摄影机同捆组」将以新建议零售价新台币 9,980 元、日币 34980 Yen 贩卖,包含 PlayStation VR、PlayStation Camera 与两支 PlayStation Move 动态控制器同捆的「PS VR 豪华全配包」也将以建议零售价新台币 11,980 元、日币 44980 Yen 推出。
PlayStation VR 自 2016 年 10 月问世以来,已于全球推出来自第三方开发商、发行商伙伴以及 SIE Worldwide Studios(SIE WWS)、共超过 300 款的游戏软件及内容。 未来,PlayStation VR 也将持续扩大并推出新游戏,包含《ANUBIS ZONE OF THE ENDERS:M∀RS》、《航海王 伟大巡航》、《Blood & Truth》、《亡命小队》、《Firewall Zero Hour》和 《绝命患者》;《Reborn: A Samurai Awakens》、《Mars Alive VR》、《蜘蛛人:返校日 VR 体验》,以及影音内容《Khalid Young Dumb & Broke VR 》等。
今日,官方表示:「透过具有吸引力的全新价格,SIET 将会持续以极佳的阵容,包含精彩的 VR 游戏和革新体验,致力推进 PS VR 平台的发展,将无所不玩的 PlayStation 呈现给全球玩家。 」
另外,香港 SIEH 也宣布,「PlayStation VR 摄影机同捆装」与「PlayStation VR All-In-One 同捆装」也将自 3 月 29 日起分别以港币 2,480 元、2,980 元登场;详细信息可至官网查询 。
※ 预计马币价格分别为 RM 1299 以及 RM 1499

Sony Interactive Entertainment has announced that the PlayStation VR PlayStation Camera Bundle will be available at a new lower price point of $299 USD / Eur 299 / 34,980 yen starting March 29, down $100 from its previous price point of $399 USD / Eur 399 / 44,980 yen.
The following bundles are also included in the price drop:
- PlayStation VR Doom VFR Bundle (now $299.99 USD / 379.99 CAD, previously $399.99 USD / 499.99 CAD) – Includes a PlayStation VR headset, PlayStation Camera, PlayStation VR Demo Disc 2.0 and the Doom VFR Blu-ray Disc.
- PlayStation VR The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR Bundle (now $349.99 USD / 449.99 CAD, previously $449.99 USD / 579.99 CAD) – Includes the PlayStation VR headset, PlayStation Camera, two PlayStation Move controllers, the PlayStation VR Demo Disc 2.0 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR core game and all official add-ons.
Over 300 PlayStation VR software titles have been released from third-party developers and publishers, as well as Sony Interactive Entertainment, since the launch of PlayStation VR in October 2016. Titles still on the way include Jikkyou Powerfup Pro Baseball 2018 from KOnami, Neko Atsume VR from Hit-Point, One Piece: Grand Cruise from Bandai Namco, Blood & Truth and Firewall: Zero Hour from Sony Interactive Entertainment, and more.